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Ascension Page 27

by Selena IR Drake


  Two weeks had passed at sea, but it felt like much longer. Much of my time was spent with Kitfox as he taught me a few new tricks to use in battle. Thera, on the other hand, worked on translating the next portion of the riddle. We kept ourselves as busy as possible to stave off boredom.

  As I stared out at the open, moon-kissed water, I thought about recent events. I was proud of myself and the people who had become a huge part of my life. I hoped that news of our actions in Arctica spread and worked as a deterrent to Dimitri’s plans.

  “What are you thinking about?” Kitfox’s voice made me jump. He chuckled and apologized.

  I nodded and turned my back to the railing to talk to him. I marveled at how his eyes sparkled like the stars overhead.

  “I was just thinking about everything we’ve done so far. We’ve obtained one quarter of the twelve dragons, defeated Dimitri and his team in battle time and time again, and then we helped the people of Zadún by restoring their heirloom.” I counted things off on my fingers. “I am very proud of all of it.”

  “Glad to hear that.” Kitfox smiled and leaned on the railing.

  We lapsed into a comfortable silence. He gazed into the water’s depths, while I looked up at the stars.

  “You know, I’m kind of nervous about meeting this Dákun Daju queen.”

  I looked at him over my shoulder. “Why is that?”

  “I haven’t had the greatest luck when it comes to getting along with Dákun Daju. Do not get me wrong, I try. I just end up saying something that burns them, and then they try to kill me.”

  I laughed. “That sounds about right.”

  Kitfox frowned at me.

  “Look, if the queen is anything like her cousin, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

  His ears perked up as the cry from the crow’s nest went out. We both looked beyond the bow of the ship to see the multicolored lights of Kamédan come into view.

  “I hope you’re right.”


  Teka, Thera, Kitfox, and I disembarked from the Shadow Dance a little over an hour later. The smell of spices and wildflowers filled the air as we meandered through the busy streets. People dressed in festive colors smiled openly as we passed them. Chains of colored lights and streamers of green and brown hung from almost every building.

  “What are they celebrating?” Thera asked when we came across a square filled with dancing people and loud music. Those that were not dancing or playing music were gathered at the exhibitor stalls that lined the square—bartering for all sorts of trinkets or food. There was even a large wine stall with a game of dice being played at a corner table. I expected to see a head of violet hair among the people gathered around, but the only Dákun Daju there had pink hair.

  “It is the summer solstice,” I answered, looking away from the festivities.

  Fireworks suddenly burst into the air above us, and sparkles rained down amidst cheers and applause.

  “They are celebrating the Rising of Nahstipulí.”

  “Humes certainly have an interesting way of celebrating,” Thera said as she watched the fireworks.

  We continued walking through the crowded streets and past several vendors barking for us to buy something from them. Thera eagerly checked out a particular stall claiming to be selling authentic Feykin knickknacks. She was extremely upset when she realized that the vendor was selling only junk. She had given him quite an earful before Teka and I pulled her away.

  Eventually we had to stop and ask for directions to the castle. A young boy happily guided us through the city until we found ourselves at the gates of the castle. I whistled in awe as the lighted fountains erupted, nearly overcoming the gate’s prominence. The castle looked like a giant quartz crystal formation. A strange platform hovered above the tallest spire as if suspended on the air itself. The platform was lit in blue, and long ribbons floated to the ground amidst lush gardens and sparkling fountains.

  A guard tapped the gate, stealing my attention away from the beautiful vista. “Can I help you?”

  “We need to speak with the queen on an important matter,” I replied.

  The guard scoffed. “I hear that one a lot. Sorry, girlie, but I can’t let you in.”

  “Please! I really need to speak with her.”

  The guard shook his head and started walking away.

  “How about her cousin, Zhealocera? Is she here?”

  The guard froze mid-stride and looked at me over his shoulder. “You know the queen’s cousin?”

  “I went to school with her. If she’s here, please tell her Xyleena is at the gate.”

  His jaw dropped. “You’re Xyleena?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Why didn’t you just say so?” The guard quickly unlocked the gate. “Please, come with me.”

  “Thank you.”

  The four of us followed him straight up the cobblestone walkway and into the crystal castle. He kindly asked us to wait in the lobby and disappeared through a gilded door.

  “Interesting castle,” Kitfox muttered as he looked about the room.

  Moments later, I heard feet running through the room beyond. Suddenly the door burst open. A violet-haired Dákun Daju stood in the doorway, and I smiled upon recognizing her.



  Before I knew it, she clobbered me in a hug. I returned the embrace with equal enthusiasm.

  “Oh! I am so glad to see you! Where in the world have you been?”

  “In places I’ve never dreamed of.”

  “And who are these three?” Zhealocera pointed her thumb at the trio I called my team.

  “Thera Onyx is the Feykin. Kitfox Latreyon is the Fox Demon. And Teka Loneborne is the demi-Feykin. They are the people who have been helping me find the dragons.”

  “So that is what you have been up to. We were so worried. When we found Ríhan, we feared the worst for you.”

  My smile faltered slightly at the mention of Ríhan’s name. It did not go unnoticed by the Dákun Daju warrior.

  “He was a good man, Xy. He left our realm too soon.”

  Tears stung my eyes. Just when I thought the wound had finally closed up, here it was being torn open again. “He is in Havel. If Atlidmé asks, tell him I’ll vouch for Ríhan so he could be reborn again later.”

  Zhealocera nodded solemnly. “Ríhan was right, you know.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Zamora is Amorez. Ríhan was right the whole time.”

  “I know.” I smiled. “He’s never wrong. What happened at the Temple anyway? I heard something about you barely managing to escape.”

  Zhealocera’s expression turned grim, and she sat on one of the lounge chairs with a sigh. “After the fake Valaskjalf blew up the Festival of the Phoenix, his lackeys tortured and killed many of the Priests and Knights there. Several students were murdered during the ordeal… all for the purpose of learning where the dragons were hidden.


  Kitfox growled. “I really don’t like those guys.”

  “I did hear that Serenitatis has become Palavant in our absence, but the school is all but shut down. Too many students and their families were murdered in the attack.”

  I shook my head as Zhealocera’s words sunk in. I could not believe things had gotten so bad.

  “So what about you? What sort of adventures have I missed out on since last we met?”

  “More like attempts against my life,” I said sourly.

  I sat in a seat across from Zhealocera and began to divulge everything that had happened since the Rising of Zahadu-Kitai. It took me over an hour to fill her in on everything. Once I had finished, she stared at me in obvious astonishment.

  “Gods! I wish I could go with you on your quest.” Zhealocera sighed. “Alas, I cannot.”

  “Why not?” I frowned. “We could really use you.”

  “Freya left me
with an important mission. It will take me quite some time to complete it.”

  Kitfox’s ears perked up. “Freya was here?”

  Zhealocera nodded. “Here and gone.”

  Kitfox’s ears drooped, and he muttered something.

  “What mission did she leave you with?”

  She regarded me carefully. “I am to gather an army of Dákun Daju to join the fight against Agasei’s heir.”

  My breath caught at this news.

  “Freya is off gathering Demons. And the gods only know where Amorez keeps herself.”

  Thera smiled. “Knowing her, she’s gathering the Feykin. Needless to say, after the trick Dimitri pulled on my people, it will be easy to sway them to join us.”

  “So the world’s races are uniting for the first time in centuries.” Teka’s happy laughter was contagious. “I can’t wait to see that.”

  “I agree. I just wish it would be under better circumstances than the ones we face,” Zhealocera said and covered a yawn.

  It must have been well past midnight, I realized.

  “I hate to say it, but I’m ready to pass out.”

  “I’m already asleep,” Kitfox mumbled, making me laugh.

  “When can we meet with your cousin the queen?” I asked. “Freya told us to get in touch with her.”

  “Shazza will have retired for tonight. So in the morning at the breakfast table you will meet her.”

  “Is there anything in particular I should know before I meet her? I’d hate to accidentally insult her.”

  “Shazza is as forgiving on others as I am. You don’t need to worry.” Zhealocera got to her feet and stretched. “Come on. I will show you to some rooms where you can spend the night in comfort. It sounds like you have been lacking that recently.”

  I smacked Kitfox on the arm to wake him. He growled lightly and glared at me, earning a laugh from Zhealocera. She ducked out of the room through the gilded door with the four of us right behind her. We followed her up a few flights of stairs and down a long hallway until she stopped between two sets of doors.

  “These four rooms are open. I will tell the maids that you will be spending the night. They will supply you with some fresh garments and blankets. Sleep well, friends.”

  I watched as Zhealocera walked briskly away before I opened one of the doors. A huge stateroom was on the other side. With an exhausted sigh, I stepped in and threw myself on the bed. Sleep quickly overtook my mind.

  Believe it or not, the quest wasn’t the hardest thing I have ever had to do. No; the hardest thing was keeping the team together for nearly two years. Not an easy thing when they are different races who all want to kill each other.


  “Xy! Xy! Wake up, you lazy lump of dung!”

  I groaned and rolled over. I felt the bed shift as someone crawled into it. The owner of the voice started shaking me in the attempt to force me awake.

  “Xy. Xy. Xy! Wake up, Xy! Xy!”

  “Oh, shut up already!” I grabbed the arm of the person shaking me and gave a good yank.

  With a loud yelp, the owner of the arm rolled over me and hit something with a loud thud. An object fell to the floor and shattered. I sighed contently and rolled onto my other side. An instant later, a body was on top of me, pinning me to the bed with a fierce growl

  “Wake up!”

  My eyes burst open at the angry snarl. Kitfox humphed triumphantly and started tickling me. I squirmed and begged for him to stop.

  “Oh, no! This is revenge for throwing me into the nightstand!”

  “I’m sorry!” Tears welled in my eyes from laughing so hard as I fought against his tickling.

  With a sigh, he finally stopped his torture and rolled off me. I caught my breath before I looked at him.

  “You are evil.”

  He smirked. “In its purest form.”

  “You might want to work on it,” I muttered and sat up on my elbows. “I think Dimitri has you beat in the evil department.”

  Kitfox snorted. “You got me there.” He finally crawled out of bed and turned to stare at me. “Hurry up and get out of bed, you lazy lump. We have a queen to meet, remember?”

  “Why were you the one to wake me up?”

  “Teka and Thera were too scared. Now that you’ve thrown me into the nightstand, I know why.” He chuckled. “You’re scary.”

  I laughed. “Okay. I see your point.”

  “I’ll see you at breakfast.” He waved and strode from the room. With a content sigh, I flung the blankets off me and prepared for the day.


  Thera, Kitfox, and Zhealocera were already at the breakfast table enjoying a wide variety of delicacies when I finally found the room. I thanked the maid who had escorted me and joined my friends at the table.

  “I heard you gave Kitfox quite a beating when he tried to wake you.”

  I blushed at Zhealocera’s words, making Kitfox burst out laughing.

  “Who are your friends, Zhealocera-byö?” A gentle voice came from the door.

  I looked over my shoulder to see who had spoken. It was a Dákun Daju woman with lime-green hair done up in a bun with tails that fell over her shoulders. Brilliant orange eyes fixed on me for a moment before looking at the others. She wore a remarkably simple dress adorned with minimal gold armor.

  Zhealocera got to her feet with a smile. “Shazza, may I introduce you to Xyleena Renoan, the Dragon Keeper, and her teammates, Kitfox Latreyon and Thera Onyx. Everyone, this is my cousin, Shazza Hoshino, the queen of Katalania.”

  “It is an honor to meet you,” I said as I rose to my feet. I bowed then raised my head to expose my throat in the customary Dákun Daju greeting.

  “So you are the one we’ve been waiting for. Lady Freya said something about you coming to see me.”

  “So why did Freya want us to meet exactly?” I asked.

  Shazza shrugged and strode to the table. “I was told you would know the reason when you arrived.”

  “Helios sings to free his light. Past the dead long lost must you fight.” Thera announced, stealing the attention of the entire room. “Freya’s note in the diary said to seek out the royal Dákun Daju and pointed to those lines. I’m guessing that you know the location the clue is referring to.”

  “The dead long lost, you say?”

  Thera nodded.

  “Interesting riddle.”

  “You have to solve riddles for each dragon?” Zhealocera stared blankly at me.

  “Yeah, after converting the riddle from a language so old no one speaks it anymore,” I explained.

  The queen cupped her chin in thought.

  “The riddle could be referring to the Tomb of the Lost,” Shazza said. “It is a hidden tomb for unnamed Dákun Daju warriors lost to an ancient war.”

  “And you know where it is, don’t you? That’s why Freya told me to find you.”

  Shazza smiled at me. “Exactly.”

  “How far away is this tomb?” Kitfox asked.

  “Far northeast of here. Probably over a month’s worth of travel by wyvern.”

  “That is going to be a rough trip,” Kitfox sighed, closing his eyes as if to remember something. “Northeast of here are mountains, thick forests, part of the fault line, and open plains.”

  “What about sailing there?”

  “The coastline is littered with sharp rocks and shallows,” Shazza explained. “No ship could pass safely.”

  Thera sighed. “And Teka’s crew is eager to return to their families in Sindai. That is why she is with them instead of here with us. I doubt she can persuade them to continue on this voyage. Sorry, Xy, but it looks as though it’s down to just the three of us now.”

  I shrugged. “I can understand the yearning for family. If they really want to return, I say let them.”

  “Okay, so we’re taking it by wyvern?” Thera asked.

  Shazza nodded. “I will set up everything. After breakfast, I will lead you
to the Tomb of the Lost. Until then you are welcome to rest here.”

  “Wait a second,” I gawked at the queen, “you’re going to lead us there?”

  Shazza nodded. “The Tomb of the Lost is sacred Dákun Daju ground. I must go with to ensure that the spirits of the fallen are not enraged by the appearance of non-kin.”

  “Thank you, Shazza-sortim.” I bowed to her as she turned to leave the room.

  “I will be leaving after breakfast as well,” Zhealocera said.

  I sat down and looked at her across the table.

  “Now that I know you are here and where you will be heading, I have to begin my mission to amass the Dákun Daju against Dimitri.”

  “I wish you the best of luck and hope you have a safe journey, Zhealocera.” I raised a glass of juice to her.

  She smiled and raised her own glass. “And I wish you the same, Xyleena-sortim. May we meet again in the face of victory.”

  We drank long drafts.


  It was almost midday when Kitfox, Thera, and I were summoned to the castle stables. Shazza was already there, dressed in the more traditional Dákun Daju garb of light armor and leathers. She was saddling up seven gold wyverns while giving an aid a list of instructions to be completed while she was absent from the capital. Finally, she turned to greet us with a smile.

  “These are some of the fastest wyverns in the whole of Katalania. They should get us to the Tomb of the Lost without any trouble.” She thumped one of the wyverns on the shoulder and tightened the riding straps. “I trust you all know how to ride.”

  “I prefer to run,” Kitfox muttered and crossed his arms.

  Shazza smiled over her shoulder at him. “As do I. But even Dákun Daju and Demons get tired.”

  “Why are there seven of them?” Thera asked as she reached out to stroke the eye ridges of one of the wyverns.

  It cried in delight and licked her arm.

  “Zhealocera-byö will be taking two of them on her journey, and we will take the other five.” Shazza dug a scroll from one of the packs bound to the saddle of a wyvern. She unrolled it on a portion of the fence to show us the map of Katalania. “We will circle Preséo Lake and head straight north until we reach the cliffs that mark Zarconia’s Fault.” Her finger pointed at every landmark she named off. “Once we’ve passed the cliffs, we turn slightly east and follow the peninsula to the very tip. That is where we will find the Tomb of the Lost.”


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