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Felix Page 2

by Sonja B

  The bartender returned with my drink, sitting it in front of me. I slid a twenty on the bar, then grabbed my drink and made my way to the ebony beauty. Luckily, there was an empty barstool right next to her.

  “Is this seat taken?” I ask, knowing that it wasn’t.

  She slowly turns her head in my direction, making my breath hitch. She is even more captivating up close, the beauty mark on her left cheek, enhancing her beauty. The mystery woman eyes me from head to toe. “No, no one is sitting there.” She replies, before taking a sip from her glass.

  I happily sit at the bar, noticing that her cell phone is placed on the bar next to her. It’s steadily buzzing over and over with the name Juan Rios appearing on the screen. I lean over to her and say, “Someone must really want to talk to you.”

  She was about to take a sip of her drink when she looks down at the phone, then over to me. “Too bad it’s no one I want to talk to.” She states with a huff, as she turns the phone off, then stared at me from the corner of her eye.

  “I’m Felix.” I introduce myself, extending my hand to her. She glares at my hand then locks eyes with me.

  “Look, Felix, I’m here for a much-needed drink, nothing else. So, if you would excuse me, I’m not in the mood to meet new friends.” She responds, before taking another sip of her cocktail.

  Dropping my hand, I study her with a smirk. “Who said I wanted to be your friend? I needed a drink just like you. I was just trying to be nice since we are sitting so close, but it’s cool. My mom used to tell me that you can’t be nice to some people.” I declared, then took a sip from my glass.

  “What the hell do you mean by ‘some people’?” She challenges, looking appalled by my words.

  I raise my free hand, halting where her train of thought was going. “Calm down, it’s not what you’re thinking. Like I said, I was just trying to be nice. I’ve had a hard day, and you seem like you have too, so I won’t bother you anymore. Please continue to enjoy your evening.”

  She regards me, before letting out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, it’s really been a shitty day, and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. I’m Keirra.” She reaches her hand out to me.

  I give her a small smile, as I swivel the stool more in her direction. “Apology accepted. Nice to meet you, Keirra,” I say, taking her hand in mine. Tiny electrical shocks pass between us from our touch. She notices it too and quickly releases my hand, then grabs her drink, taking a big gulp.

  Yeah, there was definitely something about this woman that drew me to her. “So Keirra, why are you sitting here all alone, looking sad? The music is banging, and the dance floor is packed.”

  “How do you know I’m sad, this could be my normal look?” She replies, giving me the side-eye.

  I chuckled. “I know that’s not your normal face, you’re too pretty to be walking around with a permanent sad face. I bet it’s even prettier when you smile.” The sides of her mouth begin to twitch. “Come on, I know you wanna smile, so show me how beautiful it is.”

  It took a few seconds, but the most beautiful smile I have ever seen slowly formed across her angelic face. I couldn’t help but sit back in my seat and admire the woman sitting next to me.

  “Wow, you have an amazing smile, Keirra,” I say, before taking a sip of my Jack and Coke.

  “Thank you, Felix, so do you.” She returns, as she starts to sway to Chris Brown’s ‘No Guidance’.

  “Would you like to dance, Keirra?” I ask, raising my eyebrow. She stills her movements. “It’s just a dance. I promise I won’t do anything inappropriate.” I cross my fingers over my heart.

  She giggles, shaking her head. “Fine, one dance, only because I love this song.”

  I stand from my seat, holding my hand out to her. She gently places her soft hand in mine, and again that tingling feeling returns. I grin down at her, as she slides from her stool. Proudly, I walk hand in hand with her to the crowded dance floor. Once I find a clear spot, I release her hand and place my hands on her hips and let the flow of the music move our bodies to the tempo. Keirra wraps her arms around my neck, as I pull her closer to me, our bodies moving as one. I dip, rotating my hips with hers. She follows my every step while reaching up, taking my hair out of my bun, causing it to fall free.

  “That’s much better. Damn, Felix, for a white boy, you sure really dance.” She says, giggling.

  I dip again, before stepping back and give her a twirl, then bringing her back against my chest. “First of all, I’m Italian, and I can hold my own in the dance department.” I whisper in her ear with my hands back on her hips, as I roll our pelvises. Damn, she felt good.

  Keirra surprises me when she bends over, swirling her hips against my fast-growing hard-on. She looks over her shoulder with a wicked grin, then bites her bottom lip. Fuck. I tighten my grip, as I give her a devilish smile back.

  It was as if everyone else around us disappeared, and we were the only two people on the dance floor. As we danced in sync seductively, we’re so in tuned with each other we didn’t realize that we’d danced through three songs nonstop. By the time we finally left the dance floor, I knew Keirra was going to be my woman.

  Chapter 3


  What the hell have I done? I think to myself, as I quietly put my clothes on. This was not supposed to happen. I’m not the type of woman to step out on my man. I’ve never had a one-night stand in my life.

  I only went out to have a few drinks to cool down after catching my no-good boyfriend, Juan, talking to some bitch on the phone. I was tired of his cheating ass. This was not the first time he’s done some shit like this. I’ve had to deal with bitches calling my phone, coming to blows with a few, and his ass having an outside baby on me. I know, I know…I should have left his ass a long time ago, but I was stupid and in love. Well, in love with the Juan who captured my heart. My best friend, Monica, has begged me to leave his ass numerous times. She couldn’t stand him, so I’m selective of what I tell her about our relationship. Monica would go all the way off if she knew how bad things had gotten between us.

  I was tired of it all, but I didn’t know how to walk away. Juan and I have been together five years and dated off and on in high school; he’s the only guy I’ve ever been with sexually. He was my first, and I was delusional thinking I would be his last.

  The sound of Felix stirring in bed brings me back to my current situation. Felix, Felix, Felix. The things that man did to my body and the way he made me feel has me questioning everything me and Juan have. Juan has never made my body react to him the way it did for Felix. Shit.

  I noticed Felix when he walked into the bar. Shit, every woman in there did. I was sitting at the end of the bar, ignoring Juan’s constant calls and texts, as well as unwanted attention of a few men who offered to buy me a drink. I wasn’t in the mood, plus I had a boyfriend. I was just about to take a drink of my Rum and coke when Felix caught my eye. Felix had to be six-foot-one if not taller. The navy t-shirt he had on did nothing to hide his chest muscles. His thick arms looked like he does curls with semi tires. Lord, and don’t let me start on those jeans that were hugging his sculpted thighs. He had dark brown hair that complemented his olive skin tone was pulled back into a man-bun. A neatly trimmed beard adorned his chiseled jawline, connecting with an evenly trimmed mustache. Felix carried himself like a man with confidence.

  I quickly turned my head when he looked in my direction. I watch him from my peripheral vision, as he made his way through the bar. A table of women swoons at him, as he walked by. Bitches. He smiled at them, as he walked past. Shit, was he heading this way? I redirect my focus on the liquor bottles behind the bar. Surely, he wasn’t coming over here.

  “Is this seat taken?” A sexy as shit, deep, husky voice asks. I turned my head, following the seductive voice and was instantly locked in a gaze with honey brown eyes. Seeing him up close and personal, I now understand why the women at the table were starry-eyed over him. This man was gorgeous. I’ve never really been at
tracted to white men, but this one here…damn. Wait, I got a man, even though he was a piece of shit right now, I was still in a relationship.

  Trying to keep it cool, I tell him the seat wasn’t taken. I tried to keep my interactions with him to a minimum, but it was hard with him sitting so close. The timbre of his voice and the intoxicating smell of his cologne was slowly breaking down the wall I was trying so desperately to keep up. Then, when I shook his hand, it felt like tiny electric shocks passing between the two of us. I didn’t know what to make of it. I mean, he was a total stranger, yet I was deliriously attracted to him. When he asked me to dance with him, my brain was screaming no, but my body had a mind of its own.

  Felix definitely had some dance moves. The way our bodies moved in unison, you would’ve never thought this was our first time dancing together. He moved his body and mine in such a seductive way, all eyes were on us. The women, who damn near drooled over him when he walked past their table, looked on with envy, while the men who previously approached me wore expressions of jealousy.

  When we finally left the dance floor, my body was tingling all over. Felix intertwined his fingers with mine, as he led us back to our seats. Once seated, he asked me what I was drinking. I told him Rum and coke, and he ordered our drinks. While waiting for the drinks, we got to know each other a little better. I found out his full name was Felix Salvant, and he had two other brothers. He was the middle brother. He and his brothers were extremely close, and each had the others back on everything. He was single and was graduating from culinary school in a couple of months. Felix even offered to cook me dinner, which I thought was really sweet.

  Just talking to Felix put me at ease. He made me feel like I was talking to an old friend, like I could tell him any and everything…and I did. I told him I was an only child, and my grandparents raised me due to my drug-addicted parents. I told him that I was a nurse and loved my job at Mercy Hospital and how I planned on going back to school one day to become a Nurse Practitioner.

  Of course, I told him about my situation with Juan. Felix just sat back, sipping on his drink, absorbing everything I was telling him. We sat and talked till our glasses were empty, and the bartender called ‘last call’. Felix surprised me when he grabbed my phone, turned it back on then put his number in under “The One”. Then he handed it back to me and stood, holding out his hand. I grabbed my purse that was hanging on the back of the stool and stood, placing my hand in his. He smiled at me, as he guided us to the exit.

  Once outside, Felix turned to face me. I closed my eyes, as he reached up and delicately rubbed his knuckles along my cheek.

  “I want you to get in your car and follow me.” He quietly whispers in my ear, before nipping at it. I slowly exhale, as a shiver runs through me.

  “You can’t ask me to do that, Felix.” I breathlessly say, only for him to seize my hips, pulling me closer to him.

  “I’m not asking you, Keirra. I’m telling you to get your sexy ass in your car and follow me. As of this moment, nothing else matters but you and me. I don’t give a shit about anything or anybody else before right now. Forget everything that has happened in your life before we met. Right now, it’s just us. Now, where is your car?” He demands with a calm voice.

  Felix was wreaking havoc on my resolve. I knew I should have walked away from him at that moment, but to be honest, I didn’t want to. The Lord would have to forgive me for what I was about to do. The funny thing about it was this was not to get back at Juan for all the cheating he has done on me, but this was something my mind, body, and soul wanted.

  I smiled up at Felix, as I stepped back from his touch. Luckily, I parked my car three spaces down from where we were standing. I turned from Felix, walking to my car excited, but also nervous as hell. What the hell was I doing?!

  I sat in my car trying to talk myself into leaving, and when I got the courage to pull off, a dark gray Challenger pulled up next to me. Felix let down his tinted driver’s side window, peering at me. I swallowed hard, as I nodded at him. He nodded back, before pulling off. I took a deep breath, as I put my car in drive, following behind him.

  Fifteen minutes later, we were pulling up to one of the high-end hotels downtown. I pulled in beside Felix in the parking lot, as he parked. He got out of his car, setting the alarm. I put my car in park, then turned off the engine. Gripping the steering wheel, I sit there, contemplating on whether or not to get out. I had a man; shit, I shouldn’t even be here. I wasn’t the type of woman to sleep around.

  Tap, tap, tap. I turn to see Felix standing on the outside of my door. “Open the door, Keirra.” He commands.

  Resting my forehead on the steering wheel, I slowly rock my head from side to side. “Open the door, Keirra, or I will open it my way.”

  Raising my head, I turn to see intense honey brown eyes staring back at me. Any sane person would have started their car and hauled ass out of here, but the way Felix was staring at me in such a domineering way had my heart pounding in my chest and panties wet.

  Slowly, I let go of the steering wheel and opened the door. Felix opens the door all the way with his left hand, then holds out his right for me to take. Pulling the keys from the ignition, I reach over and grab my purse from the passenger seat, then slide out of my seat. Once I’m standing on the outside of my car, Felix takes my keys from me, closing my door and sets the alarm. There was no turning back now.

  After Felix got us checked in…under Mr. and Mrs. Salvant, we took the elevator up to the tenth floor, where our suite was located. When we arrived at the suite door, Felix draws me closer to him, as his hungry gaze locks with mine.

  “It’s just you and me, Mrs. Salvant.” He whispers, before he bends down and places a sensual kiss upon my lips. I could still taste a hint of the Jack and coke, as he swirls his tongue with mine. I moan, as he sucks on my tongue. I have never been kissed like this. It was domineering, but sweet at the same time.

  I hear a beep in the midst of our dueling tongues. Felix has unlocked the door with the key card. I was so absorbed in the kiss. I didn’t feel when he removed his hand from my hip. Felix twists the knob, opening the door. Never breaking the kiss, he walks me backwards into the room and closes the door with his foot.

  Felix continues to walk us further into the room, then stops. He nips at my lips, as he slowly pulls away from them. Letting go of my hips, he takes two steps back.

  “Take off your clothes, Keirra.” He commands, as he reaches for the hem of his t-shirt, then pulling it over his head. I stand there in complete awe of the view in front of me. Felix’s chest and abs were ripped like he spent every waking hour in the gym. A trail of dark brown hairs starts just below his belly button, then disappears under his jeans.

  “Keirraaaa…” Felix calls out to me, bringing my attention back to his handsome face. “Take off your clothes…now.” He says, as he reaches in his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. He eyes me, as he takes a condom out of it and holds it between his lips, tossing his wallet on the table in the room. He then starts to undo the button on his jeans.

  His demanding voice is doing something crazy to my mind and pussy. I hurriedly removed my heels, then grab the edges of my shirt and bring it over my head. I know I will regret this tomorrow, but right now, my body was calling out for him.

  I regard him, as I reach behind my back, unhooking my bra with my right hand, but holding the cups in place with my left arm.

  “Move your arm, Keirra.” Felix states, as he kicks off his boots, never taking his eyes off me. Slowly, I take the straps of the bra in my hands and seductively shimmy out of it, causing Felix to let out a moan. “Continue,” he calmly says, as he lowers his jeans and boxers. I gasped when I saw the monster that hung between his legs. Felix had the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life, and it had a slight curve to the right. Dear God, I’m not sure my poor pussy could take all that. Doubt starts to make its way in. I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew, literally and figuratively, because Juan was a Lil
Smokey compared to Felix. Shit, why was I comparing cocks? Not the time Keirra!

  Felix rips the condom open, then grabs his cock and rolls it on. Once he has it on, he starts to walk towards me, bringing my attention from the monster that seems to jump at his every step back to his handsome face. When he’s a few inches away from me, Felix seizes the top of my jeans and unbuttons them. After he unzips them, he then carefully begins to push them down my hips, as he lowers himself along with them. When he gets to my neatly shaved pussy, he stops, then presses his nose into my center, inhaling my womanly scent. Felix lets out a deep sigh, his warm breath blowing across my wet core, causing my legs to start to tremble. Felix chuckles, as he continues undressing me. Slipping my feet from my jeans and panties, he tosses them to the side, before rising leisurely, skimming his fingertips along the sides of my legs, hips, then torso.

  “I know you’re ready for me. Get on the bed and lie down, Keirra.” I take steps back until I feel the bed behind me. As I sit on the cool comforter, Felix lays one of his domineering kisses on me. I hum, as I place my hands along his cheeks. If Felix has my body going haywire from just his kisses, then I’m in for a world of trouble when he fucks me.

  Breaking the kiss, we both stare at each other with so much hunger and want in our eyes, it’s almost scary. I begin to scoot back in the bed, until I feel the pillows touch my skin. Felix places one knee, then the other on the bed. He sits back on his heels, watching me, as that monster pulses with need. I lay back against the pillows, waiting for Felix to join me, but he continues his heated gaze, like a predator stalking his prey. Just the look in his eyes has my heart beating rapidly, and my pussy dripping with need, as my clit seems to throb every time the monster pulses.

  Felix finally makes his move, as he slowly crawls to me. When his big, beautiful body hovers over mine, he leans down, kissing my neck. Using his knee, he spreads my legs apart, then adjusts his large frame in between them. I feel the heat and throb of the monster against my center. I lift my hips, rubbing my pussy along the length of his shaft, until I encounter the head of the monster. Felix groans, as he kisses his way up my neck to my lips. With his right hand, he raises my left leg then spreads it. He then runs his fingers between my drenched lips before inserting one of his large fingers. Felix captures my moan with his kiss.


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