Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 163

by Ruby Raine

  And there was that sucky morality thing again, getting in the way.

  Her duty was to innocents. Courtney was an innocent who'd been in the wrong place at the worst possible time. Although done a bit underhanded, her goals were good. Her intentions in attacking William, good.

  Didn't Courtney deserve justice too?

  Damn it. Melinda hated this. Seeing his past only made her fear the future even more.

  Because even with all she'd scene, this didn't scare her away. If anything, she felt closer to William than ever. She understood him now better than ever.

  Hell, hell, hell!

  She was in love with him more than ever.

  THE CHOICE WAS MADE, but everyone's nerves were on edge about going through with it.

  It was dangerous to chance opening the doorway to the Power Source. But even with this awareness, it was a necessary risk.

  They'd checked the alarm system and Michael advised it was working perfectly. Which would give them advanced warning if they were attacked. And they needed to investigate the mysterious pulses and make sure it wasn't something potentially dangerous that might hurt other people on the Isle.

  Charlie and Mathew were going to venture inside and check out the Power Source, while Michael, Mack, Lizzy, Lucas, and Courtney, kept vigil outside the perimeter. Being the middle of the night, they were confident there wouldn’t be any late night tourists in the park.

  "The door will close once we're in," Charlie reminded. "We won't know what's going on out here."

  "Actually, I can sense the general atmosphere," corrected Mathew. "If panic sets in, I'll know it."

  "Oh, well, that's good then. A relief actually," said Charlie. He hated the idea of being inside and not knowing what was going on with everyone else. And he wasn't certain that once inside, if he'd still have his new bond connection to Lizzy.

  She rolled her eyes. "We can handle ourselves wolf, now go do your job."

  Mathew snickered. Lizzy was just like she'd always been. Hell, he missed that. Missed her. It was a blessed gift, he thought, to be given this chance to reconnect with his old friend.

  "Be careful in there," Mack told them.

  "Same out here," Charlie told them all.

  "We'll be fine," Michael insisted. "We've got a sheriff, a vampire, an almost werewolf, and two witches," speaking of him and Lucas.

  "Right. Yeah." Charlie thinned his lips.

  Michael groaned. It was like they'd never had the conversation about all of them sharing the load, together. And Charlie not having to take lead every damn time. But he was trying to give his brother some slack because he was tense about Lizzy's first shift. And she was being her usual stubborn self and pushing every nerve.

  "Let's go," said Mathew. "Night's not getting any younger." But as he spun to go his foot caught and he staggered, catching and balancing himself. Pleased that he didn't actually fall, he gave himself a pretend pat on the back but happened to catch Lucas casting him an amused simper. And that was when his other foot found the same damn catch on the ground and he did almost go down, but for Courtney's quick reflexes.

  She straightened him and laughed. "You almost need your own bodyguard, Guardian."

  Lizzy laughed, because some things didn't change, no matter what.

  Mathew groaned and refused to catch Lucas' gaze and focused on his feet as he followed to the Power Source. Clumsiness is one left over human trait he wished he could dispose of.

  Charlie unconsciously toyed with the ring on his finger. He still had moments when he thought about putting it on Lizzy, at least until her full transformation when she'd be a bit more indestructible. But it had been gifted to him so he kept it on.

  He knelt down and scooped up some dirt and rubbed it on the roots that blocked the entrance to the Source. He grabbed a handful of water from the stream and splashed it on. Blasted some fire at it, and blew some air on it. And finished it off with a prick of his finger for the obligatory blood sacrifice—specifically, blood of a witch. And stepped back as the roots shifted and the door revealed itself, and opened. He and Mathew cast a last wary glance behind them and headed inside. The door closed behind them leaving the others to the silvery night.

  Inside, Mathew snapped his fingers and torches lining the walls burst and ignited. He'd never been inside before, though, so Charlie led the way, pointing out the places to avoid, like the pit of death the Soul Hunter had fallen into years before. He froze for a moment when they came to the spot where his mother had died, but he sucked in and pressed onward.

  "I haven't found a moment alone to speak to you," he said to Mathew.

  "It has been a bit chaotic. What did you wish to speak of?"

  "Just, um, I wanted to make sure you were aware that I know. What Lucas and Riley are."

  "Ah, that. Future Guardians in the making. Nina was given permission to share that with you. It was deemed necessary, and unfortunately, an act of desperation as well."

  "I got that message pretty clearly. And I've been thinking about the Lucas problem."

  Mathew let out a clipped huff. "The Lucas problem." He shook his head.

  "I didn't mean that in a bad way. Just—"

  Mathew tossed his arm in the air to cut him off. "You're not wrong. As much as I was eager to come here and be granted this opportunity, which made it possible to catch up with my old friend at the same time, I'm starting to question whether my elders were correct in picking me."

  "Because you're in love with him?" guessed Charlie.

  "Yes. But also in the fact that because of our jarred history, and his continual stubbornness on the whole magic thing, that he will not truly hear me. I'm not sure I'm going to make any real difference in his life. I'm even afraid I might hurt things, not help them. Because he pulls away from me, almost like when you tell a child they can't have something, or do something, and they run right out and do that anyway."

  "Well, it's sort of how we learn as children though. Sometimes, the hard way."

  "I suppose. I just don't want to see him, or Riley, fail. Riley is more openminded about magic. And he has a good heart. But he's got a lot of Lucas' stubbornness in him too. Lucas just—fights. He does not like to give in. And even when he does, it doesn't stick. He falls right back into old habits. But I get why."

  "I'm not sure I do." Although, weren't he and Lizzy having the same issue, in that Charlie was always sliding back into old habits? Still, he wanted to understand where Lucas was coming from.

  "Habit equals comfort zone," Mathew explained. "It takes him a lot of time to accept big changes in his life. Moving him and his brother back to the family home on the Isle was the biggest thing he'd ever done, and it was not easy to try to make that happen. But he and his brother were desperate and needed a fresh start. That helped."

  "I'm not super fond of certain changes either," admitted Charlie. "So, I guess I can’t judge that." Just earlier he and Lizzy had been talking living situations, and he had wanted to just shut down the entire idea. But he owed it to Lizzy to at least give it some thought.

  "Change is never easy. But for Lucas it's like an incurable disease."

  "Perhaps with each time he succeeds he will pull back less," thought Charlie. "The routine can change, just slowly. At his pace. Rather than the one we'd all prefer. Shit..." He shook his head.

  "What is it?" Mathew asked worriedly.

  "Just, perhaps Lucas and I are more alike than I'd care to admit. Stubborn and slow to adapt. I was taking a play right out of a conversation—argument—with Lizzy from earlier tonight."

  Mathew chuckled. "She's always making good points."

  "Yeah, but it comes back to that whole being willing to actually hear what she's saying."

  "I'm sure you'll sort it out. Lizzy won't stop until you do. However, even with all she's gone through, I can tell how happy she is. I remember a time when neither of us thought that a possibility." He laughed. "We were going to get married." He laughed again.

  "Um, really?"

/>   "So hard to believe? Think of the times back then. It wasn't like today. Strong women had to fight hard to be accepted, still do. And weak men had no place in witchy business. We were best friends and thought that might be as good as it got for us. At least we'd be together, and find some sort of happiness."

  "Yeah, people's ideals and hang ups about what people should be, that's a thing that's just got to go. But I have to say, as shitty a road as it was, I'm pretty fucking glad about how it all turned out."

  "Me too. And getting back to the Lucas problem, my biggest concern is that I don't know how much time I'm going to get here on the Isle. It might be weeks. Months. I'm guessing probably not years. And I want to do the very best with the time I have."

  Charlie stopped and faced Mathew.

  "Especially because your own future might be changed by his."

  "There is always that thought in the back of my mind. But more than anything, I just want him to succeed in this life. To find his way. And not always feel like he needs to run from this thing that he is. I want him to embrace it, and not because he must. But because he wants to."

  "I don't envy you though," Charlie said. "It's a tough spot to be in, human or Guardian, to love someone and not be able to be honest with them. I get why, I'm not questioning that."

  "It is the hardest thing I've ever done. Because if he chooses right in life, as a Guardian, we could have endless lifetimes together. And the idea of watching him fail, and dying, and becoming a Demon, and living with that reality the rest of my days..." Mathew gave a somber shudder.

  "I can't imagine the pressure of that. It's like having this precious thing just out of reach and knowing how to get it, but not being able to." It's not so unlike what it had felt like to watch Lizzy in love with Grayson. Only, Charlie's torment had only lasted days. Not months, years, or lifetimes...

  "Something like that, yeah. Anyway, before we got sidetracked by my non-existent love life, you were saying you had an idea about the Lucas problem?" Mathew reminded.

  "Right. It kind of goes along with that whole constant push and pull, him being in his comfort zone. I think Lucas tends to withdraw into his own thoughts and experiences about things, and needs reminded often, of what good magic can do. But, like you pointed out, just hearing about it isn't going to work. He'll just tune it out."

  "Yes, I agree."

  Charlie continued. "I think we need to treat it like a campaign, of sorts. One he can see with his own eyes. Experience himself. When Lucas saved that woman and her baby, that stuck with him. He needs more hands on experiences... whether it's his own gift or something else. I'm not quite sure how to put it into action without it feeling staged. I want it to be real. I just think he needs more hands on with the positive, considering how much shit he's seen just since arriving on the Isle alone."

  "That's not a bad plan. And not so unlike how we operate from time to time. Give them the information, educate them, but in the end, it's still their choice which path to choose. I actually have high hopes for his new gift, even though the first time went so badly."

  "Yeah, if Lizzy had died it would have negated the lives he saved. I fear we'd never have been able to change his mind." Never mind her death would have broken Charlie.

  "I remain cautiously confident," Mathew said as they started up the path to the Power Source once again.

  "I mostly just wanted you to know you can always count on me. And if you need help, or have an idea, or whatever, let me know how I can help. I understand how vital both Lucas and Riley are in keeping the scales tipped to the side of good."

  "Thank you. I'm sure at some point, I'll take you up on that."

  The closer they made it to the Source, the more intense the energy buzz became, and after a few more minutes, and Mathew almost tripping twice underneath the poor lighting, they arrived at the Power Source.

  They stepped into the cavern and peered around in an alert and curious manner, but at first glance, other than the energy flowing freely in the space, nothing else appeared abnormal. Not that Charlie really knew what normal was for this place. But nothing nefarious appeared to be going on.

  He sucked in and let out a controlled breath. Both is his parents were buried in here. So much had happened the last time they'd been in here and they'd not had any proper time to process it at the time.

  But there was no use getting emotional about it. He had a job to do.

  He approached the Power Source, Mathew at his side.

  It was pulsing, not so unlike when they'd been here before. Almost like a heartbeat. But the rhythmic pulse wasn't quite the same as he remembered it. It felt heavier. More intense. Which made sense with the extra magical energy it was mysteriously releasing.

  Mathew eyed it in reverent wonder.

  "How incredible. The Power Source, right before my eyes."

  "There is something rather surreal about it," Charlie expressed. "And sort of odd, to protect this thing I honestly know so little about, but has been part of my family's heritage for so many generations."

  "The Power Source is a mystery to us all. In part, at least. We know of its existence. And that it stems back from the time that magic first appeared on this earth."

  "Really? I didn't know that."

  "We are not certain," clarified Mathew, "but we believe it even pre-dates the creation of us. The Guardians. Because magic existed before we did."

  "Wow. I had no idea."

  "We believe," continued Mathew, "but I must express, are not certain, that this spot right here might even be where magic began. The original birth place of all magic. And if that is true, Charlie, it is the most powerful source of magic in existence. And, if it were to be destroyed, it might destroy all magic. Or, if it were to be taken over by evil—dark magic would rule this earth."

  Charlie eyed the gooey blob-like cocoon and cocked his head. It was hard to picture this strange looking thing being the birthplace of magic.

  "I still remember all the debates," he told Mathew. "Growing up in the Howard home meant conversations around the dinner table, or holidays, or backyard BBQ's, always debating various possibilities and locations." It was a bit sad those days were over now. Not because it had been found, but that Michael or Melinda had never been too interested. And William had gone the rounds so many times there just wasn't much else to debate.

  "We've never managed to prove that this is where magic began, but regardless if that's true or not, its age equals incredible power. Protecting this Source is the most vital job anyone could be given. And your family has done so, vigilantly, and that is something to truly be proud of."

  "Can I ask you something, Mathew?"

  "You can. I'll answer, if I can."

  "Why not protect it yourselves? Why witches?"

  Mathew thought about that. "Because we are not truly magical beings. I know Nina told you a bit about our history, but, um, did she explain how we came to be?"

  "Only that you're not what so many people think you are. You're not angels, and don't have anything to do with God."

  "True. Very true. You see, we're um, actually descended from, well, aliens."


  Mathew chuckled. "Three beings who were not from this earth, but were out traveling the universe to search and investigate life on other planets."

  "Okay. I'm listening with an open mind, but I gotta tell ya, that is not what I was expecting."

  "It's not so hard to believe is it, that life exists elsewhere than earth?"

  "No, I suppose not."

  "Anyway, three beings visited this earth. They held two forms, a spirit-like form that was more like moving energy, but also capable of forming into physical beings. This came in handy when they wanted to blend in with a new species. They could make themselves look like this new species and walk amongst them hidden right in the crowd. And such was the way when they came to earth."

  "Okay. So, they came to earth and looked the part of human."

  "Right. Only, to their surprise, once they
took on this human form, there was something they'd never experienced before about this planet. They were stuck in the physical form. They were unable to return to their spirit bodies. They got stuck here."

  "That must've been quite the shocker."

  "Indeed. They decided to make the best of it, and as time passed began to integrate themselves into human life. They married. Started families. Aged. And died. Only, after they died, their spirit forms were freed. Another big surprise."

  "I can only imagine." Charlie was doing his best, but this sounded like some crazy made up shit.

  "More importantly, however, is what they created. A new species. Part human and part alien. And they were obligated to remain here and look after their newly created bloodline. Because sure enough, once their children aged and died, they too became freed of the human form, able to live as spirits and re-inhabit a physical shape. Something about human death frees the spirit within, and why this happens is knowledge my elders have never been able to figure out."

  "The mysteries of the universe..." Charlie breathed out in awe.

  Mathew continued. "Most importantly, in regard to your question, our Guardian abilities stem from our alien bloodline, not because of magic. While some of us happen to be descended from magic, and we have integrated some magic into our work, magic is not truly our past. So, we felt it wiser that good witches, the true keepers of magic, were best to protect it."

  "Makes sense. But my minds a bit blown here. Am I allowed to ask, how is it your people became Guardians?"

  "You can imagine that after years and years of the bloodline growing, that the spirit population grew. We needed a purpose. At first, it was to protect the bloodline we created. But it expanded into helping the human population too. But then the Downfall happened."

  "What's the Downfall?"

  "A war between our kind. Remember the three beings who started our bloodline, well, two of them lived with the same manner of thinking. To aid this world, especially since they'd changed it by coming here. That even though they were of superior minds and abilities than the human race, at least in the beginning, they felt it was their duty to protect and serve the best they could. The third being, however, over time, came to see humans as weak and easily manipulated. And that our superiority should rise us to the top, as leaders. That humans should be beneath us."


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