Echoes of You

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Echoes of You Page 30

by Margaret McHeyzer

  “For everything you’ve been through, I think you’re the strongest person I know,” Dylan says. He leans over and gives me a small kiss on the cheek.

  “Your mother and I are so proud of you.”

  “Okay, I have some paper, and some pencils. I’m sorry, this is the best I could get at this time of the morning.” David places some blank paper, and half a dozen coloring pencils on the table. “I’m going to record this too.” He places a video recorder on the table, and clicks the record button.

  Neve’s already bursting to come through. She saw the pencils. My mind clouds, as a deep darkness is desperately tugging me toward it.

  It takes me a little while before I can focus.

  “M’s mom!” I squeal with excitement. I eye the pencils on the table and I can feel my face erupting with a huge smile. “I love coloring.”

  The man sitting opposite me is the man M wants me to talk to. “Hi,” he says in a soft voice.

  “Dylan, will you draw with me?”

  “I sure will,” he says as he slides a piece of paper over to me and keeps one for himself. “What color would you like?”

  “Hmmm.” I look at the pencils. “Green please.” Dylan slips the green pencil over to me. “Thank you.” I notice M’s dad sitting next to Paris. “Hi.” I sheepishly smile at him. He gives me a little wave.

  “Hi, Neve. My name’s David. I’m a police officer.”

  “I know.” I draw a picture of a tree on my paper.

  “Can you tell me about yourself?”

  “I’m only talking to you because M said we need to so you can arrest Mack. Are you going to put him in jail?”

  “I’m going to do whatever I can to make sure he’s put in jail.”

  “That’s not really an answer, is it?”

  David chuckles. “I’ll do everything I can to make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone ever again, Neve.”

  “I would beg for him to stop, and he’d laugh at me. He’d tell me I liked what he used to do to me, and no one would believe a stupid cunt like me.” Dylan flinches catching my attention. “I’m sorry, Dylan. Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, not at all.” He smiles at me. But I can see his eyes have tears in them.

  “He used to say, he’s as powerful as a Mack truck when he’d finish touching me. He used to play music so no one knew what he was doing.”

  “Did you ever tell anyone?”

  I shake my head. “He told me he’d kill me, and our foster parents. Once, he took the cat and beat its head in with a rock. He was laughing when he did it. I was crying. He told me he’d do to me what he did to the cat if I ever told. Our foster parents found the cat and had no idea who’d do something so horrible. I was sad too, because I knew he did it, and I knew what he’d do to me.”

  “You’re a very brave girl, Neve. It takes a lot of strength to talk to a complete stranger.”

  “If M trusts you, then I trust you. Don’t betray us.”

  “I won’t. I promise. I’ll even work with Eveline so we can make sure Mack doesn’t get away with what he did to you.”

  I smile. “Good. My hope for him is to get the same treatment he gave to us.”

  You’re doing a good job, Neve. I’m here for you if you need me.

  “I know AJ.”

  “Tell me about AJ.”

  “AJ protects M. He hates doing what he has to do, but we all understand the roles we have. Now, we have to work together to make sure Mack goes to jail.”

  “Neve, do you remember the first time it started?”

  I look up at him. “I remember everything. The way he smelt of cigarettes, because he used to get cigarettes from one of the boys who lived down the street. I remember the smell of beer when he’d sneak one out of the fridge, and bring it into my room to drink it. I remember the sounds he’d make. The way his hair would fall in his eyes. I remember him asking me if I wanted to play a game with his friends, but I knew by the way he licked his lips what that meant, and I would never go with him when he wanted me to play with his friends. They were scarier than Mack. I remember everything. I can never forget. But I remember, so M never has to.”

  I hear someone crying, and I look over to M’s mom. M’s dad looks sadder than Paris.

  “I’m sorry for making you sad,” I say.

  “Oh no!” She leans over, and covers me in a huge cuddle. “You’re an amazing person, Neve. Do you hear me? You’re such a beautiful, and amazing young lady.”

  “Thank you.” I’m not sure why she said that. Actually, I’m not even sure why I didn’t react when she hugged me. All I know is it felt nice. “I’ll tell you whatever you need to know.”

  “Good. Let’s get this guy, Neve,” David says.

  Yes, let’s.

  I knock on Dylan’s door, waiting for him to answer. The amazing aroma wafts through, making my stomach growl with hunger. Dylan opens the door, he looks frazzled. He doesn’t say anything before he runs back to the kitchen and leaves me to come in without even a kiss.

  “You okay? Do you need help?” I ask as I walk in, close the door then place my bag and cardigan on his sofa.

  “I burnt the pasta,” he calls from the kitchen.

  “You burnt the pasta? How does pasta become burnt?” I head into the kitchen to see what he’s doing.

  “Ugh. Like this.” With the tongs he’s holding, he tries to pick up some pasta. It’s mushy and collapses as he tries to show me. “I forgot about it.” He moves the pot over to the sink, and tips it down the drain, then turns on the garbage disposal. “What a waste.”

  “I’m pretty sure we could’ve eaten it.”

  “It was mush.” His mouth flattens into a thin, disapproving line. “Worse than mush. But it’s okay. I’ve got more.” He turns to face his pantry, and takes another box of pasta out of the cupboard. “I won’t burn this one.” He fills the pot with water, and puts it back on the range. “I’ll watch it like a hawk.”

  I walk over to him, and give him a hug. He holds me close, and kisses my forehead. “I’ve missed you.” Closing my eyes, I lean into him. He smells nice. Freshly showered, mixed with hint of spice. God, he smells so good.

  “What a day.” He sighs. “What a week,” he quickly adds.

  “Tell me about it. David called me, and said Gemma went in to see him. I’m kinda nervous about everything.”

  “What are you nervous about?”

  I pull away from Dylan, and lean against the counter. “I’m nervous that Gemma’s made a mistake.”

  “A mistake? Gemma doesn’t make mistakes. She’s incredibly thorough with her investigations.”

  “I’m not doubting Gemma, that’s not what I mean. I’m worried Mack’s somehow deceived her, or really isn’t this monster pedophile who committed unspeakable acts on me. I’m nervous that when it comes to charging him with those crimes, his attorney will do everything possible to debunk me and make me look like I’m crazy.” I can feel myself getting worked up. I keep dragging my hands through my hair, and avoiding Dylan’s eyes.

  “You’re uncertain about everything. There’s a lot happening in your life, Molly. But, remember, you have your parents and me here to support you. Not to mention Amelia, and David. We’re all here for you, and for AJ, and Kate, and Neve.”

  “I need a hug,” I say as I step close again. Dylan smiles, and holds me again. “I feel like I haven’t had a single moment to myself to breathe. I’d love a day where I don’t have to think about anything, and I’m not terrified of what people will think once they find out about my…” I pause, and half smile. “…my extended family.” I chuckle.

  “Extended family? I like that!” I feel Dylan snicker.

  I let go of Dylan, and start setting the table for dinner. “I have to say, I’m really worried Preston is going to get away with what he did to Tina.”

  “There’s no way, not with his past. Not with what Gemma found out about him.”

  “I have a feeling if his parents find out about my extended family,
they’ll use that somehow to get Preston off of the charges.”

  Dylan nods, lifting his brows in agreeance. “They’re shady, and don’t have a good bone in their body. And, I think you’re right. They would exploit you in order to get Preston out of the trouble he’s in. But your situation doesn’t have any bearing on what he did to Tina.”

  My stomach knots with fear, and I worry my lower lip between my teeth. “This feels like it’s too much for me to handle.”

  “One day at a time. It’s the only thing we can do.” He pours some of the packet of pasta into the rapidly boiling water. “How are Zhen and Zorro?”

  I smile. “I love them so much. Zhen’s by my side all the time. It’s like he knows something’s going on.”

  “I’m amazed you didn’t bring him tonight.”

  I perk up. “Would you mind? Can I bring him next time?”

  “If you want. I’m happy to have him here. Here’s a good dog.”

  “I think he thinks he’s a human.” Heat warms my chest when I think about Zhen. He makes me smile; he’s such a good dog. Dylan’s watching me, smiling. “What?”

  “You. You’re so cute.”

  I beam happily. I love the way Dylan makes me feel like I’m the only woman on this planet. “I am?”

  “Yeah, you are. So, I want to ask, how has your extended family been?” He grabs the tongs and brings out a piece of pasta, popping it into his mouth. “Nearly,” he mutters to himself.

  “They’ve all been quiet since we got back from the police station. Very quiet, actually.” I crinkle my forehead, definitely surprised by their silence.

  “I thought maybe they’d have a lot to say. Not even Neve?” I shake my head. “Quiet is good, right?” he asks, but he doesn’t sound convinced.

  “Yeah,” I say in a higher than usual pitch. But the fact Dylan’s asking about them, means he really does care. And maybe he’s not as freaked out about them as I thought he’d be. He’s been by my side this whole time, ready to help in any way he can.

  Sorry, M, I have to do it.

  “AJ, what are you doing?”

  I’m sorry.

  I can feel myself being dragged under. My head fogs over, and I’m losing all control over myself. Seriously, AJ?

  I steady myself against the chair as the cloud lifts from my head.

  So, this is Dylan, the guy M’s totally in love with. Huh. Well, he better be ready for some hard questions.

  I pace back and forth, puffing my chest out as I stare at him.

  “Do you want cheese?” he asks.

  “Why the fuck would I want cheese?” I snap at him.

  Dylan looks up from what he’s doing, his eyes search over my body. “Are you okay?” He steps closer to me.

  “Back off, buddy. Before I put you on your ass.”

  He looks confused. “AJ?” he asks.

  “Were you expecting someone else? M’s gone to sleep for a bit. You and I need to have a talk. Sit.” I pull the chair out and wait for him to sit.

  “Wait, let me finish this, and we can talk. I’m not burning the pasta again.” He quickly does something in the kitchen. What an odd guy. “Okay, I’m here.” He sits in the chair I’ve pulled out for him. Grabbing one of the others, I turn the chair and swing my leg over, straddling it. “I’m Dylan,” he says as he holds his hand out for me.

  “I know who you are. M’s totally in love with you. Do you know why I’m here?” I don’t take his hand to shake it. For all I know, he’s another sick perve who just wants to screw with M, and Neve, and maybe even Kate and me.

  “I’ve wanted to meet you. I’d like for us to get to know one another.”

  I scoff. “Do you like her?”

  “No,” he replies with a stoic face. I stare at him as my hands curl into fists. “I love her,” he adds.

  “Why?” I get up and move to stand in front of him, and cross my arms in front of my chest. “I’m protective of her. I don’t want some dick to do to her what that other asshole did.”

  “I don’t want Molly to get hurt either. And, I’d never do anything to be the perpetrator of that. She means too much to me.”

  “Words. All I’m hearing is words.” I make a duck bill with my hand, and open it and close it. “Why should I believe you? You’re much older than she is. Why don’t you find yourself someone closer to your age? Or can’t you get anyone?” I mock.

  Dylan rolls his eyes. “Because I don’t want anyone else. Molly is…” he stops talking to think about what he wants to say. “Molly’s more.”

  “More? How so?”

  “She’s more than I ever imagined. She makes me want to be more, for her.”

  “Buddy, I’ve got no idea what the hell you’re trying to say. You’re talking like a love-sick hormonal teenage boy. Just spit it out, this ain’t no romance novel. No need to say shit for the hell of saying shit. I don’t work that way.”

  Dylan laughs. “I love her. She’s important to me. I want to protect her, and cherish her, and make her feel like she’s the most important person in the world.” Huh, right. I wasn’t expecting that much from him. “Is that straight forward enough for you?”

  I scoff and click my tongue to the roof of my mouth. “She’s someone special.”

  “She certainly is.” He sighs deeply. “Considering it’s not just her I’m in a relationship with, I think it’s important we get along too. I know you don’t know me, so I intend to prove to you that I’m not going to hurt her. Or you. Or Kate. And especially not Neve.”

  “Especially not Neve?” I question.

  “Because Neve is just a child. And she’s suffered enough at the hands of a monster.”

  “What about sex?” I ask the hard question.

  Dylan looks away as he smashes his lips together. “That’s something I need to talk to Molly about first.”

  “You can talk to me.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable having this conversation with you before I have it with Molly.”

  “Why? Are you going to just keep going regardless of what she wants?”

  Dylan stands abruptly, and comes right up to my face. “Don’t you dare say that about me. You have no idea what kind of person I am.” He pokes me in the shoulder. “I would never hurt anyone, let alone Molly! Don’t you dare.” He backs away, and places both his hands on his hips. “I’m not that type of person. I never have been.”

  I think I’ve pushed him too far. But I had to know. I had to know him. Dylan’s restless, moving from foot to foot while taking deep breaths. “Look, man,” I say as I approach him. “I had to know the kind of guy you are.”

  “This was some kind of test? Are you serious?” He closes his eyes, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

  “It wasn’t a test. I’m responsible for the lives of three other people. So I have to make sure the guy she’s fallen in love with is a good guy, and not a monster who’s going to hurt her. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll fucking kill you if you lay a hand on her, but from what I’ve seen, you’re okay.”

  “AJ, you don’t have to be responsible for her anymore. I’ve got this. Actually, I’ve got all of you.”

  I shake my head. “They will always be my responsibility.”

  Dylan steps forward, and claps a hand to my shoulder. “You’ve done a really good job of looking after them for as long as you have. You can take a rest, AJ. Let me help. Please.”

  His plea is somewhat surprising, but definitely heartfelt. He’s not a monster, he’s not a bad guy, not like him.

  We can trust him. Neve’s softness is what draws me to her.

  “I’ve got a feeling we can too, Neve.”

  Dylan’s brows crinkle.

  I think he’ll look after us. Let him help, AJ. You’ve had to be strong for so long, let him help.

  “Neve likes you.”

  Dylan smiles. “I like Neve too. I like you all, but I love Molly. I love her with all my heart.”

  I know.

  Although I believe Dylan, I still
have reservations. “I’m going to be keeping an eye on you. And don’t for one moment think I won’t come forward to protect her.”

  “I know.” Dylan holds his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. I look down, hesitant about showing him my acceptance so early on. I won’t be fooled. Not ever again. But I take it, and vow to myself, Kate, Neve, and M that I’ll watch over them forever.

  I push myself back, and force M to come forward.

  The fogginess is slowly lifting. I’m sitting on Dylan’s lap when I become fully aware of what’s happening. “I’m sorry,” I say then clear my throat. I can feel my ears tingling with a sure sign of embarrassment. “I can’t believe AJ did that.” Standing, I walk away from Dylan, my pulse now pounding with anger.

  “Molly. Stop.” Dylan stands, and approaches me.

  “I’m so damn angry at AJ. He just forced his way through and took over. What the hell is his problem?”

  “Stop!” Dylan says again.

  “How can you be so calm, he just…” I feel like punching the wall.

  “Look. I don’t think he’s going to do that again. Just, please, listen to me.” Dylan walks over to the kitchen, and takes a pitcher of water out of the fridge, pours me a glass and brings it to his table. “AJ was concerned about me.”


  “Yeah, and I get it. He had to make sure my intentions aren’t villainous.”

  “Villainous?” What a weird word.

  “He’s concerned about all of you. He’s Kate’s, Neve’s, and your protector. He’s spent his life protecting you, making sure he steps in when you can’t deal with what’s happened. It’s normal he wants to protect you from another threat.”

  “What did he say?” I ask as I slump in the chair, pick the water up and drink it all in one go.

  “He wanted to check me out, make sure I wasn’t going to hurt you. We met, we talked, things got a little heated for a few moments, but I think we came to an understanding.”

  I focus on anyone talking at the moment, but they’re all quiet. No one is saying anything. “They’re quiet,” I say as I point up toward my head.


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