Loved by the Bear - Part 6

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Loved by the Bear - Part 6 Page 6

by V. Vaughn

  It’s stronger than I anticipated, and Audrey gasps as she’s tugged away from me with a force I couldn’t fight if I tried. She begins to levitate in the air and floats near the ceiling as her hair flies behind her in wind that I can’t feel. I’m reminded of my mother again and grab at my medallion when I realize it’s burning against my chest.

  Audrey spreads her arms and gazes at the ceiling as if she’s basking in sunlight. I wonder what she sees. Or… Did I somehow give her power from my mother?

  Golden light glows around her, and a buzzing sound fills my ears as she hovers in the air. Fear rises in me because I may not be seeing something good. “Audrey?”

  She looks down at me with a smile that calms my panic and fills my heart with the warmth of her love. She lowers to the floor and lands softly. As the wind around her stops and her glow fades, joy covers her face. She steps toward me to place a hand on my chest. A small surge of magic flows into me. That golden thread I felt earlier spins and twists through me like a ribbon dancing in the wind. Audrey says, “Max, I know what to do.”

  I smile back as the combination of our magic inside me must provide me with the same knowledge. “I do, too.”



  After searching my dorm room for clues to what Josie might be up to and not finding anything, Trent and I go to his frat house. While he grabs a few things from his room, I wander around looking for Axe. When I ask a guy named Rick where he might be, I’m directed to the kitchen. Axe is standing at the stove, and a spoon scrapes the edges of a pot as he stirs something. My suspicion that Josie didn’t go away with him is confirmed.

  He glances over at me when I enter. “Hey, Madison. How’s married life treating ya?”

  Since Trent and I didn’t get married, I think he’s referring to me changing into a werebear. “It’s great. I’m so glad I decided to take the plunge.”

  “Excellent. Want some ramen?”

  “No, I’m good, but I was wondering if you’d talked to Josie lately.”

  “She’s ghosting me.” He frowns. “But don’t you know that? Aren’t you two practically joined at the hip?”

  I frown too, wondering how he got that impression. I mean, sure, Josie and I would go to parties together and hang out in our room, but we also spent a lot of time apart. “Why do you say that?”

  He shrugs and grabs two seasoning packages off the counter and tears them open. “She’s kind of obsessed with you. I thought it was mutual.”

  “Hey,” Trent says as he enters the kitchen with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. His gaze darts to Axe before he looks at me with raised eyebrows. “All set here?”

  I nod while my mind swims with the implications of what Axe said. “Just waiting on you.”

  “See you, man,” Trent says to Axe as we move toward the door to leave. When we’re outside of the frat house, he asks, “What did he say?”

  The air is chilly, and I grab the hem of my hoodie to zip it up. “Like I suspected, Josie and he haven’t hung out in a while. But what’s weird is that he said Josie is obsessed with me.” My heart skips a beat when a realization hits me. “What if I’m her target?”

  Trent chuckles. “First off, we have no proof she’s an assassin, and secondly, this is a woman who kicked down my door to save you. She wants you alive.” He nudges me with his elbow. “Maybe she does have a thing for you.”

  I scowl at Trent. “Cute. But you have to admit it’s weird for Axe to say she’s obsessed with me. Like what did she say or do that made him think that?”

  “You didn’t ask?”

  “No. I didn’t want to tip him off that we— I think something is up with her.” I grab Trent’s arm to stop him from walking. “I have a really bad feeling about this.”

  He turns to face me and rubs my arms. “I know, darling. I’m taking you seriously. I believe something is up with Josie, too. What do you want to do now?”

  I recall what Trent said earlier about having solid proof beyond my vision. He’s right that I can’t prove what I saw wasn’t a dream, and all the evidence we have that Josie might be a spy is circumstantial. We need something more. Something like a journal or anything that could tie her to the Eradicators. “I don’t know.” I start walking again. “What would a detective do?”

  “Well, I don’t have a black light to check for blood spatters, but maybe we can check for DNA in your room. A toothbrush, fingerprints on a glass of water…”

  I shoot him a glare. “So much for taking me seriously.”

  Trent grins back. “Sorry. Okay, let’s think. You said in your vision she was training to shoot. Maybe she’s been practicing at a local gun range. We could check them out to see if she’s become a member of any of them.”

  “And where would that lead us? If we found out she was, all we’d know is that the girl can shoot.” I want to stamp my feet in frustration. I’m sure Josie isn’t who she says she is. The fact I have had visions of her tells me that she’s someone dangerous and I need to uncover the truth about her. No matter how crazy that sounds.

  “True. We need something that ties her to the Eradicators.”

  “You think?” I snap back as a girl walks by us, dipping her head as if she doesn’t want to make eye contact and get dragged into a fight.

  “Whoa. Madison, I’m on your side in this.”

  “Are you? Because I feel like you’re finding me amusing right now.”

  “Fair enough. Yes, I’m joking a bit about this, but maybe it’s because while I agree Josie is some kind of fake, it seems kind of extreme to think”—he glances around as we walk to make sure nobody can hear him—“she’s out to get us.”

  “I know, but Trent, I really need you to believe me. I feel too strongly that I’m right. You may think I’m losing it, but if you’re not going to help, I’m going to do this on my own.”

  Trent stops in his tracks. “Hold on. You know how in the detective shows they find evidence in places you’d never think to look?”

  I nod. “Like a microchip in a toothbrush or bug in the lamp.” I chuckle at myself. Maybe I am getting carried away. “Now that seems extreme.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think we searched your dorm room hard enough.”

  “I looked under the mattress and—”

  “But what about the floor or the wall? Maybe a false drawer in her bureau.”

  I smile. “You’re willing to check those things with me? Because you may be onto something.”

  Trent grabs my hand and tugs me in the direction of my dorm. “I am.” His eyes light up. “Maybe we’ll find someone’s old drug stash.”

  I laugh as we walk because my mate doesn’t do anything other than alcohol. “Whatever it takes to motivate you.”

  Once we’re back in my room, I try to see things with a more critical eye. Trent walks over to the concrete wall and runs his hand along it. “Knock on the floor with your fist to see if any section gives off a different sound.”

  I drop to my knees and begin to rap each vinyl square, listening carefully with my new werebear hearing. When I get to my desk, I crawl under it, and something pink catches my eye. I look up to find strips of my Hello Kitty duct tape stuck under my desk holding something against one of the support rails. I gasp when I realize what it is.

  “Trent,” I say as I begin to scrape my fingernail at the edge of a piece of tape in an effort to remove it. “I found the knife.”

  He moves over to me and crawls under the desk to see. “Whoa.”

  I rip off a piece of tape and hand it to Trent. The idea that she’d use me to hide her weapon makes anger rise in me. “She’s got nerve.”

  He wads up the duct tape and smiles, making me think he finds the Hello Kitty duct tape funny. “I take it she didn’t ask to use this.”

  “It’s not funny, Trent.” I have the knife now and stand up before I unsheathe it to show him how dangerous the weapon really is. I twist it, admiring the features I’d been familiarized with that make it an impres
sive tool. “This isn’t just a pocketknife your average person owns.” Swinging my arm upward to emphasize the danger, I mimic stabbing someone below the ribs to get to the heart. “It’s made for killing.”

  “God, you’re sexy with that thing. I had no idea you knew how to fight.”

  I shake my head at him because all I know are a few self-defense moves and just enough to convince some prepper to buy the knife. But my bear likes the way Trent’s scent has intensified to signal his arousal. I give him a cocky smile as I set the knife down on my desk. “I’m so much more than the sweet girl you’ve fallen for.”

  He pulls me into his arms. “I can’t wait to find out more.”

  He kisses me, and my insides flutter as my desire ramps up. I’ve just begun to tug at his shirt to remove it when there’s a knock on my door.

  “Ignore it,” Trent whispers as he slides his hand under my shirt and grabs a breast.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a loud male voice says from the hallway.

  Trent pulls back from me with wide eyes. He telepathically says, Warrior, to me before walking over to open the door. “Julian. What’s up?”

  Julian grabs Trent’s arm as another large man I assume is also a warrior pushes past them and grabs my arm too. His grip is firm as if I might try to get away. I gaze into his dark eyes as he says, “Madison Williams, you need to come with us.”

  I blink in confusion. “What’s going on?” My imagination kicks in, and my heartbeat quickens as I envision a gang with automatic weapons ready to shoot Trent and me down.

  “Dude,” Trent says with anger in his voice as he yanks at his arm to try to get away from Julian. “What the hell?”

  Julian growls out. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

  Since the other guy didn’t answer and is tugging me toward the door, I say, “Trent. What’s happening?”

  I don’t know, but don’t be afraid, darling. They aren’t going to hurt you.

  Trent says to Julian, “We’ll go willingly with you, but can you at least tell me what’s going on?”

  Julian speaks in a low voice I’m sure a human couldn’t hear. “The prima has requested a meeting.”

  My guard grabs the knife from my desk and puts it inside the jacket he’s wearing before we lock up my room and move down the hall. Trent is in front of me, walking beside Julian as if they’re friends, while my guard has my hand in a tight grip as if we’re dating. I have no idea why they seem to think I’m more dangerous than Trent, and I’m trying to figure out what werebear rule I may have broken to deserve such treatment. What the hell, Trent? Is this how the clan does things?

  No, Madison. Not without a good reason.

  Oh my god, what do they think I’ve done?

  I don’t know, darling, but I swear to you, it’s going to be okay. We’ll sort things out. Try to stay calm.

  I take deep breaths as we walk, but when we get outside and into an SUV, I’m close to having a panic attack. “Please,” I say to my guard who is next to me in the back seat while Trent rides up front. “Tell me what I did. I swear I didn’t mean to break any rules.”

  The guy narrows his eyes at me and pulls the knife out of his pocket. He taps it in the palm of his hand as he lets out a low growl that sends a shiver down my spine. The knife must have something to do with what they believe I did wrong. I think about how it was taped under my desk as if someone was trying to hide it, and my heart stops.

  Trent! Josie hid that knife under my desk. I think I’m being framed.

  More from V. Vaughn

  Check out V.’s world of shifters:

  Called by the Bear

  Tempted by the Bear

  Desired by the Bear

  Rocked by the Bear

  Bewitched by the Bear

  Winter Valley Wolves

  Smokey Falls Wolves

  More Paranormal Romance:

  Witches of Night Meadow

  Called by the Vampire

  Greenville Alien Mail Order Brides

  You can see all her published books at

  About the Author

  V. Vaughn lives on an island in Maine and spends as much time outdoors with her two Portuguese Water dogs as she can. She may have seen a bear or two….

  Follow me on Amazon (click the yellow banner under my picture)




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