Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 11

by Pwyll Duggan

  "Out of my way Lord. He insulted one of my Ladies! In my House! TO MY FACE! He dies."

  "NO! Let me make it up to you. Please!" I fume in his face and take my time to calm down.

  "What do you offer for this weaklings life?" Hopefully not overacting too much there.

  "Perhaps a deal. With the weapons?" he stammers as I slam the spear butt down.

  "Bunko, watch over the weakling. Molly get a rag for its face, it’s making a mess of the mats." I growl. Rika stands forward.

  "Priestess. Hear my uncles’ words and take a full account of them." And then it hits Yuji and I see it in his face. He just got played. We used his idiot nephew and it's gonna cost him. He calms himself, wipes his brow with a handkerchief and sighs.

  "I'll need to check the weapons." As he says that I look at his hands. Two rings per hand. Only one with a gemstone, a small ruby. I nod, and he approaches the stand. I watch as he touches the ruby and then looks up at the weapons. "They are as you say. All enchanted. For all four we would normally offer 100 imperials each, but with Julius' action." I interrupt.

  "His two actions."

  "Ahem, Julius' two actions we can offer 200 imperials each."

  "No." He looks at me. I stare back. I notice a small bead of sweat on his forehead. He's also playing with a second ring.

  "If you trigger that Yuji, you die first. And it won't be quick." He's hands shoot backwards, going to his sides. Bluff called and confirmed.

  "Is this how you do business where you're from?" he goes for stern, trying to get control again.

  "Where I'm from I would be allowed to sell it myself, to anyone on the planet in an open auction. Here I deal with snakes. At home I leave snakes alone. Here it seems they are in control. Looks like I'll have to bring snake skin boots back into fashion." I look him in the eye.

  "What do you want?"

  "I know what these are worth. I don't know what you are worth." I throw my head in Julius' direction. "Him, honestly, not worth much. But you value male heirs I guess, from your treatment of Rika. Time for deals. Those weapons are each worth almost 2000 imperials. Probably more if you auction them at Dukehold. I'll accept the land deeds and titles for every holding the Tanaka Clan has on this side of the river, including anything in the dukedom's other two villages to the west. I'll also take those two rings and hold you hostage until I have said deeds and titles. For this you get the axe and one spear. Normally my cut would be 1000 imperials each. 2000 imperials for the land and yourself, and those two rings."

  "The two rings are worth more." He tries to demand

  "Don't. The detection ring will be hoarded by the Trader's guild. They need them to DO trade. The other is an Assassin's weapon. Traders have no legitimate use for that. You'll still come out 2000 imperials in front. And that’s if you only get 2000 per weapon. You'll get more than that."

  "And if I refuse?"

  "Rika has another Uncle, a Father and a Mother we can still deal with."

  "I will not forget this."

  "You should. I can always ask Officer Chen in. What's the punishment for that ring again?" He turns pale instantly.

  "The Stone remembers if the Priestess requires it to. Plus, we have the written recording of it as well. The Priestess will write the terms now. Some guards will accompany young Julius to the Tanaka Estate, it's an estate not a palace?" I look to Rika.


  "Estate and be back with my titles within the hour. Once this unpleasantness is behind us, we can then deal openly for the next lot of items. Agree?"

  "I seem to have no choice." He grumbles.

  "Don't take the village idiot with you when dealing with monsters, or those that hunt them."

  "Agreed. Let us sign and be done with it." He scowls.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "Does the stone really remember things?" Bunko asks after the wait is over and the titles are on the table.

  "No idea, but it sounded good." Everyone in the room looks at me.

  "What? It worked didn't it." I see a few heads shake at that. "Can you tell me what the rings are Mari?"

  "Detect Enchantments, and their type and strength. The other is a Bright Bolt, magical light damage, 3rd level spell, like Fireball. Similar strength in damage and range."

  Rika looks down at the table.

  "They will come for these."

  "That's why they are going to be stored at the temple, near the Stone. If that's okay Mari?" She blinks at me saying her name.

  "Of course, Shielder. That's was the old way, before the Trader's got them all."

  "Can I ask they be made into Clan Walsh's name. Myself, Lady Rika Walsh, Lady Aysun Walsh and Lady Bunko Walsh. That way if anything happens, Clan Tanaka cannot get hold of them." Bunny grabs me in a bear hug, squeezing me and talking at the same time.

  "Really? You'll marry us all? Free our families?" She starts to kiss me, scrapping tusks on my chest.

  "Can't breathe..."

  "Oh sorry." And she puts me down.

  "Marry... not at this stage. Maybe later if we need too. But we are in a business arrangement. Oi - no long faces - hear me out. We four are the clan heads, equal shares and rights. Shares go to each individuals’ heirs once we decide what happens - so organize that before Mari leaves. Bunny - do that first then tell your Dad. All rents halved. Money will be used to improve buildings first and build a new place for the clan. We are going to need guards and..."

  Rika puts a finger to my mouth. "Shush Killer. This is what I do. Aysun, go get him fed and rested. He’s Going to be busy later. Molly - have his gear laid out in his room over the water garden. I'll go make a deal with Officer Chen. I'll be using one of these Spears."

  "No fair." I reply, "I was going to do that later."

  She smiles. "Too slow Killer."

  Aysun grabs my arm, leading me off. "It's what she does Lover. She is rather good at it. Even if her uncles only consider her a worthless female, Good for only one thing. Pity they never noticed what she's done. Now they get to pay for it."

  "She's really switched on. And you help a lot, don't you?" I query.

  "I am but a lowly bathhouse employee and teahouse maid." I laugh at that.

  "Bullshit. You listen and learn. Probably run all the information gathering that's going on, from the soldiers and the other rich clients at the coffee house and the Bathhouse."

  She feigns ignorance. "Sir, you wound me. I would never tell anyone what I overhear, or use that information to help others with their rent. How ever could I do that? Not knowing any nobles who could use it, as I am a lowly servant."

  "Okay, okay. How many years have you and Rika been 'working together'?"

  "Working? Maybe 5 or 6 years. Together? Last 2 years. She has a tendency to hurt her male suitors if they are not up to her personal, not her fathers, standards. She has a bit of a reputation now and her father doesn't approve of her whor..."

  "You are not that." She shushes me and hugs my arm.

  "I am what am I. Do you think less of me?"

  "Of course not. It's just how they say it. I don't like that they disrespect you." That gets me a laugh and a smile.

  "Sit and Eat. Then we are off to bed. You have another day of saving the village tomorrow."

  "And doing deliveries for my friend on the other side."

  "Is she cute? This Student, the arachne?" That gets me blushing.

  "Oh, she is cute! Is she a threat to my affections? Tell me or I'll be cross."

  "Okay, okay. She's a redhead with freckles, blue eyes. She's a mage and smart. As in planning and how things work. And she helped when she didn't need to. I liked that."

  "Oh, so she is a threat then. You going to marry her too. That will make four wives. You'll be busy. And once the kids arrive..."

  "Oh shit. Kids. I didn't plan for.." Fingers on lips again.

  "Really Paul. We have survived without you for centuries. We got this. Your three little wives have you covered. Now eat drink and maybe if you're good I'll let y
ou rest." That gets me giggling.

  "Fine. Food it is."

  I thank Molly for a wonderful meal and retire upstairs. Aysun trails behind, talking to Molly. No-one else is about and the place feels a little empty. My gear is laid out near the futons, which have already been placed together. I get undressed wondering since I now get double benefit from resting if that will include the need for sleep. I'll find out shortly then.

  Aysun enters the room, seeing me sitting on the floor, looking out over the walls, in boxers.

  "Comfortable around me I see?"

  "We're both adults. At least you are." She stands and looks me in the eyes as she disrobes. She's not wearing anything underneath. Her breasts jiggle as she stretches to show me her assets.

  "Love the show, but can we just chat first?" She pouts and goes to grab her robe off the floor. I flip down the covers and pat the bed.

  "I need to get to know you. To confirm that you are okay with all this. I think I have started a war in the village with your families at stake. Tell me what I need to do. I need guidance. I have to work on the theory that I may not survive out there. I could die tomorrow, and I worry that I'll leave the world a worse place. Does that make sense? I don't know anyone here, not really."

  She lays down next to me and pulls the cover up. Her face is no longer playful. She's got this serious look. I suddenly realize she's an elf. She could be hundreds of years old. I continue.

  "Did I fuck up? Have I made things worse?" She stops me with a hand on my leg. I'm still on top of the covers. She runs her hand slowly up and down my leg. Her voice is quiet, yet strong.

  "You have been here for barely two days, and already You have returned our lands to us. Rika and I have wanted that for 5 years. It's what we were planning. We even knew where the title deeds were stored. YOU did that after your first day out. YOU have extended the shield for another 120 days. I can see you worry about it all. Yes, you have to kill in order to do that."

  Her voice is gentle and firm. Ethereal in its sound.

  "We all know you worry and care about the village - more than someone who was kidnapped should. Your actions show us you care. Sure, you do not know each of us well yet. But you will. It takes time. You'll learn the language now. Soon you won’t need the ring and can swap it for something more beneficial. Ok enough talking for now. Lay down please."

  I slide into the bed and she moves my arm under her, resting on my chest. He fingers start playing with the hairs on my chest.

  "Strange to see humans with so much hair." Her hand traces along, calming me down, feeling nice. "You are strange one to us Paul Walsh. Women offer themselves freely and you hesitate. Power is easy to buy and yet you choose others over yourself. You strike down the wicked, knowing the trouble it will bring down upon you. You worry about a future you may not have. I feel honored to have known you and I would love some children, three or four would be nice." I laugh at that.

  "Really? Do I get a choice?"

  "No. Not like it'll be your job to raise them. I have a lot of family who will dote on them. You just go slay monsters."

  "What will you do then?"

  "Look after the clan house. Make sure you’re happy and 'fed'" she winks at me at that. "Her Ladyship will run the clan. After I convince her to send a missive to the Duke asking for another Traders Writ, we can run this side of village. Bunny will organize the crafters, with her families help. I'll rope in Alice for messaging and get the pigeons everywhere."

  "Alice? Pigeons?"

  "Alice is the town Centaur. She has an old lean-to dovecote she keeps pigeons in. She's been breeding more for Rika for a long time. If we set up Dovecotes at each village, as well as Daisen and Dukeholm, we'll have a good messenger service. And an excellent supply of fertilizer." Wow, they have been planning for a long time.

  "Build one on our new grounds and one on your family farm. Can never be too careful. Speaking of family, how about tomorrow night we all go to your family’s cafe to eat. I'd like to meet them." She stops playing and looks up at me.


  "Sure. I have no idea how the village runs. I need to meet more people. And since they'll be grandparents, seems like a good idea." She starts kissing my chest, slowly. Her hand runs down my chest to my boxers. She flicks the elastic.

  "Those. Off."

  "Yes Ma'am."

  "Don't call me ma'am! Aysun, Lover or 'by the gods' is good. Wife is better. Yes, wife it shall be."

  "As you wish, my wife."

  "Good husband. Now put that tongue to work."

  I wake suddenly, feeling movement in the room. "Easy there my Killer. Time to work." is whispered at me. Rika is there, dressed head to toe in black.

  "Ninja much?"

  "Ninja? They died out a few centuries ago. Assassin's now. Shadow Warriors. Too expensive for my uncles, at least at the moment. Guild thieves are another story. Come, get dressed." Aysun rolls over and starts snoring.

  "And that is why I have two rooms - she sleeps on her own." Rika points out.

  "You're not worried?"

  "Worried about?" I point at Aysun then me. "Please. I'm a Lady, she's mine, I'm hers and we are both using you for children. Using you time and time again. For as long as you are here. Our hearts belong to each other Shielder, but we get to share you. It’s nice not having to hide that from my parents."

  I gear up, trying to be quiet. Rika hands me a leather necklace. "Put the Detection ring on that for now." I do as she says.

  "The Bright bolt. Do I just point?"

  "You're a mage now. Point, think and shoot - outside okay?"

  "Right." I banish those thoughts and finished gearing up.

  "We have got to get you a shorter staff. Maybe one that collapses."

  "What, I like this one. The reach is amazing, and the swing really hits hard."

  "You need an inside staff."

  "Good point. I need better ways to carry stuff though."

  "Ready yet?"

  "Yes. What are we doing?"

  "Ambushing Thieves and seeing where they lead us. Or who they lead us too." She pulls up my hood and the cloak turns black.

  "Useful. Need to get your Lady one of those." She assents.

  We head downstairs and into the edges of the water garden. Four soldiers are already here, bows and spears ready. Rika points over to the far wall, the side away from the village. She gathers the soldiers and I together.

  "If they watch the patrols, they will realize this is the safest spot to get over. Once they are over, we capture them and get them to talk. There should only be three or less. If there are four or more, one will be an assassin. The Shielder will kill that person. He'll be the one with multiple weapons. Then we see where they lead us. Mari and Amaya are ready inside with healing, but still be careful."

  They all nod and move off into position. I hang back at the house with Rika. She's set up a sliding wooden frame with slats, so we can see. It has a small gap, so I can shoot. She whispers.

  "Watch the lantern lights. They will slowly widen the distance until the back is uncovered. That's when they will come."

  "You sure?"

  "The boat isn't here by accident Paul. It comes every week. It also allows my uncles to settle peoples ‘debts’ permanently, if needed. Send them off as slaves to other nobles. Not happening again if this works out.”

  "No one else on that side of the wall?"

  "No. It's clear."

  "Good." I reach inward and think of my spells. Enhancement floats into my mind. Twenty mana per cast, lasting for 30 minutes per level. Random amount added to one Stat. No more information than that. I breathe and choose Strength and let it flow. Rika's eyes light up as a blue glow leaks from my hands and travels up my arms and across my chest before it dissipates.

  "Enhancement. Just upped my Strength for three hours." She turns back to the wall as a lantern bobs by. Just as it the lantern arrives at the corner, the top of a head pops over the wall. Someone climbs up, then helps another. Then ther
e's three, who helps up the forth. The forth stands out as not only smaller, but has a brace of throwing knives across his chest. They are all covered in cloaks, the assassin the only one in all black. They pull up a ladder and then place it down on this side.

  I watch as they all clamber down and jump down the last rung. I slowly draw back the bowstring, a lot easier now, no muscle stress at all and aim, waiting for him to start his drop. I release as he drops, arrow hitting him as he reacts to the sound. The arrow punches thru his back and pins him to the wall and the ladder. I fire again and shoot him in the head. Not taking chances with my ladies around.

  The soldiers pile out, spears out. The thieves have already raised their arms, hands spread wide. Of course, no touching items that way. The joys of a magical society. If they put their hands on their heads they could touch rings and wham bam magic man time. Rika slides the panel open, and I walk out, with another arrow nocked ready.

  Rika addresses the thieves. "Thank you for surrendering. I know the one killed was your Assassin. What happens to you now depends on your objective. And who hired you. The truth is the only thing I am interested in. I am Lady Rika Tanaka of the Trader's Guild. This is a Shielder Residence, with a Shielder here. Also, the village Priestess is in residence. Each of those are reason enough for your Death on their own. Combined they make for an... interesting execution." She paces forward, removing her hood, shaking her hair out.

  "I need names and I need reasons. If I am satisfied with your answers, you all will be free to go. The Shielder and I will escort you to your boat, talk with your captain and allow you to leave. No reprisals. It is, after all, just business. Who shall go first?"

  All the birdies sing at the same time.

  Rika was not amused, as she was one of the targets.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Our three thieves walk slowly in front of us, still fearful of their fate. Rika and I follow. I've got a large wrapped bundle, our supposed bounty from the night's activities. We walk freely thru the village. The odd patrol that notices us then pretends they didn't. Rika has everything covered. I notice a large shadow detach itself from buildings to follow us and hear the slow clomp of hooves.


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