Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 133

by Ruby Raine

  A LONG TIME AGO ON an island not so far away...

  Lisbeth Deane realized her mistake far too late. She’d not been careful enough and was being followed. Her head just wasn’t in it today. And she hadn’t been worried about something like being followed.

  Which is the exact point her father and teachers were always trying to make: one must always be ready. Most especially when you’re not feeling like it. That’s when your guard is down. That’s when you’ll be vulnerable to attack.

  Her stalker kept to the shadows of the trees as Lisbeth lightened her step through the woods toward her crying beach. Although she no longer fled here to cry, not lately anyway.

  Was there some way to manage this stalker off her trail before she reached her destination? Perhaps she ought to dive into the woods and confront this spy? But it might mean giving up her secret, one not totally hers to reveal.

  Lizzy shook her head in personal chastisement over her lack of preparedness and alertness. She should have guessed someone would try to follow her; she’d been sneaking off too often lately and the others were bound to get curious. Especially since she’d so adamantly denied it was because of a man. Too adamantly. And therefore they had not believed her. But that also could have been because of the giant grin on her face as she attempted denial.

  They were dying to find out what man she’d fallen for, and more so, what man had taken on the outspoken Lisbeth Deane. But who of them would dare follow like a spy? So few of the women were taught stealth, or spying. Many learned basic defensive skills so they were safer when alone on the Isle and capable of defending themselves if necessary. Required training considering all the magical creatures and supernatural beings that ventured here. Like the ones she’d dealt with months ago on the night Mathew died. But the training wasn’t nearly as in depth as what she was doing almost daily to become a fighter, and hopefully one day, a trainer or teacher.

  There were many supernatural beings who were not on the side of good, and many attempting to locate the magical power source. Sadly, no one knew where it was located. Not even the Howards who were in charge of keeping the peace on the Isle. But they’d never allow evil to find it either. And it never stopped trying.

  The man she was sneaking away to see, months ago, might have been considered such an enemy. Unfortunately, some might still see him as such since they didn’t know him like she did.

  Regardless, her training was going well, and although her teachers were coming around and impressed with her, more often than not whenever she was called upon to assist in some way, it was inevitably for a job considered woman’s work. This frustrated her to no end, but her father insisted upon patience, and pointed out how far she’d come in the last few months. However, she’d had just about enough of spending her days making potions, harvesting herbs, or preparing for the men coming home after an all day, or all night, patrol of the Isle. All good lessons, but not the action she craved to be a part of.

  Rarely was she ever allowed in the field. Even so many months into training, and proving herself over and over. When it came down to it, they had a difficult time placing her in the line of danger. Something even her father disagreed with, but again, encouraged patience, insisting her time would come.

  How lucky was she? Such a great man as her father. He understood and encouraged her, but was hard on her too, for her own good. And she did her best not to disappoint.

  “Except today,” she muttered, not amused. “A mark for the fail column,” she chided herself, deciding to shake this heavy footed spy. Who would be so brazen as to get caught? Lisbeth refused to reveal her secret lover quite yet. She hadn’t even told her father and she had never held anything back from him. Ever.

  In time, they’d all meet, and accept this man she was seeing in secret. But it might take convincing for some. Especially since she’d only recently convinced herself. And now that she had come to this conclusion she was determined to make others see him the same. To say she was enamored would be an understatement.

  She’d love nothing more than to go to sleep in Grayson’s arms every night, and wake there each sunrise. To spend one beautiful life together. Of course, that might have to be sleeping every day and waking each night, something she’d adjust to. Was already adjusting to seeing as he could not go out in the daylight. She believed he had it in him, but Grayson did not yet hold the same confidence. Lizzy was eager to see where this relationship would lead, just how much potential it had. If going by her heart, she was already all in, hook, line, and sinker!

  However, she was wise enough to look beyond the organ drumming in her chest at the mere idea of being in his presence again. There had to be more than this for a relationship to last a lifetime than just the allure of the vampire. Physically, he was a fine specimen; a body chiseled to icy perfection, skin that glowed under the moonlight. Coal eyes that dazzled and owned her.

  He wasn’t a witch, but he had the most magical of hands. Which he used to drive her to levels of insane pleasure she only ever imagined possible. Or sometimes, just fingers entwined with hers as they walked down the beaches under the cover of night. Talking. About everything. And nothing. The past, the future. He’d lived for such a long time, had seen so much of the world. He was... interesting. Learned. Confident in a way no other man she’d ever met had ever been. He taught her things she’d never have learned had she not met him, or left The Demon Isle, which she had no intention of doing. But yet sparked a fire within her to learn more. Try more. Be more.

  Even picking up her speed and attempting to ditch her stalker, Lizzy’s mind wandered and she failed. It was starting to annoy her now. Both her failure, and figuring out who would be audacious enough to follow this long, and not show themselves? What was their plan exactly? To see where Lizzy was sneaking off to, and then what? Inform everyone else?

  Heck! That was probably exactly what was going on.

  And instantly, Lizzy guessed the name of her Stalker.

  There was only one witch who deemed it her personal responsibility to keep her nose in everyone else’s business. Especially Lisbeth’s.

  Charlotte Howard.

  These last few months anyway. Since the night of the conflict where Mathew had died and she’d cracked under the pressure or something. She and Lisbeth ignored each other whenever possible, and even the entire village was privy to some secret conflict between them. To what end or what cause was only conjecture. Charlotte threw away anything, or anyone, who held her back and somehow, Lisbeth made that cut.

  But why make the spying so obvious?

  Probably to make me think it someone else.

  The last thing Lisbeth needed was Charlotte, stirring up trouble. Especially of the vampire variety. What a precarious edge she was straddling. Two worlds never before combined. And possibly never to be. And if Charlotte was the one to reveal her secret lover, she might just get kicked off the island before having a chance to explain. Or prove Grayson’s trustworthiness.

  Lisbeth needed to get rid of her stalker before that happened. She did not wish to use magic. It would make her look guilty of something and only one other idea came to mind.

  “Grayson,” she whispered so softly no human would ever hear. But she was close enough for a vampire to hear. “I’m being followed.”

  Lisbeth grinned coolly, no magic would be required. He’d understand her meaning and exactly how to... she gasped, a blur of movement swooshing her away so fast Charlotte would never see a thing.

  Lisbeth would suddenly be gone.

  The trail would end with no prize at the finish.

  The plan worked, but not quite like Lisbeth hoped.

  She did make a clean getaway, however, back at where she’d just been standing a woman scrambled out from behind a tree trunk. It wasn’t the first time Charlotte had followed Lisbeth, but it was the first time she’d allowed herself to get caught doing so. The plan, to draw out Lisbeth’s new lover. And it had worked, splendidly.

  “Vampire,” the woman conf
irmed in an excited rush. Here on the Isle. She’d guessed this fact, months ago, as her ex-friend had been sneaking off every night she did not have magic practice of some kind. And at last, Lisbeth’s secret was revealed. Charlotte Howard’s lips spread thin in a tight mouthed grin. This was the answer she’d been searching for. The solution to a problem she’d been researching for months. A vampire, who had his eyes set on another woman.

  “Not for long,” she promised. That vampire was just the ticket she was looking for. The perfect conduit for a spell. One she’d found in an old book. An ancient book of magic long forgotten. A magic long ago forbidden, and she understood why. The bearer of such power would be unstoppable. Oh, the wicked things she’d learned. And had planned.

  In time, this island, and the entire world, would know the name of the greatest and most powerful witch of all time.

  Charlotte. Howard.

  A LONG TIME AGO ON an island not so far away... continued.

  Lisbeth came to an abrupt stop, her heart, blood, and breath, needing a moment to catch up with her body. You’d think she’d get used to the vampire’s swift movements by now.

  The muscular arms that whisked her away carried her as if she weighed nothing, cradling her, unwilling to lose the close contact. So attentive her lover was. So focused. So enthralling to look at. To be looked at by.

  “You came back,” Grayson greeted with a luring grin.

  “Of course I did.”

  “It always surprises me.”

  “Why? It’s been months.”

  “Because I keep thinking you’re going to come to your senses and see that a vampire is no good for you.”

  “But you are good. Look at how far you’ve come. No human blood in months now.”

  “All for you, My Lisbeth.”

  “Am I truly worth so much to you?”

  “For you, I would suffer an eternity.”

  He perched himself on a rock and cradled her into his cool, hardened body. Her fingers traced his jaw. He let out a low rumble of a snarl... a vampire equivalent of purring.

  “I’d also be happy doing this for an eternity. A much better fate. Although still suffering.” Of the pleasurable kind.

  “You needn’t suffer,” she returned, giving him a soft, enticing kiss. And then pulled away and sighed, because they did not have an eternity. A discussion they’d been having recently. Grayson would outlive her by many a moon. But she was determined to live one, good life. As a witch.

  If she was turned into a vampire she’d lose that power. And she helped the Howard Witches protect The Demon Isle. It was her duty to remain human. Although it did make her sad that she’d age and Grayson would not. Would he even still want her in another twenty, thirty, or forty years when she was older? And had wrinkles. And gray, brittle hair. And wobbled on weak human legs.

  “You protect the Isle from monsters like me...” Lizzy stiffened. Apparently she’d spoken some of her thoughts aloud. That or he was getting far too good at guessing.

  “You’re not a monster, Grayson Moone. Can we make this the final time we speak of it?”

  “When we first met you called me a monster.”

  “Because I did not know you. Or that it was possible for a vampire to control its bloodlust. Or have a conscience.” She grabbed the sides of his face, his icy skin almost making steam out of the fiery warmth of her palms. “You are good, Grayson.”

  “It wasn’t long ago you would not have said such things.”

  “But you’ve proven me wrong every time. And I’m fully willing to admit defeat when it’s due.” She smiled, letting go of his face planting another quick kiss on him. She leaned back a little, biting her lip. It was something she did without realizing and it was a downright contemptible form of torture because he wanted to do the nibbling himself. Instead, he caught the mischievous wave of her heart flutter followed by a twinkle in her eye.

  “Lisbeth?” he growled in dark question.

  She released her lip and smiled. “I’m too easy to read.”

  “Only to me, now out with it. What naughty thing have you planned now?”

  “I was thinking,” she let out a determined exhale. “It’s time for you to meet my father. And friends... the other witches.” Only a few were really friends. Most just people she knew, and respected, but none were close. Not like Mathew had been. And not like Grayson was.

  “Is this because you were followed today? Are you worried what people will think if you’re not the one to tell them about me?”

  “It’s not because of being followed. That was just Charlotte.” She waved it off, annoyed by the incident, and far more irritated that she hadn’t kept her mind out of the gutter long enough to shake Charlotte herself.

  “I have to admit I’m not looking forward to meeting this witch, she sounds... most unwelcoming.”

  “Well, it’s not her I’m worried about. Not that I’m worried, it’s just, I think it’s time. We can’t keep this a secret forever. It’s going to be discovered, by Charlotte, or someone else. And like it or not, the reality is that going public is a risk, but you’re the one who will suffer much more so than I.”

  “I would not bet on that, Lisbeth. If we go public and this doesn’t work, you might be banished from the place you love.”

  “I’m prepared for that, Grayson.”

  His eyebrow lifted in skepticism. “This place is the reason you wish to remain human.”

  She squirmed a little. “I do not believe it will go badly. These witches are bound to goodness and once they see it in you, they’ll have to accept you. Even crazy Charlotte and whatever stick’s gotten up her ass lately.”

  “You’re asking a lot of people not so easily trusting of strangers. Especially of the fanged variety.”

  “You won me over,” she smirked, then smiled.

  “True. Utterly so. Your belief in me is too much. I’m not sure what I did to deserve you, Lisbeth Deane.”

  “Or I you,” she replied without hesitation. “But here we are.”

  Grayson’s icy blood quivered, a moment of flight response wanting to kick his legs into gear and flee the Isle. Lisbeth had much more faith in their relationship than him, at least in the eyes of other witches: ones not so acquainted with a vampire who no longer drank from humans. An oddity in his world. Or theirs. But something he’d gladly do if it meant spending even one human life with this feisty woman adorning his lap.

  But these other witches were not Lisbeth. He guessed they were much more like this Charlotte Howard. Who tormented Lisbeth whenever possible.

  “Grayson?” Her voice slid out like silk, bringing him back to her.

  Living in the human world was not easy for his kind. For so many reasons. But God help him, he could not make himself leave this woman. Lisbeth had captured his dead heart the moment she’d popped out of nowhere in the woods with that damned werewolf.

  “I’m sorry, Lisbeth. I do want to. I am... I’m not...” so many times this woman got him all tongue tied. So unusual for his kind. So very human.

  “It’s okay, take your time. Well, not too long, I want you to kiss me soon. A real kiss.”

  He groaned. She was not making this easy. “I will do whatever you wish, My Lisbeth. It has been months since I’ve drank any human blood, and although I trust myself to be this close to you, I’m not certain about so many others. Especially since they will not be so easily accepting of me. My instinct is to survive,” he reminded gently. “I may have drunk only from killers, but now human blood of any kind will be so much more tempting because of my lack of it. They will fear me. It’s not in a human’s nature not to.” Except for her. The exception to everything for him.

  “I would not ask you to do anything I did not think you were ready for. And you’re well aware I put duty first. I’d never take chances regarding those I love. Or innocent lives.”

  “You have too much faith in me, Love.”

  “Only what you deserve. And earned. And speaking of deserving...” She wrigg
led across his grasp and wrapped her legs around his waist, her dress pulling up the sides of her thighs.

  “I like where your mind is,” he growled.

  “Make love to me, Grayson.”

  The vampire tensed. Another flood of panic.

  So many times he wanted to give in to this request. And give his beautiful human all of himself. But so dangerous a request. To love so freely, without fear of consequence. Without fear of permanently striking out the precious life he held so dearly.

  He’d imagined Lisbeth splayed out in front of him so many times. Every luscious part of her on display. His lips kissing every inch of her. Tongue bathing in her. His name shouted over and over as he brought her to levels of pleasure they’d never yet been to. But this meant fangs, and blood... her blood.

  He tensed again.

  This is why giving in was out of the question. It was too much temptation. She was trusting him too much. He’d never been with a woman, human or vampire, without indulging in a taste. His one weakness outside of draining human killers. He never went too far, and never killed. But it was a primal urge to fuck, and feed.

  “How about we talk for a while. Ask me anything.” His hand trailed across her thigh with an unspoken compromise. “Or there is the option for me to use my magic hands to please you.” She reached down and grabbed both of his hands in her own, stopping him.

  “Not with your hands tonight. I want all of you. I need all of you, Grayson. I trust you.”

  He growled, pinning her hands behind her back. “You don’t understand what you ask of me, Lisbeth.” To prove his point, unwillingly, his fangs lowered in a slow descent. “To pleasure you with my hands is safer. With my entire body bearing down over yours, you would have no escape from me. Never forget I live in a body designed to overpower my prey, this instinct drives all else.”

  A dark thrill drilled through her, a mixture of fright and exhilaration. This was a fact he reminded her of often.


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