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Felix Page 7

by Sonja B

  She looks over her shoulder at me, as she applies lotion to her arms. “No, you’re not slick, Felix. I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not gonna work. I have to go to work.”

  “What, I’m not gonna do anything. I just want you to come here for a quick second, please.” I pout.

  She giggles. “See that right there only works when Alex does it, not some two hundred and thirty pound, grown-ass man.”

  I grunt with disapproval, as I continue to watch her apply her peach-scented lotion. She carefully squirts the lotion in her hand, then begins to rub it on her legs. As she slowly bends, the towel inches up her legs until it gets to the bottom of her ass cheeks. My cock is harder than a mother fucker from her little peep show. Then she had the nerve to bend all the way over with her pussy on full display, my shit is throbbing with need. Keirra turns her head in my direction and winks at me. I growl, ripping the covers off me, then jumping out the bed. Fuck it, I might just be a caveman because I am on her with the quickness, gripping her hip in my left hand. Grabbing my cock with the right, I enter her hard. She squeals with delight.

  “Grab your fucking ankles, Keirra!” I command, as I slap her on her right ass cheek. She does as she’s told. Holding on to both hips, I thrust deep inside of her over and over again. Fuck, she felt so fucking good. The walls of her pussy were tightening around my shaft, almost making me cry out like a fucking bitch.

  “Yes, Felix, Yessss…” Keirra purrs. “Fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me cum.”

  I increase my pace, swiveling my hips every time I ram into her. Her pussy is so fucking wet; it’s like that mother fucker is talking to me.

  “See, if your ass would’ve come to me when I asked, you wouldn’t be in the position you’re in now. But then again, I think this is what you wanted.” I moan, slapping her ass again. “Is this what you wanted, Keirra? Huh? You wanted me to fuck you hard and fast before you went to work? The next time you better come take what’s yours! Do you hear me, Keirra?!”

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She shrieks. “I’m gonna cum, Felix, I need to cum!”

  I slow my pace, causing her to moan. “No! You cum when I tell you to.” I slowly pull out, only leaving my engorged head in, before plunging back into her. Her moans of pleasure only spur me on, as I repeat my movements. Her legs begin to tremble. I reach around to her pussy, spreading her lips to find her swollen clit. I begin to massage that mother fucker like both our lives depended on it, as I increase my thrusts. I feel my own orgasm start to build, as my balls begin to tighten. I dig my toes into the carpet to anchor myself.

  “Cum for me, baby.” I pant out. Keirra’s body shakes, as she’s overtaken by her orgasm. Her essence flows from her like a river, as her pussy grips my cock like a vise, igniting my orgasm. I growl, as I continue to slam into her filling her with womb with my seed.

  I quickly slip my arm around Keirra’s waist, as her legs begin to buckle. Her greedy walls contract around my cock, as I ease out of her dripping pussy. My seed mixed with her essence, as it runs down her thighs.

  “Let go of your ankles, Keirra.”

  She groans. “I can’t, baby. I think I’m stuck.”

  I laugh, as I stoop down and pick her up bridal style. “That’s what you get for teasing me like that. Now I have to clean you up, poor baby.”

  “Shut up, Felix.” She giggles, but then her expression changes. “Felix, we didn’t use any protection.”

  “I’m clean, baby. I haven’t slept with anyone else since the first night we made love. After that night, I knew I only wanted to fuck…make love to you and only you, Keirra.”

  She blushes, as she gives me a shy smile. “I’m clean too. After that last incident with he who shall not be mentioned, I went and had a complete exam. I didn’t sleep with him after that because I knew he was still cheating. I am on the pill, though.”

  I give her a devious smile, before saying, “Not for long.” Her jaw drops, as her eyes grow large. I chuckle, as I carry her into the bathroom so we can take a shower and get cleaned up. I meant what I said, Keirra was gonna stop taking that shit. I wanted nothing more than to see her belly swollen with my baby.

  Chapter 9


  I giggle to myself, as I look over my patient’s charts at the nurse’s station. Yeah, I knew that little show was gonna have Felix out of bed giving me what I wanted. Shit, my kitty was still tender from the way he fucked me earlier, and I’m definitely not complaining one bit. I loved that Felix could be gentle and passionate sometimes but a beast when I needed it. Shit, I love it either way, but this morning I wanted his beast mode.

  Trying to hold in my laugh, the memory of when I took Felix to meet my grandparents comes to mind. My Papa was giving him the side-eye at first, and my Granny kept touching his arms and giving me the thumbs up. We sat for dinner, and that’s when Papa’s inquisition began.

  “So, Felix, what do you do for a living?” My Papa Edgar asks, as he cuts into his meatloaf.

  “Umm, well, Sir, I graduated from culinary school not too long ago and recently opened my own restaurant.” Felix replies.

  “Ohhh, you own your own restaurant, that must be exciting. What type of restaurant is it?” Granny Estelle cheerfully asks.

  Felix smiles with pride. “I specialize in Italian American cuisine with my own twist. You and Mr. Davis are welcome to come by anytime for dinner on the house.”

  Granny clasps her hands together with glee. “Doesn’t that sound wonderful, Edgar?”

  Papa grunts, before giving Felix a stern look then saying, “Let’s just cut through the bullshit, and get to where you tell me what your intentions with my grandbaby are. She went through enough shit with that jackass before you. If you’re here to do the same shit, then you need to get up from my table and get the hell out of my house because I’ll be damned if I sit back and watch her go through that shit again.”

  Felix sits up straight in his chair, never breaking eye contact with Papa. “Mr. Davis, sir, I have no ill intentions towards your granddaughter. Keirra is my forever. My intentions are to love and cherish her. To take care of her and our future children, and I dare anybody to get in between our happiness. I’m not like the jackass she was with before. I would never cheat on Kierra or do anything to hurt her. You have my word on that.”

  They stare each other down, before Papa speaks. “I’m going to hold you to that, Felix. As long as my grandbaby is happy, you will be happy…if you get my drift.”

  “Understood, sir,” Felix states.

  Papa smirks at him. “Now that that’s out of the way, tell us more about your restaurant.”

  Dinner went smoothly after that. We enjoyed our meal, and my grandparents fell in love with Felix. Before we left, Felix made sure to extend his offer again for them to come to have dinner at Salvant’s, which this time, my Papa happily accepted.

  Two days later, my Granny frantically called me, yelling on the phone. I had to pull the phone from my ear just to hear her. Apparently, when we went to dinner at their house, Felix noticed a few wobbly stairs when we walked up on the porch. Now there were men there tearing down their stairs and porch to have a new ones built. I was shocked. Felix didn’t say anything to me about it. When I questioned him regarding it, he simply replied he didn’t want my Granny or Papa stepping on one of those raggedy-ass stairs the wrong way and falling. Felix then said, eventually, we were gonna have to move them from that area because the crime rate was starting to escalate. I told him good luck with that because I’ve tried, even offering to pay for them to move into one of the nice retirement communities. Felix just gave me a wink and said he’ll take care of it.

  “What are you over here smiling about, ma’am?” Monica asks, taking a seat next to me at the station. I was so happy she and I worked the same shift.

  I giggle. “Oh, nothing, just in a good mood today.”

  She gives me a side-eye, before giggling herself. “Mmmhmm, I bet. Does it have anything to do with a certain hulky Salv
ant brother who sports a man-bun?” I lower my head, trying to hide my giddy smile. “I’m so happy for you guys, Keirra. I’m also happy that you finally came to your senses. Felix is a good guy, and I believe he will treat you how a woman is supposed to be treated.”

  “You’re right, Monica. I wish I would have followed my heart back then, but it’s cool. I’m glad I came to my senses too because my man was about to walk away from my ass.” I honestly tell her.

  “And who might that be, Keirra?” An all too familiar deep voice says from the other side of the nurse’s station. Juan. Fuck.

  Monica jumps up from her chair. “You need to leave from here before I call security!”

  He ignores her, as he continues to stare me down. “Who were you talking about, Keirra? What man of yours was going to walk away from you because, as I recall, you walked away from me.”

  “Look, you fuc…” Monica starts, but I grab her arm, stopping her. I know she wants to go off on his ass, but we are at work with patients and other co-workers in the vicinity.

  “It’s fine, Monica. I got this.” I tell her, as I stand, then face Juan. “Juan, I don’t know why you’re here, but you need to leave.”

  “Man, I’m done with that bullshit, Keirra. I’m not even trying to hear it. I’ve given you enough time to get out your feelings. It’s time for you to come home.” Juan says with a straight face.

  I couldn’t believe this asshole had the nerve to think I was going anywhere with him. I had to look over at Monica to see if I heard him right. She blankly stares at me, before we both fall into a fit of laughter.

  “And what’s so fucking funny?” Juan asks, as he stares at us with a confused look.

  I wipe a tear from my eye from laughing so hard. Getting a grip on my composure I say, “What’s funny is that you think I’m coming ‘home’ with you. You and I are done, been done, so I don’t know why you’re here. I’ve moved on, and I’m very happy. Why don’t you go get your baby’s mother or better yet, that bitch you had in our ‘home’ to move in there with you because I will burn that shit down before I move back in there.”

  “Bitch,” Juan says, before he reaches over the counter and grabs my wrist. Monica, quick on her feet, does a counter move that has her arm locked around his, then I head butt him, causing him to let go of me. I hit the button for security, as Juan stumbles backwards, holding his face, moaning.

  “Get the fuck out of here, Juan, and stay away from me. We’re done!” I hiss, as security rushes down the hallway. I point Juan out to them. “Him right there, he needs to go.”

  One of the guards grabs his arm, as the others surround him. Juan snatches his arm away. “This shit ain’t over with, Keirra. I’ll see you soon.” Juan threatens with an evil smirk, before he turns to leave with security following close behind him.

  “You okay, Keirra?” Monica asks with concern.

  I look down at my shaking hands. I can’t believe this mother fucker put his hands on me at my fucking job.

  “Keirra? Keirra?” Monica calls out, as she places her hands on my shoulders, then shakes me.

  I finally look up at her. Tears of anger and hurt have built up in my eyes, as adrenaline kicks in. “I… I need to go home.”

  “Here, sit down. Let me go tell Abby what happened, and I will take you home, okay?” Monica rolls the chair for me to sit down. When I’m settled, she hurries to Abby, our Nursing Director’s office.

  A few minutes later, she returns with our backpacks. “We’ll leave your car here and have Axl or Felix come back to get it. Come on, sweetie.”

  Slowly, I stand, as Monica wraps her arm around my waist and leads me to the exit. I silently cry as we make our way to her car. My body’s trembling by the time I get inside her car. After Monica closes my door, I lay my head against the window and close my eyes. My day started off amazing and now has turned into shit.

  “It’s gonna be okay, Keirra,” Monica says after she gets in and starts the engine. I nod because I have no words right now.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, Monica is waking me up. We’ve made it back to their house. Shit, all three brothers are home. Their vehicles are parked in front of the house. I was hoping Felix would be at the restaurant. He’s going to go the fuck off when he finds out what happened. At least Alex was still in school and didn’t have to see her auntie like this.

  Taking a deep breath, I open the door and get out of the car. Monica has made it to the front door and was getting ready to unlock it when its swung open. Axl stands in the doorway.

  “What are you two doing back so early?” He asks, smiling at Monica. His smile drops when his eyes land on my tear-stained face. “What the fuck happened?! Felix! Felix, get your ass out here right now!”

  “Baby, let’s get her inside, okay,” Monica says, as Axl opens the door wider so she could usher me inside, then drops our backpacks by the door.

  “Axl, what the hell are you yelling about? You in here yelling like the damn…” Felix says, coming around the corner but stops mid-sentence when he sees me. “What the fuck, Keirra! Have you been crying?!” He asks, as he rushes to me, taking me into his arms. God, I need to be held by him right now. “What happened, baby? Tell me what happened.”

  “It was Juan,” I whisper. I feel the tension, as it spreads through his body. Felix doesn’t say a word as he let’s go of me, heading to the door.

  “Felix, wait!” Monica says, jumping in front of him.

  “Move, Monica!” He snarls.

  “No, you need to stay your ass here and see about your woman. She needs you right now. You can beat that bitch’s ass later.” Monica states.

  “Yeah, little brother, let’s find out what happened first. Let’s go to the den.” Axl adds.

  Felix lowers his head then turns to come back to me. He embraces me in those big arms, before guiding me to the den. He sits down on the couch, then pulls me down on his lap. I rest my head against his big chest. Monica and Axl sit on the other couch across from us.

  “What was all that noise?” Adam asks, walking into the den, looking like he just woke up.

  “Something happened with Keirra and her pussy ass ex.” Felix fumes.

  As if a bucket of water was poured over him, Adam's eyes grow big, then a look of anger takes over. “What the fuck happened?”

  “That’s what we’re about to find out,” Axl replies. “Take a seat, little brother.”

  Adam’s expression never changes, as he sits down in one of the entertainment recliners.

  “Monica, tell us what happened.” Axl prompts.

  Monica nods, before she begins to tell them what went down with Juan. I cringe when she gets to the part about him grabbing me. I can feel Felix’s heartbeat increase, as he tightens his hold on me. That shit was unreal. I’m just glad we acted as fast as we did. The moves Felix and Axl taught us came in handy, even though I never thought I would have to use them.

  “That mother fucker touched you?!” Felix growls, looking down at me.

  “Yes. He said it wasn’t over and that he’ll see me soon, then security escorted him out.” I whimper. Felix lifts me from his lap and sits me on the couch, before standing. He starts to pace back and forth.

  “How do you wanna handle this, Felix?” Axl hisses.

  “We’re gonna have to handle this mother fucker without being detected. I ran a background check on his ass, and he has a rap sheet a mile long. He’s affiliated with Los Diablos too. I don’t want to bring any unnecessary shit your way, especially with you taking over Romano’s spot.”

  Axl shakes his head. “Don’t worry about that. Monica, can you get Nolan on the phone for me? I’m sure he can give us some info on the Los Diablos. I’m going to call Romano and see if he’s ever had any problems with them in the past.”

  Felix slowly moves his head up and down. “Alright, thanks. I’m going to email you everything I found on that prick so you can see what kind of douche he is after I get Keirra settled.” Axl nod
s, as he pulls out his phone.

  “Hey, Adam, can you call Nikki for me and tell her I’m taking the night off. Let her know I will call her in the morning and let her know if I’ll be in tomorrow.” Felix requests.

  “No problem,” Adam says, pulling his phone from his pocket.

  “Come on, baby.” Felix helps me up from the couch. Monica stands and gives me a hug, as we walk by.

  “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  “Okay. Thanks for helping me earlier.” I tell her, trying not to cry again.

  “Girl, you are like a sister to me. If someone fucks with you, then they’re fucking with me. So, no need to apologize, sis.” I smile at her, as I hug her again. Monica was the sister I always wanted, and I would do the same for her.

  When Felix and I got to his room, he took me straight to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet, as he ran a bubble bath in the tub. While the water was running, he came back to me, then stooped down and took my shoes and socks off. Without saying a word, Felix stood, taking my hand in his. He stood me up, then began to undress me. Once I was fully naked, he took off his clothes as well.

  Felix turned the water off, then stepped into the tub and sat down. He held his hand out, I took hold of it and let him help me inside. As I sat down, Felix gently pulled my back against his chest. I felt like I was in the safest place on earth, as Felix caressed my arms, before cocooning me within his muscular arms.

  We stayed like that for a while, thank goodness he had a heated tub because I’m sure, by now, the water would have turned cold in a traditional tub. Felix tenderly bathed my body from head to toe. He was so gentle and caring you would never have thought this big man with his hard demeanor and sharp tongue could be so affectionate and loving.

  When he finished cleaning us up, he let the water out, then turned on the shower so we could rinse off, all the while still no words were passed between us. There didn’t need to be, Felix showed me how he felt and how much he loved me by his touch.

  Felix took me back into the bedroom when we were dry. I put on the t-shirt he gave me, then climbed into his comfy bed. I watched, as he put on a pair of fresh boxers and jeans that hung low on his hips, showing off his Adonis belt. He sat on the bed next to me, then let out a heavy sigh.


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