Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 8

by Pwyll Duggan

  Noise from behind the tree propels me up and running as three more Lamia burst thru the undergrowth. Dashing back and forth in a zig zag pattern lets me dodge an arrow at the expense of losing ground. They are so close behind, their noise is louder than the blood pumping I hear thru my ears. I run into a clearing, see Student in front of me frantically waving me forward, silk strand in her other hand. I lose my footing and crash down on my injured shoulder, sliding forward as she yanks the strand and re-summons her wand, already in motion.

  As the Lamia breach the woods into the clearing, water falls from the treetops. Water and Rocks. They rain down on the startled Lamias, smashing tails, heads and a few shoulders. As they weave around, small fireballs shoot out at them, causing more damage. I roll to my feet in pain. No time for that. I move in as they are distracted, stabbing forward into a Lamia whose tail has been crushed by several rocks. She was already screaming in pain trying to excavate her tail. I didn't help her at all.

  Turning to face another as a small fireball flies over my shoulder, hitting the Lamia in front of me. I block with the left dagger and slice her weapon arm with the right, making her drop her curved sword. I back off to let Student finish her. The last Lamia is slithering back towards the road. I sheath daggers and load the crossbow. I hit her lower back, where the snake joins the woman, hear her screech and watch her crumple.

  Student stands next to me, looking out thru the woods to the road.

  "What's the matter Arachne? Don't want to play?" a female voice calls from the roadway.

  Student shouts back. "I played with your friends, they didn't last long." A whooshing sound and I tackle Student. A Huge Spear catapults a path thru the woods and straight to where Student was. It slices my back, shredding armor, and backpack alike. I'm lying on top of Student, face to face, the contents of my backpack falling on us.

  "Let's not talk to her, okay?" I whisper. I get a sorrowful look in response.

  "Be good okay." I kiss her hand and take off, running for the roadway. "Need me lady? This way!"

  Running to the road I draw the elven daggers and look for my boulder. It'll be my cover and a test on just how stupid I really am.

  Don't go there, really don't go there.

  I see the large Lamia at the edge of the burnt-out camp, waiting and watching.

  "Ah little Shielder. Come over here and we can get out of this dump. It's a long ride home for you." I move so the boulder is at my back, cool wind blowing on it now. My cuirass is no longer tight, and I feel a trickle of liquid roll down my back. Blood probably.

  "Come get me scaly." I shout, waving my daggers, come-hither. "I've got to at least try here scaly."

  "Males!" she shouts in disgust and charges at me, falchion drawn. The sword is long, with a curved point. The back of the blade is dull, until near the end where it flares out, then back to the point. That section is also sharp. Hers is a hand-and-a-half sword, meaning it can be held with one or two hands. Basically, this is gonna hurt, a lot - even if my plan works.

  I prove to her that I'm an idiot as she closes and swings by trying to block her blade with my dagger. I already know she is so much stronger than me, so she just bats the blade away, making me stagger. I do that as I walk back around the boulder, she strikes again, and I block badly. Her anger lets her play with me, varying her strikes so she can tire me out, knocking my blade away every time. I start slowing my blocks as we circle the boulder for the second time, her sneer turning to a grin as she notices me tiring. I drop my injured shoulder, only blocking with the right blade. We keep circling right, following the boulder.

  She's just playing now, having fun with me. Now let’s see how dumb I am. As she swings, I strike out with my right blade, pushing hers back. Her eyes change to annoyance and she swings hard at my right blade. I move it back, hold it against the boulder as her blade closes in. She realizes too late as our blades met. Mine has nowhere to go, with the boulder backing it up. Hers isn't elven steel and is sliced in two by mine. I whip up my left blade as she reverses and swings back, her wrist right in the path.

  Her hand tumbles over my head as I do a clumsy overhand strike with my right blade, down and across my body. Its a horrible and normally useless strike, I should be gutted where I stand. Her snake half is coiled somewhat around the boulders base, no longer as agile as she thought. She tries to move back but isn't as fast as she was. Instead she reaches up with her left arm, grabbing my wrist. As she goes to wrench the dagger away her eyes light up as I step into her and my left dagger goes up under her chin. I twist it as it goes in hilt deep and yank downwards.

  Her body slumps as my right arm goes numb, dagger failing to the ground. Feels like she cracked the bones in my wrist. Student is looking down at me from the top of the boulder, gazing about.

  "Okay then. I'll go collect the loot, then shall I?" I nod back, panting and slumping on the boulder. I wave to the air.

  "I'll just wait here, bleeding in peace."

  With a bit of noise Student drags the bodies from the woods and has a silk sack full of items.

  "I gathered what I could of your back pack and all their weapons." She lays my staff against the boulder next to me and crouches down on all eight legs.

  "You saved me. Why?" She's truly puzzled by my actions.

  "How about you get this cuirass off me and please re-bandage me and I'll tell you."

  This time I watch as the chitin on her palms split open and silk comes out in strands, her fingers weaving away, slowly speeding up as if the silk needs time to get to speed. Reminds me of my Grandma's peddle sewing machine, once you got the push peddle going, it went fast. She's making a long bandage for wrapping and looks me in the eyes.


  "Right, sorry. You are the first person, person is correct?" she nods and smiles "okay the first person who didn't need anything from me at all. You helped me from the goodness of your heart, your spirit. You did the right thing because it was the right thing to do." She blushes a little I think, her hair is falling around her face as she looks down at my injuries.

  "Stand please Shielder."

  I stand up using the boulder. She wraps her hands around my waist, wrapping the bandage around my middle, getting the wound on my back.

  "Your first thoughts and comments were on doing good. Sure, you classify as a monster. But you're not. A person is defined by their actions. Your actions tell me you are not a monster." I grunt as she ties off the bandage and then redoes my shoulder.

  "Plus, you’re awesome. And you have a library, friends I want to meet and learn from. You know what’s happening on this side of the wall. Your wickedly smart, Intelligent and plan ahead. And I figure if I bring more rice balls you might make me some of that cool armor you wear. Worth a try, right?"

  "You'll need lots more rice balls, and some for the camp... and blankets. Oh, and kimonos and robes. Some cookware. Potion bottles. Mortar and pestle. Um...maybe I should write a list."

  I laugh, then wince. "That would be great." I point to the camp. "I need everything we can salvage. A wheelbarrow or cart to push it through the wall. Yeah, I know not to use the arm, but you can make me a sling, worse comes to worse. It only needs to go through the wall."

  Chapter Eleven

  List tucked into my sling and cart hooked over my neck and shoulders like I'm a horse, I enter the shield wall. Student will meet me tomorrow morning at the stream, hiding from patrols of course. It takes a lot of effort for me to exit the shield wall, like it's trying to drag the cart back with it. I dig in and lean forward, struggling. I exit the wall, dragging the cart through, the pressure stops, and it rolls forward trying to run me over. "Oww" I yell as it impacts my back. Luckily it stops in place and I unhook and sit down.

  I feel a faint pull towards the temple as Amaya runs up to me shouting. I've no idea what she's saying but I must look a mess. Bare chested, bandage wrapped around my middle. Left shoulder wrapped up, arm in a sling. Right hand and wrist wrapped up. Left thigh with bandage expos
ed. Partial armor on my legs, dragging a piled high cart of weapons and goods. At least the boots and cloak are good. Oh yeah, the cloaks on my cart. Boots then, boots are good, well covered in guts and bits and dirt and mud. Still good.

  Chen, some soldiers and Mari run up, shouting, talking, can't really tell and don't really care. My hand is out stretched doing a grabbing motion.

  "Gimme Gimme." I say, still motioning. She gets the hint and passes over the necklace. I drop it over my head and sigh. The noise becomes a stream of questions. I hold up my hands in a stop sign until they all quit.

  "Yes, I hurt, but shut up. Send a runner - get Bunko and get her to sort out all this shit I brought back. In the main room of MY house. If Amaya isn't needed when I go into the temple - send her to Bunny. Can she cast a Detect or Sense Magic, curses, tracking spells kind of thing?"

  "I can my Lord."

  "Paul or Shielder, Amaya. Paul or Shielder." I sigh. "Take this list also Amaya. I need it filled and on a cart for tomorrow to go beyond the wall." She looks down at it then to me.

  "I’ve got help. So that means the village has help. And we pay our debts." She nods and is off, running.

  "Guess the Stone wants to see me?" That gets a nod from Mari. "Okay, that next then. You'll stay with me through that, take notes and explain to the others later. Chen has guard duty." I struggle to get up.

  "And support duty it seems." As he helps me up.

  "Not a problem Shielder."

  "Mari, could he watch also? Report back to the Duke or whoever, since things are not going to 'tradition' over this side."

  "We'll let the Stone decide. That is what it does."

  "Cool. I can live with that. Stagger onwards then."

  They help me up the steps of the temple and towards the stone door. The closer we get the stronger the feeling of the Stone gets. The pull is physical now, I can't even resist as it drags me forward. A metal taste fills my mouth, then the smell fills my nose. I get a little dizzy as I push myself forward into the room, falling thru the stone doors. Which open as I arrive. Sprawled on the floor, Mari and Chen struggle to lift me, as if I was heavier. I push down with my Right hand and the floor buckles, then pushes me up and the floor is normal again. This is too weird.

  The center of the room has a single large black stone cube, seven foot (2m)or so on each side, hovering slightly above the mats on the floor. I collapse alone to my knees, Chen and Mari unable to move behind me, both looking fearfully at the Stone. Green words start scrolling across the center of the cube. A sickly green flashing cursor leads all the words as they appear, just like an old Unix terminal interface, or a PipBoy.

  Operational Power at 00:022:02:42:12

  Shielder Container #57824 Present

  ID: Paul Walsh, System:Sol 00548, Sol III

  Current Level:0

  Harvested Spirita Aqua Detected

  Prepare for Spirita Aqua Removal.........3...2...1

  Gritting my teeth, I wait for the pain to start. The pressure on all of us slowly lessens as the cube lists what it has harvested.

  Genus: Goblinoid

  Snotlings: 50

  Bane I achieved, boon granted

  Bane II achieved, boon granted

  Bane III achieved, boon granted

  Gobber: 12

  Bane I achieved, boon granted

  Orc: 1

  Genus: Humanoid

  Humans via sub-type:

  Corrupted Priestess: 1

  Corrupted Matron: 1

  Corrupted Acolyte: 2

  Genus: Spiders, Spirita Aqua enhanced

  Mygalomorphs, Small: 7

  Mygalomorphs, Adult: 2

  Genus: Demi-humanoid

  Lamia, soldier: 7

  Lamia, leader, small unit: 2

  Spirita Aqua Deposited Value: 1280

  Operational Power Now at 00:150:02:40:34

  Boon granted, 500 deposit

  Boon granted, 1000 deposit

  Adjusting Shielder Container: Spirita Aqua Deposit: 1280xp granted

  Village Supplied: 100xp granted, 100 Spirit Aqua gained

  Diplomacy: 250xp granted, Berry Encounter, 250 Spirita Aqua gained

  100xp granted, Arachne Encounter, 100 Spirita Aqua gained

  Total Adjustment: 1730 xp.

  Shielder Choice?

  Designation Base Type?





  The cursor is just sitting there, flickering away while my brain is churning with what I have seen. Okay, the strength of the enemy indicates how much Spirita I harvest, and how much xp they are worth. Supplies and encounters grant Spirit also. How? Good thought? Intentions? Worry about that later, first things first, my class.

  Mages and Priest lack physical combat abilities but tend to rule end game scenarios in video games, not so much tabletop / pen and paper type games. Fighter is your generalized soldier. Rogue is the stealthy stealer and burst damage from hidden attacks, your glass cannon build - one shot mass damage, but if you get hit you go down. If you get hit. The cube did say Base Type, so I'm guessing I can open up other classes later. Priority is survival. That means fighting. Fighter it is.

  "Fighter." I say out loud. The screen flickers, then words scroll again.

  Fighter Choice Allocated:

  Strength increased by 1

  Agility increased by 1

  Constitution increased by 1

  Fighting increased by 3

  Skills slotted for input: Martial Weapons Pack, Simple Weapons Pack, Armor Proficiency (all pre-powered), Basic Combat Pack, Unarmed Basic Pack.

  Specialist Skills, choose 2: Wilderness Survival, Blacksmith, Tailor, Leatherworker, Butcher, Herbalist, Scholar, Tinker, Arcana Spirita, Scout? Or add to an ability statistic?

  The question mark keeps flashing as I think. What do I need, really, to survive? Trade skills are out for the moment. Studying skills. Basic survival comes first, so Wilderness Survival and Scout it is.

  "Wilderness Survival and Scout." Words flicker again and leave the cube, new ones begin.

  Selection done.

  Shielder Container leveled to 1.

  Leveling in 3...2...1

  Heat flows thru my limbs as I experience brain freeze, like from a giant frozen drink. Images and thoughts stream into my brain as my eyes flicker back and forth. I fall forward, hands down to the mats. Then it stops. The cube goes blank. Then it starts again

  Shielder Container #57824 XP at 1730xp

  Level 2 reached - one power point

  Level 3 reached - one power point one Special point

  Level 4 reached - one power point

  Level 5 reached - two power points one utility point, Specialisation Option

  Level 6 reached - one power point one Special point

  Six boon tables generated for after power selection.

  Level 2 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Power Choice." I whisper.

  Powers available:

  Power Strike, Cleave, Overpowering Strike, Shield Bash, Charge, Leap attack, Reinforced Block, Defensive Fighter, Duelist, Two Weapons, Two Handed Specialist, Weapon Specialist, Archer.

  "Information on Powers?" I ask. Nothing happens. And now we see why the temples had guides written. Oh well. Heading for a survivalist anyway and hoping the options increase per level and I can choose ones from previous levels.


  Archery skill increased. Trained in basic usage of all ranged weapons. Increases Ranged Weapon fighting by 1

  Level 3 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  "Ability, Strength."

  Strength increased by One

  Level 3 - Special Choice?

  No options are available. Nothing on the cube.

  "Information on Special?"

  Special can be other abilities not normally in Base Class.

  "Not helpful, cube. not helpful." I don't know here. Maybe like Perks or Feats in other games? Shit, I have nothing to
guide me. What would be helpful, most lifesaving? Regeneration is always good. Natural Armor? Damage Reduction? Stamina? Night Vision? Healing...healing others and myself. Magic items in some games have a set number of uses a day. Go for a heal, a set percentage heal. Low but useful. In D&D the items that have this are usually 3 times a day. Okay, I can only try.

  "Healing ability - 15% instant healing, 3 times a day, recharges at ShieldWall crossing." There's a buzzing noise and words then clear and appear on the Stone’s surface.

  Healing Ability Added. 3 Daily use, recharges midnight.

  Level 4 - Ability Increase or Power Choice?

  Worth a try. No running back and forth thru the wall to recharge then. "Ability, Agility."

  Agility Increased by 1.

  Level 5 - Ability Increase or Power Choice (x2)? Specialization Choice? Utility Point?


  Choose? Ranger, Paladin, Cavalier, Ronin, Monster Hunter, Defender, Spirita Fighter, Spirita Knight, Captain, Warden, Slaver, Warlord, Gladiator, Martial Artist, Peace Keeper, Battle Mage.

  I don't even bother with asking for information now. I'm totally in the dark here. The first five choices are pretty self-explanatory. Defender screams Tank to me. Spirita means magic here, so that semi-explains the next two. A captain leads troops. Warden is an area protector? Maybe? Slaver and warlord are self-evident, same as gladiator and martial artist. Peace keeper is a sheriff, I hope. And Battle Mage is a fighter/mage maybe? Too many choices and no worthwhile information.


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