His Outlaw Omega

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His Outlaw Omega Page 10

by P. Jameson

  “Aw,” Ashla crooned. “I can’t wait to hear what they’ve named him. Can you believe how little he is? Tiny perfect Weren. He’s amazing.”

  I nodded. “He’ll grow up strong. He has many aunts and uncles who will teach him how to fight.”

  “And how to be fair, and how to love,” Ashla reminded.

  I grinned. “Definitely that.”

  She hugged my arm in response. “Will you want babies?” she asked quietly, but her question made my heart race in my chest and my animal instincts flare to life.

  I found her curious gaze, and that familiar shyness bled through. Did she doubt exactly how much I wanted from her?

  Bending low so only she could hear me, I murmured, “I want everything you will give me, my little spitfire. I want you every way, every day, for the rest of our lives. I want babies, family. I want your future, gray hair and wrinkles. I want your heart. All of it. Because you… you have mine.”

  Her eyes were bright with happy tears. “Oh, Solen. You have it.”

  I kissed her forehead as Dagger walked to the front and the music stopped playing.

  “Welcome, on behalf of King Adalai and Queen Zelene. We are gathered to celebrate our recent victory against the humans and resistance, and…” He turned to peer into the cradle, a smile curving his cheeks. “… and the birth of our future king. Before King Adalai names his heir, we will have a report from General Solen.”

  “This is me,” I muttered to Ashla, and then made my way to stand before the king and queen. After a slight bow, which made Adalai smirk—the delightful asshole—I turned to the crowd to give my report. “Those who once intended to rob us of the very thing that bound us together—our uniqueness, our variety, our heart—have finally been defeated. Sadly, however, not without much damage to our omegas. We will continue to see that those who were harmed by the humans are treated to the best of our abilities. We hope to see many make a full recovery under General Evander and Omega Rielle’s care. The king and generals would like to thank all the brave soldiers and omega wolves who fought to defend our people.” I bowed my head. “You are honored in this place from this day forward, under decree of the King Alpha.”

  With roaring applause at the gesture, I left the stage to return to my mate. Her proud smile was all I needed to make me feel like I was finally worthy of happiness, that all the fighting had yielded a true victory.

  Dagger cleared his throat. “And now for the presentation and naming of our most anticipated new member. I give you, King Adalai and Queen Zelene!”

  The crowd roared with giddy anticipation as the king helped Zelene stand before lifting the baby from his royal cradle and placing him in her arms. Together, they stepped to the front, each of them looking like they’d found a lost treasure. The king was looking like a softy and there wasn’t a single person in attendance who could blame him. Besides, if they ever forgot how powerful he was, he’d be the first in line to correct them.

  “My people,” King Adalai began. “It is my greatest honor to present to you my son, the future of the Weren throne, future ruler of the kingdom of Luxoria… Raddix the First. May he rule with fairness and equality.”

  The crowd shouted their approval.

  “May he lead with honor and virtue.”

  Another shout of encouragement.

  Adalai turned to his mate, his eyes softening. “May he find love no matter which path it drags him mercilessly down.”

  Applause erupted as the king carefully took his son from Zelene’s arms and held him high for all to see. The oohs and ahhs were deafening.

  Raddix, future King of the Weren, was already breaking hearts and taking names.

  I laughed, dragging Ashla close and kissing her happy smile away.


  Chapter Twenty Two

  I could get drunk from Solen’s kisses and that was exactly his plan. To get me addicted to his lips against my skin so I couldn’t live without him.

  I wasn’t complaining. It was exactly what I wanted, and I hoped I could do the same for him.

  He rested his forehead against mine. “I think it’s time to continue this celebration in quarters, my little spitfire.”

  The muscles between my legs pulsed in response to his suggestion. I couldn’t be close to my heat, could I? I usually kept meticulous track so I couldn’t be caught off guard, but these last few weeks had been a whirlwind.

  I brought a hand to my forehead, and I was indeed hot. But my animal was sated. Maybe because this was the very first heat that I wouldn’t have to worry about my safety and soon, no omega would ever have to worry again. The bunkers in the Badlands were getting a facelift, so they were all as comfortable and well stocked as Solen’s desert hideaway. It would be my responsibility to inspect and approve every single one of them. It was a great honor to be trusted with this project, and I’d do every omega wolf proud.

  But tonight, we still had so much celebrating to do.

  “Let me say goodnight to the girls.” As much as I longed to be with my mate, I wanted to collect as many memories from tonight as I possibly could and keep them inside my heart, so I could recall them often. Someday, we’d have a little one, a pure omega general by birthright, and I would happily share this moment with them so they would always appreciate how good they had it.

  Solen nodded, and I pulled myself away from his warm, hard body. The gala was packed, and so many people wanted to wish me well. I graciously accepted all of them.

  Zelene held Raddix, rocking him softly in her lap. She looked down at him with absolute wonder. Tavia kneeled beside her, making animal shapes with her fingers and laughing at her nephew’s reactions. Charolet and Rielle looked on.

  “Come to join us, our little lovebird?” Charolet waggled her eyebrows at me. She and Tavia would never look right in the fancy dresses we had access to, but they’d worn them to honor their queen.

  “Actually, I came to say goodnight. Solen suggested we—”

  “Go back to your quarters and rut like you’re in heat?” Tavia grinned at me.

  “Something like that.” Warmth rose in my cheeks. “We’re all safe this cycle. It’s amazing.”

  Zelene rose from her throne and handed Raddix to Tavia, who quickly got back to work entertaining him.

  “Our heat is what brought us here. If we ever doubted how powerful we are as omega females, that’s all the proof we need.” Zelene wrapped her arms around me. “And you were always the strongest of all of us. Don’t ever forget that. The army marched on your shoulders.”

  “I never thought of it like that.”

  “Because we weren’t allowed to recognize our own power, but that ends now. I can’t wait to see what omegas will accomplish.” She pulled away from me and wiped tears from under her eyes. “Go be with your mate. Soon we’ll be celebrating your babies being born.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Giving the other girls a hug, I said goodnight with a strange sense of nostalgia. Nothing would ever be the same, and surprisingly, I was a little sad about that. As much as I was excited about the future, our struggles had made us strong and brought us together in a way that got the attention of a king.

  Solen’s lips curled into a smile when I approached. He stood with Cassian and Evander, who both looked so handsome tonight in their formal military uniforms. Both generals kissed my cheek and congratulated me.

  And now, it was time to be alone with my mate.

  He pushed me against the wall of his quarters as soon as he shut the door, his lips falling to my neck, and then to my collarbone. I grasped his shoulders, pulling him in tighter against my body.

  “You were the most beautiful woman at the party,” he breathed against my skin. “But all night long, I’ve been fantasizing about getting you out of this dress.”

  “Don’t rip it. It’s too pretty.”

  “No, my little spitfire. I don’t have to do that anymore. Tonight I get to savor your body for as long as I want.” He took a step back. “Turn a
round, let me undress you.”

  Something about the way he said it made my knees turn to jelly. I did as he asked.

  “Put your hands against the wall,” he instructed.

  “Yes, mate.”

  “Oh, I like it when you do what I ask.” His voice rumbled, and the vibration gave me goosebumps. He loosened the corset that held me into the dress slowly, his fingers brushing against my bare skin.

  “Turn around, my love.”

  I did and the dress slipped off my shoulders and to the floor. Now it was my turn to surprise him.

  He blinked at my naked body. “You weren’t wearing anything underneath that dress?”

  I shook my head. “The corset was built in, and do you know how hard it is to pee when you’re wearing one of these things? Gotta streamline the process.”

  He let out a long, low groan. “So every time you’re wearing one of those dresses…”

  I shrugged. “You’ll just have to wonder, won’t you?”

  “How will I ever keep my hands off you?” His hands were on my bare waist, and he led me over to the bed.

  I pulled at the buttons and zippers of his uniform. “This is needlessly complicated.”

  He laughed, helping me with my task. “We’ll fix that.”

  “It makes you look handsome.” I ran my hand over his bare chest when he stripped the jacket away. “Although I like you like this much better.”

  “I meant everything about royal life. We’ll get rid of all the unnecessary stuff and finally get down to business.”

  “I’m excited.” I closed my eyes as he pinned me down on the bed. “We’re going to do so many amazing things.”

  “And every night, I get to come home to you.” He pushed my thighs apart and lowered his body, placing a kiss on my mound. There were no more words as he moved his talented tongue along my slit, and finally to my clit. It didn’t take long for the first wave of my orgasm to crest, and I came hard.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered as he crawled up my body, looking every bit like the fierce warrior he was. Alpha and omega. Wolf. He captured my lips in a kiss, and I drank the taste of my arousal from him. He’d given that to me, and so much more. “Mine.”

  “Yours,” I said as he mounted me and thrust his hard and ready cock inside me. I writhed below him, wanting every single thing this omega had to offer me.

  I always knew there was something special about him. That he was stronger and fiercer than the rest because he was omega. An omega always fought for their mate, and I would be proud to stand beside him.

  His shaft swelled, his knot forming, and his seed sprayed inside me. He held me close, kissing me and telling me how much he meant to me. But then he stopped, rising to studying my face.

  “Ashla, you’re crying. Why?”

  “Because we finally get to be everything we were meant to be.”

  “Yes.” He pulled in tighter, and I felt so protected in his arms. Like nothing bad could ever get to me again. “We get to be together, and nothing will ever hold us back. I’ll fight for you, and with you, my little spitfire. My mate. Forever.”


  Thank you for reading HIS OUTLAW OMEGA. We hope you enjoyed Solen and Ashla’s story as much as we enjoyed writing it! This is the conclusion to the Royal Omegas series, but be on the lookout for more from us!

  Other Books By The Authors

  P. Jameson

  Kristen Strassel

  About the Authors

  P. Jameson likes to spend her time daydreaming, and then rearranging those dreams into heartstring-pulling stories of trial and triumph. Paranormal is her jam, so you’re sure to find said stories full of hot alpha males of the supernatural variety. She lives next door to the great Rocky Mountains with her husband and kids, who provide her with plenty of writing fodder.

  You can sign up for newsletter updates here: http://eepurl.com/3s00L

  Kristen Strassel is far cooler than she'll make herself sound in this bio. She enjoys spending time with the voices in her head—nudging the characters toward those bad decisions and seeing if she can get them a happily ever after. When she's not writing, she's often still in the land of make-believe—doing makeup for film and television. And when she's not doing any of that, she enjoys making her house look like a Pinterest board, watching football, and road trips to the middle of nowhere. You can sign up for newsletter updates here: http://bit.ly/2Fbfrjc




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