Darkbeam Part II

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Darkbeam Part II Page 8

by Adrienne Woods

  Now it was clear that whatever pushed me, against my will, to my fullest potential, was stronger than me. Even stronger than the beast.

  The beast would never be able to take her life.

  I saw the flames in the distance as I neared Dragonia.

  I scanned the area, hoping Elena was already dead.

  Then I saw her with Cheng. He was doing all the work. My stomach turned, and whether it was because of her presence or because of her cowardice, I didn’t know.

  She was never going to tame me.

  Cheng’s shield vanished as he turned to fight. To my surprise, Elena didn’t cower in fear, but sprang up and fought.

  Not that it mattered. She still wouldn’t be a match for me.

  As soon as I was above the action, I unleashed my fire.

  The attackers shouted enchantments as my pink flame licked their skin.

  I continued breathing against the first row which was free of students and professors.

  More invaders were on their way, climbing up the wall on ropes. I roared and turned my fire toward them.

  “Xaxaria,” they shouted in warning, and I saw a few of them disappear.

  I had no idea they owned abilities like that.

  It reminded me of the Hippogriff.

  Maybe it was linked to what these Wyverns could do.

  I reined in my fire once I was certain the academy was free of Wyvern attackers.

  All that was left of the bodies were ashes.

  I flew over Dragonia, searching for a survivor, someone we could get answers from, but I didn’t intend to take any Wyverns alive. My freedom depended on it.

  When I was sure there wasn’t another Wyvern on site, I went back to the Parthenon dome.

  Subconsciously, my hearing perked, the force listening for confirmation that Elena was okay.

  I growled at my lack of control.

  She was nothing, and this power it had over me, this need to protect her, was driving me insane.

  “They are going to close Dragonia for sure, after this,” Becky said.

  “It’s not Dragonia’s fault, Becky. It’s ours,” Elena said. “Goran is not going to back off until we are dead.”

  “Shh, Elena. Don’t think like that.”

  “It’s the truth…” Her voice faded away as I finally gained control over myself and tuned her out.

  I landed near a group of students and Master Longwei, who had just shifted back to his human form.

  “Blake, thank you,” Master Longwei said.

  I nodded.

  “I want you to meet, Paul.” He gestured to the guy standing beside him.

  He was more or less my size, a bit scrawny like Lucian, with dark hair and dark eyes.

  “I’m sure you heard about the Wyvern.”

  I nodded again, not taking my gaze off of Paul. Everything in my scales told me not to trust him. Not after what happened to Dezi, Lucian’s sister, almost a decade ago.

  “He killed his own kind tonight, proving that he would do anything for the chance. We can trust him.”

  I narrowed my eyes at Paul. “That really happened?”

  Paul nodded.

  I held out my hand to shake his, and he smiled as he gripped my hand.

  “Anyone who can kill his own kind to keep Dragonia safe is worthy of being called a friend.”

  There was still a warning in my tone, though I didn’t know why.

  He nodded again. “Thank you, it means a lot.”

  “Not everyone trusts him, Blake. I’m sure you will discover that soon,” Master Longwei said.

  I turned my head toward the door.

  Everyone seemed to be fighting about whether it was Paul’s fault or if he could be trusted.

  They were still quarreling as I walked into the Parthenon dome with Paul behind me.

  The force that had driven me here was long gone, and I was back in control of myself.

  I wouldn’t give Elena another second of my time.

  “They were Wyverns!” Stan, who was in his final year, yelled.

  I snorted. The guy was such a goody two-shoes who had never set a foot out of line in Dragonia. Now he had plenty to say.

  I stepped between him and Paul and grabbed his shirt.

  “Calm the fuck down. The danger is over, idiot.” I pushed him back and he skidded across the floor.

  Professor Milne stepped forward. I’d had the pleasure of only spending my first year at Dragonia with him. He was an idiot as well. Always up Master Longwei’s ass. “Xaxaria means Rubicon in Wyvic, Blake.”

  “You brought this on us,” Stan yelled. “They were probably here to drag him back or something.”

  “Don’t be stupid,” Paul said.

  “What he said,” I said to Stan.

  Other students started to stand behind Stan, yelling that I couldn’t see properly because I was getting sucked in by the darkness. I didn’t like it, even though it was the truth.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Paul muttered through gritted teeth.

  A part of me felt sorry for him. He was a lot like me.

  “Enough!” Lucian yelled through the crowd.

  “Finally,” Stan said, puffing out his chest as he crossing his arms.

  The dome fell silent and watched Lucian approach Paul. I did not want to fight Lucian. He already looked like he’d just stepped out of a zombie movie.

  He was covered with guts and blood and he stank.

  I stepped in front of Paul and stared Lucian down.

  He shook his head and I stepped out of the way.

  He approached Paul and reached out his hand to shake Paul’s. Paul just stared at it. There was definitely something between them, there was no question about it.

  Whatever it was, it was long gone. Lucian trusted this guy completely. “He’s not one of them. He saved all of our lives, including mine, a couple of times tonight. Anyone who can kill his own kind for the greater good deserves a chance.”

  Paul smiled crookedly. Where he was from, he probably didn’t get the chance to smile a lot.

  “You are truly worthy to be her dragon. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  I whipped my head toward Lucian.

  What the fuck? Who was Lucian talking about?

  I looked at Paul, who was still staring at Lucian.

  “Thanks, it means a lot. And I promise, no funny business.”

  Lucian smiled. “I will slay you if you try anything.”

  Paul laughed.

  It hit me, but I didn’t want to give it away. I slapped him on the back.

  He was claiming to be Elena’s dragon. Why?

  The beast inside me rejoiced.

  She could die, after all, and it wouldn’t be by my hand.

  This was going to be a breeze. All I had to do was sit back and watch everything unfold.

  It might even be fun.

  And when it was all over, whether he was someone who was trying to become good or was sent by Goran to kill her, it didn’t bother me. It would bother Lucian, though. He would hunt Paul down, and when that happened, I would help him.

  I would tell him that I was just as shocked as he was, and they would never know that she was my rider.

  The truth would die when she did.

  I grinned at Paul.

  Let the games begin.

  Lucian left, and I also turned to not give Paul reason to suspect that I knew he was up to something.

  He could have a crush on Elena and made up the story that she was his rider.

  Or perhaps he did have a hidden agenda and knew more. Which meant that he had gone the extra mile to gain Lucian’s trust tonight.

  He would need Lucian to gain her friendship, to get closer to her.

  My body tingled. I was still in control. As long as her life wasn’t in danger, the higher power, light—whatever the fuck it wanted to be called—couldn’t do shit.

  I walked past Elena and Lucian kissing.

  She should enjoy her time with him, be
cause she had no idea what was waiting for her around the corner.

  “Blake,” Master Longwei said behind me. “I need a word with you, please.”

  I stifled a groan and nodded as I followed him up to his office.

  “Sit, please.” He gestured to the chair across from his desk and poured himself a brandy. I was shocked when he offered me one.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I know what goes on in your room at night. You deserve one.”

  “Okay,” I said, taking the glass from him.

  He sat down and took a sip of his.

  “A lot of the parents, including King Caleb, are going to do everything in their power to shut down Dragonia Academy.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Nice to hear.” He sighed. “I haven’t killed in such a long time. One thing we need to ask is not how many lives we can take, but how many we can spare.”

  I nodded, but I wasn’t in the mood for his mumbo jumbo. I came here to save her, and if killing was the only way to do that, then so be it.

  “You did well tonight, son. That’s why I promised King Albert to give it my all; to keep you sane for as long as I can.”

  King Albert must have known Elena would end up here.

  “Thank you, Master Longwei.”

  “How has the darkness been treating you?” he asked softly.

  I gave a lopsided smile. “I’m sure you heard what my father had to do recently.”

  “I’m not a big fan of it, but if it helps, he’s doing what he can to keep you sane.”

  “Yeah,” I said and sipped at my drink.

  “The Council wants to see all the survivors of the King of Lion mission. Elena is awake now, but Lucian doesn’t want her near the council in case the Ancients show up. Not after they ruled that she wouldn’t get her name on the brass plaque. Even after your speech, nothing is going to change their minds.”

  I huffed. “Pity, it’s one of the few moments in her life that she didn’t value herself. She deserves it.”

  “I know, but they argued that she had advantage, that she was part dragon, even though the Keeper didn’t smell it on her.”

  I smiled wryly. “So what you’re saying is that Lucian and I have some explaining to do.”

  “She isn’t ready for the Ancients or the council yet. But she will be. We are going to see great things from her.”

  “And Paul, from what I hear.”

  Master Longwei studied carefully, making me feel exposed.

  “And Paul.”

  “Is that all?” I asked.

  I wanted to get out of here before he told me he was on to me

  He was one of the few professors Irene had warned me about. They just needed a reason, or an explanation of how the hell King Albert and Queen Catherine managed to get Elena to the other side. Then they would put her in that ring with me.

  “You may go.” He downed his glass.

  I followed suit and put the empty glass on the desk, leaving without a word.

  I hoped Paul was going to do a thorough job, not half-assed like George that day in the cafeteria.

  The following day, Lucian, George, and I left to meet up with the council.

  It wasn’t the Ancients, thank heavens, as they would see straight through me and would probably summon Elena.

  I would be a goner for sure. My freedom gone.

  What the Ancients said was law.

  During King Albert’s time, we’d barely used them.

  There was never a problem too big for him to solve.

  Perhaps I shouldn’t be keeping my mouth shut. Perhaps she could solve all the problems in our world.

  I brushed the thought away. Albert hadn’t raised her. Other than the resemblance, she was nothing like him. Nor was she anything like her mother.

  Queen Catherine had scared the shit out of me.

  She had been quiet when she had nothing to say, but she had been vicious when she thought anyone was taking advantage of the king.

  I wondered what she would’ve been like as a mother.

  She probably would have locked up Elena and I wouldn’t have known her anyway.

  I pushed it to the back of my mind as we reached the city hall of Elm where the council was waiting.

  “You ready?” Lucian asked.

  “Let’s just get this over with.”

  I walked out first, with Lucian and George in a line behind me.

  My father’s chair was still empty. It didn’t surprise me. He didn’t feel the need to be part of the council anymore, just as he didn’t feel the need for the Dragon League.

  King Caleb and Lucian’s father, King Helmut, were heading up the council tonight.

  King Caleb narrowed his eyes as just the three of us took our seats.

  The council was seated in a horseshoe formation, all two hundred and fifty members around us.

  “Son,” King Helmut spoke. “I thought we made it clear that we wanted to see all of the members.”

  “As the Prince of Tith, I decided who was going to deal with council and who wasn’t.”

  “Lucian, we need to speak to Elena.”

  “About what? Why she did it? It’s over. If it wasn’t for her, we wouldn’t have discovered that Queen Catherine’s axes were a King of Lion weapon. She doesn’t need to be here, Dad. She’s been through enough.” He huffed. “You couldn’t even give her what she truly deserved.”

  “We were going to tell her our reasons for that tonight, Lucian. She deserves to hear it from the Council’s mouth.”

  “No, she will hear it from mine. Responsibility, right? That’s what you’ve taught me. Let me take the responsibility for once. I could’ve stopped her anytime I wanted, and I haven’t, because I saw my strength through her.”

  King Helmut didn’t say anything, he just nodded.

  I wish I could see Elena through his eyes. Maybe then this would’ve been different. The council members asked a ton of questions and not once did Lucian say he didn’t know.

  Even though he had only known her for a short time, he knew Elena. They didn’t keep secrets.

  I answered what was asked of me and only that. Nothing more.

  George answered his questions, and before I knew it, the meeting was over. They didn’t like it, but they got their answers.

  “We still need to speak to Elena, to find out what is inside the cavern,” King Caleb said.

  The three of us stared at him in disbelief.

  “She isn’t going to tell you,” Lucian said. “Not even if you threaten her, just like the other five that made it out of that Cavern, including Queen Catherine. All the women on that brass plaque became queen of this world in one way or another, and so will Elena when the time comes.”

  King Caleb practically roared at Lucian’s words. I reveled in his idiocy.

  I knew what Lucian meant, but if he knew the truth, it would break his heart. She was already the queen of this world, they just didn’t know it. She didn’t have to marry Lucian to gain that title.

  I didn’t want to think where that put me. I knew what I was giving up. Being a dragon ruler. The alpha of dragons.

  But I couldn’t have that. I would not bring myself down to the level George was on. He was Becky’s slave.

  Lucian and King Caleb quarreled, and when the king tried to use his authority, Lucian became a demon.

  I didn’t like the way he fought for her: not just with his heart, but with his mind and soul as well.

  If he fought that way for me, I would lose, and he would claim me.

  The beast growled inside.

  “Don’t push me, boy,” King Caleb said.

  King Helmut glowered at him. “Caleb, enough. Have you forgotten who he is? If Lucian says not over his dead body, I assure you, the Rubicon wouldn’t be far from telling you the same thing. You got what you wanted, give the Sacred Cavern a rest. Better yet, go into it yourself if you’re really so desperate to know what it is hiding.”

  King Helmut stood up. “Me
eting adjourned. Thank you for coming in.”

  He turned and left. Emanuel found my eyes and he squinted before he followed.

  Did everyone fucking know that I was hiding the truth?

  The three of us went outside and Lucian and George climbed into the carriage.

  I stayed outside the carriage door and glared at Lucian. “Next time, leave me out of your threats. I’ve got enough of my own shit to deal with.”

  I shut the door, shed my clothes, and took to the sky.

  Lucian was already in his bed when I entered the room.

  Conflicted. That was how I felt most of the time now.

  I slumped down on my bed and saw my bags were neatly stacked in the corner.

  My mother must have dropped them off.

  I got up and opened the first one, and my heart leapt when I saw the bag of Fire Cain inside.

  Some would hate my mother for feeding my addiction, but she was a gentle creature that wanted to help me suppressed my darkness.

  Tears welled up in my eyes. She was the last person I’d have wanted to find out about this.

  Her gesture took me by surprise and I sobbed.

  I would do anything for her. Anything but tell her about Elena.

  Lucian’s alarm woke me up the next day. He was already in the shower. I rubbed a hand over my bleary eyes.

  One of the reasons I was keeping my mouth shut was because I didn’t want to cause Lucian heartache again. He loved Elena, and I couldn’t take that away from him again. Just another reason on the growing list.

  I got out of bed, wincing a bit as I stretched my back. The beating had done its job. I was more myself and the darkness was at bay. But I knew it would only last a couple days before the darkness set in again.

  Lucian walked out of the bathroom just as I was pulling a shirt over my head.

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw the pity in his eyes as they raked over my back.

  The scars were still mostly visible, but with my healing ability, which was improving each day, they’d be gone in a couple of days.

  “Have you spoken to your father about what we discussed?”

  “No, Lucian. He just gave me one hell of a beating. I didn’t get time to speak to him about your precious date,” I snapped as I strode past him.

  “It’s not my precious date, Blake. It’s yours. You will turn on the 23rd of August. I need to find whatever Irene saw that can tame you.”


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