Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 84

by Ruby Raine

  “Actually, I might stick around for a little while. See the finale. It’s much more fun than I anticipated.” Eva was on a high she’d never experienced before.

  The vampire was near death, her mother’s and father’s deaths were avenged. She didn’t plan on staying on the Isle, but something about seeing the Feyk dethrone the Howards sent thrilling tingles crawling down her spine.

  “So this is the entrance to the Heart of the Isle,” said Stricker, standing in front of the roots of the old tree in White Pines. “So unassuming, and yet brilliant,” he spoke. “Eva,” he called out absentmindedly. “If you’re going to stick around for all the fun, and I assume by fun you mean finish off the vampire, would you mind telling anyone left in the gully that I request their presence here. And have them bring our leverage as well. It’s time to bait this trap.”

  “With pleasure,” replied Eva.

  “Keep the two in the cage for now. I have other plans for them. Well, for the spirit vessel at least. I think she’ll come in quite handy.” He reached into his pocket, taking out the ring he’d slipped off Emily’s finger.

  JACK HOWARD STEADIED himself in the doorway staring out into the yard, dumbstruck over seeing his son in full werewolf transformation. So much had changed.

  “I’m going to kill them all,” Charlie’s growl promised.

  Jack stepped down into the grass looking up at his son. “You cannot rush in like this, you’re not thinking straight. It’s what they want, Charlie. What they expect. They’ll be waiting for you.” He argued this point, although no longer confident he was still right about it.

  “They’re torturing William.” Charlie’s voice growled back. “He might already be dead. And Melinda, they’ll kill her. They’ve already killed Emily’s father.” Charlie turned to leave.

  Jack didn’t know how to stop his son. He did the only thing he’d ever done when he needed to get his attention.

  “Charlie. Devin. Howard! You will stop this instant and listen to me.”

  He did.

  “I realize it is difficult! And it feels wrong! But we must Stick. To. The. Plan. Our plan. Not their plan. It will work.”

  Michael came out to join them. He wanted to both agree and disagree with his father. His thoughts all mingled together in bewildered exhaustion. “Will it always be like this?” he asked in a low whisper. “Was it like this for you and Mom? I... I don’t remember it being like this.”

  “There were terrifying moments we feared we might not survive,” said his father. “But this is... this Eva, is a monster unlike anything I’ve ever seen.”

  “A monster we created,” groaned Charlie.

  “We didn’t create this,” said Michael.

  “Didn’t we? When we killed her mother,” he snarled. “I’m not saying she didn’t deserve it, or that William was right or wrong in doing it. But when she died here on the Isle, it set off the chain of events that got us here.”

  “It’s a brutal lesson,” said Jack. “Our actions do have consequences. But we can overcome this. It’s not always about being ahead, or getting the upper hand. Things will always catch you off guard. The key is how you react and handle these unpleasant surprises. When this battle is done... I won’t lie to you. You will never be the same again. Things will change. But you’ll be better men for it. Better witches. Of that I can be certain.”

  “I’ll never let this happen again. Ever,” stated Charlie. He looked at Michael.

  “I’m with you.”

  “This is more than anyone should have to handle,” Jack lamented. “And I cannot promise this battle will be the biggest, or the hardest you’ll ever fight. Always stick together, no matter what.” He stopped, struggling to continue. “I’m so proud of you. Both of you. You’ve grown into the men I always knew you’d be.”

  Charlie let the rage go. Resolve and focus returning. In a few blinks, he sank into his human form again. His naked human form. Something he didn’t notice or care about in that moment.

  Lizzy had taken over filling the doorframe and turned back into the kitchen. She didn’t look, or say anything when Charlie came inside and headed upstairs to get dressed. He stopped just at the foot of the stair and called back to the kitchen.

  “Lizzy, will you call Mack, please. Tell her we’re almost ready.”


  “Let’s get packed up,” Charlie told everyone.

  Michael took a focused breath and followed his father inside.

  Jack caught Lizzy just before she dialed the Mack line.

  “Thank you for your help,” he told her. “I’ve misjudged you Lizzy Deane, and for that, I am sorry.”

  “It’s not the first time around here,” she spoke flatly. “I don’t hold it against you.”

  “You’re very gracious. Not a quality you see often enough anymore.”

  “Gracious is not what I’m feeling right now,” professed Lizzy. She dialed the Mack line. The sheriff answered right away.

  “What happened?” Mack questioned immediately.

  Lizzy faltered for a moment. “Something that’s required us to move up the timeline a little. Are you ready?”

  “Just give the word.”

  “Then light up the sky, Mack. We’re going in.”

  RILEY HAD AWAKENED after being knocked unconscious by the Feyk and was kneeling in front of Melinda. She was bound, closely guarded, and sitting on the pyre in front of William. She listened for any sign of life, but heard nothing. Not a groan. Not a raspy breath. No indication he was still with her.

  No more tears streamed down her face, she had none left.

  “I have to kill him,” explained Riley, calmly. “It’s the only way we can be together and for you to forget all about him.”

  Melinda didn’t bother begging. Or arguing. Riley, the real Riley, wasn’t home. She just stared into his vacant eyes, giving up. Resigned to William’s demise. Resigned to her own demise.

  Riley got to his feet. “It’s almost over now. In just a few minutes, it will be like the vampire never existed.” He strolled away from her, spinning around, a fireball forming in his hand.

  “I’m with you, William,” Melinda whimpered, hoping he could still hear her, and she could offer some comfort in his final moments. Over four-hundred years of life, over a hundred serving the Howards and this is how his life would end... it didn’t seem fitting or fair.

  Eva strode over the wooded shoulder down into the gully. “Hey Boys,” she called out, getting the Feyk’s attention. “Stricker requests your presence.” She stepped over to Melinda. “He wants you to bring her.” She pulled Melinda off the pyre and pushed her towards the direction of the old tree.

  “Hey, stop that,” shouted Riley, his anger surfacing again.

  “You know what?” toyed Eva. “You guys go ahead. Tell Stricker I’ll bring his leverage along in a few minutes. I think we’ll stay and let rager over here finish off the vamp. I’m sure Melinda doesn’t want to give up her front row seat.”

  The Feyk roared in demonic laughter as they exited, leaving Eva alone with Riley and Melinda.

  The moment had finally come. No more stalling.

  Riley would kill William. But she didn’t have to make it easy for them.

  Melinda stubbornly refused to turn and move when Eva nudged her.

  She wouldn’t go willingly.

  Eva shoved her harder and Melinda fell over, unable to maintain her balance. It hurt and she winced, biting her lip.

  Before Eva knew what hit her, Riley had flung himself on her like a mad man. “I told you to leave her alone! She’s mine!” He pinned Eva on the ground, sitting on her back, banging her head against the hard earth, repeatedly.

  Eva may have been on the mend, but she still wasn’t quite up to speed yet. She tried to shift, shouting profanities when she remembered she could not. With a ferocious snarl, she pushed up against the ground, throwing herself and Riley into the air.

  She landed on her feet, but the expulsion of energy drained h
er and she staggered. Riley’s head pounding took a quick toll as the vampire blood wasn’t quite out of her veins yet.

  Riley stared her down, his molasses eyes taking on an untamed wildness. He ran straight for her. She lunged into the air, grabbing hold of a branch in the tree overhead, letting go and dropping on him when he reached the spot she’d been.

  They crashed to the ground. Eva straddled him, looking smug.

  She reached down to strangle him but he swiped at her, grasping her arms. He forced them out to her sides and pushed her off him. His rage empowered him, making him much stronger than he was normally. His shove shot her into the tree trunk with great force.

  Eva got to her feet, but with difficulty, and fell a moment later cursing when she realized she was going to pass out.

  Riley breathed heavily, staring her down. Satisfied she was unconscious and on the ground, he spun, his wild gaze on Melinda.

  She gasped, holding her breath when he approached her, kneeled down, and removed the tie from her hands, unbinding her.

  Was Riley back? Had the spell worn off?

  “Are you hurt?” he asked her. He wiped a dribble of blood off her chin from where she’d bitten her lip.

  “Riley?” she questioned, her voice uncertain.

  When he looked at her, it was obvious he was still not himself. The spell had not been removed, but for some reason he’d been compelled to free her.

  I’m free of my bonds... I can use magic again...

  She had little feeling in her arms, but adrenaline burst to life inside her.

  Did she try to knock him out? Did she free Lucas and Emily from the cage? What about William? Poor, suffering, William? And her family was about to walk into a trap...

  She raised her arm, her palm facing Riley.

  Her spell hit him head on, sending him flying backwards where he thudded hard against the ground. It didn’t knock him out, but knocked the wind out of him. She wanted to feel bad about it, but for some reason, she did not.

  Melinda made her way to William’s pyre and started to climb. It wasn’t easy, and she nearly fell, her limbs weak and not cooperating. William groaned as she got closer. She ignored the smell. She ignored his charred, flayed skin and searched for his bonds.

  They were barely even holding him up. They’d been burnt as badly as him.

  William was so weak he could do nothing with his own body, but hang there in complete agony.

  “I’m sorry,” Melinda cried. “You’re already in so much pain... this is really going to hurt.” There wasn’t any way around it. She could not carry him.

  She put her palm against his bonds and used magic to cut them.

  William’s body collapsed atop her own. He was too heavy for her to lift and they toppled down the pyre to the ground.

  Melinda could not fathom how excruciating it had to be for him.

  The only sound escaping William’s lips was a thick, coarse breath.

  Melinda got to her knees and crawled to him. She reached out and put her wrist against his lips.

  “Are you fucking serious?” a voiced accused from behind her. Riley was back on his feet again.

  “Don’t make me hurt you, Riley. Stay back,” she warned.

  “You’re going to let him drink you. I can’t allow that.” Riley lifted his arms, a fireball forming.

  This close, Riley’d hit William for sure. And her.

  She could not allow that.

  She raised her palm to blast Riley again, wondering how many blasts his body would take before permanent damage was done. She closed her eyes and did it anyway. This time, Riley hit the ground harder, landing near the still unconscious Eva.

  Melinda turned back to William.

  She placed her wrist on his flaking lips and pushed gently, telling him to drink.

  “Refusal is not an option.”

  “No,” he exhaled.

  “Don’t speak,” she said, unable to think about the misery this act caused him.

  Melinda leaned over him, finding his eyes.

  “I’m not going to let you die because I was too stupid to tell you the truth. Or that you’re too stubborn to realize I need you to live and this is the only way. I love you, William, and I know that’s not enough for you to take my blood. But I need you to live.”

  She leaned over him careful not to touch anything but his lips, and kissed him gently. “Please,” she cried, new tears forming. She pressed her wrist against his mouth again. She remembered from her vision that he would not take her blood unless he was completely certain her life depended on it.

  “I won’t survive this day without you, William. I need you to save me.” His fangs rubbed against her skin. She felt a sting when he pierced her, sucking out her life-saving blood.

  A shocking jubilation crept through her.

  Hope. A glimmer of hope.

  Her blood wouldn’t be nearly enough to heal him, but he wouldn’t die and his pain would lessen.

  An embittered cry raged behind her. Riley was on his feet again, the look of complete betrayal in his eyes when he saw the blood trickling down her arm and the vampire feasting on her.

  Melinda started to spin, her head dizzy. She didn’t have it in her to shoot off another spell at Riley. “William,” she whispered, warning him he’d have to stop. His drinking was voracious now; she could feel the strength in his grasp getting stronger.

  Riley stepped closer, two fireballs forming, one in each hand.

  Two Feyks popped in behind Riley. “What’s taking so long?” one of them shouted into the air. He stopped when he saw Eva passed out on the ground and Riley about to finish off their leverage.

  “Oh enough of this shit already!” the Feyk growled at his companion. “End it.”

  The second Feyk hopped over to Riley and did a strange motion with his hand over Riley’s skull. His eyes turned up in his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

  Melinda, weakened, slumped across William’s body.

  This jostled him and he let go of her wrist, horrified with himself. He’d drank too much from her.

  He could do little more than lie there, her blood coursing through him, seeking out his injuries, and healing him. There were so many to heal. It would not be enough blood. He needed more. And Melinda was right. She might not survive if he didn’t recover in time to save her.

  His muscles slowly regained a bit of strength. However, every movement, every inhale, every exhale, hurt in a way he could never vocalize. He had just enough strength to slide Melinda off him and place her on the ground next to him.

  William felt a stabbing pain in his side. One of the Feyk had kicked him and he rolled over in agony.

  “We’ll let Eva finish you off,” the Feyk barked, dragging Melinda’s barely conscious body across the ground by her arms.

  “Melinda...” William reached out for her, but the strength was not there. He needed time to heal. And more blood. Neither of which he had.

  He heard voices calling to him and rolled to his side.

  It was Emily and Lucas from inside the cage.

  William crawled his way to their cage. Each movement, agonizing. Each breath, difficult. But with each surge of Melinda’s blood in his veins, his mind cleared. He reached the cage, but had no way to open it and free them. At normal strength he could have torn the door off easily, or bent the bars. He crawled and searched until he’d found what he needed: a large enough rock to break the lock off the cage. He dragged the rock back and dragged himself off the ground with the assistance of the cage’s bars. It took three attempts before the lock gave and broke. He collapsed, his strength gone.

  Lucas and Emily poured out.

  “I’ve got William,” said Emily. “Go to your brother.”

  Emily helped William to his feet. His skin was flaking, his clothing burnt and falling off him. Emily didn’t want to touch him for fear it would hurt, but had no choice as he could barely hold himself up.

  “Never thought I’d be helping you off th
e ground,” she sniffled softly, trying to keep up his spirits.

  “Nor I,” William replied, wincing. “I’m sorry... about your father.”

  “Save your strength,” she told him.

  They reached Riley. He was still out cold.

  William wanted to hate Riley, but it was pointless. And it didn’t matter now.

  “How is he?” William asked graciously, though it still hurt to speak.

  “He won’t wake up.” Lucas looked up at William, his eyes shouting apologies that could never cover what had been done to him.

  “I’m a vampire. I’ll live,” he was cut off. A fury of white hair, arms and legs flew directly into William, knocking him out of Emily’s balancing grasp and skidding across the ground.

  Emily fell backwards, landing hard. Lucas got to her, helping her up.

  “I’m okay,” she insisted with a wince.

  Eva had William pinned to the ground. “Not so fun when the tables are turned, is it?” she taunted. Her eyes flashed yellow. Her wolf teeth expanding, pushing out against her lips.

  “We can’t let her bite him,” Emily exclaimed.

  Lucas turned decidedly and raised his arm. His hand shook a little. He hadn’t ever used magic against someone, friend or enemy, ever before.

  “Do it, Lucas,” pressed Emily, a darkness enveloping her tone.

  Lucas released the spell. It flew at Eva with incredible speed and strength.

  It hit her back, pushing her forward, her bite nearly piercing William’s burnt shoulder.

  Lucas’ eyes widened, realizing it was the opposite reaction they needed. He got closer, shooting off another spell. This one sliced into her arm, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. She rolled off William, grasping the wound.

  William dragged himself to his feet, determined no matter how weak, he would finish her off.

  Lucas shot another spell. This one missed Eva, ricocheting off a nearby tree, its branches flying off crashing downward.

  Eva dove out of the way.

  William stumbled toward her.

  He may have been burnt to a crisp, but his bite could still kill her.

  Eva got to her feet, backing away to the edge of the tree line.


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