Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 92

by Ruby Raine

  When her eyes finally opened, her first sight was William. It gave her a start to see him. He wasn’t fully healed yet, but close. His clothes were tattered and burned. But he was alive.

  “You lived,” she exhaled.

  “I am still with you.” He leaned down, peering into her eyes. “How are you feeling?”

  She had the oddest sensation, looking at him. Her skin flushed, the dream flooding into her mind. Or had it been a dream? It seemed so real.

  He ignored the flutter in her heart, brushing his hand across her brow. “You’re safe now.”

  She felt safe. Entombed by love.

  “Heya, Kid,” called out Mack.

  Melinda turned away from William.

  “How are ya?”

  “I’m... okay,” Melinda answered truthfully. She wasn’t ready to take on the world yet, but she was ready to face the upcoming hours.

  “William,” she called out quite suddenly.


  “Was I hallucinating, or did I actually see my dad?”

  He smiled, pleased that he could admit the truth. “Not a hallucination.”

  Melinda had a sudden déjà vu of William telling her this same thing already. She shook it off. “I don’t understand, how did he get free of the Hunter?”

  “I do not know. I’m sure when everyone returns we will discover all the sordid details.”

  “Return? Where are they? Is the battle not over yet?”

  “Rest,” he told her. “We’ll find out soon.”

  How could she rest? He’d just confirmed that her father was alive and had returned. She sat up, getting her bearings. Insisting she was okay enough to sit up. Alex left in the I.V. but adjusted it for comfort, to sit at the edge of the bed with her feet on the ground, rather than lie down.

  William took the blanket she’d been covered in and wrapped it around her shoulders. He reached underneath and gently pulled out her hair, placing it over the blanket, picking out leaves and debris.

  He caught Melinda staring at him, confused by his actions.

  He’d never done that before. He was calm, softened somehow.

  Instead of pulling away, he smiled. It spoke a thousand words to her.

  William slipped into her mind. Yes, Melinda. He spoke softly, answering the question he saw in her gaze. The dream was real.

  He wanted her to remember. Not to question. No more secrets between them.

  She said nothing. It didn’t change anything between them in this world. It hurt. But it was a pain she thought she could manage. She would have to.

  Melinda wondered about Riley. What had happened to him? Had he been released from the Feyk’s spell? Did her family have to hurt him in the end?

  She didn’t hate him. She couldn’t hate him. She wanted desperately to hate him. To blame him. It would be easier.

  He’d said and done some things she would never forget. And was not sure she could easily forgive. They left a deep scar on her heart. Regardless, she didn’t want to see him right now. To look at him would force her to remember the terrible things he’d done.

  The more she let these thoughts leak into her mind, the angrier she got at him. And at herself. For being unable to forgive him for something that was not his fault. For something he had no control over. A situation caused in part, by her own stupidity.

  Just let it go for now.

  It wasn’t so easy. Her mind still harbored the images of William bound to the stake. And it was Riley’s dark grin that burst in. She wished she could replace that image with Eva Jordan’s. It was all her doing. Not Riley’s... perhaps with time she’d get beyond it.

  But this night, this night was not one to forget.

  It had been filled with terror unlike anything she’d ever experienced, as well as complete joy in the fact that her father had returned. Ending with her and William declaring their forbidden love. They had to leave it to the depths of her dreams, but it had happened. It was real. He did love her.

  She shuddered at the mere thought of kissing him for real. She wondered if it would feel the same as her dream.

  Melinda sighed. There was a longing in her sigh.

  She would never find out.

  “Melinda...” William whispered her name so softly and sweetly, she thought for a minute it wasn’t real. She cast up her gaze, lost in his for a moment.

  “I’m okay,” she told him. “Knowing is... better than always wondering.”

  He caressed her cheek, hoping that was true.

  There was something he wanted to ask her, but she’d been through so much, he hated to bring it up. But he needed to know. And she was the only person that could tell him.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course, William.” She smiled weakly.

  “I do not wish to ask this. And honestly, I dread your answer, but I must know.”

  “Um. Okay.” Her heart did a nervous flutter.

  He sighed hesitantly. “I heard everything Riley said to you while you were bound.”

  Her breath hitched. God. She’d hoped he had not.

  “Melinda, did someone hurt you? Did someone... force themselves on you?”

  “Um,” she croaked. “No. It wasn’t like that. It was just, ugh, how do I explain? It was a mistake. On my part. I chose badly. And the experience went badly. But it was consensual, however regretful a choice.” Talking about Jerkwad made her uncomfortable, but mostly, she just wanted to forget about it now. And move on. She had so many wonderful experiences to replace it with now.

  “You don’t need to say more,” William said kindly. “I know a lot of what Riley said was embellished for my enjoyment,” he rolled his eyes. “But when he spoke of this, there was enough truth in his voice that I needed to know.”

  “I understand. And I swear, William, it was just a stupid choice on my part. Not one I plan on ever making again.”

  “Will you promise me one thing?”


  “Don’t ever tell me the bastard’s name,” his gaze warned the man responsible would pay, severely, for whatever demeaning thing he’d done to the woman he loved.

  He kissed her forehead gently, and she let out an exhausted whimper.

  They sat on the edge of the gurney for what felt like hours. Waiting. When finally, a voice shouted, “Someone’s coming.”

  Melinda got to her feet. William steadied her. They watched eagerly as Charlie and Lizzy, followed by Michael and Emily, sauntered out of White Pines.

  “Oh. Wow.” The sight of them both relieved and petrified her. They were in one piece and alive, but covered in blood. And filth. They looked beaten and defeated.

  They heard Mack let out a relieved huff. Like breathing out a heavy burden, and letting it go.

  Michael brought Emily directly to the ambulance. He wanted her thoroughly checked out. He saw Melinda from the corner of his eye, relieved beyond words she was conscious and even on her feet. Though clearly weary, like them.

  He refused to make eye contact with her. He could not bring himself to do it.

  She was about to be devastated beyond words... he was already breaking apart by the pain he knew was coming. He needed to focus on Emily.

  Melinda searched the woods behind them, expecting to see her father.

  Lizzy stepped away, giving Charlie a compassionate, albeit tired, pat on the arm. She needed to find Lucas and Riley. Someone graciously offered her a ride home. She refused any treatment for her head, insisting she’d deal with it later.

  Charlie watched her leave.

  William approached him.

  They stared at each other. Exchanging no words.

  Charlie couldn’t say it. He could not utter the words.

  William closed his eyes, releasing a heartbroken sigh.

  Charlie stepped around him, facing Melinda.

  All she needed to see was the tears in his eyes.

  She knew.

  He didn’t have to say the words. Charlie’s silent scream shouted
them on his behalf.

  Her father wasn’t coming home after all.

  She crumbled into little pieces.

  All the pain William had taken away, cutting its way back into her.

  Her anguished sobs lacerated William’s heart, shattering it like glass.

  Charlie wrapped his arms around Melinda, muffling her cries.

  Emily just lay on her bed, staring into nothing. She hadn’t said anything since she’d come back from near death. There were no words to describe how she felt. No way to vocalize it. Michael didn’t leave her side. His light, his dear Emily, lay broken.

  LIZZY DEANE STEPPED through the door to the manor. She saw packed bags sitting nearby. Lucas appeared, his back to her, stacking another bag.

  “Going somewhere?” she asked.

  “We’re leaving.”


  He turned to look at her, taken aback. “What happened to you?”

  “I was in a battle. You tend to get dirty. Bloody, in this case. Why are you leaving?” she demanded again, uncaring of her appearance.

  “You really need to ask that.”

  “I want to hear you say it, Lucas.”

  “Fine. I shouldn’t have come here. I shouldn’t have brought Riley here. Look what this place has done to us already. We can’t be around magic.”

  “So you’re going to run away?”

  “I’m not running away. I’m getting out of a situation we shouldn’t have gotten involved with in the first place.”

  Riley listened nearby.

  He didn’t want to listen to them arguing.

  This was all his fault. He was the reason they needed to leave. The reason Melinda, or the Howards, would never forgive him. Would never want to see his face again. People on the island already despised them. This just fueled their distrust even more.

  Lizzy followed Lucas upstairs. “You’re wrong to leave. This is where you belong. You need to embrace who you are. If you didn’t fight it...”

  “Then what? I’d be what? I’d still be a Deane with my dirty, cursed blood.”

  Lizzy was too tired to argue. But she didn’t want them to leave.

  “Stay for tonight,” she pleaded. “Don’t leave like this.”

  “There’s a late night ferry to take the tourists home after the fireworks. It leaves in about ten minutes. We’re going to be on it.”

  A door slammed downstairs.

  They raced down.

  “Riley,” called out Lucas.

  “His bag’s gone,” pointed Lizzy.

  They heard his motorcycle tearing out of the driveway.

  “Stop him,” pleaded Lizzy.

  “I’m going to join him.”

  Lizzy blew out an exhausted breath. “Actually. You can’t.”

  “Yes, I can. It’s easy.” He picked up a bag and threw it over his shoulder.

  “No. You can’t,” repeated Lizzy, “because the truck is parked at the Howards. Someone gave me a ride home.”

  Lucas had forgotten. He and Riley had grabbed the motorcycle from its hiding spot in White Pines, from where Lucas had parked before he and Melinda... it didn’t matter. He had no way to catch up with Riley. No way to make it to the ferry on time, traveling on foot. He dialed his brother’s cell phone, intending to tell him to come back and get him.

  They heard a ring from the porch.

  Riley’s phone was sitting on a small table.

  “He’s gone,” Lizzy sighed.

  “He thinks everything that happened is his fault.”

  “It’s not his fault,” said Lizzy. “It’s yours.”

  Lucas’ gaze shot up.

  “Until you embrace who you are,” Lizzy stopped. “You can’t keep running. You told me that Riley had a feeling about coming here. And you did, so for that you get full credit. You helped free me. But you fight who you are. Who you’re meant to be. Your life, your brother’s life... you have to stop fighting it. If not for your sake, then for his. Don’t force your fears onto him.”

  Lucas let out an incredulous breath.

  “How does me, not embracing magic, make what happened my fault? Even you, who embrace this messed magical life like it’s your duty and honor to do so, could not break the spell cast by the Feyk on Riley.”

  “No. But if you embraced your heritage and your gifts, there’s a good chance it never would have happened in the first place.”

  Lucas stood gaping at her.

  “I’m sorry, Lucas. Look. I’m very... tired. It doesn’t mean that what I said isn’t true, it’s just, your life isn’t going to magically get better. You have a purpose in this life. A reason to be here. Find it. Or you’re going to be miserable and running the rest of your life. And the truth is, I like having you here. It’s like I have a family again. I don’t want you to leave. Or Riley. So maybe I’m just being selfish.” She shook her head and sighed.

  Lucas had no response.

  “I’m going to go take a bath.” Lizzy headed up the stairs to her room.

  RILEY DROVE HIS MOTORCYCLE into the line to board the ferry. He left most of his belongings behind. And his phone. They’d just try to stop him, talk him into coming back.

  Once on board, he stayed put. Ready to ride as soon as they reached the mainland. He had no idea where he was headed, but he was leaving The Demon Isle and he was never coming back.

  IT WAS LATE AT NIGHT. Charlie sat in the lounge at the hospital. He’d just left Melinda’s room. She’d been sedated and was sleeping now. It tore at him that she’d not gotten to say goodbye to their father.

  He looked up when he heard Michael’s voice.

  “How’s Emily?”

  “She’s... conscious.” Michael didn’t know how else to answer. “She’s a wreck. The doctors have given her the okay to leave though, and she wants to get out of here. So if you don’t mind me taking the jeep, I’m going to take her home. When I say home, I mean the mansion.” He said it, the intent meaning that Emily would be living with them from now on.

  “Of course. She can’t go back to her house. And take the jeep, I don’t mind. I could use a walk anyway. Need some air... but I’m going to stick around for a little while longer.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you at home.”

  There was so much more they wanted to say to each other, but neither had the heart or spirit to talk. It would all have to wait.

  THE JEEP CAME TO A stop in the Howard’s driveway. Michael looked over at Emily. She hadn’t spoken a word. He got out and ran around, opening her door. She didn’t even notice.

  “Emily,” he called out softly.

  She turned. “Oh. Sorry.” She looked up and saw where Michael had brought her.

  “Thank you for not taking me to my house. I can’t... I can’t go back there.”

  “Emily. That isn’t your home anymore. This is your home now. It’s where you belong. Here with me.”

  Tears streamed. She could not stop them.

  Michael helped her inside and to his room.

  “Would you like a hot shower? Or a bath? Food? Maybe some tea?”

  She shook her head weakly.

  He gently pulled off her clothes and threw them on the floor. And did the same to himself. He got her into his bed and crawled in behind her, cradling her with his body.

  He would never let go.

  And he’d do anything to make his Emily shine again.

  CHARLIE CHECKED ON Melinda. She was out. But he doubted she was sleeping peacefully.

  He left the hospital planning to return early the next morning, walking aimlessly. He let the cool breeze wash over him, a hint of salt tickling his lips. Even with all that had happened, and all that might happen in the future, he didn’t want to live anywhere else. The Demon Isle would always be his home.

  He feared what this experience would do to his sister. Not just losing her father for a second time. But watching William’s torture. Being held captive. Being hurt. So many things he never wanted to see happen to her, ever.

s father had said it, but truer words there had never been. None of them would ever be the same...

  He walked, and walked, thinking he should go home. Talk to William. Check in on Michael. Go to bed. Crash and sleep for three days straight. His thoughts would not relent, a mixture of adrenaline, dread, numbness and calmness each duking it out, to claim control.

  He had no desire to return home. No desire to face whatever was coming next. He wasn’t sure how they would recover from this experience.

  They had each been scarred in some way, and not every wound would heal, properly. Some might not ever fully heal, just like the wolf bite on his shoulder from Eva Jordan.

  “Hey.” A soft voice startled him.

  Charlie looked up, stunned.

  “Lizzy. Um, hi.” He hadn’t paid any attention to where he’d been walking, but he’d ended up in front of the Deane Manor. He shrugged, bewildered. “I’m not sure how I got here.”

  She grinned coolly. “You wanted to see me.”

  Charlie shook his head. When would her bluntness stop catching him off guard?

  He surprised himself by admitting, “I guess I did want to see you.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” she sighed. “I got in a fight with Lucas. Took a bath and climbed into bed, but gave up trying. Been standing out here, looking across the Isle. It’s all lit up tonight.”

  Though late, many of the tourists still shot fireworks into the sky. Bursts of color popping to life, draping the Isle in a colorful glow. The clouds had lifted, leaving the moon and stars to shine brightly overhead.

  “It’s kind of breathtaking,” said Lizzy.

  “It is breathtaking,” he agreed.

  She turned to him, knowing he was not speaking of the Isle. “What you did tonight, Charlie. That was... beautiful to watch, all things considered.”

  His cheeks got hot, his tongue flustered. “Yes. Well, it was very, um... self-deprecating. There was no lower to go. But I would have tried anything to get Eva to,” he didn’t bother to finish.


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