Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 15

by Pwyll Duggan

  I dive under and swim towards the nearest shore. Staying low in the water to remove the flippers and sacks, I head to the ballista as it fires again. Four goblins and the orc commander are manning it, Centaur to the side, still harnessed to it. She looks even more annoyed than last time. Right, max damage and run. I swap sword hands and get the finger gun ready. Thumb drops, and the Bright Bolt shoots out, impacting the side of the ballista as I run forward, sword in both hands now.

  The wooden ballista disintegrates in a bright flash, wooden shrapnel flying in all directions. I run thru the remains, striking down the orc with a cross cut, blue energy surging up the sword. Pommel strike the centaur as I pass, wooden fragments embedded in her human half. The goblins at the edge of the lake turn in shock as I palm out a Fireball left handed at the bunch of them.

  I sprint now under tumbling bodies towards the archers at the lakes edge. They're all turning and shooting towards me. The flat blade helps, parrying two arrows. Pain flairs in my arms and legs, getting worse as I don't stop running at them. Palm out again and they all dive as the fireball explodes in their midst. Then I come crashing into the lakes edge.

  Basically, naked I receive lots of small cuts as I parry and cleave my way through them all. They're so small I can't block everything and it's slowing me down, fast. More are racing towards me, coming from the areas I fire-balled. I continue to block and parry, shuffling backward, deeper into the lake. Reversing my grip, I turn and dive, swimming away under water, leaving a bloody trail.

  Tearing from my legs and arms announces the arrows ripping from my body as I start to struggle. I concentrate and get a healing off, just. The pain partially fades as I catch up to the last raft. I stay underwater and slice all the bindings I can see. Firelight spreads out from somewhere in front, over another raft. I kick off as the raft is coming apart above me.

  Snotlings fall into the water around me, full of panic and terror. They can't swim and seem too heavy. They’re sinking around me, as I stay out of their reach. The first raft is burning, not a snotling in sight. The crews of the other rafts are looking around under them, some even stabbing the water with spears and sticks. In the clear I start side stroking towards the shore.

  I stumble ashore as Nyssa is silently and efficiently using her wand on the approaching rafts, killing snotlings and setting them alight. She's causing panic and killing coldly as she does so, picking targets slowly. I shout. "I need Nir and my bow and arrows!" I turn around and watch two more rafts heading our way, goblins jeering as they pile on.

  Kitty drags my quiver and bow to me, chaos around us as the adults try an put out the fires.

  "Thank you, Kitty. Princess did really well too." She puffs up. "Told you."

  "Can you get Nir here? Please."

  "Yes Sir." She tries to salute and hops off towards the cottage.

  I stab the sword into the shore and start also stabbing arrows out of my quiver. The goblins on the first raft have erected a shield wall, stopping Nyssa and the few Dark Elves firing from being effective. The second raft is using it as cover coming in slowly. The odd goblin is firing over the shields, their aim is inaccurate but is causing the defenders to duck and weave, slowing the fire fighting.

  I make my stance, arrows landing around me. Fifty yards, fifty meters, one hundred fifty feet. Nice and close. Nock, draw, aim at one at the edge. Fire. The twang is loud from the strong bow. Hits dead center of the goblins shield and buries itself half the shaft in. The goblin falls in the water. An arrow lodges in my left leg. I ignore it and shoot again. Then again. And again. Nyssa sees the hole I made and exploits it, fire streaming onto the raft. Garrot and family use the distraction and lob arrows onto the second raft, goblins screaming instead of jeering.

  What few shots that are returned all aim at me. I take a few steps to each side as I fire. An arrow cuts my forearm. Then my stomach. And my leg. The nicks and near misses pile up, tiring me and wearing me down. Someone runs up behind me and a warm touch to my back returns some energy as the goblins close. I stop drawing and grab at my doll. Stone I think, and the vines unravel, dropping it into my hand. I hold it over my shoulder, carefully dodge the few arrows coming my way. "Get this to Merryn. Hopefully it will help." Nir reaches over and takes it, running off.

  I drop the bow, grab my sword and run backwards. I turn and face the closest raft and sprint, leaping as I hit the shore. I drop close to the goblins, sword swinging down, slicing a goblin and cutting through the raft. As I go under, I pull my legs up, so I can propel myself off the lake bed. Sword up I aim for a gap between logs and push. As the sword goes through, I swing it, cutting all the bindings I can, letting the raft fall apart around me.

  Water and blood run off me as I stagger to the shore, goblins panicking in the water behind me. I start to collapse, the effort and exhaustion catching up to me. Propping myself up with the sword, I try to drag my legs forward. The constant popping of Nyssa's wand sounds in my ears as I cough up water. Sets of legs form up either side of me, twanging and popping sounds get louder. The scuttling sound of Nyssa's armored legs surrounds me. I can see her armored underside. Oh, she's covering me. That's nice. I do have a heal left but it's not working. I'm really shaking and it's cold. Sleep, yup I need sleep.

  Something is slapping my face. Hairy, no woolly. Nope its wooden. My eyes open to a small root, gently hitting me in the face. Palming it away, I'm still under Nyssa, but she's no longer casting. The little root curls and points up the beach towards the cottages. I get the hint and look that way. Roots are tearing off all the burning wood from the cottages and stacking them in a bonfire. Warmth! Good idea. I crawl then stagger to the fire, hands out, desperate to get warm. Sword, where's the sword. Suddenly it's in my hand, the weight unexpected so the point drops into the bonfire and I yank it out.

  Called. Came.

  "Um, sure."


  "Good idea." I cast Heal and feel warmth and some strength return to my body. Drips still hit the beach. Red drips. Looking around I finally see what is going on. The Tree is alive. And at war. Roots and vines are ripping apart anything on fire, dumping it all on the bonfire. Goblins and Snotlings are being hauled from the water, alive or dead and dragged to a pile. Live ones are bisected by the vines, both halves of their bodies falling on the pile. The small blue Spirita crystals are being dragged next to the pile. No-one else seems to be able to see that. The Grove's residences are cheering, hugging each other. Carol is explaining to all the kids what is happening, some hiding in fear, others watching on, hatred on their faces. Kitty is hopping over to me, blanket dragging along the ground behind her.

  Garrot and family are looting the dead, piling items off to the side. The Blues, gotta learn their name, are helping. The mother? Is on her knees, praying or casting, not sure which. The small green ones are patrolling the shore with spears, dragging anything over to the correct pile. Nyssa's on overwatch, scanning everywhere, ready.

  Across the lake what few enemies remain are screaming, fighting roots and some small trees. Trees don't really get hurt by spears or daggers, so less of a fight and more of a slaughter.

  The blanket is pulled over my kneeling body and a warm furry bundle snuggles up to my chest. A muffled "I like helping." Comes up from my chest. "Hi Princess. You did good, didn't you? Good girl." I fall back and sit on the ground, now feeling warm but still exhausted.

  "Who's your new friend? Another princess? Goodie, you can be sisters." Kitty is talking to her doll while pointing to the sword. I hug Kitty as she makes me warmer.

  "Thank you again Kitty."

  Her little muffled voice pops up as she nuzzles my chest.

  "You're welcome Sir Shielder. I like helping. Your fur is funny. Doesn't it grow? My daddy's fur is better, but I still like hugs." The sun is shining thru the smoke and leaves, the sound of battle dying off in the distance. About an hour to high sun.

  Saved The Dryad. Saved The Tree. All by lunchtime.

  And me saved by a little rabbit.<
br />
  Maybe I can make a difference.

  Chapter Twenty

  The battle noises stop, and the bodies pile up on the lake shore. The piles of gear also grow. Vines rise from the lake, wrap around the dismembered bodies ten, or so at a time and drag them away. Nyssa is sitting, or crouching, down next to me. Carol tried valiantly to get Kitty to unbundle herself from me, but she wouldn't leave. As the work slows down more residents gather around the fire.

  No-one is talking. All stare into the fire as it very slowly dies. Garrot and family are washing off in the lake before coming to the fire, quiet also. The sword, Princess, is reflecting the flames of her blade, stuck in ground next to me. The doll, Princess is now on my back, burrowing and moving around. I barely feel it, apart from the warmth. My cuts have stopped bleeding, in some cases from the rabbit fur pressed on them, from her body or paws where she 'made sure I was alright'.

  Nyssa stares into the fire and whispers. "I thought you were dead. I was panicking as the first arrow bounced off my breastplate. Then it was all I could do to stay alive and keep these people alive. I just 'switched', forgot about you and tried to save them. I'm not a good friend."

  I growl at her. "Nyssa, you are my friend and companion. YOU DID THE RIGHT THING. You got them organized right? Got them to safety? Fired at the goblins - probably a fireball or two to keep them at bay so you could prepare?" She's nodding through this.

  "So, you have NOTHING to be ashamed for. You did the best you could. Even if I didn't do my mad dash, you would have taken these people to safety, probably up this great Tree and then hunted those bastards down." I'm standing now, and Kitty is a pile under the blanket. I grab Nyssa’s hands in mine and continue.

  "You did amazing. You didn't think of yourself at all. I couldn't be prouder to know you. Thank you for saving these people." She's crying, and I pull her in and hug her. I hear a few cheers, whoops and crying around the fire.

  Looking over at Garrot I ask.

  "No-one was injured?"

  He shakes his head. "Nothing worth mentioning. Nir's healed anyone who needed it. Just waiting on her so we can sort all the gear."

  "Where is she anyway?" I ask

  A light breeze blows thru the crowd, with a whispery voice.

  "She's with the Tree and I, Lord Shielder. Just grabbing lunch for everyone. We'll be there shortly. And maybe you should get dressed."

  Good idea. I rush to do that as quiet falls over the fire, and then the dam bursts and people are screaming with joy, cheering and carrying on. Jumping around, clapping and so many tears. The Grove is once again alive. Men and women come over to me and Nyssa, squishing us both in hugs and handshakes. Kitty and the other children are running around madly, feeding off the excitement. Two long tables with benches are lifted over the cottages by vines and placed down along the shore. No bodies are there, and the gear is by the tree trunk, in piles.

  All the prepared food from the village is on the tables, wooden plates and cups already filled. Nir and Merryn follow, walking out with a few plates between them. Merryn is green, vibrantly green. Her hair vines moving about on their own. Her skin smooth bark now and her face almost human. Nir is wearing a new robe and looks at least 20 years younger to me - no idea how that converts to elves, hundreds of years, 20 decades? Smiles abound. Nir goes and sits with her family. Merryn pushes in between Nyssa and I. Kitty wouldn't let her sit on my other side.

  "Sorry Nyssa." She whispers. It's as if she's only talks in whispers, like blowing into your ears gently. Dryads.

  "I need to talk to your companion while we eat. This way you can both hear." Nyssa devours a rice ball in response, mouth showing more teeth than needed. Another unneeded reminder not to piss her off. It gets a small windy laugh from Merryn.

  "Don't worry about my intentions. I just got divorced and I'm not looking for a new man... yet."

  "Dryad's get divorced?" I ask.

  "Well, when your Mage husband decides to take the Ladies of the Night to bed and stab his wife with a Stone-blessed blade, divorce was on the tarot cards. Then the screams, the blood and the death. Never mind that, happier thoughts are in order." She pauses and smiles. Her bark clothes or skin rolls back a little and she takes out the d8 Stone and offers it to me. I put my hand up to stop her.

  "You use it for now. Whatever that represents is too powerful for me, at least for the time being. I take it that it has a lot of power stored in it?"

  The wind blows and someone else answers, rough and earthy.

  "Yes, it does Shielder. But you earned it." Merryn looks at me and whispers.

  "Oak Trees. Direct bastards. Tough, loyal but can be brutal bastards." An earthy growl is the response that I can feel in my chest.

  "Now now love, be good." She says patting the table. Easy decision then.

  "You two use it then, make the Grove safe. Rebuild it. Give Nyssa a real home, friends that have a decent life expectancy."

  The growl starts again.

  "Shielders don't always die Paul of the Walsh's." Merryn taps the table again.

  "Let me love, you're scaring your friends down here." No-one is eating. They're all still and listening.

  "Sorry everyone. Just hated that it took so long to protect all my branches and children again."

  Merryn grasps my forearm.

  "Thank you for that. Tomorrow this will be a different place." She's earnest in her thanks. "And you both need rewards, for your deeds and actions." Before either of us can speak she puts up her hands to stop us.

  "Don't say anything yet. Firstly, we will provide you with a large house here for your adventuring party to share, grow and live. Library, studies, training yard. Paul's home away from home, and away from home again I would think. Secondly, Paul. The Heartwood Doll wishes to stay with her new Princess friend. She would like to bind with you and act as your conduit with the Soul Eater Sword you have. She will form a sheath and attach to your back. Don't fret.. You won’t change, you'll still be human. Just with a symbiote, like moss growing on the side of a tree. And if you let her do this, I can offer you something truly special." My skin is covered in goose bumps. It's bad enough one thing talks to me in my mind, but to allow another?

  Merryn sees my worry.

  "She's likes you. And she loves Kitty. Kitty told her to protect you, and that is what she wants to do. The Soul Eater will always be hungry, wanting to refine souls for the Stone. She can help feed it, slowly, so you do not fear being overrun with desires that are not your own. And we can feed her, from the Tree, with natural Spirita Aqua. Meaning you need not kill for souls. Only when it is necessary." My eyes light up and I turn to her and grab her shoulders desperately.

  "I don't have to be a killer? I don't have to kill for souls? Gods yes." The relief washes over me. I can get some part of my life back, even part of my own soul. Merryn continueswith a small smile.

  "We can transfer a small amount every day, about 10 snotlings worth, that you can then store and return to the Stone in the village. Or use as you see fit."

  "Then yes. It's worth it if it stops me having to consider killing everyone or thing I meet."

  "Good. Both Princesses agree." Itching starts on my back, with a slight tearing of the silk. I try and look over my shoulders and get a laugh and comment from Nyssa. "You can't watch it. It's growing out and making a sheath of solid wood, diagonally across your back, the opening is near your right shoulder. The sword will fit." I call "Sword" and it appears in my hand, instantly. I reach the sword over my shoulder and I feel something grab it. I release my grip and I feel the weight transfers to my back and then into the sheath. I can barely make out the hilt and pommel in the corner of my right eye, if I turn just a little.

  Nyssa giggles. "These little vines shot up and grabbed the sword, putting it in the sheath. They cover the hilt so it won’t fall or move. It looks like they are hugging and talking, the vines are moving ever so slightly.


  Shielder. Steel Princess talking with Wood Princ

  "You okay with this?"

  Princess' happy. Not killer, just refiner now. Very happy.

  “It’s going to be awkward thinking of both of you as ‘Princess’, from now on I will think of the Heartwood as ‘Doll’”

  Merryn and Nyssa are looking. "Sorry. Making sure both girls are happy. They seem to be." Merryn nods and turns to Nyssa.

  "You need more training. Oak and I offer our guidance. We will train you in spells and enchanting, if you promise to guard our works and home. What we make is yours. What we have is yours. We wish you to join the Grove."

  Nyssa starts crying. Kitty has risen and climbed on her back, trying to hug her from behind.

  "It's alright Nyssa. I'm here." Kitty hops up and starts stroking Nyssa's hair, going down her back, using her paws as a comb.

  Nyssa's wipes her tears. "Yes, please. I'd love a home. With friends and even a job." There's a cheer from Carol's and Garrot's families which sets Nyssa crying again. I go back to eating. Merryn nudges me. I look up.

  "Go to her you idiot" whispers in my ear. I get up and go over and Nyssa pounces on me, hugging and kissing my cheeks and all over my face.

  "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She's so happy. I grab her face and kiss her hard on the lips, then pull away.

  "You worked for this, not me." She’s shocked quiet.

  "Wow, speechless. That's a first." She snaps out of it, eyes narrowing at me. An idiot grin grows on my face.

  "Glad you're happy Nyssa." I let her go and she slowly stops her hug, unsure what to make of me now. I plant a kiss on her cheek and run off, waving to the air.

  "Soul collecting, be right back." And dash on down the shore. She’s still stunned as I run off.

  Use me to drink.


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