Shadow Lake Vampire Society: The Vision

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Shadow Lake Vampire Society: The Vision Page 7

by Wendi Wilson

  Levi was there, sitting with the others as they picked at their food. Micah sat next to him, leaning into his personal space as she spoke with fluttering eyelashes that he didn’t seem to notice.

  Because he wasn’t looking at her.

  He was glaring at me.

  Chapter Ten

  As I stared into the foggy, full-length mirror, I tugged on my one-piece bathing suit, willing it to cover more area. “Why do we have to do this water safety training again?”

  True stepped up behind me, looking amazing in a bright yellow swimsuit. “Duh. Because we’ll be spending half our day in the water with kids who may or may not know how to swim. I can’t tell you how many children I had to rescue last year.” I popped my eyes wide, but she waved a dismissive hand. “It’s fine. They all wear life jackets. You just have to swim in and pull their soggy asses out of the water.”

  “How often am I going to have to do that?” I asked, tugging my shorts and T-shirt over my suit.

  “Just once or twice a day.” When I shot her my look of terror, she laughed. “Kidding, kidding. I just love seeing that look on your face. Now, let’s get a move on and see that man of yours in all his glory.” She pulled her towel back and let it gently slap against my leg.

  I wagged a finger in her direction. “Let me remind you for the hundredth time, he is not my man.”

  But, wasn’t that why I was so self-conscious in a bathing suit? If Levi wasn’t going to be there, would I care this much? I was in decent shape, and, despite being pale, I didn’t look half bad, though I’d never been one of those uber-confident girls like True.

  Still, I’d not been this nervous since Patricia Barker got breasts in the seventh grade before everyone else.

  “Move it, lady.” True hooked her arm through mine and led me toward the cabin door.

  The moment we stepped outside, I realized just how hot it was even though it was only nine in the morning. Being this far north, summers were usually mild, but the weather had decided to be unseasonably warm today. Maybe hanging out in the lake wouldn’t be so bad.

  When we approached the beach and dock, I saw the other counselors standing in a lean patch of shade. Any optimism I had evaporated.

  God, they were perfect. The girls with their lean legs and slender but muscular arms. The guys with their perfectly toned bodies. Lars, Naveen, and Ian had already misplaced their shirts, showing off toned pecs and washboard abs as they applied copious amounts of sunscreen to their already glistening muscles.

  True sucked in a breath and whispered, “Damn. If I didn’t think they were all total asshats, I would definitely let them oil me up.”

  “I’m sure they would if you asked.” I tried not to stare, happy my sunglasses gave me some cover.

  True cocked her head as if considering the notion. Meanwhile, footsteps on the path drew my attention to two more figures approaching from the opposite direction.

  Levi appeared beside a person I had not yet met. The woman was older, perhaps thirty, sporting curly dark hair tied back with a slender white bandana. Her skin had an olive hue, though what her ethnicity might be I had no idea. With her dark eyes, perfect nose, and stunning smile, she was yet another member of the Beautiful People Club that seemed to populate this camp.

  Did Dean Purty hire based on looks alone? And if so, what was I doing here?

  “That’s Sasha Ali,” True said. “She’s Dean Purty’s right hand woman. Associate Dean or some dumb title like that.”

  Ah. That explained why she was with Levi. My stomach twisted at the thought of them arriving together.

  You can’t be jealous. You don’t like him. You’re just interested in what’s going on with him, I reminded myself.

  I recalled his strong arms around my body, his fingers on the back of my thighs. Then I pictured how he’d glared at me, his face darkening as his eyes fell on me.

  No matter how attractive he was, there was no way he’d come near me with a ten-foot pole.

  Sasha and Levi stopped between the two groups, and Sasha addressed us. “Gather up, troops. Let’s get started.”

  I walked with True, stopping when the circle seemed complete. Even though it felt like a lot of space, Levi took a step back as if I’d come too close.

  Yep, definitely still repulsed by me. Great.

  While I focused on a rock at my feet and not my embarrassment, the rest of the counselors waited for instructions. The smell of sunscreen wafted over the scents of sweat and lake water as feet shuffled through the gritty sand.

  “Wonderful. It’s good to see you all again,” Sasha began. “I think I know everyone except you, Piper, but Dean Purty has filled me in. I’m Sasha by the way.” She gave me a warm smile, and I returned it.

  “Nice to meet you, Sasha,” I replied.

  “Nice to have you, Piper. Can you swim?” One dark eyebrow arched as she assessed me.

  “Yes. I took five years of lessons. I’m also certified in CPR and First Aid.”

  “Great. Then most of what you’ll see is review, but we retrain every year. The water is nothing to play around with. About four thousand drowning deaths occur each year and not one of them is going to be at Camp Shadow Lake. Isn’t that right, everyone?”

  There was a chorus of agreement.

  “Right. So, let’s start with water rescue. Everybody in.”

  There was a collective groan as the counselors began to remove anything they didn’t want to get wet. I realized I’d have to shed my protective layer and felt myself burning bright red as I did so.

  While I disrobed, Lars, Naveen, and Ian ran to the water and plunged in, one of them giving a whoop as water sprayed everywhere. The girls were more tentative, walking in slowly, emitting little squeals as the cold water touched sensitive areas. Levi and Sasha walked in unceremoniously, leaving True and me as the last two to enter.

  Do it, Piper. Don’t let them see your fear.

  It was bad enough I’d fainted and probably everyone knew. If I didn’t show some gumption now, they’d most likely send me back home. A dud. Defective. I couldn’t live with myself if that happened.

  Taking a deep breath, I walked as confidently as I could to the water and in, letting it inch up my body with my lips sealed shut. True followed right behind me.

  “There aren’t really leeches in here, are there?” I whispered in her direction.

  “No,” she laughed. “I was only messing with you.”

  “Swim out until you can’t touch, then tread water,” Sasha instructed before heading out with confident strokes.

  Soon, nearly a dozen heads were bobbing just above the lake’s surface.

  “Okay,” Sasha said, as she positioned herself in the center of our circle, her arms and legs moving gracefully below the surface without making waves. “First, we’re going to practice tows. It’s the skill you’ll need most often if a camper needs assistance. Your job is to get yourself and your camper back to the beach safely. You’d likely have a rescue buoy, but you should know how to do it without one just in case. Who remembers how it’s done and is willing to show us?”

  Lars and Naveen’s hands shot up, eager to please Sasha. Who wouldn’t be? She was gorgeous, and it seemed those two might have a thing for older women. Yet, her eyes traveled around the circle until they landed on her preferred pupil. “Levi can show us how it’s done.”

  He gave a curt nod as he too treaded water like it was second nature. He was a strong swimmer. That was clear by how easily and gracefully he’d made it to the middle of the lake.

  “And now we need a victim.” Sasha twirled around, her eyes scanning everyone. Micah’s hand slinked out of the water, a silent volunteer. I wasn’t surprised. Of course she wanted Levi’s arms wrapped around her, his body tight…


  I startled out of my thoughts. “Me?”

  “Sure,” Sasha said lightly. “You need to learn the proper technique, and Levi is my best student. He’ll demonstrate.” Her eyes shot to him and somet
hing passed between them. A secret order from her to him, willing him to obey? He didn’t argue, but he didn’t seem happy about the idea, either.

  And how could I protest without making the entire situation more awkward than it already was?

  “Okay,” Sasha said, her voice overly light. “It’s simple. Levi will rescue Piper. Piper, you just go limp, and let him swim you to shore. The rest of you watch Levi’s technique. We’ll discuss it when they get back. Got it?”

  Everyone’s eyes turned to me. I gave a single nod, wondering if a person could have nervous sweats while submerged underwater.

  Levi swam up, closer and closer until he was only a couple of feet away. His gray-green eyes took me in, seeming to note every emotion running across my face in a single second before his deep baritone voice cut the tension.

  “I’m going to have to put my arms around you.”

  “I know,” I said, sounding like an imbecile.

  “Okay,” he answered. But before he moved in, he gave one more glance to Sasha who gave him a nod. His brow furrowed before he cut the distance between us in half.

  “Let’s get this over with.” His arm slid around me, and he pulled my body in line with his.

  I tried to go limp as he dragged me against him, but I was suddenly hyper-aware of every inch of my skin. My mind noted his hands as they slid up my shoulders, his forearms brushing my chest, his palms on the sensitive skin of my neck. He pulled me against the hard muscles of his chest and began to kick, drawing us through the water.

  Could he feel my heart pounding against him? Did he know the effect he had on me?

  As he swam us away, my eyes scanned the group one last time. True was beaming. I half expected her to give me a thumbs up, but thank God she had enough sense not to. Sasha watched with keen interest, as did Micah. But, while Sasha looked pleased, Micah looked angry enough to kill.

  Her eyes narrowed, and I knew at that moment, there would be no friendship between us. She wanted to press her body close to Levi’s, and I’d taken that chance. Now, she’d do anything in her power to make sure I paid for it.

  Levi’s gruff voice cut through my inner monologue. “Can you stop putting your hair in my face?”

  “Oh, sorry.” I tried to move my head but only managed to connect our bodies more since it now rested against his strong shoulder.

  Some of the gruffness left his tone as he continued to swim us back to shore. “Are you… all right?”

  “Yeah, fine.” Was I all right? All I could think about was each time my backside brushed against his swim trunks as we slipped through the water, and his strong arms pressing against my breasts, making tingles break out all over my skin.

  He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing beside me. “I mean… You fainted yesterday. Are you okay now?”

  Embarrassment replaced the desire flooding my bloodstream. “Yes. That was... a fluke. Low blood sugar.”

  “Good.” He gave more strong kicks, his body brushing against me in rhythmic waves. “I didn’t mean to… hurt you.”

  “You didn’t.” I chanced a glance at him. From my vantage point, his strong jaw and freshly shaved cheek were visible, as was the soft hair below his ear. I wondered what it might feel like to run my fingers through his locks, and a fresh wave of desire flooded my body.

  Levi’s nostrils flared, and his arms tightened around my shoulders. Suddenly, I had the sense that I’d angered him again, though I had no idea why.

  “Should I help you swim?”

  “Don’t,” he said, his teeth gritted as if he were holding on for dear life. “Just don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  But he didn’t answer. His body had gone taut, and he swam like our lives depended on it.

  I went quiet, once again with no idea what I’d done to offend him.

  His feet hit the lake bottom, and he stood. I expected him to direct me to walk, but instead, he picked me up in his arms and began to carry me to shore.

  “You don’t have to. I can walk,” I offered, but he shook his head.

  “Sasha wants it done a certain way.” His teeth were still gritted, and he held his eyes forward, moving with the determined steps of a man who had a job to finish⁠—getting away from me.

  When we got to the beach, I was sure he’d finally set me on my feet. Instead, he knelt down and laid my body on the sand.

  There I lay, wet and half naked while he hovered over me.

  His job was done, he could be rid of me, and yet he lingered, one hand on the sand beside my head. His eyes roved over my body with a look I couldn’t quite define. Perhaps, a look of abandon.

  Of desire.

  Like he wanted me.

  Then he shook his head. Giving a low growl, he shot up and ran as fast as his legs would carry him. I sat up and watched him go, wondering what in the hell had just happened.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I think I should leave.”

  The deep voice, so recognizable to me now, drifted from the open window of Dean Purty’s office as I passed the main building, halting me in my tracks. I’d decided to walk the long way around from the lake to my cabin, giving myself some time to analyze Levi’s strange behavior during our lifeguard training.

  And here he was, talking to the dean, asking to leave.

  “Levi…” Dean Purty replied, his voice tinged with a note of warning.

  “I know,” Levi assured him. “This is where I should be, but I don’t know if I can handle being so close to her.”

  Her? Was he talking about me? No. Why would he be?

  “You need to learn to control it,” the dean said, his voice stern. “If she tempts you—”

  His words cut off mid-sentence, and I yelped as Levi’s brooding face suddenly appeared at the window out of nowhere. He snarled at me before slamming the pane shut and yanking the curtains closed. My heart thumped in my chest as I stared at the closed window for several beats. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, and I spun around, making a run for it.

  “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid,” I mumbled to myself as I rounded the bend in the road that headed back toward Saka’am. I hadn’t meant to snoop, but now it seemed like I was his number one stalker.

  I felt a strong need to hide under the covers in my bunk and sulk. First, Levi practically ran away from me after staring at me with that strange expression. Like he was attracted to me. Or he was disgusted by the feel of my skin against his. It had been impossible to tell which emotion he was actually feeling.

  Then, I overheard Micah laughing and telling the others how pathetic it was that Levi couldn’t bring himself to put his mouth on mine for the CPR portion of my “rescue.” I didn’t even realize he was supposed to do that, and I cursed myself for the little thrill of anticipation that shot through me at the thought of it.

  And now, the cherry on top of this shit-tastic day, he was trying to leave the camp entirely? Because of me? And what was that Dean Purty was saying about him being tempted?

  I shook my head to clear the unwanted thought. No. I must have misheard. While Levi Kass had shown several highs and lows of emotion around me, rarely had it been anything close to temptation or desire. With the possible exception of that brief moment on the lakeshore, his eyes had always shone with something more like disgust and hate.

  And I, being the ultimate glutton for punishment, was disappointed. Did I want him to want me? Did I want his heart to beat a staccato rhythm every time he saw me? Did I want him to look at me with the heat of desire in those sage-colored eyes?

  Yes. Yes, I did.

  And I hated myself for it.

  “Piper! Are you okay?”

  True’s voice jerked me from my self-loathing thoughts, and I skidded to a halt in front of our cabin. She skipped down the steps to land in front of me, her hands rising to grip my shoulders. She dipped her head, snagging my gaze with hers.

  “Where have you been?” she asked, her voice taking on a gentler tone. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

nbsp; “Sorry,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m fine, I just needed some time.”

  “I heard what Micah said, and she’s a total bee-yotch. Sasha never told Levi to give you CPR. Micah was just trying to get under your skin.”

  “Well, she succeeded,” I said, pulling from True’s grasp and motioning her up the steps. Once inside the cabin, I turned back to my friend. “I overheard Levi talking to Dean Purty through the office window. He’s trying to leave Camp Shadow Lake altogether.”

  “What?” she exclaimed, her head rearing back as if I’d slapped her. “Why would he do that?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head. “He said something about being tempted by someone—not being able to handle being around her.”

  True’s eyes widened so far I expected her eyeballs to pop out of the sockets. Her mouth curled up into a feline grin, causing my head to shake rapidly.

  “No,” I said.

  “He was talking about you,” she said at the exact same moment. “Levi likes you, and doesn’t trust himself around you.”

  Her voice took on a dreamy cadence that had me flinching. I shook my head again.

  “I don’t think so, True. You didn’t see his face.”

  “And you did?”

  “Yes,” I replied, swallowing thickly. “I must have made a noise, or something, because he jumped in front of the window and slammed it shut. If looks could kill, I’d be dead a thousand times over. He does not like me. At all.”

  True gazed at me, her expression skeptical, but she didn’t argue. I was glad, because I honestly didn’t have the energy to debate with her. I had some wound-licking to do. With that thought, I tossed myself onto my bunk.

  “Are you coming to lunch?” she asked, her voice soft and hopeful.

  “No, not today,” I said, throwing an arm across my eyes.

  “I’ll bring you some food,” True offered, as she backed toward the door.

  “Thanks, True,” I said.

  “Of course. You get some rest,” she replied, and then she was gone.


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