Beyond The Wall

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Beyond The Wall Page 21

by Pwyll Duggan

  "You need better equipment. Nyssa and I will take care of that. First, put this on your left wrist." She hands me a small copper bracelet with three runes on it, all very similar to each other. I pop the bracer, pull down the glove to my wrist and force it on.

  It gets hot then really cold. I go from looking at it to Merryn.

  "Potion Bracelet - two healing and one mana. Might come in handy. We’ll enchant a few more items in the next few days - I will teach Nyssa to do some for you." I stroke my beard and ask.

  "Can you enchant bones?" Merryn is walking towards the tree as she answers.

  "Only special ones - normal bones tend to be too brittle to withstand the spirita process."

  "Um, what about living bones that have been changed to accept it?" She reaches the tree and stops, turning to gaze at me.

  "What did you do to yourself?"

  "I got The Stone to change me. I have a low percentage regeneration ability. With some healing I could get it done on my bones. Weapon storage, heavy armor, a whole inventory, scroll-like abilities. Was just an idea." She glances upwards, shakes her head and grabs something from the tree.

  A small glowing sphere is floating in her hands.

  "Absorb this." She continues "I'll do some research and see what we can do about those bones. You didn't seem that reckless."

  Power flows down my arm as I collect the Spirita. I comment on that. "I'll do whatever will give me an advantage. Pain of doing my bones will pass. What it could give me, could save my life, or others. That's worth it."

  "Can't argue with the logic of that. Now go see your home before Nyssa starts an earthquake with all her jumping." I'm shooed out of her house to a waiting Nyssa and Kitty. Kitty gets the first words in.

  "You're back Mr Shielder. You need to see all the work Nyssa has done." I reach down and rub the top of her head.

  "Hiya Kiddo. That's the plan." She likes the head rub and smiles.

  "Did you bring more rice balls. Nyssa likes rice balls." With a chuckle I hand her two. "One each okay?"

  She's bouncing as she passes one to Nyssa, then bounds down the worn path to the other side of the island. I stay, looking at Nyssa with her shy smile when a young voice shouts out.

  "Come on slow snails, you need to see the house!" Holding out my hand for her, we then slowly walk hand in hand after her.

  The house is on the north face of the King Oak. Two high stories tall, rough placed stone walls, angles from the various sized stones playing in the morning light. Shutters on all the windows, with a length of the front all cantilevered shutters, to open the whole room behind it. Small protruding entrance with a large stone door, flat and featureless. Wooden slat roof and slats over all the windows. Window boxes with herbs already growing fast, matching the small garden at the trunk of the tree, herbs and plants growing everywhere. Small chimney on the west side of the house, with a bay window and shutters jutting into the garden.

  Nyssa's points with one hand, holding the other tightly around mine. "That's the kitchen. The long shutters are for the lab, so we can air it out. Behind the door way and entryway is the dining area. Upstairs are the library and bedrooms. Hall past the rear of the lab leads to the far side and the baths. More rooms can go off that into the trunk of the Oak, If we need them. Storage is to the rear of the kitchen and in the basement, all stone."

  Off one of the rooms on the second story is a patio, supports going back into the house at an angle. Nyssa gestures at that.

  "Your viewing platform to look at the lake. All sized for both you and me, hence taller rooms than normal." I feel her nervously waiting for my approval. I lightly squeeze her hand.

  "Looks amazing Nyssa, you did great!"

  Moving forward I open the shutters into the long lab. The room is mostly empty, a round table with a very low wide stool and a single chair. The ceiling is 12 or 14 foot up, thick tree branches supporting the floor above it. Branches intertwine across the floors and walls, going flat as planks in some places. Seems a living bookcase is on the walls to the kitchen / dining area. Small stone globes dot the ceilings, shedding a pale white light, like little LED lights. Quick peek at the kitchen and hallway shows more of them, some brighter where needed, like over the sink and food areas, and a cluster in the empty dining room.

  The chittering of Nyssa's feet follow behind me.

  "Carrol said the merchant caravan is due sometime in the next two weeks. We can get a lot of things from them, or the village to make this into a home." Absentmindedly I tap her arm and nod yes, looking at everything in awe.

  "Oh, I forgot your armor." She chitters into the hall and up whatever stairwell is there, using the walls more than the steps.

  The kitchen is huge. Stone topped benches stretch the length of far wall, apart from a wide door into the garden against the tree trunk. Dual sinks with a hand pump for water with polished stone at all sides. The chimney shoots up from a stone surround, metal box stove. Hanging pots, pans and herbs are all over the place. A large island counter is in the center, with room around it for four people to prepare meals. A small counter leads out past the kitchen sinks into the dining area, like an old breakfast bar. The countertop overhangs on the other side, to fit tall chairs or stools under it. Against the trunk is a solid door, leading to storage would be my guess.

  Nyssa strides behind me, dark pants in hand. She passes them to me while commenting.

  "Once I got started, the whole idea you put forward worked. I remeasured and made some modifications. I redesigned the pockets and added extra based on tensile strengths. Made the silk resistant to cutting and added more padding. Extra pockets are for when I can create special hard steel silk, placing them as inserts like you mentioned. That is a really smart way to produce armor. They do that on your world?"

  "All the time. Changes the weight of what you wear and allows you to add better insert plates as they improve the design. Change on the fly if plates get damaged, making repairs easier." I'm removing my boots as she has her notebook out, scholar mode all activated. Maybe crafter mode. She keeps asking questions, ignoring the fact I am undressing in front of her. "So, they do that for all body armor?" I struggle out of my boots, leaning on a bench to stop and answer.

  "A lot of it. You wear a vest and add plates to it. Sometimes pouches on the outside too. Strap on extra for arms and shoulders. Very modular and can be adjusted situationally if needed. So, really heavy for non-combat people you are escorting, lighter for scouts and rangers. Things like that." Nyssa is scribbling away at high speeds, one of her legs goes up to steady me as I get the pants on - all without looking up. She starts mumbling.

  "Create various chest inserts, enchanting them while having a larger full breastplate over the top to take damage. Enchanting the vests separately from the plates allowing more protection. Pauldrons over the shoulders and upper arms, using layered plates on an inner sleeve. Gauntlets and inbuilt bracers with harder pole like sections for forearm blocking, with options for plate coverings. All depending on weight..." She's off in her own world as I get the pants belted on.

  It is thick and padded with heaps of pockets and storage. I move a few knives into pockets, small waterskin in a large pocket and some trail rations on the other side. Boots on over the cuffs. Need some good boots, with some heavy shin protection, some greaves, and some knee pads. Need to be able to slide and look good doing it hehehe.

  A Knock against wood snaps me out of thinking and Garrot and his kids are at the lab shutters. Nyssa moves slowly to the table in the lab, sits her armored underside on the stool made for her and starts laying papers and notes on the table. She keeps writing notes and drawing sketches as I wave to Garrot. I kiss her on the cheek, "I'll be back later, just learning more about the enemy."

  She doesn't look up. "Sure thing Paul. Take notes, get unit sizes and watch for Wyverns."

  I need to listen more.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Garrot takes it upon himself to teach me how to walk. My scout and wildern
ess survival skills kick in, shadowing his steps and learning where to walk, how to step and stay quiet. It’s highsun by the time we hit the edge of the King Oak's influence. Before us is the Ring Road. Garrot explains it to me.

  "This started as a track between the settlements out here. Hundred odd years ago a Goblin clan started walking from village to village as traders. Soon moved to caravans and mounts. More peoples joined in and now there is a few clans trading along this route. The Ring Road goes hundreds of miles along the wall, then turning north for a bit then heads back parallel again. We see merchant's every three to four weeks, different groups all the time. Some specialize, some don't. Never know what you might get. They all deal in information and are mostly 'off-limits'. Doesn't always work that way, bandits and rogue monsters take their toll." He hawks out something from his throat.

  "Gold buys many strange things. Best not to share what you don't want known out here."

  Lilly points two fingers north, then to her eyes and makes a fist three times in succession. Garrot puts his hand up, palm inward then makes a fist from there, facing his daughter. Learning this isn't too hard, 15 enemy, 200 yards north; leader stay put. Aron's up in a tree on overwatch. He confirms the distance and number with hand signals also. Garrot pats me on the back, and I'm off, over the road and into the tall grasses.

  I move low and fast, going northeast towards Cratertown, the mining town, cutting across their probable path. Spear heads bob above the grass allowing me to keep them in sight and ahead. I draw both daggers from my lower back, the elven blades light and balanced. Points forward I crouch and wait for the first to come to me, cloak masking my presence, rough outline of grasses fill its draping form. They roughly move in two lines, making noise and not paying attention.

  Garbled conversations on drinking and fucking when they get home filter thru the grasses. The first goblin steps up to me. He blinks, not sure of what he is seeing, bearded face surrounded by wheat ears. Blade flashes up under its chin and back again. It stumbles forward and falls, much to the amusement of the two behind him. The one next to it is holding its throat, shock on its face.

  My emotions stop and go cold and calculating. Eyes seeing the paths I can take, silver flashes for blade strikes. I move, slow steps and arms weaving across and around. The next two lose their heads as I push forward, thrusting with my full strength lifting the next two off their feet as the blades dig into their chests. I plant a foot, stopping. The goblin bodies keep moving off my blades, slamming into the next two. I leap past them, blades plunging down thru rusty helms, eyes rolling backwards in the goblin’s heads. Ripping the blades up and free I reverse grip and stab backwards along the ground, getting the two I knocked down.

  I roll to my side and kick, feet a wrecking ball at a leg, then kicking the unstable form in the head. Snapping sounds of bone blend with the fleshy crunch of bodies hitting each other, one dead goblin into his patrol buddy. Completing the full twist of my body from the ground kick, I push myself up, arms flying forward, daggers released. I run past the shocked goblins clutching the daggers poking from their chests and punch with my right at full strength, goblin spear running along my breastplate, skirting off to the side. The punch connects, felling the last goblin.

  I clean off my fist on the last goblin as Princess feeds from my back, pushing my awareness thru her, gathering all along the patrol line. Blue globes float up and into my back as Garrot and Lilly burst onto the scene, skidding to a stop in the grass. Aron walks past them, arms at his side, fist out. We fist-bump as he walks by. He grins and starts looting from the start of the patrol. Glancing back at Garrot and Lilly, I watch her shrug and start looting. Garrot is just staring at the patrol.

  I start explaining. "I'm level 12 now. From what I can work out, Snotlings are level 1, gobbers 2, orcs 3, ogres 4 or 5. Lamias 2 or 3. The spiders range from 1 to 5. For the normal monsters anyway. So, any monsters that are standard for their type, not much risk for me. My attributes put me well above normal. Only those things that use their intelligence or skills will be a problem, locally that is." I clean the daggers off, sheathing them on my lower back.

  Turning back to Garrot grinning like an idiot I continue. "I figure I store some Spirita, start 'upping' those in the Grove and my workload will drop off as you all kick arse and take names. Might be able to retire if we can keep these mobs contained or culled. Seems like a..." and then I'm plowing thru the grass and dirt as the Wyvern chases me from its driving hit.

  I tumble end over end, arms and legs cartwheeling as I bounce, roaring Wyvern trying to close its jaws on me. My arms flap over me and slap it's dragonic nose, saving me from the powerful jaws. The motion bundles my body into the muzzle of the huge beast, it's neck twists sideways, whacking down into the ground. The small crater I make quakes as the wyvern skids to a halt, talons forcing earth and grass out in waves. I'm trying to move, and it stomps back to me, scorpion tail high in the air, dragon wings tipped by its claws, out to give it balance as it rushes forward.

  I backflip out of the way. My agility is great, my skill, not so much. Airborne my legs are half way over my head when they impact the wyverns lower jaw as it tries to bite me, or swallow me whole. Momentum changed, the top half of my body whips around, making me headbutt it's nose. Pain shots thru my forehead as it rears back. I crash daintily head first into the ground, crunching to the side. A talon wraps me in its grasp and I'm in the air again, thrown upwards.

  As I reach the apogee of the unexpected flight, I watch arrows ping of the scales of its back. It doesn't even notice them. The dragonic beast is under me, jaws wide, tail clearing swathes of wheat in an arc behind it.

  Unlike movies, anime or video games - you can't change your path when you jump or fall. No double jumping, strafing or rocket jumps here. Falling is no different. Spells though... The icebolt strikes downwards, pinning the tongue to the jaw below me. Roaring and screaming the wyvern backs away as my balled-up form makes a new crater in the soft earth. Head shaking back and forth as I get up, the wyvern's body goes low and the tail flicks forward.

  Both forearms together in front of me take the impact, feet farrowing the dirt. Scorpion stinger pulsating before my eyes, point between my solid bracers, venom dripping from it. Poison immunity next special, fuck anything else. A bloody roar as the wyvern's heads goes back, tail whipping back over its head. Princess is in my hand and I roar in return. Best defense is a killer offense. And I am that killer.

  I sprint forward. This thing is huge and I'm using a cleaver, time to chop something off. Using huge side steps, my thighs flexing back and forth covering a huge area in each step I close the distance. It's rearing back, tail high as I push down to the left and rush low right. Tail arcs over my head and I push myself up in an overhead leap. The skin along the wing near the body rips and tears as Princess carves a line along it.

  Like cutting the sail of a ship, I slide along it downwards, hitting the ground at a run. "Not flying any more now are you, you Bastard!" I taunt, keeping its attention. I grab Princess in both hands and fling her sideways at the beast, running around it's back.

  Princess hits hard, flesh absorbing the blow rippling outwards. I jump forward as the tail whips downwards, making a trench in the ground. The jump allows me to twist back towards the tail, Princess gleaming as she reappears back in both my hands. Scales point back to the body on the tail and I scythe Princess into them. She skips once then bites into the tail. As the wyvern flexes, I fall on the sword with my right bracer, driving it in with all the force I can muster. The tail's lifting as I roll off, leaving Princess in the wound.

  Landing on my feet I run forward, under the beast, who is more worried about the thing sticking out of its tail than me. Arm over my shoulder, Doll passes me my staff and grab it with both hands at one end. Running under the uninjured side I swing on my left side into the ankle supporting this side, body pivoting to increase my impact. The staff rips from my hand at the impact. Bone sticks out thru the scales at the front of the a
nkle, the snapping sound like a gunshot.

  The Wyvern is flailing to stay upright, damaged wing no help. It's tottering, howling in pain as its body collapses fractionally behind me. I raise up both hands, Princess appearing in my grip. "Give me that smile you Bastard!" I shout. The Wyverns' head whips to me, jaws open, exactly what I need. I swing strong across my body, aiming for the spot in its smile where the jaw and skull meet.

  Teeth chips fly out as Princess cuts the jaw and neck, giving the Wyvern an extra huge smile on this side. Blood spurts and scales part from underneath, Princess running down the sinuous neck with me pushing her down, hard. Pulling back, I strike forward, deep into the wound, through muscles and arteries. Princess impacts bone, blunt end jammed into vertebrae. Sword released I leap at the wound, right fist back. Punch telegraphs into the neck and vertebrae, bone exploding everywhere.

  The Wyvern's body flops to a stop, blood pooling around the head, eyes darting back and forth. Neck and head twitch nonstop, only slowing as blood pumps out on the ground. I pull Princess out and let her feed. Blood flows up the blade into the cross guard as I watch. I plant her in the pool of blood under the neck and she drinks it up slowly. I stumble backwards, bruised and extremely bloody. I look for my staff, finding it sticking out from under a wing. Doll takes it and I sit, lying back in the grass.

  Running feet come my direction, sliding to a stop on the grass pushed down around me. I prop myself up on an elbow then Aron's hand is there helping me up. Standing I try and shake off the blood, the three of them pondering me. Aron shrugs, draws his long knife and heads to the Wyvern's tail, sharpening with a whetstone as he goes. Lilly is looking at me in amazement and Garrot is wide eyed.

  "Like I was saying.." I cough and spit some blood out of my mouth, run my tongue over my teeth, nothing loose there. "Most things are not too much of a problem. Others are bit tougher." I crack my neck and stretch out. I ache all over, bruises form on my arms and legs.


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