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Reckless Page 12

by Jennifer Loren

  “Okay. I need to put her to bed, so please go.”

  “Do you want me to help you get her to bed?” Joel said.

  His voice instantly sends chills to my spine. I start screaming and push away from Sean until he drops me and I cower away from everyone. “No! Get him away from me!” I screamed.

  “Ava… calm down. What is wrong with you?” Sean pulls my face up to his.

  “He tried to rape me. He left me out there,” I cried.

  Sean sits back, glancing at Joel who shrugs with concern. “When Ava? When did this happen?” Sean asked.

  Thinking back, “Ten-fifteen” I said, confidently.

  Sean sighs, watching me. “He was here Ava. He was right here with everyone else.” I shake my head, as I look up at Joel, seemingly sincere in his concern. “Yes, it had to be someone else, or …” I look at Sean as he hesitates.

  “Or what? Or I’m making it up? I’m lying to you again?”

  “I don’t think you’re making it up. I think you’re really tired and ...”

  “And crazy?” I cry to him as he tries to pull me to him.

  “Will everyone please go,” Sean said, holding me still as he waits for us to be alone. He focuses in on me, “It’s just after ten now Ava.” I shake my head at him. “Yes, it is. What’s going on with you?”

  Tears flow as I search the room for some sort of answers. Am I losing it? Maybe it wasn’t Joel, maybe none of it was real. I don’t remember, I don’t remember anything clearly. “I don’t know,” I cried.

  He reaches out slowly, laying his hand on mine. “You’re shaking like a leaf. You look dazed lately and …”

  “I’m cold!” I snap at him as I realize he is accusing me of more than simply being tired.


  “I’m cold.” I pull my hand away from him. “I don’t care if you believe me.” Sean looks at me with concern and I know what he is thinking. “I said I am cold. Why won’t you believe anything I say?” I force myself up and take five steps before I fall against the wall, trembling uncontrollably. Sean takes hold of me and instantly lifts me back into his arms. “Sean, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know what’s wrong.” I cry, unable to control my emotions or my body.

  “It’s okay. I’m going to take care of you now.” I look at him, confused, as he carries me to our room and helps me get a bath. Now calm, I climb into bed as Sean comes in with a tray of food and a glass of tea, setting it directly in front of me. “Eat something, and then go to sleep. I am staying with you tonight, so no reason to be scared.” He said as he sits in a chair next to my bed, watching me closely.

  My determination surfaces and I get angry, knowing I am right. “Sean, I know I sound crazy, but it was Joel. He has a mask that makes him look like Spencer. He tried to rape me and make me look crazy.

  “Oh Ava, we have already talked about this. He was with all of us, and worried as hell about you. I had to stop him from going out himself to go find you.”

  “That’s because he knew where he left me.” Sean rolls his eyes at me, shaking his head. “He found me running and picked me up in his car. Then took me out into the woods and gave me some kind of drug. And then …” Sean throws up his hands, huffing. “And then … he put me in his back seat and tried to rape me. I fought him and …” Suddenly the memories are becoming clearer. “I stabbed him!” Sean looks back at me with suspicion. “I did, I stabbed him with something and he let go of me and I ran.”

  “You stabbed him? With what? Because he sure looked fine to me.”

  Twisting into my pillows, I cry, surrendering to what must be delusions. Grasping my wrist, “Oh no, I lost my bracelet.” I sit back up, apologizing emphatically to him.

  Sean leans down over me, hushing me and kissing my head, “It is okay baby. I can get you another one. It’s okay, just go to sleep.

  Chapter 13


  I wake up completely rested, this bed is so much more comfortable than the one we have at home. I can spread out completely in the soft sheets as the sunlight washes over my room.

  Randy had to leave to help Sean at the set, giving me the day to drive Ava crazy. She is already half way there, she looks like she hasn’t slept in months and after last night’s drama no one’s expecting for her to make it without psychiatric help much longer. I cannot believe Sean fought everyone on it, he seems to be in bigger denial than she is. Of course, all this may have something to do with the drug I have been crushing into her, special tea. The shit is so nasty, you cannot possibly notice any bitterness. Although, it could be Joel dressing up in that stupid mask too.

  With a joyful feeling overtaking me, I get up and change into my best bikini before joyfully making my way to the main house, especially when I see that Sean is still here.

  “You’re not working today?” I asked.

  “Yes, but I’m going in a little later. I have to run a couple of errands this morning.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’m taking Lillah over to my mother’s for a few days.”

  “Why, Ava can’t take care of her own daughter now?” Sean looks up at me with a sharp scowl. “Sorry only commenting on the obvious.”

  “Ava is fine.”

  “Okay, she’s fine, then why can’t she watch your daughter?”

  “She’s sick and needs to rest. Which means I don’t want you anywhere near this house until she’s better.”

  “Sick?” I know better than that.

  “Rebecca, mind your own business.”

  “Okay. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.” Sean huffs looking away from me. “Well is there anything I can do at least, maybe I can take care of her, you know make her meals and drinks?”

  “No thank you, I have someone else watching her for me. You’re welcome to hang out by the pool but if I find out that you went anywhere near Ava I will …”

  “Got it, damn.” He walks off in a horrible grump. I swear under my breath as I shuffle outside collapsing into a lounge chair. This is unbelievable! How am I going to get to Ava now? I nearly have over the edge. Sean comes outside with that child, and sits in a chair nearby helping her put on her shoes. I watch Sean tickle her and cradle her, being so sweet that I nearly vomit but it does give me an idea. “Sean, you know I hate for you to take the child so far away from her mother. Leave her with me and I will watch her and that way you won’t upset Ava. We can play and then when Ava wakes up we can spend time with her and help her feel better.” Sean pauses seeming to consider my idea. “I can’t imagine how upset a mother would be if her child has been taken away.”

  “I’m not taken Lillah away from her just giving her some time to rest.”

  “Sean, do you really think Ava is going to see it that way?” I asked as he starts to nod in agreement.

  “Maybe, what do you think Lillah?” he asks the child playfully. “I really appreciate the help Rebecca, thank you.” He said forcing a smile at me.

  “Happy to help anyway I can, of course. Besides what else do I have to do all day?” Getting up I go to them and lean down, “So …” What the hell was her name? “… are you ready to spend the day playing with Aunt Rebecca?” I said with my perfect smile before glancing up to Sean’s gorgeous green eyes.

  Suddenly the child reaches over and smacks me in the face rudely, “No!” She screamed at me. Oh I am so going to make her pay for that one.

  Sean grabs her hand looking at me shocked before staring back at the evil spawn, “Lillah that wasn’t nice, you don’t hit people.” The child instantly starts crying and throwing some disgusting tantrum. “Lillah stop? Do you want a time out?”

  “No Daddy,” she cried.

  “Then you apologize to Rebecca,” Sean said trying to look at her as she buries her face deep into his shirt. “Lillah?” She pushes even deeper into his shirt. “Okay then you’re going into a time out until you do,” Sean picks her up and takes her to some imaginary area away from me. Talk about a drama queen. I look back
at the child, who is calming down but still has her bottom lip out and her arms crossed. “Why did you hit Rebecca, Lillah?”

  “Don’t want to play with her.” She whimpers.

  “Why not?” He asked as she remains silent. “Lillah, why not?”

  “I don’t like her, Daddy.”

  I look at the little disgusting, nuisance appalled. “That isn’t nice Lillah, why would say that?”

  Fidgeting she keeps trying to get back into Sean’s arms rather than explain herself. “Cause … she stinks.” Sean glances back at me with a strange expression. “Come on Lillah,” Sean said picking the child up and letting her bury herself back into his arms. “I think it is best I take Lillah to my mother’s Rebecca, thanks for the offer. And don’t forget to stay away from Ava.” Sean leaves abruptly without any explanation.


  I try unsuccessfully to sneak into the house and make sure Ava is still drinking her tea but that Edelmira acts like she is working for the secret service and Ava is her charge. I spend the rest of the day bored out of my mind, waiting for Joel to come home. I had been staring at the door for hours when he enters.

  “What’s wrong with you?” He asked walking past me to the bar.

  “That bitch has been laid up in secure quarters all day.”


  “So? So she’s not drinking her tea I am sure of it.”

  “How do you know? Because the Gestapo Witch has been making her special meals and drinks to help her get better.”

  “You will just have to think of something else Rebecca.”

  “Me? Why does it always have to be me?”

  “Because dear, you’re the one that wants her husband.”

  “And what exactly is it that you want my beloved?” I said sarcastically as he sits down.

  “His life as he knows it … destroyed,” Joel said relaxing comfortably into a chair.

  Chapter 14


  The last few weeks have been excruciating. It was all I could do to concentrate on getting up in the morning, forget about trying to go on each day as if my life is perfectly fine. My wife can barely stand up straight, her eyes have been noticeably dilated at times, she barely eats at all and I’m not sure she is in touch at all with reality. I do not know who she is anymore. The strong, vibrant woman I fell in love with has become … I don’t know. Then there is Jasper. After I drop off Lillah at my mother’s I stop by Ava’s office to let Kyle know how she is doing and to my surprise Jasper is here too.

  The moment I walk in, Kyle runs up to me, “Whoa, Sean, please don’t start anything here.”

  “I only want to talk to him, Kyle.” I said concentrating on my breathing. Jasper gets up and walks over to me but remains more than arms length distance. “What is going on with you and my wife? And you better not lie to me.”

  “There is nothing going on between them, Sean. I can’t believe you won’t believe her!” Kyle yells at me.

  “I am talking to him … so, Jasper, what is going on between you and Ava?”

  “Nothing is going on between us. She told you that, hell she hit me when I simply tried to kiss her on the cheek.” I roll my eyes. “I don’t know how all this got started but believe me there has been absolutely nothing but business between us. She was so afraid you would be angry with us working together she would work from home on the days I was working here. The night at your house was the first time I have seen her in months.”

  “Then why were you there?” I asked him but he shakes his head. “You’re not going to tell me?”

  “I … I guess I was hoping to make you mad enough to leave her so she would run back to me for comfort.” He said strangely. Kyle looks at him in shock.

  “But that’s not why.” Kyle said before Jasper shakes his head at him.

  I take a second to rub my face and consider the events and that my wife was telling me the truth after all. I turn to walk out but then remember something else she said and he confirmed. I turn and step to Jasper quickly, “By the way, don’t ever touch my wife again.” I say punching him in the jaw.


  I bargain with Kane to save the last scene for the next day, so I can leave early. The drive to and from home is a rare peace lately, I usually welcome it although tonight I am anxious to see Ava. I hesitate getting out of my car, breathing in and out forcefully to prepare myself for whatever might be waiting for me inside. As soon as I get out of the car I hear the dogs going nuts, and my head immediately starts pounding. Who put them outside, they won’t be happy unless they are with Ava? They are muddy and a complete mess as they fight to get inside. I hold them back from getting inside, “Boys go play, I don’t feel like cleaning you up just yet.” I ease into the house hoping they will be quiet long enough for my headache to go away. Of course, they sit right outside the door whimpering as they look up at me with innocent eyes. “Ten minutes, that’s all I ask,” I said before making my way to our room. As soon as I reach the hall, I see Joel opening the door to our bedroom. “What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled startling him.

  “I thought I would check on Ava,” Joel said releasing her door.

  “Why? I specifically said for no one to bother her.”

  Joel looks around nervously as he grips his mouth, “Honestly Sean, I had a suspicion about what the problem may be but I wasn’t sure until Rebecca told me about a man showing up here earlier … to bring her these.” Joel said holding up a bottle of pills. “I think you should search the house for more, there is no telling how much more she has.” He said handing me the bottle of pills. “I was hoping I wouldn’t find anything and then you wouldn’t be hurt anymore than you have been but … you have to do something to help her Sean. You have no other choice.”

  I stare at him in disbelief, “How … how would Ava even know how to get these?”

  “Apparently she does. I hate to ask this Sean, but how well do you really know her?”

  I go into our room and Ava instantly sits up groggy but curious. “Where did you get these?” I said holding up the bottle of pills to her but she simply shakes her at me. Sighing. I look around the room and begin going through all her drawers.

  “What are you doing?” Ava asked.

  “I’m searching for more.” I said but I find nothing in our room but I do in her office. My whole body sinks as I take the other bottle to show her.

  “That’s not mine.” She says looking at me in shock.“I saw you Ava, your eyes dazed, your hands shaking and you wouldn’t eat. I watched you get worse and worse, hoping, praying that you would handle it on your own. I thought you were stronger than this.”

  “I didn’t take them, he’s been sneaking them to me somehow.” She said pointing at Joel. “I can’t believe you don’t believe me, you especially, I would think you would believe me.” She said tears suddenly flowing down her face.

  “I want to get you some help,” I said watching her close her eyes hard. “I only want to get you some help, stop being so stubborn and let me.” I sit next to her calmly. “Please, Ava. I love you. I only want to help you get better so you can come back to me. There is no reason you should have to take drugs to get over your past.” I hold her face still as she cries and nods, hugging me tight as I exhale in relief. Wiping my tears away I hold her out from me and force a smile, “Ethan found a place that can help, I haven’t seen it myself yet but I will go do that now and if it seems right then I will make …” I breathe in deeply facing my own reality. “I will make arrangements for you. Okay?” She nods reluctantly and I kiss her gently before leaving her.

  I ask Joel to look after her until I get back and borrow his car in hopes that no one will recognize me admitting my wife into rehab. The last thing she needs is the press rehashing her past. I can barely contain my emotions as I drive down the road, I am so emotional I nearly hit the car in front of me when it slams on its breaks to make a sudden turn. Thank goodness, Joel’s breaks work. I pull up slowly to the stop light, hoping to get a hold of m
yself but instead I become intrigued by a bloody pen that has rolled towards my feet. I don’t move until the horns of the cars behind me become belligerent and then I pull off to park his car. It takes me some time before I can bring myself to get out and search his car. When I do, it doesn’t take me long to find what I feared finding the most. Stuck in between the cushions of the back seat is Ava’s charm bracelet but even more unbelievable is the mask I find stored in a backpack deep in the trunk of his car. Shaking I pull out my cell and dial, “Randy … I need you to meet me at my house as soon as possible … I’m going to kill Joel.” I end the call and race home.

  Chapter 15


  As soon I hear Sean leave, I jump out of bed and pack my bags. I have to get away from here, I need some time to think. I do not know what is happening to me but I know I am not doing it to myself. I gather my things and rush through my door running right into Joel.

  “Going somewhere?” Joel asked while threatening me backwards.

  “Get out of my way.” I said trying to look strong.

  Joel laughs, “You’re still weak aren’t you. It’s okay, Sean is going to put you somewhere that will help you.”

  “I’m not going, now get out of my way.”

  “Oh I think you are … unless you want me to help you.”

  “Help me? How can you help me?”

  “Well I am Sean’s best friend, he trusts my opinion on things. I can talk him into giving you another chance. Keep you around for awhile. You know as soon as he puts you away, he’s going to forget about you.” I shake my head but he laughs at me. “Oh Ava, don’t fool yourself. It happened to Rebecca, out of sight, out of mind and you will be, very soon. But if you do some things for me then I might be willing to help you out.”

  “I’m not doing anything for you.” Joel shakes head, looking down at his hands as he pulls out rope from his back pocket. Panicked, I shove my suitcase into his chest and run past him but he catches up with me and holds me down, while I scream. “Sean will find out and he will kill you!”


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