Bad Boy (The All American Boy Series)

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Bad Boy (The All American Boy Series) Page 1

by K. L. Humphreys






  Other books by this Author:

  All American Boy Series





















  Message from the author

  All the ways you can keep up to date with K.L. Humphreys


  About the Author


  All rights reserved. The moral right of the author has been asserted.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Other books by this Author:

  The Deadly Series

  Deadly Hunt

  Deadly Obsession

  Deadly Past

  Deadly Encounter

  Deadly Mistake

  The Working Girls Series:

  The Secrets of Life

  The Scandals of Life

  The Scars of Life

  The Surprises of Life

  The Heartache of Life

  The Troubles of Life

  Killers in Paradise Series:

  Uninvited Love

  Office Romance Series:

  Resisting the Boss


  Finding Home

  Egotistical Executive

  Bad Boy

  In Sickness and In Health

  All American Boy Series

  Welcome to Merlot, CA, an idyllic all-American town in wine country where love is in the

  air, the boys are grown as fine as the wine and the town is a breeding ground for second-chances, weddings, and brand-new beginnings.

  The All-American Boy Series gives you a taste of 15 of your favorite bestselling authors’

  brand-new stories in this shared world experience. All books are standalone but may include cross-over in characters or scenes.

  Grab a glass of wine, put your feet up and let us whisk you away to wine country.

  The series includes the following books:

  Sierra Hill: The Boy Next Door

  Poppy Parkes: Boy Toy

  Evan Grace: The Boy Scout

  Emily Robertson: The Boyfriend Hoax

  Kaylee Ryan and Lacey Black: Boy Trouble

  Kimberly Readnour: Celebrity Playboy

  Marika Ray: Backroom Boy

  Leslie McAdam: Boy on a Train

  KL Humphreys: Bad Boy

  Nicole Richard: Hometown Boy

  Remy Blake: That Boy

  Stephanie Browning: The Boy She Left Behind

  Stephanie Kay: About a Boy

  Renee Harless: Lover Boy

  SL Sterling: Saviour Boy


  For Jess –

  Thank you.



  His cell rings for the fifth time, his body tenses beneath my touch and I glance up at him. His eyes are on me, but they’re full of anger.

  “Sax, what’s going on?” I ask him as dread hits the pit of my stomach.

  He shifts underneath me, our naked bodies slick with sweat. “God, Bri….” The gravelly tone usually makes me weak at my knees, but right now, it makes me nervous.

  I grab the sheet and pull it up over my body as I sit up. “Saxon?” I ask once again, needing him to tell me what the hell is going on.

  His cell stops ringing, but within seconds it starts up again. This time I’m able to see who’s calling. Lila Hart.

  My heart pounds as blood rushes from my face. “Why is she calling?” I’m not a jealous person, not in the least, but having a girl call his cell six times in a row is making me nervous.

  His dark brown eyes are full of pain as he stares at me. He runs a hand through his shaggy black hair. “Baby…” His voice is laced with a mixture of anger and pain.


  I climb out of bed, reaching for my clothes. I quickly pull them on, somehow hoping that not being naked will make whatever this conversation is better.

  “Saxon Dayton…” I begin as I pull on my jeans, forgoing finding my panties. “Start talking. What the hell is going on?”

  He glances at me and the sheer emotion that shines through his eyes makes me want to go to him, makes me want to wrap my arms around him and promise him everything is going to be okay. But I can’t do that.

  I pull on my sneakers as I wait for him to find his voice. The dread in my stomach has started to spread throughout my entire body. I’m scared of whatever he’s about to say. Finally, I pull on my t-shirt and stand before him, thankful that the bed acts as a barrier between us.

  “I fucked up, Briar,” he tells me and my heart sinks. “Lila, she’s pregnant.”

  Tears sting my eyes as I realize what he’s actually telling me.

  “You slept with her?” The anger in my voice is unmistakable as the betrayal claws at my gut.

  He shrugs. Fucking shrugs at me. “I don’t know. I was drunk. I woke up the next morning and we were in bed together.”

  I blink furiously, willing the tears to not fall. “Were you naked?” He nods and I close my eyes. “Was she?”


  I shake my head, anger, hurt, and disappointment course through me.

  “You told me you loved me,” I whisper.

  “I fucking do love you. You’re the only one I’ve ever loved, will ever love, Bri. You’re it for me.” If he had said those words to me any other time, I’d have melted, I’d have flung my arms around him and showed him just how much he means to me.

  “How could you love me if you cheated on me?” I’m proud of myself right now for not falling apart. “What are you going to do?”

  He stares at me, looking so much like the boy I fell in love with seven years ago when he pulled on my ponytail and told me to eat dirt.

  “Sax, she’s pregnant,” I remind him, still unable to comprehend that he’d do this to me.

  “I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want her. I don’t want a fucking child.” He moves around the bed and steps closer to me. I shake my head. I don’t want him to touch me. “Bri, I hate that you won’t let me close to you.”

  “You’re going to be a dad, Sax, you can’t ignore that.”

  His face contorts with rage. “Fuck!” he roars. “No, I am not going to be a dad. I never wanted to be a fucking father. That bitch probably did it on purpose.”

  “Sax…” I whisper, hoping that he’ll calm down and realize what he’s saying.

  “I never want to be like my dad. Never, Bri. I don’t want kids. Even with you.”

  It stings hearing him say those words, but I’m grateful he has, it gives me more reason to hate him, more reasons to walk away. I should have realized that he felt this way, he grew up with an abusive father and lived
his life without love. Until me. I loved him without exception. I gave him all of me and he’s just ripped my heart to shreds.

  “So what happens now?”

  He glances away and my heart constricts.

  “You’re leaving?” I can’t keep the shock out of my voice.

  He nods. “I’m sorry, baby, so damn, fucking sorry.”

  I’ve had enough. I can’t deal with this anymore.

  “I love you, Sax. Loved you more than I ever thought possible. I gave you everything I had and you threw it away.” I can't keep the tears at bay any longer. They cascade down my face, and I leave them be.

  His eyes close as though he’s in pain.

  “So what was this? Hmm, a quick goodbye fuck?” I ask in disgust.

  He shakes his head, his jaw clenching. “No, don’t ever fucking say that. I love you. It’s more than a fuck. It always has been.”

  “I never thought you to be a coward. But yet, that’s exactly what you are. I guess you’re more like your old man than you thought.” I can’t hang around here any longer. The need to escape makes my feet move.

  I turn and walk toward the door, he doesn’t even try to stop me. “Goodbye, Saxon. I hope to hell I never see you again.”

  As soon as I’m out of his room, I rush down the stairs and slam into a hard chest. Arms wrap around me to steady me and I glance up at Braxton, Sax’s older brother. The tears are falling thicker and faster. “Brax,” I gasp unable to breathe right now.

  The sorrow and guilt in his eyes tells me that he knows what’s happened. “Come on, Briar, let me drive you home.” Brax’s voice is soft and it’s almost my undoing.

  I pull away from him. “No, I don’t need your help.”

  “Bri, it’s fucking late, it’s dark outside.” Saxon’s voice is dark and angry. I didn’t hear him come up behind me until he spoke.

  “And?” I’ve lived in this town all my life. I’ve loved every single second of it. Until now. “Nothing is going to happen.”

  Saxon shakes his head. “You could get hurt.”

  I can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out of me. “Nothing could fucking hurt more than right now. Just leave me the hell alone, you son-of-a-bitch.”

  I rush out of the house and turn onto the road; the sooner I’m home the better.

  Thirty minutes later, I walk in the front door of my home. The lights are off, everyone’s asleep.

  I crawl into bed and sob. I’ve lost my best friend, the man that I love.


  My entire life I’ve been treated like the town’s scumbag. My mom and dad don’t give a fuck about Braxton or I, they made that known from early on. My mom only gives a shit about my dad, she never protected us from him, but instead, when we stuck up for her, she turned around and started using us as her shield.

  The anger I felt growing up burned inside, it dug its claws into me and the only release was to let it out. So I did. I fought hard and fast. I earned the reputation of the town’s bad boy at the age of eleven and it only grew as I got older.

  Until her. Briar Clarke, she’s been the light in my darkness. Has been since she stood up to me when everyone else would cower. She showed her strength and in doing so, stole my heart. She’s the love of my life and now, I’ve fucked it up. I’ve lost her. Watching her walk out the door with tears in her eyes killed me. I did this to her.

  Waking up next to Lila, I knew that things between Bri and I would be over. I knew that she’d hate me, fuck, I hate myself. As much as I’d love to deny that nothing happened, I couldn’t, as I have no idea what really went down. But it doesn’t matter now, everything is fucking ruined.

  “Sax,” Braxton sighs, his eyes full of worry and hurt.

  “I know, I fucking know,” I growl, trying my hardest to keep the tears at bay. I’ve lost the only person I’ve ever loved.

  “You don’t need to leave. You and Bri could work things out.” He doesn’t want me to leave, I know that he feels as though I’m abandoning him. He’s done so much for me, he’s the best brother a guy could have. He got out of the hellhole we called home and he pulled me right out with him. He gave me a home and made sure that I finished school.

  “Did you not see her?” I ask, she was fucking devastated.

  He nods, “I did, but she loves you, Sax.”

  “She hates me and that’s only going to get worse when Lila has the baby. I can’t do this, I really fucking can’t.”

  Seeing the hurt in Briar’s eyes cemented the fact that I need to leave. I never wanted to hurt her, and I never wanted to be a father. I won’t ever be like my father and I won’t inflict that on my child. The best thing for everyone is for me to leave.

  “You’re an asshole. You leaving…” he shakes his head and glares at me. “That is going to fucking break her even more. What about your kid?”

  “If it’s even mine,” I growl. I don’t believe Lila one fucking bit. “I have to go.”

  He takes a step back from me, his face set in stone. He’s pissed. “I’ll keep an eye on Bri for you. You’ll be back, I know you will. A love like yours, it doesn’t die.”

  “I hate leaving her,” I tell him. “I know that I’m never going to stop loving her.”

  He nods. “Get your head together, then come back and claim her.”

  “I will. I may be leaving, but I’ll call,” I assure him.

  He smiles, relief shining in his eyes. “What about Briar?”

  I shake my head with a sharp movement. Talking to her will break me. I can’t do that shit. I love her too much to let her hang onto me.

  “When do you leave?” he asks and I clench my jaw, he’s not going to like my answer. “Oh fuck. Tonight? You’re leaving today?”

  “Yeah, I need to go.”

  Bri is right, I’m a fucking coward, but I need to do this. It’s the only way I can let her heal and Brax is right, I’ll be back and when I am, I’m claiming her.


  Five years later

  The door opens and my gaze goes toward it. My heart hurts as I come face to face with Braxton. The years haven't eased the pain that Saxon caused, but I’ve learned to move on from it. I had no choice. Braxton has been a huge help, he’s someone that’s become special to me. I love him just as I love my brother. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren't for them.

  “Hey, Bri,” Brax says chirpily, as he walks toward me, but his gaze darts around the Wine Cellar, the restaurant where I work here in the small town of Merlot.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” I ask as he sits in my section.

  “Yeah, what time are you finished?” he asks in a causal way but it instantly has my back up.

  I narrow my eyes. “The usual, three, why?”

  “We need to talk,” he says softly and I sigh.

  “You can either walk with me to get Sloane or wait until we get home?” I try and give him a reassuring smile but I know that I fail miserably. I’m worried about what he wants to talk about.

  “I’ll walk with you. You know that I can’t resist spending time with my girls.” He grins. “I’ll have a coffee and the special.”

  I write down his order. “It’s not very busy so it shouldn’t be too long.”

  “Briar, it’s going to be okay.” He tries to reassure me, I nod and walk away. I get him a cup of coffee and return it to him, grateful there’s customers waiting to be seated.

  The past five years have been hard. When Saxon left, the rumors started swirling that he and Lila had been having an affair for years. That hurt, especially when she told everyone who would listen that it was true. She flaunted the fact that she was pregnant with Saxon Dayton’s baby and she was going to go and be with him. That never happened. She’s still very much in town.

  Then the rumor came that I was the reason that Saxon left, that he couldn’t deal with my jealousy. That I gave him the ultimatum, me or the baby. I think I cried for a week over that one. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t true. Merlot is a small town, everyone h
ere knows your business, whether it’s true or not, they don’t care, as long as they get their juicy gossip they’re happy.

  Finally, the truth came out. Lila lied. She wasn’t pregnant, she tried to break Saxon and I up, in hopes of them being together. She never counted on Sax’s leaving, she was so certain that she’d get him and then she could fall pregnant and no one would be any the wiser. But by then the damage was done and Sax was gone.

  Six weeks after Saxon left, my mom died, she fell asleep at the wheel on her way home from work at St. John’s hospital. She was pronounced dead at the scene. My life seemed to crumble around me. I was seventeen and lost two people who meant the world to me. If it wasn’t for Brandon, my brother, I’m not sure I’d have survived the heartache I suffered.

  Five months after Saxon left, I discovered that he left something behind. He gave me a gift that I never thought was possible. Finding out I was pregnant helped me get through the grief and I managed to pull myself back from the brink. I was worried at first, I mean, five months pregnant and not knowing? How freaking stupid? But, the baby was fine and everyone believed that I had kept it a secret as I didn’t want the backlash. It didn’t matter, I still received the vicious looks from Lila, I had the one thing she wanted.

  I gave birth to Sloane Bray Dayton, that little girl became the love of my life. She looks so much like her father that it’s sometimes hard to breathe. She’s the light in my world and I would do anything to protect her. She also has two uncles that love her, and will do anything for her.


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