Baja Honeymoon

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Baja Honeymoon Page 23

by Roland Graeme

  “Not very romantic.”

  “You think not? Come here, get closer to me. Let’s snuggle. You want romantic? I’ll show you romantic.”

  “Looking forward to it.”




  I HAVE to admit that Cabo is a swinging place, Ken wrote in his journal, although I’m not sure I’d want to live here year round. The beaches are fantastic, we’ve eaten great food in every restaurant or snack bar we’ve tried, and last night I talked Rick into going to a gay bar. Not that he really seemed to need much persuading. He’s curious about everything to do with gay life, and I do mean everything. Quite a few guys hit on him—and on me, if I may be so immodest—but luckily none of them seemed to recognize Rick. No one came up to him to ask for Deacon Rowe’s autograph. Which I’m not sure didn’t disappoint him just a little.

  Our first night here, Rick told me was in love with me. Of course he was drunk at the time, and we’d just had sex. A dude’s likely to babble anything right after he’s shot his wad. So I’m not going to hold him to it. The two of us are bros and we have a nice little bromance going between the two of us, that’s all. I’m not going to risk spoiling it by making too many demands of him, or by expecting this vacation fling of ours to develop into anything more than what it is.

  On the other hand, I can’t help wishing—

  “What are you writing about?” Rick asked, as they lounged about in the sitting room of the suite.

  “About all the hot guys who tried to put the make on us last night.”

  “Yeah, that was fun, wasn’t it? The bar, I mean. Are the gay bars back home anything like that?”

  “The gay bars back home tend to be a lot less upscale. At least the ones I can afford to patronize.”

  “When we get back, we’re going to have to go out on the town together some night.”

  “To a gay bar?”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “You’d be a lot more likely to be recognized there than here.”

  “So what? Straight men do go to gay bars and clubs, don’t they?”

  “The guys I meet in such places tend not to stay straight for long.”

  Rick laughed. “What an ego you have. And you really got off on having all those men flirting with you last night, didn’t you?”

  “You bet your sweet ass I did. And listen to who’s talking. You were eating up all that attention you got, yourself. Exactly how many dudes did you dance with, anyway? Five? Six?”

  “There were some attractive men in that club.”

  “And they were all fighting over you, trying to get your attention. We should have invited one of them to come back here with us,” Ken said.

  He was joking, but Rick, to his surprise, seemed to take him literally.

  “I’d rather invite Diego here some night, after he’s done working,” Rick said.

  “For a threesome?”

  “You almost sound shocked.”

  “I am. You’ve sure come a long way since we left Culver City.”

  “I’ve benefited from your tutelage,” Rick said airily. “Anyway, you do like Diego, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I like him a lot. He’s cute.”

  “Would you like to have sex with him?”

  “As long as we’re fantasizing, I’d rather have sex with him and you. Are you seriously proposing we get into a threesome?”

  “I suppose if I’m going to experience this whole gay sex thing, I’m going to have to try group sex too, sooner or later.”

  “You’re incredible. But we don’t even know for sure if Diego’s interested. Me, I take it for granted that every good-looking guy is potentially gay. It makes me feel less guilty when I make a pass. You’re still straight. Supposedly. So you don’t have those preconceptions.”

  Rick scoffed. “Oh, please. Even I can tell he’s available and that he especially likes you.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “I know so. Think up some excuse to get him up here right now, and we’ll ask him.”

  “I’ll tell him we need some clean towels,” Ken suggested.

  “There’re stacks of towels in the bathroom that we haven’t touched. You’re going to have to be a little less transparent than that.”

  “I suspect opaqueness would be wasted on Diego. He knows the score. Anyway, I’m in the mood for some coffee. Want some?”


  Ken picked up the phone, confirmed that Diego was on duty, and ordered room service coffee for two. Diego arrived with it, promptly as usual.

  “Thank you, Diego,” Rick said. “Oh, by the way. My friend and I have made a bet that you can settle.”

  This was news to Ken, but he said nothing.

  “Yes, señor?” the bellboy asked politely.

  “We were debating whether you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend.”

  The young Mexican hesitated for only a moment before he said, “A boyfriend, gentlemen.” He smiled knowingly.

  “I knew it,” Rick declared. “Is he hot?”

  “I think so.”

  “That’s what’s important. Here.” Rick handed the youth an extravagantly large tip. “Buy yourself something nice.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Now get out of here before we lock you in and take advantage of you.”

  “Whatever you wish, gentlemen.”

  “Out,” Rick insisted, although he could barely enunciate the single syllable because he was fighting back laughter.

  “Good afternoon, gentlemen. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “We intend to.”

  Diego left, and Rick turned to Ken with a smug look on his face.

  “That boy can be had,” Rick said.

  “It took you all this time to come to that conclusion? I had that kid’s number from the moment we checked in and I first laid eyes on him.”

  “Is that what you guys call gaydar?”

  “Yep. My screen was going blip, blip, blip the whole time.”

  “He’s cute.”

  “Jesus, Rick. Just how straight are you, really?”

  “Not nearly as straight as I was a few days ago, apparently.”

  “Do you really think Diego ever has sex with the guests?”

  “Of course he does, and probably for money, most of the time. I’ll bet the management turns a blind eye toward it. Maybe they even encourage it. After all, they’d probably rather have their gay guests’ needs taken care of in-house, so to speak, as opposed to having them bring some street hustler back to the room with them. I wonder what the going rate is,” Rick mused.

  “Next time we see him, I’ll ask. Why? Do you want him?”

  “I was thinking of hiring him for you, Ken, as a gift. A small token of my appreciation, because you’ve been so nice to me.”

  “Very considerate of you. It may interest you to know, though, that I’ve never paid for sex in my life.”

  “Are you telling me I’m actually in a position to introduce you to a new experience, for a change?”

  “An experience I assume you’d be willing to share?”

  “I wouldn’t mind watching you and another man make love, some time. I think it could be very educational.”

  “It might be. But keep in mind that I’m a firm believer in learning by doing. Anyway, I’ll have to sleep on it.”

  Ken didn’t literally sleep on it. But he did give the matter some thought as he and Rick went downstairs and had a swim, followed by lunch.

  Afterward, Rick announced his intention to take a brief nap.

  “Go on up,” Ken said. “I won’t disturb you. I want to run a few errands.”

  “All right. See you later.”

  Left to his own devices, Ken had no difficulty finding Diego.

  “Do you need anything, Mr. Bollinger?” the bellboy asked.

  “Actually, I’d like to talk to you for a moment. Take a break. Can you?”

  “For a f
ew minutes, yes.”

  “My buddy Rick and I have really been enjoying our stay here.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, sir. If there’s anything I can do to increase your enjoyment, you have only to ask.”

  “My thought exactly. Diego, you’re a very handsome man.”

  “Thank you, sir. It’s good of you to say so.”

  “I imagine a lot of the guests must hit on you.”

  “Hit on me, sir? I don’t understand.”

  “Proposition you. Sexually.”

  “Oh. I see. Well, you must understand that many gentlemen come here to Cabo San Lucas in search of companionship.”

  “And you do what you can to accommodate them?”

  “I am here to take care of the guests’ needs.”

  “And how does your boyfriend feel about that?”

  “He understands. It is not a problem between us. He knows that work is one thing, and what we do at home is another.”

  “A very sensible attitude. Let me ask you, Diego. How much would you charge to spend some time with me and my friend?”

  “You and Mr. Decareau are both very attractive gentlemen. I would be willing to do anything you would like me to do for you, and for free.”

  “That’s flattering, but we really have no intention of taking advantage of you. We’d expect to reimburse you for your time and trouble. And trust me,” Ken added, allowing himself just a hint of a leer, “you’ll earn every peso of it.”

  “Would you be willing to pay me in cash, in American dollars?”


  “Would one hundred American dollars be too much?”

  “It would be much too little. What kind of cheapskates have been taking advantage of you? Let’s say two hundred, and if you show us a really good time, then there’ll be a little extra in it for you.”

  “You are very generous.”

  “And I expect you to be very friendly and outgoing, if you understand what I mean. You see, my friend Mr. Decareau is not very experienced when it comes to amusing himself with other men. You’re going to have to help me get him to overcome his inhibitions and bring him out of his shell.”

  “I understand perfectly, sir.”

  “I’m sure you do. We have a business arrangement, then?”

  “Of course.”

  “Great. What time you get off duty tonight?”

  “If I’m expected to perform an errand for any of the guests, my hours are flexible.”

  “And so are you, I’m sure. Would ten o’clock be all right?”

  “Yes. I will come to your suite then. And you will not be disappointed. I will make sure of that.”

  “Perfect. See you then.”

  When Rick woke from his nap, Ken informed him of the arrangement he’d made. Rick’s reaction took him rather by surprise. He’d anticipated having to sell Rick on the idea. True, they had joked about getting into a threesome with Diego, but Ken still couldn’t be sure, at times, whether his friend was joking or being serious, especially when it came to sexual matters.

  But Rick seemed genuinely excited by the prospect of a threesome. He did, however, accuse Ken of being cheap.

  “Two hundred bucks seems low for a place like this and for a guy of Diego’s obvious quality,” Rick suggested.

  “I thought you didn’t have any experience of such things?”

  “Not directly. I do hear stories, back home. One of my costars on the series hires a male escort once a week. At three hundred bucks a throw. He always shows up at work the next day bragging about how fucked-out he feels.”

  “Jesus. I’m obviously in the wrong line of work. I should be an actor or a hustler.”

  Rick grinned. “Some people would say there’s no real difference between the two professions. Anyway, we’ll have to make sure we slip Diego an especially big tip.”

  “That’s not all I plan on slipping him.”

  They then argued about whether or not to pay for Diego’s sexual services out of Rick’s engagement ring fund. Ken prevailed by insisting that this was an incidental, shared expense, the kind they’d agreed to split fifty-fifty.

  That evening, Ken wrote in his journal while they waited.

  Rick is as nervous as a high school geek who’s about to pick up his prom date, he recorded. Thank God he has an experienced slut like me to steer him through this.

  There was a knock on the door promptly at ten. Ken went to open the door.

  “Gentlemen,” Diego said. “I am here.”

  “You certainly are. I don’t think we need to be quite so formal, though. Relax. In fact, why don’t you give me a kiss?”

  Diego smiled. “Of course.”

  Ken boldly took Diego in his arms and helped himself to his mouth. There was nothing passive or diffident about Diego’s response. He returned the pressure of Ken’s lips with complete abandon. Emboldened, Ken slipped Diego his tongue, and the hotel employee responded in kind. The evening’s entertainment was definitely off to a good start.

  “Oh, he’s a sweet boy, and he’s got a sweet mouth,” Ken reported. “You’re going to have to get some of this, Rick.”

  Rick, observing the other two men’s prolonged osculation, was also smiling, if a bit uncertainly. “You’re the only guy I’ve ever kissed, Ken,” he pointed out. “In that way, anyway.”

  “What way’s that?” Ken asked, teasing his friend.

  “You know. In a sexual way.”

  “Well, it’s about time you got in some practice. Come on, Rick,” Ken urged. “Kiss him.”

  Rick stepped forward and started making out with Diego too. He and Ken took turns kissing the bellboy, whose hands returned their caresses, exploring the two norteamericanos’ bodies through their clothes.

  “I think we’re off to a good start,” Ken finally declared breathlessly.

  “Yes,” Diego agreed. “Now what would you like me to do?”

  “I don’t know about Rick, but I’d like you to take off your clothes. I’m ready to get a good look at that hot body of yours.”

  Diego was already unfastening his tie. “As you wish.”

  He stripped naked in front of the other two men, displaying a total lack of self-consciousness. Ken was amused to notice that, true to form, Diego was careful to fold his clothes and place them in a neat stack on one of the chairs. When he was nude, the bellboy stood there, his hands at his sides, smiling.

  “Would you like me to pose for you?” he asked.

  “Yes, why don’t you?” Ken responded. “You have a beautiful body.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Bollinger.”

  “Call me Ken.”

  “Thank you, Ken. Would you like to see a move I’ve seen the male strippers do, in the bars in the Marina Golden Zone?”

  “Please.” This time it was Rick who had spoken.

  Diego grinned lewdly, invitingly, as he clasped his hands behind his neck and flexed his torso, thrusting his pelvis forward. Ken’s eyes were riveted on the young Mexican’s sex organ. He had rarely seen one so large. And Diego proceeded to bump and grind with an agility that would, in fact, have done a professional stripper proud. He rotated his pelvis so rapidly that his penis swung in a blur of motion in front of his groin. All the while, he flashed a smile that managed, somehow, to be both innocent and wildly provocative at once.

  “Very impressive,” Ken managed to say. “Tell me, Diego, does that cock of yours get as big as I think it does when it’s fully hard?”

  “I don’t know,” the Mexican said modestly. “How big do you think it gets?”

  “Pretty damn big.”

  “Then let me show you, Ken. Let me get it good and hard,” Diego volunteered.

  “Please do.”

  Diego reached down and demonstrated how his flap of foreskin could be pushed back and forth over the thick head of his fuck tool. He played with himself for a moment, then remarked, “It’s very arousing to be here with you two handsome men. Look, I’m getting very stiff indeed.”

  “You s
ure are,” Rick said.

  Ken glanced at Rick, who was so agitated with lust he looked as though he might actually faint.

  “You’re going to have to go a little easy on Rick, Diego,” Ken said. “He’s not as used to this sort of thing as I am. He may become overly stimulated.”

  “I’m willing to risk it,” Rick swore with an alacrity Ken found encouraging. “Keep playing with yourself, Diego. It’s really exciting to watch.”

  Diego obeyed, masturbating himself with slow, sure strokes. “Is this how you want me to do it?”

  “Yeah,” Rick said. “Just like that.”

  “I am getting very excited,” Diego confessed.

  “No kidding,” Ken said with a laugh. “But believe me, you’ve got company.”

  “Giving myself pleasure like this, anticipating the pleasure yet to come—that can be very satisfying,” Diego said. “But, gentlemen,” he went on, sounding a little short of breath. “I mean, Ken and Rick. You must get undressed too. I would like to see both of you in the nude. I would like very much to make love to you both. That will be the real pleasure, for all three of us to enjoy together. If that’s what you want,” he added politely.

  “Oh, that’s exactly what we want,” Ken said. “Let’s get this party going. How about it, Rick?”

  Rick said nothing, but looked at Ken with an expression of helpless arousal that was more eloquent than words. Then Rick stared back at Diego, who seemed to interpret this as an invitation. The bellboy stepped closer to the other two men, his hard-on jutting far out in front of him. Ken reached for it eagerly, and a shudder of pure sexual need went through him when he touched that turgid cock flesh. He wrapped his hand around it possessively, and Diego pushed his hand inside Ken’s shirt and pinched his nipple, making Ken groan.

  “Let’s get these clothes off,” Ken urged, setting the example for Rick by shedding his own garments as though they were saturated with some chemical that had suddenly begun to irritate his skin.

  Rick took advantage of the brief delay by grabbing Diego and kissing him again. Rick’s hands ran down Diego’s broad, muscular, bare brown back, from his shoulders to his buttocks. Rick cupped an ass cheek in each of his palms and squeezed the firm mounds hard, as though testing their resilience. And all the while, Rick continued to kiss Diego greedily on the mouth.


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