He was wrong. So wrong. I loved him and if I ever saw him again, I would tell him so. I didn’t care that he hated me now, didn’t care that he thought I was a terrible person and probably regretted having anything to do with me. I needed him to know that I loved him. That I would love him until the day I died.
You’ll never see him again, Ellis. You’ll die without ever telling him how you feel. He’ll never know. He’ll find another human to fall in love with and never think of you again.
My chest ached, the agony of knowing that Galan hated me and would fall in love with another woman hurt worse than any physical pain. God, I had fucked up so badly. Maybe I could convince the guard to give me a pen and paper so I could write Galan a note.
And then what? You really think they’re just gonna deliver your note to him?
I reached the wall and rested my forehead against the cool stone. No, probably not. But it was worth trying. Maybe I’d get lucky and the guard would feel sorry for me.
The metal that covered the small window in the door slid open and the guard’s face appeared. “Move to the wall, prisoner.”
I moved to the wall farthest from the door, placing my hands in the spots marked and staring at the wall. It wasn’t time for my shower or exercise, at least I didn’t think it was – it was already hard to keep track of time – and my lunch had been delivered not that long ago so it wasn’t dinner time.
The door opened and I glanced over my shoulder, my jaw dropping when Galan walked into my cell. My hands dropped from the wall and the guard barked, “Hands on the wall, face forward, prisoner!”
I slapped them back into place and swiveled my head to face the wall.
“Leave us,” Galan said.
I snuck a look over my shoulder. The guard looked like he might argue before thinking better of it and leaving. The door shut with a heavy “clunk” and I turned to face the wall, my heart beating like a trapped bird against my sternum and adrenaline pumping through my veins.
“You can turn around, Ellis.”
“Actually, the rules in the ‘Welcome to Iron Gate’ manual are clear. I have to stay like this whenever I have a visitor in my cell,” I said. “Not that I’ve had many visitors, but I’m determined to win the ‘most well-behaved prisoner in Iron Gate’ trophy at the twenty-eighth annual ‘Ironies’ later this month. Apparently, you get an extra roll of toilet paper for winning and I am down for that. They are weirdly stingy with the toilet paper in here.”
“Ellis -”
“Is Inara okay?”
“Yes. She is awake and completely healed.”
Some of the tension leaked out of my body.
“Please turn around, sadora.”
I rested my forehead on the wall before turning round and staring at Galan. I soaked in the sight of him, resisting the urge to just run straight to him and throw my arms around him. Fuck, I’d missed him. “I know what sadora means, you know. I asked Uzel and he told me that Draax use it with their mates.”
“Ellis, I am sorry for -”
“I love you,” I blurted out.
Surprise crossed Galan’s face. I took a deep breath. “You said I wasn’t capable of loving anyone but myself and I just wanted you to know that you’re wrong. I love you.”
I chewed at my bottom lip. “I loved Esther too. I loved her so much and I failed her, I know that, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t love her.”
“You did not fail her, sadora.”
“I failed you too,” I said. “I should have talked to you, should have told you that I loved you before I ran away, and I’m sorry that I didn’t. But I won’t apologize for not asking you to talk to Quill or not asking you to help me. I don’t have a future and I refuse to destroy yours.”
“I love you too, sadora.”
Tears pricked my eyes and I stared at the narrow cot. “Well, aren’t we just a couple of idiots.”
“Inara told me the truth about why you stole the ship.”
“I wanted to help her sister,” I said. “And I failed to help her too.”
“You did not,” he said.
I glanced up at him and he smiled at me. “Once Inara woke and found out you were in Iron Gate, she confessed immediately that you stole the ship to help her. I went to Quill and asked him to help Inara’s sister. Quill sent Neani and Venta to help the young female.”
“Seriously?” I said.
He nodded. “Yes. As I was traveling here, Quill messaged me. They have Inara’s sister and she is safe. She will stay with them until the war ends and they can bring her here to Inara.”
I slumped against the wall. “That’s amazing. Thank you for helping her.”
“I am so sorry for what I said to you on the ship,” Galan said. “It is not an excuse, but my fear for your safety made me say things I should not have. I do not believe you are selfish or incapable of love, I swear. You are the most giving human I have ever met, Ellis, and I love you. I want you to be my mate.”
Jesus, Galan was fucking killing me here. “I appreciate your apology. I forgive you for what you said, and I’m sorry for lying to you. Knowing that you love me makes me stupidly happy, but it doesn’t change anything,” I said. “As soon as the war ends, I’ll be -”
“You will be with me, my mate,” Galan said.
Shit, I liked hearing Galan call me his mate way too much. “That’s a sweet thought but -”
“Quill informed the humans this morning that we had absolved you of your crime and that you would be staying on Draax rather than returning to Earth for punishment.”
My jaw dropped again, and I stared at Galan. I had to have misheard him. Solitary confinement insanity had already set in, right?
“What did you say?” I whispered.
“You are free, my sadora,” Galan said. “Free to live your life on Draax. You are more than welcome to stay at the castle and Melu has agreed to let you return to your job in the docking bay.”
“Now I know you’re talking bullshit,” I said. “Melu hates me for almost killing Inara.”
“He does not,” Galan said. “No one hates you.”
I stared wide eyed at him when he walked forward. His tail slipped around my waist and tugged gently. I walked toward him, stepping numbly into his arms as he bent his head and kissed my forehead. “I love you sadora.”
“I love you too,” I said.
He kissed me hard on the mouth and I threw my arms around his broad shoulders as our tongues touched and tasted. When he pulled away, we were both panting, and I could feel his erection against my abdomen.
“I have missed you, little human.”
“I missed you too,” I said. “How angry are the humans that Quill isn’t sending me back to Earth?”
“They are not happy, but Quill is not worried about it.”
“Thank you for asking him to do this. I hope it doesn’t change your friendship or -”
“I did not ask him to do it. He did it because he knows how much you mean to me,” Galan said. “My plan involved stealing you from Iron Gate and leaving the city. I was going to find a small parcel of land for me to farm, one that was far away from this city where we could live our lives together without anyone knowing of our past.”
“What? Are you serious? You were gonna stage a prison break and then become a damn farmer?”
He nodded and I rested my forehead against his chest. “Oh my God, that’s kind of romantic in a seriously fucked up way, but can I just say that I’m very glad we didn’t have to do that? I love that you were willing to give up your entire life for me, but I’m not sure I would have ever gotten over the guilt of forcing you to leave everyone you loved.”
He tipped my face up, pressing a gentle kiss against my lips. “You would not have needed to feel guilty, my sadora. You are my life. I cannot live without you.”
He wiped away the tear that slipped down my cheek and I smiled at him. “I love you, Galan.”
“I love you too, my mate. Let us go home.”
p; Please enjoy an excerpt from “Surrender”, Book Four in the Draax Series.
(Draax Series Book Four)
Copyright © 2020 Elizabeth Kelly
The door opened and I froze on the couch, staring at Inara as she stepped inside my office and closed the door.
“Hello, Melu.”
“Hello.” My voice came out weird… strangled and angrier than I intended.
I could see her throat working as she swallowed, could practically smell her anxiety, but she walked over and sat on the couch next to me. My tail thumped against the arm of the couch. She’d left plenty of space between us, but just being this close to her was torture.
“Why did you leave your party?” she said.
I shrugged, trying to breath shallowly, trying not to think about the female next to me being naked, her mouth on my cock, her beautiful breasts filling my hands as she moaned around my cock.
Krono! My attempt at staving off an erection failed miserably. The bulge in my pants was extremely noticeable and my skin darkened with embarrassment when the little female glanced at my crotch.
Instead of running away, she slid a little closer and my breath caught in my throat when she rested her hand on my thigh.
“Inara,” my voice was hoarse, “why are you here?”
“Do the Draax give birthday gifts, Melu?”
“Only to our young ones.” I couldn’t stop staring at her long fingers, couldn’t stop wondering what it would look like to have them wrapped around my cock.
“Adults don’t get gifts?” She shifted even closer until her thigh pressed against mine.
“Not usually.” I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t concentrate. Why was she torturing me like this?
“I have a birthday gift for you. Can I give it to you?”
I stared at her perfect mouth and at her flame-coloured hair, before clearing my throat. “You did not need to buy me a gift.”
She smiled, but I could see the nervousness in her face. “I didn’t exactly buy it.”
“What is your gift?” I said.
“I want to suck your cock.”
My breath exploded from my lungs and my cock stiffened into a hard spike. I’d heard her wrong. She hadn’t said what she said.
“What?” I croaked, my hips arching when she rested her hand against my cock. “What did you say?”
She stared steadily at me even though her face was now the same colour as her hair. “I want to give you a blow job for your birthday, will you let me?”
“Inara, I do not… that is… you are too young for me and -”
“I’m not,” she said. “Please, Melu. I want to do this very much.”
“Why?” I said, trying to ignore the pressure of her palm against my aching dick. How long had it been since I’d felt a female’s touch? Had a hand other than my own on my cock? Too long.
“Because I’ve never thanked you properly for saving my life in the garden and for your kindness to my sister.” She reached for the buttons on my pants, popping them open one by one. “Because it’s your birthday.”
“Inara, we should not,” I groaned as she opened my pants.
“We should,” she whispered. Her hand traced the outline of my shaft through my briefs and I was lost.
I reached down and freed my cock from the confines of my clothing, staring heatedly at Inara before reaching up and cupping the back of her neck. She smiled at me and leaned down. Her warm breath on the head of my cock was almost enough to make me lose control.
A groan escaped when she licked the head of my cock, cleaning it of the precum that already coated it. She glanced up at me. “The rumours are true. It does taste like gallberries.”
“Please, sweet human,” I groaned. “Your mouth. Suck me.”
She slid her mouth over my dick, and I moaned loudly. Krono, my little female was so sweet. I swept her beautiful hair away from her face, holding it in a loose ponytail as I watched her suck my cock. She gripped the base of the shaft, rubbing lightly as she teased the head with her tongue. My hips rose and fell, and I cupped her breast through her dress and squeezed gently before rubbing her hip.
“Get on your knees on the couch,” I said.
She glanced up at me, her mouth full of my cock, and I smoothed her hair back again. “Do it, sweet girl.”
She got onto her knees on the couch, bracing one hand on my thigh and keeping the other wrapped around the base of my dick as she sucked. I immediately ran my hand over her upturned ass, squeezing and kneading the firm cheeks as she licked up and down my shaft.
I pulled her dress up around her waist, my lust intensifying when I saw the tiny pair of panties she wore. I rubbed her bare ass cheeks before tugging on the thin piece of material nestled between them.
She squeaked around my cock and I rubbed her ass again. “Spread your legs, Inara.”
She spread them eagerly and I kept her hair wrapped around one hand so I could see her face when I slid my other hand between her legs and cupped her pussy.
Her panties were wet, and I growled my approval then slipped my fingers under the material and stroking her pussy lips before rubbing her clit.
She pulled her mouth from my dick, crying out her pleasure as her hand squeezed my thigh. “Melu, please!”
“Keep sucking, sweet one,” I said, using her hair to guide her mouth back to my dick.
She sucked eagerly, rubbing her wet pussy against my fingers. I smoothed her hair back from her face and rubbed her clit in light circles. “You look beautiful sucking my cock, little female.”
The door to my office opened and Krey strolled in. “Melu, you bastard, you cannot leave your own life celebration and expect…”
Inara tried to lift her head, her hand digging into my thigh when I palmed the back of her skull and kept her mouth right where it was. “No, sweet one, keep sucking.”
Krey shut the door and sat down on the couch behind Inara. He grinned at me. “I see you are enjoying your life celebration.”
I stroked Inara’s cheek with my thumb and smiled at her. “My little female is giving me the sweetest gift.”
“Your little female’s pussy is very wet,” Krey said. “She has soaked through her panties.”
Inara moaned around my cock when Krey stroked her ass. “It cannot be comfortable for her.”
“No,” I agreed. “Help her, Krey.”
Krey leaned over and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Inara’s panties, tugging them off her ass and down her legs before dropping them on the floor.
“Krono, she has a very pretty pussy,” Krey said.
I reached between her legs again, rubbing her swollen clit as I studied her face. I loosened my grip on her head, giving her the opportunity to lift her head and tell us to stop. She released my cock with a soft pop and turned her head to stare at Krey.
“Hello, pretty human,” Krey said.
“Hi, Krey.” Inara’s voice was low and her lips were shiny with my precum. She licked her lips and I stayed perfectly still. I may possibly have ruined the amazing gift Inara was giving me by not asking Krey to leave, but I had seen the way she looked at him. She wanted him as much as she wanted me, and I would give her the opportunity to have exactly what she wanted.
She smiled tentatively at me and instead of telling both Krey and I to stop, she took a deep breath and sucked my cock with renewed vigor.
I groaned, twisting her hair in my hand and praising her softly as my hips rose. “Good girl, sweet one.”
I glanced over at Krey. His pants were unbuttoned, and he had freed his cock. He stroked it slowly as he studied Inara’s pussy. He drew in a shuddering breath before looking up at me. “Krono, I want to taste your female’s pussy. May I?”
I stared down at Inara, watched the flare of fresh lust in her gaze as she looked up at me with her lips spread wide around my thick cock. I smiled at her and wiped away the saliva and precum from her chin.
“Yes,” I said, �
�taste her, Krey.”
For a glossary of Draax words, as well as extra tidbits and information about the Draax world, check out my website HERE.
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Books by Elizabeth Kelly
Tempted Series
Twice Tempted
Tempted 3
Red Moon Series
Red Moon
Red Moon Rising
Dark Moon
Alpha Moon
Pale Moon
Red Moon Box Set Books 1-3
Red Moon Box Set Books 4-6
The Recruit Series
The Recruit (Book One)
The Recruit (Book Two)
The Recruit (Book Three)
The Recruit (Book Four)
The Recruit (Book Five)
The Shifters Series
Willow and the Wolf (Book One)
Ava and the Bear (Book Two)
Katarina and the Bird (Book Three)
Porter’s Mate (Book Four)
Bria and the Tiger (Book Five)
Rosalie Undone (Book Six)
The Dragon’s Mate (Book Seven)
The Draax Series
Reign (Book One)
Rule (Book Two)
Rebel (Book Three)
Harmony Falls Series
Sweet Harmony (Book One)
Perfect Harmony (Book Two)
Forbidden Harmony (Book Three)
Individual Books
The Necessary Engagement
Amelia’s Touch
Rebel (The Draax Series Book 3) Page 29