Love Beyond Sight

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Love Beyond Sight Page 18

by Rebecca Royce

  She smiled, leaning forward a bit so he could kiss her on the mouth. "Take me. You're not going to break me. You make me feel alive."

  He must have taken the words as seriously as she meant them because he began to move inside of her at a rapid pace. In and out—he filled her and just when she thought he would pull out, he plunged in again. Heaven, yes, it was heaven. That was the right word.

  Finally, she exploded—the world becoming nothing more than her and Samuel. At that moment, she didn't care if she ever saw again. Not when there was still so much pleasure to be had.

  Samuel's own orgasm followed hers and afterward he held her close to his heart, which he told her in a whispered voice, was his favorite place for her.

  Her jovial feeling, however, didn't last very long. The blackness around her didn't let up—intellectually she knew it wouldn't—but it was going to take some getting used to. At that moment, she had no idea what time it was. What time had it been when she lost her sight?

  Eden's heart pounded hard against her ribcage. Oh god, she was in the middle of a panic attack and she was in the dark. Samuel breathed easily next to her. She only knew that because of how he sounded while he slept—peaceful. No way could she wake him up just because she'd worked herself into a state. Or maybe she could. The blindness had just happened. Surely he wouldn't begrudge her needing him right then. Would he?

  Tears slipped from her eyes but she kept herself silent like she had as a child. No one could know she cried. Only this night, the morning sun coming in and chasing away the darkness wouldn't bless her. She was going to live in it forever.

  "Hey." Samuel kissed her cheeks. "None of that. I'm sorry I dozed off. I should never have left you alone tonight."

  "Not your fault." She wouldn't be pathetic, she couldn't allow it. "I'm fine."

  "Liar." He pulled her into a sitting position, her head resting still against his chest. She assumed they leaned against the headboard. This was going to take a lot of getting used to. Could she do it?

  "Eden, I had an idea."

  She sniffed. "About what?"

  "About you and this situation with your eyes."

  "Situation. That's a good way to put it. Certainly, it's a situation."

  "Are you going to listen or are you going to whine?"

  She whirled around like she wanted to hit him, knowing she probably couldn't. Still, she managed a few small smacks before he grabbed her hand. "Hey, calm down. I'm just trying to snap you out of it."

  "I went blind tonight, Samuel. Did you adjust instantly to being burned? Or did people give you a few days to transition?"

  "Eden." He kissed her hand. "I might have a solution."

  She swallowed. Part of her didn't want to listen. What if she did and whatever he suggested didn't work? How much worse would it be to get her hopes up?

  "Don't be stubborn about this. It won't hurt you to listen."

  He was right and, to his credit, she wasn't crying anymore. "Tell me."

  "There was a time, before we met in person, when I would check on you every day by sending my energy into you. I could actually see what you saw."

  She nodded. "You told me that. But I don't have that skill. I see the future. That's all I can do and, truth be told, I don't always manage to do that right."

  "You do now. But that's beside the point." He stroked her hair. "I think I could enter your body and take part of your consciousness back into mine while leaving most of your energy where it is."

  Eden tried to understand what Samuel had said. She couldn't make sense of it. He might as well have been speaking a foreign language. "I'm sorry… but… what?"

  "It's kind of hard for me to explain it to you but I think if I can do it, then you will be able to see from my eyes."

  "See from your eyes?" She felt like a parrot but she sat, in the dark, trying to make sense of Samuel's idea. There was nothing to object to about his suggestion. She had no idea if it would work or not since it made zero sense to her.

  "Yes. Are you willing to at least try it?"

  "Why not?" What could it hurt? She was already blind. How much worse could it get?

  "All right." Samuel moved and the bed jiggled a little. She had no idea what he did and that frustrated her. She sat back against the headboard and tried to think about something other than her own situation. Narcissism was not an attractive trait. Other people suffered a lot more than she did. At least she had Samuel. He loved her. He wouldn't leave her because she'd lost her sight.

  Good to know you realize that, at least.

  She felt a tingle in her brain, like a butterfly had flapped its wings inside of her head. Blinking, she realized she'd had this sensation before. Yes, Samuel had been in there in the past and she'd had no idea.

  "Right now, I'm seeing through your eyes."

  "You are?" It seemed too strange to be real. "So you're seeing nothing then, blackness."

  He touched the side of her cheek. "Yes. Now bear with me for a moment while I figure this out."

  "Sure, take your time." She clutched the covers in her hands and wanted to pull them over her head to symbolically hide from the world. Not that having the covers there would change how she viewed anything. Although she might like the cocoon feeling the warmth of the blanket would provide her…

  "This might feel a little odd now."

  "What will?" She jerked her attention back to Samuel. Not being able to see seemed to allow her attention to wander more than it usually did, which was a lot even on a good day.

  For a moment, she felt a little woozy. The world felt like it shifted from beneath where she lay. For a second, she thought she might lose consciousness. "Oh god, Samuel. What's happening? I think I'm going to throw up." She covered her mouth with her hand. She needed to get to the bathroom and she wasn't entirely certain how she was going to do that. Why hadn't she paid attention to the lousy hotel room when she'd walked in earlier?

  Well, because she had assumed she would be able to see it later. Still, that didn't help her now.

  Just as quickly as the world had changed, it righted itself. She blinked as the room illuminated before her. She could see. Gasping, she covered her mouth. Her eyes. They worked. She grabbed for Samuel and nearly fell off the bed.

  He grabbed her arm, preventing her from plummeting down onto the dirty beige carpet. "What happened?"

  How had she misjudged things?

  "You have to compensate. It's not actually your eyes you're seeing from, but mine. Your mind is automatically transferring things but it's not going to be exact. That's what I think anyway. I'm pretty good at figuring out how things work. It's what I do for a living."

  They had never talked about his job. Samuel hadn't been with the Outsiders. He'd had to work. She shook her head. "I'm sorry I didn't know that."

  He waved his hand and the movement looked blurry to her. "Don't worry about it. It looks like I'll be quitting anyway. I have a feeling that I'll be rather involved in our eternal war from now on."

  "This doesn't make sense to me. How can I see you at all? You can't see yourself."

  "This is magic, Eden. Not science. But if I had to wager a guess—your brain is filling the gaps where it needs to." He raised her hand to his lips to kiss it. She shivered. "I know what I'm wearing. The knowledge is being transferred to you."

  "So." Her mind felt cloudy. "I'm seeing the world through your eyes—the way you would see it. Not necessarily the way I would see it."

  He nodded. "For now. But it's better than nothing, isn't it?"

  "Oh yes." She moved her hand until she could grab his chest. He wasn't exactly where her eyes had said he was. It was a little askew to the left, which was fine. She'd figure it out. "You brought life back to me. In so many ways. Not just this one."

  "Now don't get all mushy." His grin told her he didn't mind it one bit. "There is a downside to this. You'll have to be with me. On your own, you will lose your sight. If I can't see where you are, you won't see it at all."

he nodded. "I'm going to be blind in the bathroom."

  "Well." He stroked a finger down the side of her body making her shiver. "Only parts of the bathroom. I think we can figure out a way to make bathing very conducive as a paired activity. Think of all the water we'll be saving."

  "I never knew you existed. Then you were just a figment in my mind. But now I'm happy to never have you out of my sight. You're mine. For eternity."

  The End

  About the Author

  As a teenager, Rebecca would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was worth it.

  She is the mother of three adorable boys, and she is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

  She is in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. She loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time, and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.

  In her world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.






  [email protected]

  Also by Rebecca Royce

  Available from Silver Publishing:

  Light Me Up


  Love Beyond Time

  Love Beyond Sanity

  Love Beyond Loyalty

  Love Beyond Sight

  Love Beyond Expectations (coming soon)

  Available from Liquid Silver Books:

  Yes, Captain

  Behind the Scenes

  One Night with a Wolf


  Her Wolf

  Summer's Wolf

  Wolf Reborn

  Wolf's Valentine

  Wolf's Magic

  Alpha Wolf

  Angel's Wolf

  Darkest Wolf

  Stand Alone Novels

  Yes, Captain

  First Dimension

  Available from Noble Romance Publishing:


  Screwing the Superhero

  Banging the Superhero

  Available from Decadent Publishing:


  Eye Contact






  One Night With A Wolf

  I'll Be Mated For Christmas

  The EDGE

  Unwanted Mate

  Bar Mate

  Mate By The Music

  Out of Place Mate

  Stand Alone Novel

  Another Chance

  Behind The Scenes

  Return to The Sea


  Light Me Up

  Rebecca Royce has a lyrical quality to her writing and manages to pack a punch with even a low word count. Light Me Up was a sweet, touching love story with a paranormal twist. It's the perfect holiday read for Christmas or Hanukkah and will leave you with a smile and warmed heart.

  4.5 teacups, LynnMarie Happily Ever After Reviews

  Love Beyond Time

  Overall, I enjoyed this book. The plot and characters are brilliantly written, and after a tiny struggle at the very beginning, I was quickly absorbed into the book. As I mentioned earlier, there is definitely more romance in this book than erotica, so if you're looking for a purely sexy read, then this isn't for you. If, however, you're looking for a strong, absorbing, exciting read with a sprinkling of heat then you'll enjoy Love Beyond Time. I'll definitely be adding the follow up books to my to be read list!


  Read more:

  Love Beyond Sanity

  Ms Royce has written a story that is more than just about finding your mate and becoming one with that person. It is a story of the unending fight of humanity and the Outsiders against evil, and I can't wait to see how this all turns out. The first story was interesting, but this one really brought everything together and I can't wait to see what happens in the next story and who will be found and what kind of powers they have! Keep them coming Ms Royce!

  4.5 stars Sabine Manic Readers

  Love Beyond Loyalty

  I'm only now starting this series but can't help but give a good praise for Rebecca. She created an amazing plot involving a prophecy, demons and soul mates.

  It's interesting to read a book when we know the couple is meant to be together and to simply what how they dealt why love and the struggles that always appear along the way

  Book Travels




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