Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle Page 184

by Ruby Raine

  "Emily?" asked Michael, happy to see his girlfriend's eyes flutter open. She'd been under for a solid twenty-minutes and he had been starting to panic and debate whether he needed to call in backup. But she didn't respond and instead searched the room wearing a confused expression.

  And at the same moment Michael put together that it wasn't Emily sitting there, but Becky, the dead woman's gaze in a borrowed body landed on her very much real and lifeless body lying cold and breathless on the metal table.

  She sucked in, threw back the sheet, and stumbled backwards only to come face to face with the two-way mirror on the back wall. Her eyes widened, filling with fear, and as Michael and Mack were approaching to console and explain, chaos erupted—in the form of shrieking and wailing and Becky fighting her way out of the exam room and running out of the morgue like she'd just discovered the entrance to hell and needed to escape.


  "WELL, THAT WENT ABOUT as expected," said Mack with a frown.

  Michael scowled, already grabbing his phone to dial Lucy and hoping she could help. Last thing they needed was a freaking out Becky Gardiner running amok in Emily's body. It didn't take long for Lucy to show up at the morgue, while Mack put out an APB that if any of her deputies saw Emily Morgan to keep their distance, but to notify her immediately.

  Seeing as Charlie and Lizzy were still on their boat celebrating their mating, and Lucas, Mathew, Riley, and Rae were with the Guardians, Michael called up William and Melinda to help in the search after explaining what happened. Courtney and Annie offered to search as well. Michael supposed if he, Lucy, the deputies, plus a witch and three vampires couldn't find Emily/Becky on an island, well, no one would.

  "I've already asked the ferry captain to keep an eye out, just in case," informed Mack.

  The idea of her fleeing off the Isle was devastating and only bringing Michael right back into scary territory where this might frighten Emily away from him again.

  "Chances are," started Lucy, "that Becky will return to a place of comfort. Somewhere she knows well. Somewhere she feels safe."

  "Home?" Michael thought of first. "The obvious choice, I guess."

  "Possibly," said Lucy. "But in my experience, the dead won't return to where they died, at first anyway. She might try, but chicken out and seek solace somewhere else."

  "Can you think of a place, Michael?" asked Mack. "You knew her better than any of us."

  "Years ago, in high school," he refuted with a growly sigh. And the harder he tried to think about his time with Becky or just knowing her in general, he got more agitated because it was yet another reminder of how shitty a boyfriend he'd been, because he never cared enough about Becky or any of the girls he dated to discover something like a safe place. Or favorite place.

  "We'd better get to searching," he grumbled, heading for the door. They piled into Mack's patrol car and joined in the search. But hours later they'd come up emptyhanded. No sign of a flipping-out Becky anywhere.

  Mack headed back to the morgue at Lucy's suggestion that it was possible she might end up back there. Sometimes the need to see oneself dead, and really confirm it, won out over all else. But when they returned the place was as they'd left it.

  About fifteen minutes later when they were out of ideas and about to head out and search some more, Michael's phone rang. It was William.

  "Anything?" he asked without even greeting the vampire.

  "We've found her. She's safe. She's sitting on a beach staring at the ocean."

  Melinda grabbed the phone from William as they'd been searching together.

  "We were going to try to talk to her, but decided against it so she didn't run again."

  "Probably a good idea," sighed Michael. "Which beach?"

  He got the location, asked William and Melinda to keep an eye on her but keep their distance until he had time to get there with Lucy and Mack. But before they left the exam room Michael paused and turned, staring at Becky's lifeless body.

  "It might help when I talk to her if I can tell her why she died."

  Lucy and Mack agreed. It might offer some closure and help lessen her confusion. So Michael did what he'd originally come for and placed his hand on Becky's cold arm and this time, the death reading came as expected.

  Becky had suffered a heart attack. An oddity in someone so young, but not unheard of. And her lungs had simply stopped working and while sleeping, she'd simply drifted off none the wiser into death.

  A peaceful way to go if she'd not been so young, he surmised as he removed his hand and explained to Mack and Lucy what had happened.

  "At least the poor thing didn't suffer," Lucy offered kindly.

  "Right. Well. Let's see if we go help her move on and get Emily back?" suggested Mack.

  "Yeah, let's do that," Michael agreed, in a hurry to get it done. He ordered the fear in his heart to shut up and go away, but it refused to leave completely and lingered as they drove closer to Becky.

  The ride felt like it went on for years. This whole event leaving a dull ache in their chests, like they were fighting off a flu and unable to get comfortable. Why Becky? Why so young? She hadn't even had the time to fulfill her dreams yet, or really even discover what her dreams or life purpose was yet! It seemed so pointless for someone like Becky to die so young.

  Michael shook off a startle when he glanced into the mirror on his visor and saw that Lily's ghost had popped in and was sitting in the backseat tagging along. Lucy and Lily passed a knowing and sad glance between each other. Death separated all, at some point. It was as inevitable as life.

  They finally arrived after the longest drive across town ever, and William and Melinda pointed out where Becky was sitting near a partially hidden alcove. They all stayed behind and let Michael approach Becky alone so as to not scare her away. Melinda gave him a sad smile and encouraging pat on the arm as he passed by.

  "Should you need us..." William cast his head downward in a silent we'll be right here. What more was there to say. They'd be there, waiting, just in case. Courtney and Annie returned to the Howard Mansion—after an argument over between Annie, William, and Courtney in which she was tired of having a baby sitter. But William won in the end, because he'd not let accidental temptation dictate the new vampire's future and the crew was still cleaning up and readying to pull out after finishing up the repairs.

  The vampire argument over, Michael collected himself and walked onto the sandy beach, cautiously approaching Becky. It was still a strange thing to see the body of his girlfriend and be aware she was not currently in charge. But at least this time he was aware of it.

  Damn, mere thoughts of when Eva had used Emily, and how he and Charlie had nearly killed her because they hadn't known...Michael shuddered at the chilling memory that shot straight to the top of his fear meter. But he pushed it aside because before he could get Emily back, he had to get Becky to move on.

  Becky caught him in the distance of her gaze but didn't try to run. She swiped away a stray tear and sniffled as he approached.

  "Should've known you'd find me. Always did seem to figure out where your precious Emily was, even when you insisted you didn't have a thing for her." Becky shook her head and exhaled sharply. "That sounded too whiny, even for me."

  Michael knelt down and took a seat nearby.

  "I'll let you have that one. I can't even imagine what you're feeling." Which was saying a lot seeing as he could sense exactly what she was feeling. Incredible loss. Disbelief. Sadness. Overwhelm. Questions about what came next. "And I never thought you were whiny."

  She whimpered out a clipped laugh at that. "I was a spoiled brat and you know it."

  "And I was a moody prick who thought he was God's gift to the world."

  "I guess we grew up, huh?"

  "Good thing too. Look, for what it's worth, Becky, I'm sorry for being such a shitty boyfriend. I get we were young, but I could have—should have—done better."

  "Perhaps. I suppose it doesn't matter now, does it? So no
w what? I'm dead. I mean, I'm really dead. I'm not supposed to be here anymore. I can feel this tug, but I can't seem to let go." She sniffled, letting a few more tears fall.

  "I'm so sorry, Becky. I wish this hadn't happened to you. I wish I could change things."

  "But you can't. It's weird, like this big unknown is right in front of me. And yet the inevitability of it is—oddly calming. You know what's the worst part?"

  "Other than being dead?"

  "I died in my sleep! Most people would be so happy about that, you know? But if I had to go so young, I mean, why not go out with a bang?"

  Michael grinned. "You were always a bit of a drama queen." He winked and flashed his famous smile.

  "That hasn't changed. But I can't even say I died because I was doing something super cool like skiing down some dangerous slope or died trying to save someone's life. Nope, I went to sleep and never woke up. Hell of a story, huh?" Michael chuckled, in awe at her ability to have any sense of humor over her own death. "Can I ask one thing though?"

  "Of course." He waited patiently for her request.

  "My mom and dad are abroad, probably haven't heard about what happened to me yet. When they do find out, will you make sure they know how much I love them, and will miss them. How much their belief in me mattered. And somehow, make sure they understand it's not their fault, that there's nothing they could have done. I don't want them to feel guilty, you know?"

  "I can do that," promised Michael, though his voice was weak and gravelly as he agreed.

  "I was only supposed to be home for a few months. I was leaving next month to start a new job on the mainland. New career. New life. All that's over now, before it even started."

  "I'm sorry you won't get to do all that now."

  "Me too. It's strange, though, but the longer I'm aware I'm dead, the more okay I am with it. Must be a thing, right? Get over it faster and move on without making a scene?"

  "Something like that, I guess."

  And like it had been waiting, a doorway appeared out of nowhere sitting on the sandy beach. Only those with supernatural blood saw it, plus Becky since it was her doorway.

  "What do you think is behind that door?" she asked breathlessly.

  "I haven't a real clue. But if I had to wager, I think it's a good place. Is it heaven? Couldn't tell you. But I think everyone you've ever loved and lost is there waiting for you."

  "That sounds like a good place, whatever it's called."

  He hoped she was right. He often wondered just what awaited them all. The big unanswered question that not even Guardians could answer, seeing as they never moved on like a human soul would.

  "Okay, so how do I get out of Emily?"

  Michael motioned for Lucy and Lily's ghost to join them. Becky didn't see her, only Lucy.

  "You simply have to let go, love. It's as easy as breathing," Lucy explained kindly. "And once you're free of Emily, the door will open, and you simply walk through."

  Becky nodded and started to close her eyes but popped them wide again.

  "Please thank Emily for me. I don't really understand how she does what she does, but tell her thank you, for helping me understand. It couldn't have been easy for her and I think I might have gone insane if I'd stayed stuck in my body. If a dead person can go insane..." she shrugged.

  "It's better to rest in peace," Lucy told her.

  "I hope you're right. Which means I guess I'm ready."

  Becky closed her eyes and willed herself free. It only took a moment for her ghostly form to withdraw out of Emily and hover outside the door on the sand. Emily took a breath and blinked a few times, her lips forming into a sad smile. She'd recalled enough of what happened to know that Becky was going to be okay and move on. That she'd said her goodbyes and was ready.

  Michael wrapped his arms around Emily and kissed her gently. Both proud and relieved.

  And oddly, not afraid. At all. The fear he'd expected didn't come back. Something had shifted in his heart. Or was it Emily's that had changed? Perhaps something had changed for them both.

  "You are kind of freaking fantastic, you know that?"

  "I did good, then?"

  "Couldn't have done it better myself," claimed Lucy from her other side. "Your mother agrees."

  But something about the moment settled in their hearts, mending some of that fissure keeping Emily and Michael from moving on in the land of the living. They'd faced yet another adversity and survived it, by working together.

  No, it hadn't been nearly as bad as the battle with the Feyk or Eva Jordan, but it only proved what they'd been saying all along—they were better together. Always had been. Always would be. It was like the words finally held weight and that weight was a truth that protected their hearts and joined them together. It let Michael release the nagging distrust his own heart had refused to let go of.

  "I'm right here," Emily whispered in his ear.

  "So am I." His meaning was not lost on her and it only melted the distance between them even more, melding their souls together a little more.

  There was no point in fearing what ifs...they had today. The only thing fear would do is keep them from living in the here and now.

  They all twisted to see the doorway sitting on the sandy beach begin to open. Becky's ghost gave them an awed smile and a meek wave as she aimed herself at the door. A sense of peace washed over them all as she went through and the doorway closed—they'd done it. They'd helped Becky move on and it had only brought Emily and Michael closer, not drawn them even further apart.

  Michael pinched his brows inward.

  The door didn't go anywhere. Usually it vanished after taking its new tenant.

  They waited. But it stayed where it was on the sandy beach like it was waiting for something.

  And that's when Emily heard the sigh that she dreaded more than any other. It was like ice hitting fire. Like her world was crashing all over again.

  She spun around to her aunt and ghostly mother.

  This couldn’t be happening. Not yet. Not now.

  Not when she was finally getting her life back!

  But that's why it made sense and was happening now.

  "I'm not ready." She'd never be ready to say goodbye to her mother.

  "It's not about us," Lucy said with a gentle sniffle. "Lily has done what she stayed behind to do."

  Emily's pained gaze fell on Michael and her instant heartbreak almost brought him to his knees. He keenly remembered getting his father back only to lose him all too soon. Losing him a second time was one of the most painful things he'd ever gone through and he wouldn't wish it on anyone.

  They'd known this was coming, but it was still difficult beyond measure.

  They'd thought they'd have more time. More notice.

  But then the truth reached his heart and he stammered at the intensity of it.

  Emily was ready. She was ready to move on and live her life. She was hurting, but she accepted what was, because fighting it would only hurt a thousand times worse.

  "We have right now," she realized. A glimmer of hope, light, and clarity beamed in Emily's gaze like an epiphany bloomed to life. "There's one more thing I need to do before my mother moves on."

  "Anything," he promised. He'd race to the ends of the earth to give Emily whatever closure she needed.

  "It's not how I ever imagined it, and yet it's perfect because I've never been so sure about my future. And I want that future to start now." She grabbed Michael's hands in hers. "We are still trying to find our way back to each other, but the thing is, we never really lost each other. If I've learned anything today, it's that nothing can break us apart. We will always find our way back to each other."

  "Always," he agreed, his voice weighted with emotion.

  With watery eyes pinned on his, she asked the most important and yet easiest question of her entire life.

  "Michael Howard, will you marry me?"


  MICHAEL'S HEART STAMMERED while his brain proces
sed her words.

  Will you marry me?

  It was everything he ever wanted. He worried for the briefest of moments it was fear of being alone, driving her. Or simply wanting her mother to witness such a happy moment...but in her eyes and in her heart, he saw the truth and basked in every beautiful word of it.

  "No more fear of the future. No more doubts. And yes, Emily Morgan. I will marry you. When my entire life is boiled down to its core—you are all I've ever needed and wanted. As long as I have you, whatever happens in this life will be perfect."

  "Well, now," Mack wiped a tear from her own eye. "God dang it."

  Lucy clapped for joy and Lily smiled in her ghostly form. Melinda grinned from ear to ear, she and William approaching from the distance after the vampire had told Melinda what he'd overheard.

  "Mack," started Michael. "Seeing as you're the only one here that's legally able to perform a marriage..."

  "Would you please, Mack?" begged Emily.

  "I'd be damn honored."

  Emily twisted to her aunt and mother. Lucy merely smiled and nodded, a moment later, Lily swooping in to take over.

  It started with a deep hug and tears.

  "I'm so proud of you," Lily told her daughter. "Now, marry the man of your dreams. I'll be right here when you're done."

  Not for long after, but Emily refused to give in to that pain yet.

  Melinda and Lily took a moment to fuss with Emily's hair and wipe away happy tears while William gave Michael a handshake that morphed into a hug.

  Part of Michael wished his entire family and friends were here, but considering the circumstances, they'd understand and only be happy for them, and no way was he stopping this wedding! It really was exactly what he wanted.

  "William?" Emily's voice called out.

  He whisked to her side at once. "How can I be of service?"

  Emily's cheeks went ruby. "Seeing as my father can't be here, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me away?"


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