Mercy's Angels Box Set (Mercy's Angel #1-3)

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Mercy's Angels Box Set (Mercy's Angel #1-3) Page 25

by Kirsty Dallas

  “You’re welcome honey,” he acknowledged as Jax pulled me into his arms.

  “We need never be ashamed of our tears,” Jax murmured the quote I knew well.

  “You’re quoting Great Expectations now?” I sniffled.

  “Shhhhhh, Dillon will hear,” he joked.

  “Too late, I heard and you will never live it down,” Dillon laughed, which made me laugh.

  “Excellent, now that we’re all laughing at my expense shall we have something to eat?”

  “Not if you’re cooking,” Dillon scoffed.

  Dillon was exhausted, but he still insisted on dragging out his laptop and going over everything he had, and he had a lot. Dr. Theo Stojanovic was ready and waiting to cut a deal. Under some ‘mild’ pressure, as Dillon put it, Dr. Theo admitted he was originally blackmailed into treating me. Apparently Marcus had proof that Theo had helped one of his patients win an unlawful insurance claim that netted a whopping five million dollars, which Dr. Theo was humbly paid off for, an easy one point five million. So while Theo stood to go down, his time would be reduced if he cut a deal and helped put Marcus away. As a gesture of goodwill, Theo willingly handed over all his legitimate files on me and my mom, who had apparently been a patient for nearly two years prior to her ‘suicide’. All too soon Dillon came to the video evidence from Theo. He cast me a nervous glance before playing one of the tapes.

  I looked to Jax wondering what he would think and he took my hand squeezing it. “It doesn’t matter what you said in these tapes, we want to use them for the physical evidence they show. We know you were forced to say things you didn’t mean.” I nodded, unable to speak, my heart racing as I took a long calming breath, concentrating on relaxing my body just as Jax had taught me to help prevent a panic attack.

  “Go ahead Dillon,” Jax mumbled. The video began before I had entered the room. Dr. Theo sat behind his desk. He was a short, balding, sniffling excuse for a man, in appearance and person so it seemed. The video was of a high quality, clear with sound. The door to the small office opened and I held my breath as a tiny fragile little girl stepped through. She looked as beaten and defeated as she felt, after-all, I should know, I remember this day like it was yesterday. It was ingrained into my memory like an open wound that would never heal. It was a week after my fifteenth birthday, after an officer other than Tom had found me in a drug induced slumber in the back of Henry’s car. I was charged with possession and this was the first time I faced court over my actions. I was sentenced to drug rehabilitation, with Dr. Theo of course and Marcus had to pay a hefty fine. As punishment for his embarrassment he had beaten me to within an inch of my life. My eyes were blackened, one still partially swollen shut. My lip was cut and swollen, one side of my face darkened with nasty purple and black bruising. I moved weakly in the video and sat carefully, as if any sudden movement might break me. Jax’s hand gripped mine almost painfully as we watched the video. Dr. Theo seemed to dismiss the injuries and started asking questions about drugs, the charges against me, wanting to know how I felt about them. Dillon stopped the video.

  “The hidden files from the Doctors home notes as many of the injuries as possible and claim that he believes Marcus inflicted the injuries. He documents your reaction to Marcus’s name as fearful, exactly what one might expect of someone who had been abused.” Dillon explained. He shut down the footage and moved the curser to another file and opened it. The date at the bottom made me shudder. This was the day after I was released from hospital after the ‘incident’, where I apparently tried to kill myself, accused of taking a knife to my skin and slicing like I had done so many times before only this time with the intent to end it all. Subconsciously the hand that Jax wasn’t holding went to the scar of my other wrist and started rubbing, as if I needed the proof that it was really there. Old Ella, defeated Ella whose eyes were distant and crushed walked silently into the room.

  “Have a seat Ella,” Dr. Theo said his voice low and gruff. The little girl sat stiffly in the chair beside the desk as Dr. Theo began to scrawl notes in a file before him. “And how are you doing today, did you take the painkillers?” The little girl nodded once, but otherwise remained perfectly still. “Can we talk about Tuesday night?”

  “What do you want me to say?” The broken girl mumbled.

  “Can you tell me what led you to harm yourself this way?” Dr. Theo asked and was still to look up from the damn file.

  “Obviously I miss my daddy so much I want to join him.” My voice laced with sarcasm. I was beaten, but not down.

  “Have you had thoughts of suicide before?”

  “No.” And I hadn’t, never, not once.

  “The scars on your arm tell another story Ella.”

  “Self-harm, not suicide Dr. Theo.” The resolve in my words betrayed the defeat in my body.

  “Of course, you mutilated your body as punishment. You used drugs, alcohol and sex as an escape from the memories of your father and when that didn’t work anymore, you tried the only thing you had left, death.” You could clearly see my fists clench in the video footage and as if still feeling the same pain, loathing and anger, my fists instinctively began to flex now. Jax held my hand tighter.

  “Looks like you have me all figured out Doctor.” Dr. Theo finally looked up from his notes and seemed to contemplate the scarred little girl before him.

  “Perhaps I do Ella, perhaps I do,” he murmured.

  Dillon stopped the footage again. “The file before Theo clearly states that Ella is a classic self-harmer caused by the stress of her father’s death. He recommends intensive therapy and a prescription to help with sleep. The other files however are a different story altogether. Dr. Theo is clear when he says he believes Ella would never try to kill herself, her resolve is too strong, her will to live and to defeat Marcus too powerful. His entry admits that Marcus Fairmont is fully capable of carrying out this sort of injury to Ella. This sweetheart,” Dillon tapped the files before him, “this will send Marcus Fairmont away for a very long time.”

  Chapter 36


  Two things happened over the next week that made me slip from a domineering asshat to a completely irrational dictating bastard. In my defense, all I wanted was to keep Ella safe, but when Tom Brennan up and vanished my senses kicked into overdrive and when Braiden reported from Dunston that Marcus Fairmont had taken a short leave of absence from the advertising firm he owned, I kind of began having a meltdown. Thankfully Dillon was hanging around to help me compile all the evidence we had on Fairmont into something we could present to the police. If he hadn’t of been here to help me keep my sanity I’m fairly sure I would have locked Ella in my home, chained her to the bed if necessary and probably screwed any chance at a real future with her. Between Dillon and me we were able to make sure Ella was safely escorted to work and home again, but after a week she was starting to get irritable and restless with all the fussing. When she pleaded to have a night with the girls I would have easily said no, but Dillon was once again the voice of reason, suggesting that it would be safe enough to drop her to the girls and pick her up again later that night. They weren’t allowed to go out though and it was agreed that Rebecca’s was close enough to Andy’s Office and secure enough for the girls to let loose for a few hours while the boys had a couple of quiet beers down the road. So on Saturday night instead of chaining her to my bed, I was delivering her to Rebecca’s where Annie and Mercy were already waiting with drinks in hand. I couldn’t remember the last time my mother had a carefree night out with the girls, so it was good to see her there. It was also good to see her so easily embrace Ella, no awkwardness about our relationship that had quite literally snuck up on all of us.

  “You can’t come in,” growled Rebecca from the doorway as I stood in front of her holding Ella’s hand tightly. Rebecca was dressed in her usual crazy old school clothes, her white blonde hair pinned back to one side with a flower. I didn’t know anyone else that dressed or looked quite like her. Although it was a
little overstated for me, the look really did seem to work for her. She had the confidence to pull it off.

  “Really, why, what’s going on in there? You all stripping down to your underwear for a pillow fight?” I asked and Rebecca’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “You like to think of your momma in her underwear?” Well, there went my sexy all female pajama party fantasy I often entertained. Mercy laughed from beside Rebecca.

  “I think it’s safe to say that my son believes I sleep in full flannelette pajama’s every night rather than the silk negligee I actually wear and I’m sure he has also convinced himself that I never have sex, which I do, regularly. Dave is a wizard in the sack.” My mouth dropped open and I have no doubt I went several shades of red. Rebecca grinned at my stunned and uncomfortable response to my mother’s declaration.

  “Fuck Mercy. That imagery was really not necessary. You’ve most likely scarred me for life.” I grumbled and complied with Ella’s silent demand for me to lean closer as she kissed my cheek. Rebecca winked.

  “Don’t worry Jax, by the end of this evening my little tiger here will have spilled her guts about you too.” I was officially worried as Rebecca dragged a giggling Ella through her door.

  “Don’t worry, it will all be good,” my angel winked. I reluctantly left to join Charlie and Dillon at Andy’s Office for a quiet drink while we waited for the girls to thoroughly emasculate us.


  “How are you holding up honey?” Mercy asked. I shrugged. Marcus apparently hadn’t left Dunston and I honestly didn’t think Tom Brennan was up to anything other than perhaps running off in an attempt to save his own hide. Truthfully, I was beginning to feel a little trapped in the guise of security that Jax and Dillon had created. Popping the top off a fruity cocktail mix Jax had picked up for me on the way over I took a long drink.

  “There really isn’t much I can do right now. I’m getting tired of jumping at every little bump, my nerves feel a bit frayed. It will be nice to finally relax tonight.” Rebecca swung her arm around my neck.

  “Of course it will. Come sit down I have a gift for you.” I let Rebecca lead me into her cozy living room and sat down obediently, Mercy to my left and Annie to my right. Rebecca disappeared and soon came back with a large potted cacti with a big red bow wrapped around it. She placed it on the coffee table and smiled at me expectantly.

  “A cactus, thank you,” I smiled back at her with confusion.

  “Ahhhh, not just any cactus though. This is the variegated form of the Echinopsis lageniformis, otherwise known as the penis cacti.” I took a closer look at the cactus and started laughing when I realized that the upper parts of the stems were spine free and smooth and did in fact resemble a penis. Mercy carefully ran a finger over one of the penis shaped bulbous stems and Annie laughed so hard she snorted.

  “This fascination you have with plants that resemble genitals is a little worrying,” I teased Rebecca. She shrugged and threw herself back into a big cozy recliner.

  “Well, I’m not getting any so maybe I’m taking out my frustration on plants.” Annie choked back a laugh.

  “You do realize there are other ways to take out your frustrations that are far more pleasant than buying unusual plants?”

  “Yes, but I refuse to lower myself to inanimate or plastic objects for self-gratification,” Rebecca said stubbornly.

  “There not all plastic, some are silicon,” admitted Mercy. Rebecca threw a cushion at Mercy and she caught it easily laughing.

  “You’re supposed to be the responsible one here Mercy,” Rebecca chuckled.

  “What about Charlie?” I innocently asked. Rebecca shook her head and looked away, blushing which made me wonder if her feelings for Charlie were more than she had previously let on.

  “Charlie is Charlie,” she groaned.

  “Yes, he is,” admitted Annie confused. “He’s handsome and seems like a nice guy, he’s great with kids, he’s even looking after Eli tonight and apparently you have seen each other naked, so what’s the problem?”

  “You’ve seen Charlie naked?” Mercy yelled and Rebecca blushed again.

  “Louder Mercy, my neighbor’s might not have heard you,” said Rebecca sarcastically.

  “Charlie and I had one glorious night and I’m telling you, it was A-mazing! That man’s body has been cut straight from granite, I’m sure of it. And what he can do with his tongue, one word, wicked! But two nights later, in fact, the night before you came knocking on Bouquets door Ella, I saw him having a cozy dinner with Caitlyn Brown at Luigi’s, so apparently the night was what it was, a night, nothing more. We didn’t talk about what the night meant and Charlie made me no promises. Anyway, that was forever ago, I’m over it now.” It hadn’t escaped my attention the way Charlie looked at Rebecca and there was definitely interest in his eyes. I wondered what his story was, being with Rebecca one night then eating dinner with another woman a few nights later. I made a mental note to ask Jax about it. Rebecca grabbed us fresh drinks and deftly changed the topic of conversation.

  “I have a great idea Ella, how about you draw me a sketch of Dillon. Now that is one fine piece of soldier, I think I could be persuaded to self-indulge if I had that fine face to look at. In fact, you could sketch me a picture of Dillon, Jax and Charlie. All three are very swoon worthy!” I laughed at Rebecca’s swooning impression.

  “Eye’s off number two, weird genital flower lady, he is bagged and tagged,” I growled with a mocking pout.

  “Alright alright settle down tiger. You can just draw me his chest, or ass cause that man has one fine ass. Seriously Mercy, thank you for the addition to the sexy-man gene pool!” It was Mercy’s turn to laugh.

  “Why thank you Rebecca, but I’m pretty sure my son’s behind is for one lady’s eyes only,” Mercy winked my way. Annie sighed beside me, sipping on a glass of champagne.

  “I wouldn’t mind a sketch of Dillon’s rear end, but to be honest, it’s been so long since I was intimate I’m pretty sure Barnie the Dinosaur would do it for me these days.” We all laughed loudly at Annie’s solemn declaration. “Seriously, he’s all cuddly, has a great smile, good teeth and he’s purple, I do love the color purple, and Eli adores him,” Annie continued dreamily.

  “Well, Dillon has a great smile and great teeth.” I said helpfully, enjoying this little game that seemed to be developing into match maker. Annie shook her head.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for another man just now, especially after having Phillip beating down my door a week ago.” Just like that the mood grew somber.

  “What if he has a purple cock?” Rebecca murmured. Our horrified looks of surprise quickly turned into unstoppable laughter. It seemed we could always trust in Rebecca to turn a serious moment into something that we could laugh at and god knows we all needed that.

  Chapter 37


  I was on Rebecca’s doorstep at exactly 11pm as promised and seeing Ella safe and sound brought me no end of comfort, though seeing her intoxicated sway as she approached me at the doorway made me cast Rebecca an annoyed glance.

  “What?” She said innocently. “She had four drinks and as promised none of it was vodka!” Rebecca held her fingers up clearly showing me the number five. “She’s a light weight,” she grinned. Annie followed Ella and she wasn’t in much better form. Dave had picked up Mercy an hour ago and had given me a quick text telling me the girls were well on their way to being inebriated.

  “Oh, don’t forget you’re penis cacti Ella!” Shouted Rebecca disappearing into the house and reappearing a moment later with a cactus with stems that were shamelessly formed into the shape of a penis.

  “I’m not carrying that,” I balked. Ella took it from Rebecca.

  “What, this plant unmans you?” Rebecca giggled.

  “The cactus has nothing on Jax,” Ella hiccupped from beside me and I grinned at my girl’s sharp defense at my honor.

  “No bragging about the fact you’re getting laid and I’m not,�
� Rebecca pouted.

  “Right, I’ve once again heard more than I needed too. Goodnight Rebecca.” I got the girls into my truck and dropped Annie home where Eli was tucked into his warm bed and Charlie was uncomfortably sprawled on the couch snoring like a trooper. Ella didn’t stop talking the entire way home. Apparently she was far too fascinated with her girl’s night to even contemplate sleeping. Seems she fancied herself quite the matchmaker and was planning on coercing Dillon and Annie into some sort of relationship as well as Rebecca and Charlie.

  “I got the impression Charlie and Rebecca already had something going on?” I asked as I waited for the garage door to draw open. The lights were on inside, which meant Dillon was still up.

  “He’s your best friend, how can you not know these things?” She asked indignantly.

  “It’s all part of the guy code angel. We don’t talk about our feelings or relationships, unless it’s to brag and apparently Charlie doesn’t want to brag about Rebecca which I guess means she was unbragworthy, or he actually like likes her.” Ella looked a little horrified.

  “Did you brag about me?”

  Grinning I gave her a wink as I pulled her into my arms from the front seat of my pickup. “Not in the way you think. I like like you remember? So bragging is all above board and completely sex free.” She bit down on her lip considering that for a moment.

  “But am I bragworthy, you know, if you didn’t like like me?” She asked.

  I pulled her close and kissed her senseless. “Angel, you are so bragworthy it almost drives me crazy that I can’t bring myself to share every damn sordid detail.”

  She smiled as I pushed open the door from the garage to the house.

  “Well apparently Charlie and Rebecca had one A-mazing night, but then the ass, and by ass I mean Charlie, went and took Caitlyn Brown out for dinner two nights later. I think Rebecca was pretty hurt and jealous, so things didn’t go any further. But I’ve seen the way Charlie looks at her and he is completely into her. So what gives?” The irritation in her expression made me laugh.


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