Immaculate Spirit c1-242

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Immaculate Spirit c1-242 Page 63

by Newbiel

  "Just hurry, I'm going to wait until you are finished. After that I will lead you to the dining room, once done, I'm going home."

  "You know I know the layout, I could find my way to the dining room without you if you are expected elsewhere." Nathaniel said smiling internally. He knew how much Tobias hated the fact that Nathaniel had succeeded in breaking into the White House.

  "Not even in your wildest dream! And why do you have to be that much of a dick to bring that up?" He grumbled.

  "You called me a freak earlier, you deserve that one Tobias and you know it." Nathaniel looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

  "Yes, sorry about that. If I had known before about that video, I would never have called you out for killing these two pieces of shit. You were right by the way, kids once armed are not kids anymore but a threat to everyone around them."

  Nathaniel nodded gravely before going into the bathroom. He knew Tobias was not a bad guy but he was extremely protective of the President as it was his job and liked to control everything around him. Nathaniel was the exact opposite of that and so it was normal for them to clash often.

  Twenty minutes later after a long, hot shower, Nathaniel was feeling refreshed. Putting on sweatpants and a white shirt, he went back to the bedroom where Tobias was still in front of his door looking at his phone. Seeing Nathaniel attire, he frowned.

  "I'm ready, let's go." He said.

  "Are you friggin kidding me? This is the White House for god sake! Can you put something classier than that. Show a little respect, please."

  "Tobias." Nathaniel sighed. "You know where I was the last few days, do you think I had the time to do some laundry? This is the last thing I have that is remotely clean. Coming here was not in my plans."

  "Ah, yes I understand. Just put your dirty clothes on the side of the bed. I'll have a maid pick it up and clean it. They will be waiting for you tomorrow morning when you will wake up."

  "That would be nice, thanks." Nathaniel answers, doing just that.

  After he was done, the two of them walk side by side in the hallway of the White House, going to the dining room. Saying that Nathaniel did go unnoticed will be a lie as everyone he met looked at his attire with a disapproving expression making Nathaniel laugh on the inside. He never cared about appearance and walking in sweatpants among an army of suits was kind of fun.

  "Ok, we are here. Do not wander around the building or you will be detained. I put a lot of people to keep tabs on you."

  "I would have been disappointed if you did not have. Have a good night Tobias."

  "Yeah, same." He nodded before leaving.

  Opening the door, Nathaniel could see that they were already all sitting around the table. Beside the President and Lynda, there were two kids beside them. One was a boy around fifteen years old with brown hair and brown eyes. Even sitting, Nathaniel could see that he was kind of short for his age. The girl beside him was looking a little younger but not that much so Nathaniel guessed she was around fourteen years old. Also brown hair with brown eyes, like their father she was quite cute.

  Upon entering the room; all eyes focused on him and on what he was wearing. The silence held for a couple of seconds before William and Linda exploded in laughter.

  Chapter 152: :

  Not really bothering to be laughed at, Nathaniel smiles looking at each of them in turn. He quickly saw that the young boy was mocking him and had a sneer on his face when he was looking in his direction. The young girl on the other hand was laughing prettily with a hand in front of her mouth. She had a purity around her that was making her likable easily.

  "Sorry Nathaniel, we were not mocking you. It's just we didn't expect all." Linda excused herself once she was done laughing.

  "Yes, that's right. Even us living here avoid walking while wearing something so casual." The President interjects.

  "Yes, I get that a lot while coming here but since all of my other clothes are dirty, it was that or coming naked." Nathaniel answers, shrugging.

  "In that case I'm glad that you come here wearing that." Linda says in humor. "Let me introduce you to our son, Alexander and our daughter, Malia. Childrens, this is Nathaniel Lyndon, I don't know if you know him but he's quite famous."

  Walking to the other side of the table where they were sitting, Nathaniel took a knee to say hello to the young cute girl.

  "Hello my lady." Nathaniel said, kissing the back of her hand making her blush and giggled.

  "Hi." Malia said in a little, shy voice.

  "You know you are very pretty?" Nathaniel adds with a charming smile making her blush even deeper.

  "You're pretty!" She answers quickly, Nathaniel hearing Linda laughing behind him.

  "Thank you, this is very nice of you to say." He smiles warmly before getting back to his feet and walking to her brother. Trusting his hand forward, Nathaniel says.

  "Hello Alexander, nice to meet you."

  Looking at Nathaniel's hand extended, Alexander sneered before wrinkling his nose in disgust and turning his head away.

  "Alexander!" The President shouted angrily.

  "No it's okay, Mister President." Nathaniel raised his hand to stop the rant that he was sure was going to follow that shout.

  "Sorry about him, please take a seat." Linda said with a grateful smile even though it was evident to him that she was quite displeased with her son's behavior.

  Nodding, Nathaniel took a seat to the right of the President, facing Linda. The President was at the head of the table, Linda on his leff, her son beside her and her daughter beside her brother, leaving Nathaniel alone on the other side of the table.

  "Since we are not on official duties, just call me William, it would be easier that way. Hearing Mister President all day it's tiring after a while" He sighed.

  "Of course, William." He nodded, understandingly which surprised him even if he tried to hide it.

  "Dad, why is he here exactly? From which dumpster does he come from?" Alexander asked.

  Nathaniel raises his hand to stop Linda and William from screaming at their son, a scene that was not a first based on the expression of Malia in the corner. To be honest, he did not care to be insulted by a kid and just let it slide. He was curious however to know why Alexander wanted to humiliate and insult him in front of his parents.

  "Since you have questions for me, just ask them directly to me Alexander. I'm here because your mother invited me and I believe I'm starting to know why. For the dumpster part, why would that be an issue for you to know if I'm poor or not?"

  "If your poor, it mean you are either too stupid or too lazy to be rich. I also know that poor people are ready to do anything to become rich, that's why it's in the poor district that there is the most thievery and killing."

  "Is that so." Nathaniel thinks out loud. "And you, are you rich Alexander?"

  "Of course I am. I would not be here if I wasn't." He said arrogantly.

  "So, that means that if you are rich and I'm not, that makes you better than me?"

  "Of course it does." Alexander answers like it was the stupidest question he ever heard. "I'm the eldest son of the President of the United States, no one is better than me."

  "Being the son of the President makes everyone around bow to your every whim then?"

  "The smart ones do, the others learn that they should have." He said ominously.

  "Must you bow to your father also? And your mother?"

  "Euh, no!" He said looking at them. "They are my father and mother!"

  "I don't understand, you said that people needed to bow to you since you are superior to them. Your father is the President, he's your superior, you should bow to him. It's your own rule after all, you should at least respect it."

  Alexander was at loss for word for a couple of seconds until he turned to his father.

  "Why do I bother talking with meatheads? You are so stupid! Dad, can we get him out of here? I can't eat with bad company like that!"

  "I agree. Go back to your room
and think about all of what you said just now. I don't think you need to eat considering how full of yourself you are." William said with iron in his voice.

  "What!? But dad I'm your son and he's a nobody!" Alexander shouted angrily.

  "Just leave! I'm done with you for tonight." He said in a voice that broke no argument.

  Alexander got out of his chair with so much force that he made it fall on the ground behind him before storming out of the dining room, slamming the door on his way. Shaking his head in disapproval, the President turned to Nathaniel.

  "Sorry about Alexander."

  "It's alright William, since when did he start having this kind of belief?" Nathaniel asked.

  "A month ago give or take. He starts being friends with one of his classmates, the son of a congressman. After that he started to change, he always was a nice kid but he became a new person altogether recently. We tried to stop him but the more we tried, the more he got away from us."

  "I see." He nodded before seeing the sad expression on Malia's face. "Malia, do you like magic?" He asked her.

  "Magic?" She asked with interest. "Magic is not real, everyone knows that!"

  "Is that so?" Nathaniel asked, taking a fork from the table and putting it in his outstretched right hand. "Then, how can you explain that the fork disappears?" He asked with a smile.

  "The fork did not disappear! It's in your hand silly!" She laughed.

  "Oh? Ah! Oops, I forgot about that." Nathaniel added before snapping his finger and making the fork vanish from his hand.

  "It disappeared! It's magic!" The girl shouted joyfully, triggering a round of laughter from Linda and William. "Where did it go?!"

  "What are you talking about?" Nathaniel asked, seemingly lost.

  "The fork! Where is the fork!" She shouted excitedly.

  "Ah, the fork! Right here of course." He added, snapping his finger, the fork reappearing on his hand like it had never left in the first place, making the girl squeal.

  "How did you do that? I want to learn!"

  "Sorry, I can tell you that, Magician's code. But if you want you can come eat beside me and I will show you more tricks." Nathaniel added with a warm smile.

  "Mom? Can I?" She asked with puppy eyes, making her mother laugh out loud.

  "Yes, you can go but don't bother Nathaniel too much alright?"

  "I promise! I will be good!" She shouted, jumping off her chair excitedly, the sad expression that she saw not too long ago nowhere to be seen.

  Chapter 153: :

  After a delicious meal, Nathaniel finds himself sitting with the President and the First Lady, Malia having been sent to bed albeit begrudgingly. After Alexander had stormed off, they managed to have some fun and forget the whole event.

  "You are really good with kids, Malia is usually shy with strangers and in less than five minutes you had her in your pocket."

  "Well, I like kids, maybe it's because I'm still one?" He gave her a wolfish smile that made her grunt in amusement.

  "You are no kid, Nathaniel."

  "If I'm not a kid, what am I?" He asked, sipping into his drink of orange juice.

  He had not missed the hidden smile that the couple exchanged when he ordered an orange juice when they had asked for two coffee after dinner was over.

  "Something else, I will find out the truth about you someday." She stated, challengingly.

  "I'm an open book for you to look into Linda. After all you can tell when I'm lying, it seems unfair even considering I can't do it to you."

  "Each person has their talents, I can read micro expressions on people's faces. What are yours exactly? "

  "Reconnaissance, infiltration, assassination. Hand to hand combat specialist, sniper with basically every weapon on the planet and knife mastery. Not as glamorous as yours but it's equally helpful depending on the situation." He shrugged.

  "Sniper with every weapon on the planet? I can tell, you believe that to be true but I think you are delusional." She shakes her head in disbelief.

  "William?" Nathaniel asked.

  "It's true dear. Each time based on the report he comes unarmed and always manages to kill everyone with their own gun with an accuracy unmatched by anyone in the army or intelligence. So far, he never missed a bullet in action, that stat had Tobias rattle in more way than one." The President said with a little smile, thinking back at that conversation.

  "And how are you so accurate with firearms?"

  "Video Games." Nathaniel answers with a smile, making Linda laugh.

  "You don't strike me as a gamer."

  "Maybe because I'm not. To give you an idea, when I was ten I liked to read my mother's case files rather than playing outside. I always like to read, that was why I didn't make a lot of friends in school I guess. I was and still am to a degree a loner who likes to do things my way."

  "I can still see it in you. I did not expect you to be so forthcoming with information about yourself." Linda said surprised.

  "It's because I want you to feel at ease. I'm going to ask you something that you will not like even a little bit." Nathaniel added ominously.

  "What do you want to ask of me?" She asked curiously.

  "It's more to the two of you. Tomorrow is Saturday, since it's not a school day I want to take Alexander out of the White House to have a talk."

  Exchanging a stare, the couple seem to have a silent discussion before William answers him.

  "Well, I don't think he will be okay to come with you but I think we can convince him to do it. Go with him with an extended escort of Secret Service agents and everything will be fine for us."

  "No, sir. I don't think you understood me correctly. No convincing, no Secret Service escort. Just me and him, alone away from here." Nathaniel shook his head.

  "What!? No!" Linda shouted with firmness.

  "Linda, he does not listen to you anymore, you said it yourself. I think I can get through to him but only if we are completely alone with no outside interference."

  "I don't care, find another way!"

  "William?" Nathaniel asked for help, seeing the mixed feeling painted on his face. Turning to her husband, Linda was surprised to see the expression on his face.

  "Are you actually considering this craziness?" She asked in disbelief.

  "Linda, we tried everything and he stone-walled us every step of the way. We are actually considering sending him into a military school to prevent him from causing more trouble. If Nathaniel's ideas have only a little chance to succeed, I think we should go for it."

  "Linda, you invited me to dinner in hope that would do exactly that so why are you so categorical? I promise nothing would happen to him, I will protect him with my life if the need arises." He swore wholeheartedly.

  That seemed to placate her a little bit as she started to calm down, walking around.

  "You will keep him safe?" She asked again.

  "Yes, He will come back to you unharmed, I promised."

  "He better be! If he were to be injured in any way, I will be taking it on you. Do not mistake me, I know how skilled you are but I will make you pay if something happens to my son because of you. Do we understand each other?" She asked threateningly.

  "Yes, I have no doubt about it Linda." Nathaniel nodded seriously.

  "Do you need something?" William asked.

  "In fact, I do." Nathaniel starts to tell him what he needed before tomorrow morning making the father and mother pair knitting their eyebrows hearing what he asked for.

  "Why in the hell will you need that? And how are you going to convince Alexander to follow you out of the house without him throwing a tantrum?" Linda asked.

  "I think it would be better for everyone if you were to not know about this. For your own piece of mind." Nathaniel advised.

  "Fine!" Linda said through gritted teeth. "Just remember your promise." She grunt before leaving the room angrily.

  "Well, I can see the resemblance with Alexander on that one." Nathaniel said with humor making the President
grunt in amusement.

  "You know Linda is trusting you a lot to let you take Alexander out for a day, I hope he really comes unharmed or you'll get an earful and you will not like the experience, trust me."

  "I will protect him, you can be sure of that. Besides, I already got one of those today."

  "Really? From who?" William asked curiously.

  "My grandfather, let's just say he was not really happy to learn I was working for you." Nathaniel sighed bitterly.

  "What? You told him?" William asked, dumbstruck.

  "I had no choice, the truth was out the moment he saw me kill five terrorists with two throwing knives in two seconds. Anyway, he deserved the truth, we are all going to be a target, not saying anything would put them at risk, something I would never do. You should prepare yourself to get a phone call from him soon enough." Nathaniel added.

  This time, it was not Nathaniel who sighed.

  Chapter 154: :

  Washington DC, Bellevue district. 14/12/2012. 10:20.

  In Fort Greble Spray Park, two teenagers could be found on a bench. One was lying down and was looking asleep. He was around fifteen years old with short brown hair, a normal looking even slightly cute face and was around 5"8". The other one was a blond haired youth looking to be around eighteen years old. Sitting and reading a book on the same bench, he was really handsome with his sparkling blue eyes and his endearing always present smile on his face.

  Sensing that the boy beside him was starting to stir, Nathaniel put his book away and looked at him. Startled to realize that he was not in his bedroom, Alexander almost jumped out of his skin in fright, looking around him frantically to know where he was and patting himself to make sure he was wearing clothes.

  "Morning, sunshine." Nathaniel said with an amused voice.

  Focusing his eyes on the person beside him, Alexander recognized him instantly.

  ��It's you! The peasant from last night!" He shouted accusingly.


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