Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 13

by Pwyll Duggan

  "Student. Work to do."

  "Oh, yes, sorry." She's blushing as she lets me go.

  We pack her up and get moving as the sun crests the horizon. Animals wake, birds call, and I am getting dive bombed by insects. We walk along, with me slightly in front and her guiding me as we go. She starts talking about the trees and birds and my mind drifts listening to her slight Irish lilt. Reminds me of home and friends.

  We make steady pace, on the old game trails, following the stream. It joins up with another larger stream, small creek maybe. This one is a few feet wide and meanders along slowly. Small fish and animals in the water.

  I feel a slight tingling in the back of brain, an odd sensation. I stop and look around. Student pulls me closer to a tree after I stop, finger to my lips, other hand pointing up. A shadow passes low over the treetops, wing beats pulsing thru the air. Something with a barbed tail goes overhead, heading to the roadway. We wait, unmoving for several minutes.

  "Wyvern. I guess the new blockade won’t be there on the return trip." Student lets me go and we continue on. The dark trees and bushes slowly change to a more green and vibrant appearance. Better ground cover, grasses and clover abound. Smaller trees, more variety, even the odd fruit tree. Student perks up a little. Trees thin out, giving us more room to move.

  Ahead I can see a small lake with a smallish island on it. In the center of the island is a huge tree. An Oak tree? Its canopy is almost the same size as the lake. A wooden jetty juts out onto the lake, a few small rowboats tied to it. Another jetty is on the bank at the end of our path.

  Student takes off in a slow and unbalanced run at the sight of the jetty. I notice a few fields growing on the shores of the lake, the occasional boulder or rocky outcrop poking up thru the fields. Further west from the fields is a small rocky hillock that ends up on the edge of the lake, cliff splashing gently on the water. It seems almost 100 feet tall, making maybe 30 metres. That’s just a little too big for jumping off.

  Over on the island a number of cottages are at the base of the tree, smoke rising from only a few. Some of the cottages look abandoned and in disrepair.

  As Student is waving to the cottages, I study the tree. It shades most of the island and is more wide than tall. And it doesn't look healthy, a little peaky, as if just getting sick. Why do I have the feeling I just volunteered for more work and I haven't even met anyone here yet. Student is unpacking her load, waving me over to help. I trot up and put down my staff and start unloading my pack spider.

  A rowboat is making its way across the water. A male dark elf in loose armor is being rowed across by something smaller with furry long ears. It looks like a rabbit, a large girl rabbit. In loose rags like the others. Both of them look a little thin. Student is waving again, hopping up and down, which shakes the jetty a little.

  "Garrot. Garrot." Student is waving and shouting now. "This is Paul. He bought clothes and food, so much food." The dark elf’s posture changes from tense to relived in one moment, waving back.

  "My Greetings and my Thanks." Garrot has an older voice, worry threading thru it. A lighter and little high squealing voice peeps up. The words almost trail together they go that fast.

  "Food? You bought food. Thank the Gods. I didn't think anyone was eating today. With the fish gone and the goblin patrols, crops failing. Thank you, sir."

  "You're welcome miss?" I reply.

  "Carol. Call me Carol. Nir will be so pleased you came back." I nod and load boxes onto the boat.

  "The smaller boxes have cooked food. Larger boxes have ingredients and clothes. If you make a list, I can see what else I can bring tomorrow." They both stop loading and look at me, then each other. Garrot speaks first.

  "What would that cost us?"

  "Cost?" I look at Student and she's nodding away. Great, think of something.

  "Well it appears that I might need a base of operations on this side of the wall. How about you provide one of the cottages for my use and help me repair it. It'll need large passageways and doorways so my friend here can move around easily." Student perks up again and raises a pointed finger she adds.

  "Needs a room as a library. Also, a workshop for me to practice. And my own bedroom." I freeze and turn to her.

  "So, you'll be living in my house?"

  "Well we are friends." I shake my head, whatever. I look to Garrot and Carol.

  "Is that okay?"

  "Aren't you a Shielder. Don't you collect souls or something?" Carol asks nervously. I just shrug.

  "There are Snotlings and Gobbers for that. They need a good culling. And it's not like I will be staying here most nights. Got to go back to the village and all that stuff."

  Student adds. "I'll look after his stuff, don't worry. Plus, I can bring in more food too, if you'll have me." It clicks. She isn't allowed or ever been asked, to go to the island before. I forgot the whole 'rabbits are crunchy' bit. Welp, see how that goes.

  The two islanders look at each other, and then back at me.

  "If Nir and Merryn says it's okay, then fine. Please wait here till we get back." I look at the island then down into the crystal-clear lake. Student looks a little sad, maybe anxious.

  "Sure. Say hi from me." They have all the gear and are rowing across, people piling up on the other side. I see more rabbits, bouncing around. More dark elves, a small family of Blue skinned humans, normal apart from the skin and some goblins or smaller green skinned persons. I sit down on one of the jetty posts and look to Student.

  "Four families here?"

  "The Grove used to have lots, but the gobbers raided when Merryn got sick and she couldn't fight all of the Mages they had and protect everyone. They were sneaky. Garrot's and Carol's families were out past the rock, hunting and gathering. The fighters who remained here were not enough to defend against the raiders. Merryn defeated most of the mages, but she was injured even more. Many of the people who evaded capture chose to leave when they could see that Merryn wasn't getting better. The rest traded everything they had with the traveling merchants for healing potions, salves, scrolls - anything really. Nothing worked." I looked over at all the happy faces at the shore, waving back to the smaller rabbits. My quest sense started tingling. Too many hours playing video games and D&D modules. This looks like an adventurer problem.

  "So, my erstwhile adventuring companion, seems we have a quest to solve." Student looked at me and smiled.

  "Save the Merryn. Save the Grotto. Almost sounds like a tag line for a tv show, just need to add a cheerleader in there somehow."

  "What's a TV show? And what's a tag line? Who leads cheers?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I swing my legs back and forth as I sit on the jetty pole as Student sits on the wooden jetty, to calm her jitters. She finally stopped her pacing and clicking along the jetty, relieving my nerves. I sit and think while staring at her. Royal based name? Something British or Irish? Something with meaning, to her and I. I snap out of my thinking when I realize Student is talking to me.

  "Paul. Paul. What are you thinking about?"

  "The right name for you. I keep thinking Great Britain - a large island kingdom from my world. Your accent reminds me of there. Royal names don't seem, I dunno, right? Not good enough. Not enough meaning for me. I was considering another one of our TV shows - big drama series, story, where a princess saves a planet. She dies to save her people and the hero of the ongoing story has a female companion. She magically changes her appearance to look like the princess that saved everyone, to honour her great deed. I always loved that name."

  She's staring off in the distance now too. "What was her name?"

  "Nyssa. Pronounced Nis-sa."

  "I'm not sure. Let me think about it."

  "Of course, it's your name after all."

  I stare down into the water. Such clear water. Small rocks and sand at the bottom. No fish they said. The stream had fish. So, it may be in the water. No, not part of the water, something affecting the water. If it was the water, it would af
fect downstream as well. Something near the roots of the tree? And Student said the goblins were sneaky. Something they threw in, leeching into the water and roots? Need to ask questions. Need more information. Have to see what they have done first. Where they have searched. Student’s hand on my leg shakes me from my thoughts.

  "Paul, they're coming back."

  "Sorry Student. Thinking about the tree problem." She smiles.

  "You were off in wonderland there?"

  "Really? Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland?"

  "I said a had a good library." She answers smugly, crossing her arms at me.

  The boat coming across the lake has Garrot rowing this time and the small grey woman I helped rescue yesterday, Nir I think it is. She's looks happy, even in her rags and is waving to Student, who is waving earnestly back. I help the boat to the dock and hold a hand out to steady Nir as she gets out.

  "Thank you, kind Sir. I did not get your name yesterday, being under attack and you being injured."

  "Paul Walsh. Lady Nir I presume?"

  "I haven't been a lady for a long-time young man." She's an older dark elf, lines around her eyes. Her elegant tone belayed by the honest warmth of her features. There's laughter and sadness in her eyes. That sense that she's seen and done many things rolls off her, that feeling of experience. I raise the hand I am still holding and bring it up to my mouth, kissing the back softly.

  "You saved my life yesterday, so Lady Nir it shall be. Until you decide I'm too much of a pain." I'm rewarded with a warm genuine smile.

  "How noble of you Ser." She turns to Student. "How did you convince him to bring so much food?" Student tilts her head, trying to find the words.

  "She ate all my rice balls yesterday while looking after me. I thought it would be a good idea to bring a bigger supply with me today. Along with ingredients to make more. She'll eat me out of house and home at the rate she is going. And you looked like you needed new robes." Student blushes, unconsciously running hands down her robe, as if brushing off rice crumbs.

  That same mature laugh from yesterday starts up, Garrot looking on shocked. "Mother, are you alright?"

  "Garrot my boy, it looks like we have found us a real Shielder. Mayhap even a true adventuring group." She wipes her eyes. "Just when Merryn needs them too. Come now, into the boat and back to the island. We have a deal to honour and a favor to ask of these adventurers." Knew it, tingling quest-sense is never wrong.

  The lake is a few hundred feet wide, about the range of a very powerful bow. The water is sparkling clear and so calming. Garrot takes his time rowing us, Student's trembling as we go isn’t helping. I reach across from my place at the stern and take one of her hands, reaching over her legs. "Don't worry. Not like I would let you fall in." She's shivering and then grabs my hand with both hands and leans over to me. She whispers, "I can't swim."

  "I can, Aussies live in the water as much as possible. We just need to add a beach, some surf and a cricket bat or two and it would be just like home. Maybe the odd dog running up the beach would help. And look, here we are. Stay still, I'll get off and help you out."

  Student is still shivering in fear and won't let go of my hand as we stand on the jetty looking at the dilapidated cottages of the Grove and the impoverished residents. Carol is hopping around the piles of goods, pointing out things and moving them into separate piles. "Clothes there, ingredients there, prepared food in this pile so we can see how many days we have. Separate the blankets out and see how many robes we have. Dress the kittens first then from the youngest up. Nir first though."

  The rest hang back a little, unsure what to make of me and fearful of Student. Nir quiets them with a hand and starts to speak.

  "Please thank these adventurers, Paul Walsh and Student." Student interrupts in a shaky voice.

  "Nyssa, please call me Nyssa." That brings a smile to my face and I squeeze her hands that have mine in a death grip. She smiles weakly in return.

  "Nyssa it is. They fought to save Jordan, Kiera and I yesterday from spiders and Lamia. Paul found the Star Berries and organized these supplies. Yes, he is a Shielder. He follows the old ways and is an adventurer, not just a Soul Eater. Um, Nyssa is the scholar mage from the tower over the hillock, just outside of the Grove." She pauses and looks at everyone, slowly.

  "They risked their lives for us and Merryn. Please treat them with respect as they will be living with us from time to time. You can meet them properly later. Carol will get you all organized and fed." She claps her hands twice and they all stop staring and return to work.

  She heads off down a small path and we follow. The tree has roots at the edge of the path, up the side of houses and across roofs, as if guiding and helping all the structures. Buildings in all states of decay and styles are built between everything, small gardens that looked like they once bloomed wilting in the dappled sunlight cresting the horizon and penetrating the foliage above.

  "How long?" I ask. Nir sighs.

  "Just over seven seasons now. Our second harvest just happened. Wasn't even enough for a week. Things grow and just die, the life drained from them. If I wasn't here... nobody would have stayed and Merryn would have died months ago."

  A small cottage is the only building connected to the side of the tree. It's under what looks like an old ramp leading up and around the tree. It's worse for wear, window boxes with dying posies, flowers and herbs. The garden is just wrong, green and dying at the same time. Nir pushes open the door and we follow inside. It's sparsely furnished with a small table and chair next to an old bed. On the bed, under an old blanket is what may have once been a vibrant woman. She now looks like a partial husk. She has green hair, like thin vines, with tiny browning leaves. Her Green bark like skin is hard and cracked. Her eyes are closed and there is a pained expression on her face. Nir picks up a cloth from the water bowl on the table, wrings it out and puts it on her forehead.

  "Merryn?" I ask.

  "Sad to say, this is the best she's looked for a month. We don't have much time."

  "What haven't you done? Seems the easiest way to start."

  "We have tried all of the healing we could get our hands on. Searched everywhere we can reach, however we haven’t been able to reach the high branches or the sinkhole under the cliff. Dryads like her feed on and then spread the natural Spirita of the forests. We know something is blocking it. Her 'influence' extends for miles in all directions. As she gets weaker so does her influence, so we know it's really close. Divination and interrogating the odd goblin confirmed that. She gets weaker, we get weaker and it's just getting harder to do anything."

  Shit. So, either up in the tree or in this sinkhole. If I was an evil force, where would I put something? "How deep is this sinkhole?" I ask.

  "Very. Garrot was able to dive 60 feet before he could go no further." Crap. Sinkhole it is.

  "Let me guess, the sinkhole is under the cliff edge?"

  "Yes, it is." She looks a little surprised.

  "And that huge raid, it started from over the cliff?"

  "Merryn's roots cannot break thru the rocky hill."

  "And goblins fell off the cliff face?"

  "We had archers high in the branches then, when the ramp was stable. It was long range, but it worked."

  "And the attacks, they started three years or so ago?"

  "Why yes. They sent probing attacks every month or so until that major raid that broke through." I turn to Nyssa and ask.

  "Let me guess, they had your tower under siege during that time?"

  "Mistress had just left me alone, I stayed inside and allowed the tower defenses to handle them." Her eyes widen in understanding. "They planned it all?"

  "That would be my guess. With the Dryad out of the way, there would be no raids from her influence zone to affect the roadway. And if her influence extends for miles, they take her out and can get control of maybe the two or three nearest villages' Shielders. Free food, slaves and experience for them to harvest. Shielders can 'up' people I heard?"
  Nir nods "Like dryads, Shielders store Spirita Aqua and can, with the right conditions, channel that into others. Monster races kill or capture them for this reason. Eating a Shielder can trigger it, especially the heart and brain. Captured Shielders can be used to boost a tribe for possibly years if kept alive."

  "Great. Now I'm a delicacy too. Good to know." I run my hands up and down my face. I so don't like this idea at all.

  "Do we have access to any magical light sources? Stones, fire that doesn't go out?"

  Nir shrugs. "Sorry, we sold everything."

  "Large waterskins? Water proof sacks?" Nyssa chimes in. "Those I can make."

  "Okay then. I have a really bad plan. Here's what we need. I'll need you to make some strange things for me Nyssa."

  "Sounds about right for you." I poke my tongue out at her.

  Down into the dark I shall go.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Stretching on the shore in my boxers I watch Garrot explaining to his kids what is about to happen. Most of the inhabitants of the Grove are here, watching us get ready. They are still gawking at Nyssa's weaving from her hand spinneret's, finishing up the long rope. I strap the third dagger to my ankle, giving me one on each ankle and an Elven blade on my belt. Silk flippers are by my feet, with the three heavy rocks and the large open flat sacks.

  "When we get to the sinkhole, get in the water from your boat and wait for us to lower the rocks. As they go under, wait for the sacks to catch the air. Once they are under, use the reeds to blow as much air into them as possible, to give Paul as much time as possible. Once done, back in your boat and we wait for Paul's signal once he's down to pull him up." His daughter asks.

  "How long do we wait... just in case?" Garrot's face softens and he goes quiet.

  "As long as we can." His kids nod and go to their rowboat. Nyssa gazes my way.

  "You sure this will work?"

  "Nope. It's the only option I can think of." I limber up as people watch on, worried looks mixed with hope. One of the rabbit kitten's is hopping around Carol, being held to stop her hopping off. "Mummy I can help!"


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