The Once and Future Thug

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The Once and Future Thug Page 2

by TJ Seitz


  Shaheen Dorancy’s street name is Jinn. His father is half Haitian, one quarter Cherokee and one quarter Pennsylvania Dutch. His mother was a Persian refuge who came to America in 1979 during the Soviet War in Afghanistan. Her family are practicing Zoroastrians and live mainly in the Marketview Heights neighborhood of the City.

  The adolescent is wise beyond his years. They say his dreams can predict the future. Jinn also has an old book on Pow Wow magic that he found in a second cousin’s attic. He uses it regularly to make potions and cast spells.

  Jinn is about six foot five, slim and has honey colored skin that shimmers in the moonlight. He is almost twenty, in the tenth grade and was easily the oldest member of the Rownd Crew. The baby faced man-child is usually soft spoken, almost feminine sounding. His main aspiration in life is to join The Illuminati.

  The teen likes to wear a black London Fog coat he found at Goodwill that hangs down to his ankles and carries ‘round a whiffle-ball bat that he filled with spare change then reinforced with multiple layers of duct tape. The item is presumably enchanted with an invisibility spell and only Jinn can see it.

  He openly brings the weapon in and out of school with him and never gets in trouble for having it. When he uses it everyone thinks he’s just pretending to swing or tap on stuff until the club hits an intended target and inflicts mad damage.

  Jinn’s quirkiness often makes people, friends and enemies, uncomfortable. He likes to freak individuals out with sleight of hand card tricks or making stuff disappear. It’s also rumored that he can read minds or hypnotize peoples at will.

  Only his mother and Bundles’ older half-sister Morgan (whose on-again off-again type relationship with Jinn is beyond understanding) are totally immune to his peculiar-ness.

  Da Blade in Da Hoe

  Bundles’ dick was often referred to as Excalibur by his peers.

  The symbolic aloo-jun rose from a house party on Frost Avenue, near Genesee Street that Bundles went to with Jinn the summer he turned fifteen.

  It was Wednesday night. Lots of cars was parked on both sides of the street and in several driveways. At least fifty people were crammed into the first floor of the hovel, another fifteen or twenty were upstairs in the bedrooms.

  Bass from the speakers inside could be heard from several blocks away. As the pair approached the house Jinn told Bundles, “Dat music soun’ a lot like a Keltic group I know call Carreg Lafar. I think it be from dair album Hyns. Sumun musta created a mix from parts of dat album wid udder songs.”

  Among Jinn’s many oddities and interests music was one of them. He listened to and enjoyed everything but Broadway show tunes. He also noted, “I took dat CD from da music room a’ skool last year.”

  All the windows on the structure were either broken or boarded up. It was not clear if the residence was condemned or occupied.

  Graffiti covered most of the front side. The center of the roof was caved in and needed major repairs.

  Empty cans of Red Bull, forty once Colt 45 bottles, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and Doritos bags, Domino’s Pizza boxes, Mo Joe’s and Yummy Yummy take-out containers, technicolor gummy bears, greasy wrappers, crumpled Boss Sauce stained napkins and chicken bones were piled or scattered all over the floors, countertops and tables of the house as well as the yard. The entire premise had a collective smell of dumpster, stale beer, Axe cologne, reggie and body odor.

  Peoples was turning it up and boppin’ all over inside and out. Nobody could tell which was louder, the rowdy crowd or the music playing over the portable stereo system.

  Several groups of goons were play-fighting in the backyard. Kayne, Ector’s son from the woman he lived with before meeting Ingrid, was there. Kayne’s buddies Loosh and Griff-Griff were also involved in the games. They was all tryin’ to prove themselves for the hard-core gangbangers who were looking for new recruits.

  A couple were kissin hard on the porch stairs. Four Dominican girls with their cell phones out was talkin’ loud shit in Spanish by the front door. Two shady nigga’s were pissin’ on a passed out drunk dude who was propped up against the left side of the porch. A third person, that fuckin’ freak nigga Tweekie Tupac, the boy with two goddamn thumbs on one hand was rifflin’ through the guy’s wallet looking for cash to pocket along with the baggie of weed he found in the person’s hoodie.

  Despite appearances, a lot of kids at the gathering had never done nothin’ more sexual than hold hands or kiss with tongues. Jinn however put it upon him-self to assist many of his boys to lose that stigma, especially Bundles.

  The trenchcoated teen took a deep breath and smiled as he walked into the overcrowded living room then turned to Bundles and proclaimed, “Look like we be doin’ some thot-in’ tonight Bro!”

  There were plenty of flos, hoes and side bitches to go around for everyone but one girl stood out.

  Her name was G’wen. She was Minister Greidawl’s daughter and a junior. The girl was the smartest and most beautiful nigga bitch in the room.

  The sixteen year old’s natural beauty was the envy of all her girlfriends and fantasy material for all young men.

  She wore emerald green contact lenses and was light skinned with a perfect complexion. Her hair was tightly braided and naturally long, past her shoulders; no weaves.

  G’wen’s thick legs were complemented by a nice plump booty. At school, she’d change from the frumpy skirts and blouses her parents made her wear into tight fitting skinny jeans and tops that accentuated all her curves, especially her sturdy mid-section and voluptuous size forty d-cup breasts.

  No man was immune to her allure. Conversation amongst her peers alleged that she could make an impotent man hard or turn a gay man straight when she danced.

  However, the racy nymph had one major virtue that safeguarded her reputation; she was a certified virgin.

  The girl was her father’s pride and joy because of this. Greidawl even bought her an expensive ruby and gold purity ring to help showcase her sanctity.

  Smart people respected her chastity and steered clear of the girl because they feared both imagined and real repercussions.

  Cedric Greidawl was an influential well-respected figure in the local African American community. Stories was often passed around his congregation saying that he was once a member of the Black Panthers in Chicago, before he moved to Rochester with his family during the early 1970’s.

  The cleric personally wouldn’t hurt anyone that messed with his daughter but the man knew lots of people who would gladly do it for him, without having to be asked.

  Jinn nonetheless had a bone to pick with G’wen’s father.

  The chaplain was a lead preacher at his Grann’s church.

  The pious nigga had him unnecessarily ‘rested a couple years ago for comin’ to a Saturday night service with a little weed in his pocket; it was not like he was stoned or disruptive, the small zip lock bag just accidently fell out of his coat onto the front row pew next to him.

  Rather than ignore the whole embarrassing situation the clergyman chose to make an example of Jinn to teach all the other teen worshipers a lesson.

  The adolescent spent three days in jail and had to do one hundred hours of community service, shoveling animal shit and picking up trash at The Seneca Park Zoo as part of his sentence.

  Jinn would have gotten off with a lesser punishment if there weren’t an outstanding bench warrant out for him regarding another incident he’d been skipping school at the time to avoid.

  He was caught by a school sentry drawing a hex on a wall in the a-wing boy’s bathroom. He punched the guard in the jaw and ran to avoid being detained. The incident report submitted to the police stated that Jinn was spray painting graffiti (not a protection ward against poisonous vapors as Jinn professed) in one of the stalls before he assaulted the safety officer.

  The conniving teen was drunk and high as a kite. Instinctively, he lai
d out a clever plan inside his head that would get both his buddy laid and revenge on the righteous reverend.

  While drinking a bogart-ed beer and casually observing the mob, Jinn remembered a dream he had about Bundles and G’wen being together.

  Their future was not good. Bundles would someday catch Lance eating G’wen’s tater in the basement at school.

  In the end though, Jinn really didn’t give two fucks because for the time being the match was meant to be.

  Earlier that week, Jinn mixed up a test batch of what he called ‘fairy dust’ while helping a buddy cook some crystal meth in their garage. When inhaled, the powder was supposed to make a person out of control horny, but only towards certain individuals; people who made them laugh. Jinn initially intended to use it on a teacher or administrator at school but this was as good a time as any to try the stuff out and see how well it worked.

  Neither G’wen nor any of her friends noticed Jinn standing next to them. He carefully pulled a small pill vile from his coat, dumped some of its blue contents onto the palm of his hand then subtly blew it all at G’wen’s face. She sneezed a few seconds later but Jinn had cautiously moved several feet away.

  After wiping his soiled hand on the back of someone’s shirt then pestering them for some hand sanitizer, Jinn shouted out to the crowd surrounding him, “Hear yee! Hear yee! I got an important ‘nouncement to say!”

  Everyone in the room got quiet and the music was turned down. Jinn almost never talked that loud so they knew something was up and listened.

  Jinn continued, “Da first nigga in this room who fucks G’wen tonight will become da goddamn King of Edison Tech an’ from this day forth his dick shall be known as Excalibur!”

  The whole room then erupted into laughter.

  A guest yelled, “You fucked up Jinn! She be forbidden territory unless you wants God to strike yo dumb ass dead!”

  Another said, “I’ll take that challenge! Get yo nigga ass over here you fuckin’ BITCH HOE an give me some GRAMS!”

  G’wen cackled in disbelief from somewhere within the large throng, “You fuckin’ bastards can all suck my dick! I don’t even give neck! What makes you stupid motherfuckers think I doos more!? So ya’all can jus’ move along an’ shut da fuck up!

  Jesus Christ Jinn! You be such a fuckin’ ASSHO fo sayin’ that shit! I’m tellin’ yo mother thats you been stealin’ Slim Jims again from da corner stores then sellin’ them all to peoples at school fo a dollar! “

  Someone on the other side of the room responded by blurting out, “Prude light skin-ded dyke! Stop pretendin’ youz a white woman!”

  Jinn smirked at G’wen’s response then raised both arms over his head, flipped her a double bird and said, “Yo pussy stink like my niece’s diaper pail!.”

  The night was ruined for G’wen at that point. As she slowly worked her way towards the front door random guys tried to talk to and started grabbing at her ass and breasts. They got absolutely nowhere.

  Several of G’wen’s sympathetic girlfriends pulled her aside and tried to comfort her but their efforts were of no use. She was in a very foul mood because of Jinn’s proclamation and just wanted to leave.

  About a half hour or so later she finally made it outside to the porch and started to finish her drink.

  She was thinking she should sober up then head home, call it a day.

  There were not that many people hangin’ on the porch anymore (someone moved the piss covered, passed-out nigga to a spot in the lot next door under an overgrown bush. His sneakers were now missing). Two new niggas was now in that space arguing over the merits of whether or not it’s OK to fuck fat ugly bitches with kids as long as they own a car and are employed, especially if they have a place of their own.

  It felt nice to escape all the unwanted groping and annoying pick-up lines.

  Bundles was sitting alone on an Adirondack chair drinking a beer and smoking a joint in the middle of the yard. He was not having a good time either. Jinn was still inside talking to people. He wanted to take off; maybe find another party to crash in another neighborhood.

  G’wen came up to him and asked him for a hit off his blunt. He did not say anything and just passed her the cigarette. She sucked most of the thing down in one shot.

  The effects of the drug quickly overcame her and helped the stressed out girl feel a lot more relaxed. G’wen then passed the butt back to Bundles. He waved his hand indicating that he didn’t want anymore and mumbled that she could finish it. He added that he was feeling buzzed enough. She gladly complied.

  After a couple of moments of silence Bundles’ five foot ten frame started getting restless. He lifted his left butt cheek off the chair and let out a long low pitched fart then flashed G’wen an innocent smile. She just stared back blankly because she was way too stoned to realize what happened.

  The two hundred and fifty pound teen then grumbled under his breath that he needed to take a piss, groaned loud and stood up.

  Bundles did not realize just how potent the weed he was smoking actually was until he was upright. The combination of beer and reggie make it hard for him to stand and walk without stumbling a bit.

  He tripped a couple times but eventually found a spot by some nearby garbage bins where he could relieve him-self. Afterward he absentmindedly went back to his seat under the assumption that the cute girl was long gone.

  G’wen was feeling a lot better after finishing the joint. She took Bundles’ spot in the chair, closed her eyes and started drinking an unopened bottle of spring water that she found underneath it.

  It was dark and the boy’s vision was very blurred from his inebriation. He didn’t notice that the girl was still there and now sittin’ in his chair. The second his rump hit the top of her legs she squeaked in surprise and freaked Bundles out.

  He yelped, “Oh shit! What the fuck!” then quickly jumped up and fell forward.

  It was the most entertaining moment of the entire evening for G’wen.

  Bundles’ unexpected tumble made her bellow. She had not laughed that hard in months. She had tears running down her face and almost peed her-self. It was like one of those hilarious vine videos on Youtube. It did not matter to her if the fall was really that funny or that she was just very high at that moment, it felt good to smile.

  Unfortunately, it looked like no one else saw it so it was only her experience alone to enjoy.

  Once G’wen regained her composure she felt a little guilty and apologized, “Sorry Bundles. Da look on yo face were priceless. I hope I didn’t embarrass you.”

  Bundles replied, “It’s OK. You jus’ startled me.”

  After saying sorry G’wen quickly excused herself. She needed to go inside now and use the bathroom.”

  While inside using the toilet another feeling started overcoming G’wen; she felt the uncontrollable urge to try making out with Bundles.

  When she returned to the front yard she went right back to the chair and promptly sat herself on Bundles’ lap (he was expecting her this time) put her arms around his neck, pulled him close and jammed her tongue right into his mouth. He gladly reciprocated.

  Before long the chair got uncomfortable so they moved themselves into the closest unlocked car in the driveway.

  Since Bundles and G’wen were now preoccupied with each other, neither realized that Jinn was watching the two of them from the front porch.

  He came out a while ago to smoke a joint with Bundles. While surveying the yard he noticed that his portly pal was sprawled out on the ground by G’wen and that she was laughing hysterically at him.

  The sly enchanter inherently knew that his concoction was working exactly as it was intended. He smiled and relished the moment.

  Now it was just a matter of time. Fate was unwinding in the backseat of someone’s 2008 Honda Accord. Bundles’ would fulfill his destiny as prophesized.

  The next afternoon Jinn poste
d several covert pictures from his smartphone of Bundles and G’wen taken thought the car’s open window onto his Facebook account, affirming Bundles’ sovereignty and commencing the beginning of his era.


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