Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium

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Thundershock in Pummelo Stadium Page 3

by Tracey West

  “After using Dig, Onix is sure to attack from underground,” the announcer said. “Squirtle had better look out below!”

  “Squirtle, dive into the water!” Ash told his Pokémon. “You’ll be safe there!”

  Squirtle ran as fast as it could to the Poké-Ball-shaped pool in the center of the field. Rocks rumbled around it as the ground shook harder and harder.

  Soon the pool was in sight. Squirtle jumped up …

  “Onix, now!” Drake yelled.

  Onix burst through the ground, towering in front of the tiny Turtle Pokémon. Squirtle landed on Onix and ran up the Pokémon’s long neck. Ash knew it was still trying to find a way to dive into the pool. It just might make it.

  “Onix, Bind!” commanded Drake.

  Squirtle tried to jump off Onix’s back. But Onix wrapped its snakelike body around Squirtle. The Water-type Pokémon was wrapped tightly in Onix’s tail.

  “Squirtle can’t get away!” the announcer cried. “Now Squirtle can’t use its signature Water Gun attack! This turtle’s in trouble!”

  Ash thought quickly. He had to make sure Squirtle didn’t get hurt.

  “Withdraw and protect yourself!” Ash told Squirtle.

  Squirtle pulled its head, arms, and legs into its strong shell.

  “Give up?” Drake asked. “Your Squirtle can’t do much in that position.”

  Ash shook his head. “No way. No matter how fast it is, a Rock-type is still a Rock-type. Squirtle can take it down. Squirtle, Hydro Pump!”

  Fierce streams of water shot out of the openings in Squirtle’s shell. The water assaulted Onix from all sides. The large Pokémon groaned and loosened its grip.

  Drake’s face tensed. “Onix, Dive! Evade that Hydro Pump!”

  But Onix was too wiped out to make the move. Ash took advantage of his opponent’s weakness.

  “Squirtle, Skull Bash!” Ash called out.

  Squirtle popped back out of its shell. It sped along the ground and then slammed into Onix’s head with the top of its skull.

  That was all Onix could take. The Rock Pokémon’s eyes closed as it sank to the field.

  “Onix is unable to battle,” said the judge.

  On the scoreboard, Onix’s picture faded.

  “It’s a rockslide!” cried the announcer. “Ash’s tiny turtle took down Drake’s super-sized Rock Snake. I guess this kid knows what he’s doing. But does he have what it takes to go all the way?”

  “Good job, Squirtle!” Ash congratulated his Pokémon.

  Drake recalled Onix. “Good job, my friend.”

  “Drake has suffered two defeats in a row,” said the announcer. “What will he do now?”

  Drake didn’t look concerned. “How will you do against this type of Pokémon?” he asked Ash. He threw out another Poké Ball.

  The ball burst open, and a purple Pokémon with orange eyes flew out.

  “Gengar!” Ash cried. “A Ghost- and Poison-type Pokémon!”

  Ash knew that Water attacks would have no effect on a Ghost-type Pokémon. He held out a Poké Ball and recalled Squirtle.

  “Ash, Psychic-types and Ground-types are strong against Ghost-types,” Tracey reminded him.

  “Right!” Ash said. Tauros can use Ground attacks. Tauros, I choose you!”

  The wild bull Pokémon exploded from the ball. It snorted and pawed its hoof on the ground.

  “A Tauros,” the announcer said. “Gengar is immune to physical attacks. It looks like Ash doesn’t have a ghost of a chance!”

  Ash gave the command. “Tauros, Fissure!”

  Tauros slammed its two front legs on the ground. The ground shook like an earthquake.

  Gengar teetered back and forth. It looked like it might fall.

  “That’s unbelievable power!” the announcer cried. “Gengar didn’t know what hit it!”

  Then the second part of the attack kicked in. A blast of energy like a lightning bolt sped across the field, tearing apart the dirt. Ash held his breath. If this blast hit Gengar, he’d win this round for sure.

  “Jump, Gengar!” Drake called out.

  Gengar jumped up and floated in the air. The Fissure attack passed by harmlessly underneath it.

  “Gengar! Confuse Ray!” cried Drake.

  Gengar turned into a transparent cloud of red gas. Red rays poured from its body.

  The confusion rays hit Tauros. Immediately, the Wild Bull Pokémon began slamming its horns into the boulders on the field.

  “Tauros is confused,” said the announcer. “It doesn’t know what it’s doing. It’s hurting itself with its own attacks!”

  Ash knew there was nothing more Tauros could do now. “Return, Tauros!” he cried.

  Ash thought about his options. Gengar only escaped that attack because it floated away. I’ve got to stop it from moving. What attack can do that?

  Then Ash knew. “An Ice Beam is what I need,” he said aloud. “Lapras, I choose you!”

  Ash tossed a Poké Ball into the pool. The blue-and-white Pokémon appeared in a flash of light.

  The crowd oohed and aahed as they watched the combination Water- and Ice-type Pokémon splash in the pool.

  Drake looked impressed, too, but it didn’t slow him down.

  “Gengar, Hypnosis!” Drake cried.

  Gengar waved its arms, generating hypnotizing waves. The waves pulsated through the air, but at Ash’s command, Lapras dove into the pool just in time to avoid Hypnosis.

  Now it was time for Ash to make an offensive move.

  “Lapras, Water Gun!” he yelled.

  Lapras rose up out of the pool. It squirted a stream of water at Gengar.

  The Water Gun attack knocked the wind out of Gengar, but it wasn’t enough to take down the Ghost- and Poison-type Pokémon. Ash knew that. He also knew that Drake was going to do his best to defeat Lapras before it could do any more damage.

  Ash was right.

  “Gengar, Night Shade!” Drake called out.

  Ash quickly came up with a counter-attack. “Lapras, Ice Beam!”

  Black beams poured from Gengar’s eyes. At the same time, icy cold blue beams shot out from Lapras’s eyes.

  The two attacks met over the field.

  Ka-boom! The two colliding forces created a huge explosion. Thick dust and smoke covered the field.

  “Lapras!” Ash cried. Was his Pokémon okay?

  The smoke slowly started to clear.

  “What an explosion! Pummelo Stadium is on its feet!” cried the announcer. “Which Pokémon will be left standing?”

  Now Ash could see both Lapras and Gengar. The two Pokémon were splayed out across the rocky field.

  “Both Pokémon are knocked out!” ruled the judge.

  Ash and Drake recalled their Pokémon.

  “Good work, Lapras,” Ash said. Lapras had fought well. It had taken down a Pokémon that was tough to beat.

  Ash looked up at the scoreboard. The pictures of Lapras and Gengar both faded out. This was his first Pokémon to faint.

  Thankfully, Ash knew Lapras would be better before long. Most Pokémon recovered quickly after a battle, especially after being healed at a Pokémon Center.

  But this battle was far from over. He had two more Pokémon he hadn’t used yet. And he could still bring out Pikachu, Squirtle, and Tauros if he had to. Their pictures were still illuminated on the screen.

  “That Ghost-type Pokémon battle will haunt Drake for a long time to come,” the announcer was saying. “Ash has knocked out three of Drake’s Pokémon in a row. It’s time for a field change.”

  The rock field sank back into the ground. Then a new field rose up in its place. Sand covered the flat surface of the field.

  “This battle is really heating up! Our next field fits right in—a desert terrain,” said the announcer. “On this field, the Pokémon will have to try to keep their footing on the unstable sand.”

  Ash sized up this new challenge. His Pokémon could handle it. All he had to do was take down the rest of Drake’s Po
kémon. Then again, that might not be so easy …

  Ash gazed up at the huge Dragonite statue that towered over the stadium. Drake was probably saving Dragonite for last. Were Ash’s Pokémon strong enough to battle such a powerful creature? He wasn’t sure.

  While Ash pondered his next move, three interested observers watched the action from the stands.

  Jessie, James, and Meowth had a new plan for stealing Pokémon. But Team Rocket wasn’t after Pikachu this time.

  “That Dragonite is bound to come out pretty soon,” Jessie said. “We’ll let that twerp weaken it, and then it will be easy for us to steal.”

  “But do you think that whiny wimp can beat the Dragonite?” James asked.

  “He doesn’t have to,” Jessie reminded him. “All he has to do is wear it down.”

  “We may not get the Winner’s Cup,” Meowth added. “But when we get that Dragonite, Team Rocket will be the real winners!”

  Back on the field, Drake threw a Poké Ball.

  “Go, Venusaur!” he yelled.

  A large blue Pokémon exploded from the ball. Venusaur was the evolved form of Bulbasaur and Ivysaur. It walked on all fours and had a huge flower on its back.

  Ash thought about his strategy. Combination Grass-and Poison-type Pokémon like Venusaur were weak against Normal-type and Rock-type Pokémon.

  “Tauros, I choose you!” Ash cried.

  Ash threw a Poké Ball and Tauros appeared. It seemed to have shaken the effects of the Confusion attack.

  Ash didn’t waste any time. “Tauros, Fissure!” he called out.

  “Ash knows a good thing when he sees it,” said the announcer as Tauros stomped its two strong legs into the sandy field.

  Ash waited for the ground to start shaking. But instead, he watched Tauros’s legs sinking into the sand.

  “What’s this?” asked the announcer. “The soft sand is weakening Tauros’s attack! Fissure is fizzling out!”

  Drake saw his chance. “Venusaur, Solar Beam!”

  Venusaur started to gather concentrated beams of sunlight into its flower.

  “Hit it now, Ash, while it’s absorbing energy!” Tracey called out.

  “Right!” Ash said. “Tauros, Take Down!”

  Tauros lowered its head and started to charge Venusaur.

  “Venusaur, launch Solar Beam!” cried Drake.

  The flower on Venusaur’s back began to glow with yellow light. Tauros skidded to a stop in front of Venusaur, then tackled the Pokémon with all its might.

  The attack sent Venusaur flying, but that didn’t stop it from launching its Solar Beam.

  The golden beam poured from the flower. Tauros tried to move out of the way, but its legs were stuck in the sand.

  Bam! The solar blast hit Tauros, tossing the wild bull across the field.

  “Please get up, Tauros,” Ash pleaded.

  Tauros slowly rose to its feet.

  “What a twist!” said the announcer. “The Solar Beam actually freed Tauros’s legs from the sand.”

  “All right!” Ash said. “Tauros, Take Down!”

  Tauros charged at Venusaur again. At Drake’s command, thick green vines unfurled from the leaves on Venusaur’s back. The vines lashed at Tauros.

  Tauros bravely charged through the stinging whips.

  Slam! Tauros collided with Venusaur again. This time, Venusaur crashed to the ground.

  “Tauros’s Take Down finds its mark!” said the announcer.

  The judge in the orange shirt made the call. “Venusaur is unable to battle!”

  “Ash is on fire!” said the announcer as Venusaur’s picture darkened on the scoreboard. “He’s knocked out four of Drake’s Pokémon in a row!”

  Ash sized up the situation. Drake had two Pokémon left. Ash still had five.

  Could he beat Dragonite, even with this advantage?

  Ash would have to wait to find out. The next Pokémon Drake called on was a yellow-and-black Electabuzz. This Pokémon had some of the most powerful Electric attacks around.

  “Ash’s Tauros looks tuckered out!” the announcer said. “Will Ash call in a replacement?”

  Ash knew the announcer had a good point. Normally, a Normal-type Pokémon would be a good choice against an Electric-type Pokémon. But Tauros was pretty weak.

  Ash recalled Tauros, then threw out another Poké Ball. Bulbasaur appeared.

  “Bulbasaur, as a Grass- and Poison-type, you’re strong against Electric. This battle’s ours!” Ash said confidently.

  “Watch out, Ash,” Tracey warned him. “You do have the advantage by type, but Electabuzz may have experience.”

  “Just watch and see,” Ash replied.

  Drake yelled out. “Electabuzz, Thundershock!”

  Bolts of eletricity shot out of the horns on Electabuzz’s head, zapping Bulbasaur. The Pokémon shook off the jolt like it was a light rain.

  “Razor Leaf!” Ash yelled.

  Sharp green leaves flew out of the plant bulb on Bulbasaur’s back. But the attack didn’t phase Electabuzz.

  “Thunderpunch!” Drake cried.

  Electabuzz charged at Bulbasaur, then hit Bulbasaur square on with its fist. The powerful punch was backed by a jolt of electricity.

  Pow! The punch took its toll. Bulbasaur fell to the ground in a faint.

  “Bulbasaur is out,” said the judge.

  “Electabuzz’s high level of experience overcame Bulbasaur’s advantage as a Grass-type,” said the announcer.

  “Good work, Bulbasaur,” Ash said, holding out a Poké Ball. “Return!”

  Bulbasaur disappeared, and Ash quickly threw another ball.

  “Charizard, go!”

  The Fire- and Flying-type Pokémon stomped its feet. Ash knew Charizard’s level was high enough to counter Electabuzz.

  “Charizard, Flamethrower!” Ash called.

  Charizard hurled a red-hot flame at Electabuzz. The Electric-type Pokémon jumped up, missing the attack.

  “Thunderpunch!” Drake commanded his Pokémon.

  Electabuzz slammed its fist into Charizard, zapping the Pokémon with an electric blast. Charizard reeled.

  “Electabuzz, Thunder!” More electric sparks sizzled on its horns as Electabuzz charged for the next attack.

  “Charizard, fight back!” Ash cried. “Use Ember!”

  A tornado of swirling fire burst from Charizard’s mouth. It zoomed through the air, aimed right for Electabuzz. At the same time, Electabuzz let loose a Thunderblast.

  The two attacks collided in midair, avoiding both Pokémon.

  “The sparks are flying!” said the announcer. “These Pokémon are a good match.”

  “Good work, Charizard,” Ash said. “Use Seismic Toss!”

  “Chaaaar!” Charizard flapped its wings and flew across the field. It picked up Electabuzz and flew around in circles.

  “Electabuzz, Thunderbolt!” Drake yelled.

  Electabuzz’s horns sparked with electricity. But it was too late.

  Charizard let go of Electabuzz. The Pokémon fell like a stone, crashing into the sandy ground.

  Electabuzz was sprawled on the ground, motionless. The judge walked over and examined it.

  “Electabuzz is unable to battle!” said the judge.

  Drake recalled Electabuzz. He looked strangely calm. He took a Poké Ball off the chain around his neck. The Poké Ball grew to normal size in his hand.

  “Ash is only inches away from entering the Hall of Victory,” said the announcer. “But Drake’s remaining Pokémon is none other than …”

  Drake threw out the Poké Ball. A blinding light flashed.

  Ash squinted from the glare. When the light faded, he could see a tall orange Pokémon with a long tail and two small wings on its back.

  “Dragonite!” Drake said proudly.

  Dragonite lowered its head and glared at Charizard.

  “Dragonite sure looks serious,” Tracey remarked.

  Ash agreed. He knew Dragonite had some serious attacks. But he couldn’
t let his confidence fall. He had to concentrate on the battle ahead.

  “Make the first move, Charizard!” Ash told his Pokémon. “Use Flamethrower!”

  Drake countered quickly. “Dragonite, Water Gun!”

  Charizard aimed a scorching flame at Dragonite. The Dragon- and Flying-type Pokémon countered with a forceful stream of water that doused the flame, and knocked over Charizard.

  “Drake picked the perfect attack!” the announcer said. “Our stadium leader knows his stuff.”

  “Dragonite, Ice Beam!” Drake continued the assault.

  “Charizard, escape into the sky!” Ash cried.

  A glowing ball of white light filled Dragonite’s mouth. The Pokémon opened wide and hurled the frozen beam at Charizard. In response, Charizard flew up, avoiding the attack. Dragonite flew right after it.

  The battle raged in the air as Ash and Drake shouted commands from below.

  Charizard tried to blast Dragonite with another Flamethrower, but Dragonite dodged out of the way. Then Charizard dodged another Ice Beam from Dragonite.

  Charizard began to spin in the air, building energy with each turn. The lizard Pokémon dove down to the field, then soared up again. It slammed into Dragonite.

  Dragonite faltered for a second. Charizard tried to pick up Dragonite so it could perform another Seismic Toss. But Dragonite was one step ahead. Now it slammed into the lizard Pokémon. It grabbed the weakened Charizard around the neck and pounded it into the sand.

  Charizard stood still for a second. Then it slowly rose to its feet.

  “Ash’s Charizard has taken a lot of damage, but this Fire- and Flying-type Pokémon is burning to battle!” the announcer said.

  “I’ve got to end this now,” Ash said. “Charizard, use Dragon Rage!”

  “Why not?” Drake said. “We’ll use Dragon Rage, too!”

  A red-hot fireball formed in Charizard’s mouth. Dragonite formed a fireball, too.

  Both Pokémon released the attacks. The fireballs spiraled across the field.

  Boom! The fireballs exploded in a shower of red sparks. Dust and sand stirred up from the field.


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