Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 140

by Ruby Raine

  Even more bizarre was that Charlotte Howard became his number one champion.

  She had not brought Lisbeth back into her fold; their friendship was no less frayed.

  And Grayson didn’t trust the witch even a little, no matter how much she supported him; if she didn’t support Lisbeth, her trust meant nothing. Regardless, and whatever Charlotte’s reason, she’d helped the new odd couple win over the other witches and their families. Lisbeth didn’t know what to make of it.

  Training had gotten easier too. Her fellow witches in training had mostly come around and accepted her as one of them. They sometimes fell into the old traps of treating her like a helpless woman, but something about seeing her tame a vampire earned her an unexpected admiration from them and others in the village.

  If she was tough enough to take on a vampire, what couldn’t she handle?

  Oddly, her dating a vampire had worked in her favor, rather than against it.

  What a crazy, never could guess what the hell was going to happen, world, they lived in.

  After Mathew’s death, the two students whose lives he had saved, treated her much better, and much more their equal. Faster than the others had come around. She’d even consider them friends now. Not nearly like Mathew, and she’d do just about anything to have him back. Even with this life she was carving out for herself, and Grayson, Mathew’s loss still left a hole in her heart that would never be filled.

  Her friend’s final courageous act had shoved a huge dose of humility in the direction of the lives he’d saved, something that had not faded over time. Lesson learned, she guessed. Only now, too late, did they see that bravery came in so many packages.

  Lisbeth eyed Grayson across the room, talking and laughing with her father. He’d been apprehensive at first too. More like livid, with a side of, his only daughter had lost her mind, and he’d failed entirely as a father. But he’d come around, like everyone else. And tonight, her two favorite men were extra close, laughing and grinning, some private joke passing between them. It brought a wide smile to Lisbeth’s lips. Such a simple, but glorious, thing it was.

  It really was going to work. A vampire living amongst humans. Working alongside witches.

  His super speed, hearing, and strength came in handy. And helping, gave Grayson a joy he didn’t expect in return. The feeling of belonging, being needed, and appreciated by others, rather than being feared. Or hunted. Or despised. Life on the Isle gave him focus and purpose, and with each day that passed, a belief he could make this lifestyle work. He could have Lizzy, and live a nearly human style life.

  It was still a life lived in darkness, but when the sun rose each morning his own sun laid her precious head down next to his; there could be nothing more glorious attained from this life.

  Grayson often tagged along with night patrols, which Lizzy volunteered for often so they could spend their nights together. Although he was often more of a distraction, than a help. But he never got in her way when it came to the job. Never jumped in and did what he was positive she could handle on her own. He thrived when she did, and he was proud of her for fighting for what she wanted, most especially when that was him.

  Lizzy groaned under her breath. Grayson caught it and tossed her a questioning look he was already getting his answer to. Charlotte had arrived at the party and was making a beeline in his direction. The wicked woman would not relent. What did a vampire have to do to get this witch to understand there was only one human meant for him, and she was not it?

  Actually, he had one idea how to prove it. And no, it wasn’t sucking her dry. Although if his other idea failed it might become a viable option. She would be missed though, even as annoying as she was. Charlotte was a talented witch who was respected in the witch community.

  Lisbeth guessed it had to be a jealousy thing; the witch liked the attention on her, and when Grayson was around, it was on Lisbeth. The woman she’d inexplicably decided to despise above all others a year ago, after a lifetime of friendship and working together.

  “Try to be nice,” Lisbeth whispered coarsely. His vampire ears caught the whisper and a thought landed in her mind in reply.

  “That’s not what I hear you really saying, my love.”

  Lisbeth smirked. He was right. Of course.

  “I’d rather gouge out her eyes. Or turn her into a toad! And not a pretty one either, one covered in warts.” She tossed that retort right back at him, a haughty laugh on his lips that no one else would understand as their conversation had gone silent, only taking place in their minds. A new trick Grayson had recently shown her.

  He claimed it had started because of their connection with each other. Intimacy was the key. Lisbeth, allowing her defenses down enough to let Grayson in, and he, in tune with her on such a deep level that slipping into her mind had become like a second language. She didn’t find his presence invasive at all. But rather comforting, like having the only keys to a secret place that belonged only to the two of them.

  Their private revelry was interrupted.

  “Hello, Grayson. Aren’t you looking dashing this evening?”

  He nodded, grit in his forced show of teeth.

  Charlotte leaned forward to greet him, her dark eyes meeting his as if they were attempting to lure him into some mysterious place. A place he had no interest in going to. She winked, making an almost sick display of vying for his attention. Everyone else laughed it off as, there goes Charlotte again. They always thought she was out for a laugh. They had no idea how serious she was being. Charlotte was clever like that. Cunning. Had a way of making people see her as she wanted them to. Not as she was.

  Except for Grayson and Lisbeth. And his immunity to her charms pushed her even harder to tempt him. Into doing what? He and Lisbeth were never sure, other than Charlotte meant to claim him for herself. Which the vampire found laughable.

  Lisbeth had never proven it was Charlotte who’d followed her that night so many months ago. Even without solid evidence, her gut told her this was true. Why? Neither she nor Grayson was certain, other than for whatever reason, Charlotte was seeking dirt on Lisbeth. But she and Grayson had gone public before she had done so. Which they imagined only incensed her even more.

  Lisbeth often wished to repair their broken friendship, but to date, had never figured out to make this happen. Or just what exactly made Charlotte suddenly turn on her. Lizzy assumed it was basic, good old competition. And now, jealously, over the vampire’s affections.

  What a single year could do. Some years passed in subtle recognition of time, while others, like this last one, were like an earthquake. Everything got shook up, broke down, and nothing would be rebuilt the same.

  And besides jealousy, there was no reason for Charlotte to constantly seek out Grayson, she had more than enough interested suitors. She was an extraordinary raven-haired beauty, and a talented witch. At twenty-six, she’d already mastered spells without speaking them. Unheard of at such a young age.

  She had what Lisbeth did not though; a womanly charm that didn’t frighten the males, or threaten their egos. But make no mistake, Charlotte was queen of them all, they just didn’t know it. She was dedicated, and brilliant, Lisbeth had to award her that. And respected amongst the community of witches, most especially her uncle, the Elder Howard, who was the current head witch on The Isle.

  Grayson so very patiently refused Charlotte’s attempts at charm, and when it was obvious he would not play along, her smile dropped to something more of impatient disdain. But she forced a grin and made her rounds, greeting the others in attendance. Attention was returned, especially amongst the single males hoping to catch her eye. And she let them. Enjoying the part of being seen. And adored.

  Humbly so, of course, simpered Lisbeth with half an eye roll.

  Grayson’s face lit up in a smug sort of grin. “That woman will never hold a candle to you, My Lisbeth.”

  “I’m not worried she’ll ever steal you from me,” Lisbeth returned in their silent conversation. “She
tires me, though. Her open displays. You handled her much better than I would have.” There was a hint of poison etched in her words.

  He might be the vampire, the predator. But God help the man or woman who got in Lisbeth Deane’s way! She was a fighter to the last. Genuine. Forthright. Good. But fierce and protective. And it wasn’t possible to be prouder of his fiery human.

  Lisbeth excused herself from present company and sauntered over to Grayson. Enough mind talk, she wanted real voices. And touches. And kisses. She squeezed in next to him, his lips found her forehead. She’d never have believed such a simple act to bring such comfort. And though always cool on the surface, it simmered underneath, always leaving her wanting more, with the essence of her skin not fitting her bones quite right. As much as he soothed her nerves, he got her equally all worked up.

  And he sensed it every time. With this new mind connection of theirs, she could hide nothing from him. And she liked it that way. No secrets. No barriers.

  And speaking of having no secrets... she caught a quick exchange between Grayson and her father, who was doing his darndest to hold back a teasing smile. And he was refusing to look at his own daughter. Something was up. But it made her ridiculously giddy to see her father and Grayson so comfortable together.

  The vampire got up and scooped her up with him, dragging her to her feet. He steadied her while she caught her breath, before letting go, and called out for everyone’s attention. The room quieted, all eyes fixed on Lisbeth and Grayson.

  She opened her mouth to demand what this was all about when the vampire deftly sank to one knee, the coal gray in his eyes focused entirely on her. It might as well have been just the two of them in the room. No one else existed in this moment.

  “Lisbeth,” he paused, looking for the words. “You’ve given me a life I didn’t even realize I wanted. No, a life I needed. A lifetime with you will never be long enough to show you what your love has given me. Will you allow me to try? Will you give me this one life?”

  “Oh, Grayson.” Her eyes fluttered over to her father and the gigantic grin on his face. “You knew about this, didn’t you?” she accosted lovingly.

  “What can I say, my daughter? He loves you. You love him. Be happy together. I give you my full blessing.” His only concern in their union had been her youth. Not that she was naïve, or too young, but that youth had a way of making the future seem far away and insignificant. He wanted only happiness for his daughter, and hoped this is what she and the vampire’s future would hold.

  Today, she was young, which masked the future in a false sense of immortality, and she was set to spend her life with a man who was actually immortal. But also respectful to his daughter in a way no other man from the Isle had ever been. And he’d rather see her happy with a vampire, than to grow old alone, or suppressed from becoming the woman, and witch, she was capable of being.

  She took in a breath. This is not how Lisbeth imagined this life-changing year to end. Yet somehow, it was perfect and exactly how she wanted it to end. A new start. A fresh start. A future with Grayson, which she pictured often. He made her happy. And didn’t try to change her. Encouraged her to be herself and not back down. What more could a woman ask for?

  She’d never been interested in having children; an impossibility with the vampire. And she’d be an idiot to refuse the happiness so freely given. Those other problems would work themselves out.

  Tears brimmed. She sucked in to hold them back, but Grayson swiped them away first and whispered in her ear not to worry about tears shed. “I’ll always be here to wipe them away whether you marry me or not. If you say no, today, I’ll just keep asking until you give in. Let’s spend one remarkable lifetime together. Marry me, Lisbeth.”

  “Yes.” Easiest decision she’d ever made. Not a single breath of doubt. “Yes, Grayson. Let’s get married.”

  He bounded off his knee to his feet, scooping her into his arms for a possessive kiss.

  Everyone clapped, and cheered, and toasted. If anyone had told them all months ago they’d be happily blessing a union between one of their own, and a vampire, they’d have all thought they’d gone quite mad, or been put under a spell.

  Lisbeth, lost in his lips, barely cared or noticed the others present in the room.

  Charlotte sulked in her corner. A crease wrinkling her brow, getting deeper with every second she forced out a congratulatory smile. She’d feared this was coming. She was running out of time to make the idiot vampire fall in love with her. She was going to have to try something more drastic. And fast. Grayson Moone was meant to be hers. Not Lisbeth’s.

  Living on an island with eyes everywhere was such a pain in the ass. She could only afford to use so much magic bewitching these dimwitted people.

  They might be a little slow, but they were not stupid, and they would catch on after a while.

  Sort of stupid though. They only embraced this vampire because she made it so. Charlotte thought even Lisbeth would have caught onto that by now. Some had naturally come around, but without Charlotte’s bewitching charms, they’d turn on him just as fast. And it just might come to that if things didn’t start going her way soon. Why the vampire was immune to the bewitchment was beyond her. It must have something to do with the bond between him and Lisbeth.

  So how did she break it?




  Charlotte’s forced grin, thinned, her lip curling wickedly.


  She’d been thinking about this all wrong.


  There had to be a way to use this bond to her advantage.

  Or... her new favorite word. So full of possibilities. A new scheme already spinning like a web.

  Charlotte rose and excused herself, slipping away as everyone lined up to congratulate the happily engaged couple. Let them, it didn’t matter. It would not last. Because she needed what Lisbeth had access to, and was so blatantly denying for herself. The chance for immortality.

  The woman only need ask, and she’d have the breath of everlasting life given to her, freely. What an idiot for not taking it. All because of mislead duty and blind devotion to a community who’d turn on her in a moment should the right circumstances warrant it. And they would, when the time was right.

  This short human life was not enough.

  Charlotte wanted more time. Needed more time.

  She cared little about being a protector of the Isle. Or being a Howard. She wanted off The Demon Isle. Free of her duties. Of the expectations. Free to explore the rest of the world.

  She’d listened in on many private conversations between Grayson and Lisbeth, hearing all the wild tales he spoke of. She wanted to experience them on her own. To practice magic without restraint. With nothing to hold her back.

  She wasn’t stupid though. She’d be patient to get what she wanted. It was worth a lifetime of hell if it meant an eternity of, well, everything, and anything, her heart desired and her mind could imagine. She hadn’t bewitched her way to the top to stop now!

  No one would stop her. Not Lisbeth, or Grayson, or her family.

  And once free of the Isle and its endless call to duty, she’d travel everywhere and search out that perfect place to practice her magic. And live the free life she wanted so desperately. And if that magical place did not yet exist, she’d create it.

  The new scheme continued to weave itself together. How to use the bond between Grayson and Lisbeth to get what she wanted? The desired outcome was too precious to be left to chance.

  It was time to dig out the book again. The one Charlotte kept hidden under her mattress. If anyone ever discovered it, she’d be in a world of trouble. There might not be enough bewitching possible to hide that scandal. She might even be banished from the island. Oddly enough, the outcome she wanted, although she needed it on her own terms. And those required the damn vampire!

  So if her charms would not win over the vampire, she’d dig out the book and put this new scheme into a
ction. Only the magic within its pages would give her all she sought. Its dark power would not let her down. And only the darkest of magic would give her true freedom. These miserable people could keep their damn island.

  ONLY LISBETH CAUGHT Charlotte’s departure. She had seen her sneak away, and Grayson had therefore had the notion in his own mind, after seeing it in hers. Perhaps now she’d finally give up this crazy fascination and leave them alone.

  The couple was surrounded by congratulating witches and friends.

  All the while, Lisbeth sensed Grayson had some other trick up his sleeve. He’d been so clever, hiding this proposal from her. Unfair, she supposed, that she could hide nothing from him, but she did not have the same freedom to enter and roam so freely in his mind. Still, this was a happy occasion so she was satisfied with it; perhaps some secrets were okay.

  After some time, the party winded down. But not the happy couple’s euphoria.

  Lisbeth yelped in giddy surprise as Grayson yanked her off the floor and into his arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I cannot wait,” he purred into her ear. “I must take you, now.”


  His eyes twinkled in the multiple meanings of those words. He’d play with her a little. Tease. “There’s something I’m dying to show you,” he taunted, no less vague. But with a subtle threat that had her mouth opening to demand he explain at once, no words came out. Grayson flew out of the party with vampiric speed, screeching to a dead stop a few seconds later.

  Lisbeth’s stomach rolled and lurched while her blood caught up with her body, and air, her lungs. She grasped his shirt, holding on for dear life.

  “Sorry, I should have gone slower. I am too eager for this.”

  She pinned a haughty smirk on him. He’d better not be playing with her. Not tonight. Not after a year of waiting, but he hadn’t come out and actually said the words she wanted to hear.


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