Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 178

by Ruby Raine

  There were many conversations that needed to happen, but in this moment, none more so than right now, with Rae. They all soon found themselves staring at the newcomer, in wonder.

  "I might as well get this out of the way," Rae spoke decidedly.

  "Would you like anything first?" asked Riley. "Water? Tea? Coffee? Food?" The look on his face was one of total adoration and respect. But also like he was responsible to care for this special thing he'd helped bring into the world.

  "No, thank you, Riley. I've had enough. Although, I have to admit, I may fall in love with pizza."

  Lizzy got a laugh out of that. It had been the first thing she wanted to try after she'd left her ghasted form behind. Charlie's arm squeezed around her waist a little tighter, the sentiment meaning she never had to fear that life again.

  Melinda smiled. She couldn't help herself. Something about the whole situation seemed—perfect. Fated, in some way even. That somehow, amongst the chaos, life and love found a way to thrive. And Melinda was shocked that even though her heart did a little stammer over what she'd given up—Riley—that it felt right. Even if she and William couldn't make it, she and Riley were not meant to. It was never clearer to her than this moment.

  Rae balanced the palm of her hands on the kitchen counter for a moment, released them, and began.

  "My father, Alon, was from the Garudian bloodline."

  And that's as far as she made it before the questions started piling up on people's tongues.

  "Perhaps, first," interjected Mathew, "I can explain about the bloodline, if you'd like, Rae?"

  "Please, Mathew. Thank you."

  Charlie eyed the Guardian in question.

  "It's no longer against the rules," Mathew replied to Charlie's silent question. "Well, it is, but not with all of you. Actually, my Elders are not sure where Guardians go from here, exactly, anyway...Charlie knows part of this story, but now, I will tell you all."

  But all eyes swarmed to Charlie.

  "Nina," he explained. "And I was sworn to secrecy. And I will not apologize."

  "Fair enough," Melinda retorted. But it explained a lot, in Charlie's somewhat odd behavior at times, especially around Lucas recently.

  "Anyway," began Mathew. "Guardians are not from this earth. You would call us aliens."


  "ALIENS?" A FEW RESPONDED at once, along with chokes, coughs, and clearing throats. Although Lucas and Riley merely listened with stunned silence.

  "My Elders," continued Mathew, "Alethea and Daegal, came to earth along with Daemon, many many years ago, to explore. To learn about the human species. They had no ships to carry them. It wasn't needed. They held what we call a spirit form and they'd explored many worlds before this one. However, when they came into earth's atmosphere and landed on our ground, something happened they did not expect. You see, in their spirit forms, they were capable of morphing into another species to blend in. Adapting to the expected look of a local population allowed them to fit right in and explore unnoticed."

  "That's kind of awesome," Michael said. "Crazy and unbelievable, but awesome."

  "Well, the next part is where things get really interesting," said Mathew. "Because when they adapted to our human form, something unexpected happened—they got stuck in the form. They were unable to morph back into their spirit bodies."

  "So they couldn't leave," assumed William.

  "Correct. They basically became human. Over time they took human mates, had families, but another surprise hit them upon death. The spirit was released from the human form. They were free to leave at last."

  "But they didn't?" Melinda shrugged to ask, why not?

  "Because they'd created a new species. A new bloodline. They'd intermingled the Garudian bloodline with humans. They felt obligated to stay and watch over what they'd created. As you can imagine, over time and many generations, the bloodline continued, and after death, suddenly there were spirits wandering the earth with no purpose, plus, the spirits whose bloodlines were part human and part Garudian, were stuck on earth even after human death. Something had been changed, altered, because of their human and Garudian mixed blood."

  "That's how the Guardians were created," put together Lizzy. "You needed a purpose."

  Mathew nodded. "Yes. Alethea and Daegal decided they would remain and watch over their bloodline, but also protect humanity as well. And we became the Guardians."

  "But what about Daemon?" asked Courtney. "Things obviously didn't remain peaceful."

  "That's the simple answer," chuckled Mathew. "Daemon grew bored, and his ego grew large. He'd always felt like he was better than the humans. Didn't see any reason for staying. Until he realized just how easily they could be misled. Deceived. He talked some of the Garudian bloodline into leaving the Guardianship and joining him—his Daemonites—now Demons. There was a war, but spirits can't kill what's technically already dead."

  "Which is why the numbers are so important," Charlie put out there. "With a finite end to the bloodline, you don't want Demons to end up with more numbers than the Guardians. That's how Nina explained it anyway."

  "Yes, exactly. And no one on either side wanted to kill humans who were not yet chosen for a side, because each hoped to bulk up their numbers," continued Rae. "That's why both sides agreed to the rules. Neither side wanted to risk losing numbers."

  "We could not interfere with free will, merely tempt and suggest," Mathew explained. "And upon death," his eyes stopped on Lucas', "our actions during life were judged and we were either made Guardians, or Demons."

  Lucas broke the connection, his thoughts a swirl of confusion.

  "So, you said that there's just two people left alive from the Garudian bloodline?" Riley already knew this answer, but he needed to hear it confirmed.

  "You and Lucas," Rae confirmed. "Which is why this is my time."

  "And how is that?" asked Lizzy. "I've been through a lot in my years, but I don't quite have my head wrapped around your purpose here."

  "I can kill Demons. I should rephrase that—I can kill Garudians in their spirit forms. My father, Alon, learned the secret during an altercation with his own brother, which ended with his permanent destruction. But Alon believed that if this knowledge became available to both sides, the Garudian bloodline would wipe themselves out and leave no one left to look after humanity, or what remained of our bloodline. He believed we'd leave behind a nightmare, as the bloodline shed its human life and had no purpose or guidance."

  "And while that makes sense," began Michael, "I'm sensing there's more to the timing than just that."

  "Alon also saw into the future—not a vision or anything magical, but thinking of the future. The very distant future. To the time when the human and Garudian bloodline reached that finite end. And when that happened, and there were no more humans to watch over, he feared another war between the Demons and Guardians, but more so, he feared that our war would destroy this world. A world we never meant to stay on, and irrevocably changed."

  Rae paced for a minute.

  "Alon feared that if King Daemon won this war, he'd throw this earth into peril that humans couldn't even fight. So Alon sought out earth's greatest natural power—magic—and struck a bargain with her. Because once he explained all of this, she agreed with him, and wished to protect her own power and her own descendants. Her earth and her magic. She took in Alon's life and in doing so created mine. I slept in her womb all this time, soaking up history and knowledge, waiting for the day I'd take my first human breath."

  "Okay, so the timing makes sense," said Riley. "But why me? If I'm from this Garudian bloodline, I guess I get that, but...." He wasn't sure what he was trying to ask.

  "My purpose here is twofold. To rid the world of Demons, and to make it safe for Guardians to protect humanity. And once I take out enough of the Demons, I will also help replenish and strengthen the bloodline. If all goes to plan, you two will no longer be the last of the bloodline. And since your brother, Lucas, is already in love
, well—that left you."

  To say Riley's face morphed into ten deeper and deeper shades of red would be putting new meaning to the phrase beet red. So it wasn't just about slaying Demons, but knocking her up too. Wow. He hadn't seen that one coming. And did he get any damn say in this? He was getting sick ass tired of fate doing as he or she willed.

  Rae blushed, but continued. "Sorry, I wasn't trying to embarrass you, but speak the truth and explain why I'm here. This is my purpose. Destroy Demons, keep the bloodline alive, and let the Guardians have a chance to forever tip the scales in their favor."

  "And for that, you are truly welcome, Rae." It was Mathew, but everyone was thinking it.

  "And what about the Power Source?" Charlie had to ask. "We've been protecting it for generations."

  "And that will not change," Rae explained. "In fact, your protection will be more important than ever, because with my arrival, all evil, not just our bloodline, will sense the danger to their way of life. They'll get bolder and more desperate than ever. That said, the Source has moved itself."

  "Um—what?" they all asked simultaneously.

  "What isn't known cannot be found. It was always the best way to keep it safe. Keep it lost."

  "But it's still on the Isle?" confirmed Charlie.

  "Yes. But even I do not know where. But it won't stop evil from coming here and trying to seek it out. Trying to gain any edge in the years to come."

  Charlie cast his siblings a furtive glance. He wasn't sure how to feel about all of this, and it was getting hard to concentrate with his mate wiggling all over his lap. But mainly, it came down to the fact that they might get a short break. A lull in the storm. But they were still protectors of The Demon Isle and the Power Source, just like they'd always been. He wasn't even sure whether they should try to search for it, or allow it to remain lost.

  "I say, enough talking for one night," Lizzy whispered. She almost looked a bit drunken as she tossed her head back and smiled at everyone. "It's baby making time."

  "Oh my God," Melinda rolled her eyes. "TMI okay?"

  Everyone got a laugh out of it except Charlie who'd rather have tossed his mate over his shoulder and spanked her ass. And she heard that thought and growled her response right back at him.

  "Your boat is waiting," Michael reminded with a snarky smile.

  Charlie glanced around at the mess that still needed cleaning up, at Rae, at his friends and family and was about to open his mouth when a bunch of palms raised to his face to order him to shut the hell up and forget the excuses.

  Lizzy bit her lip to keep from saying anything.

  Charlie gazed down at her. "I guess we're leaving."

  "Then why aren't you putting me down so I can get into the jeep?"

  "Because I'm not putting you down for the next few days." He shot dirty images of what he had planned, and she growled for him to hurry up.

  The house got a lot quieter once the Charlie and Lizzy departed. They'd hooted and hollered the pair off. It had been planned for them to take a short vacation on Charlie's boat—it was already stocked and loaded with supplies.

  If anything, they'd learned that they could manage to squeeze in love and life, even in the middle of a chaotic and dangerous job.

  Riley and Lucas offered for everyone else to stay at the manor if they wanted, while the mansion was repaired. In the end though, as exhausted as they all were, there was a lot to get done and they were too wired in some ways, to get any rest.

  Riley and Lucas departed along with Rae and Mathew, going back to the manor to rest before getting back to work cleaning up.

  Michael and Emily disappeared into a clean-ish spare bedroom for a nap. Yeah, right, Melinda snickered.

  The sun was about to come up and Finn nudged Melinda's arm, saying goodnight. He was about to go stone for the daylight hours.

  She gave him a nuzzle. "Thanks for fighting with us, Finn. You are kind of freaking incredible, you know that?" The gargoyle responded with a snort that sounded like a shy laugh. "And I'm glad you're okay too." He nuzzled her back and sauntered off to go to stone for the day.

  Annie and Courtney helped with cleanup. William too.

  He was quiet, though. Contemplative.

  Melinda caught up with him as he made his way outside and toward the magical portal. He stopped when he realized he was not alone, but instead of telling her not to come, he held out his hand and silently asked her to join him, and they stepped through, together.

  "I thought I'd make sure all the signs of the battle, or magic, were cleaned up," he explained. "Josh is busy at the mansion."

  Melinda eyed him. "And?" There was something he was not saying.

  His eyebrow lifted in a defiant simper, that caved quick. "It should not surprise me that you know when I'm not telling you everything."

  "You're quiet. It's never good when you're keeping your thoughts all locked up."

  "I wanted to come say goodbye." He frowned. "That's only part of it."

  Melinda glanced at the roots of the tree that now led nowhere. The Power Source wasn't here any longer. But this is where her mother and father were both laid to rest.

  "It's not just them," William spoke softly.

  Melinda put her attention back on the vampire she loved, thinking she understood what he was trying to get at.

  "Everything's changing," she whispered. "None of the old rules work anymore."

  "It seems I'm at another moment in time where I must adapt, or die, as they say."

  Melinda tsked at his use of the word die, it was still a sore subject and he realized so.

  "We all have to do that though," she gave him.

  "I did not mean it like you think. It's like I have awakened in a strange place that I've never been. Even with all my years behind me, I don't recognize this future."

  "Not everything can be planned out, William. Sometimes life changes course. Even for vampires."

  William's gaze grew distant. He needed to give her his answer. But his thoughts inevitably returned him to this point he could not manage to let go of.

  "I wish I could give you all the things you deserve to have in this life."

  "See, you seriously need to stop looking at it like that."

  His gaze refocused on her. "But you deserve so much more than I—" Melinda shushed him with her fingers.

  "Fuck what you think I deserve. Or what this world's rules insist I need, or what I'm supposed to want. That's all based on notions from the past and other people. Because you're right, William. The rules are changing. The world is changing. And none of us are guaranteed anything. We all adapt or die. So, fuck this fictional measure of deserving something. It doesn’t exist. It's bullshit. What does exist, is right now. And that's it. I have not changed my mind. I still want us."

  As she spoke, so many things flew out at William all at once.

  That heart flutter that was so distinctly his.

  How much Melinda had changed.

  How much she was still perfectly Melinda and had not changed.

  It was more like she'd pushed through the muck and confusion and had decided no one else was going to live her life for her. She was responsible for her own life, and her own happiness, and her own future. Just like he was for himself. And she was going to make her own rules to get that life.

  She may not think she deserved anything, but he did. She deserved a man who'd be all in and never waver or back down. The only question that remained was whether he could be that man. But as his mind and lips formed the answer, the words fell off his tongue into complete awe and silence.

  "I'm going to free you from this curse, William. I've decided what I want, and I'm going to fight for it. I may not succeed. But I will leave this world knowing I tried with everything I had."

  William's mind raced at highspeed, trying to comprehend what Melinda was telling him.

  "My curse..." was all he got out.

  She grabbed his face between the palms of her hands. "Your greatest wish is to be h
uman again, and share a life with me."

  "Yes." The admittance was just as painful now as during his detox nightmare.

  "Well then, the future is ours to grab. The path isn't hidden at all. It's just waiting for us to step onto it, and walk it together, to whatever end."

  William had dreamed of living a single human life, but never once thought it remotely possible. And chances were, it was an impossible endeavor. But everything he'd experienced in his long life had brought him to this pivotal moment. It was his choice to make. Stay in the past. Or fight for this new future.

  His hands slid up to cover Melinda's.


  Melinda closed her eyes and let out a soft cry. Cool lips found hers and whispered another, "Yes." She opened her eyes to find her gaze swimming in emerald. "I will fight for that chance." William kissed her again. "I will fight for our future."

  Sweeter words had never been said. Melinda sucked in and exhaled shakily.

  "I will never let you down," he promised. "Whatever this future holds, we will do it together, Melinda."

  "How sickeningly sentimental."

  William's instinct had him between Melinda and whatever malevolent force has snuck up on them. Melinda, by his side, wiped her eyes and flicked her gaze into the shadows. The sun wasn't quite up yet.

  And then he smelled it—death. Walking death. And his insides quaked and wanted to die. He'd hoped to never be in her vile presence again.

  "Vilhelm...." The voice echoed all around them. Moving fast. Never staying put.

  "Mina," he whispered into the air.

  Melinda lost her ability to swallow correctly, a dry lump making home in her throat.

  It was the vampire who created him. William's sire. That wretch of a female vampire who'd stolen his humanity and used him as her own personal blood slave. Mina was a deadly menace not to be messed with. She was stronger and older than William.

  If they thought Grayson Moone had been dangerous and difficult, he was cake compared to Mina.

  She appeared out of a shadow like a wraith floating in on the wings of doom.

  "Leave this place," William ordered her breathlessly.


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