Keep Me Safe

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Keep Me Safe Page 5

by Angela Bennet

“No!” she cried. Her breath hitched.

  “I didn’t want to do this,” he huffed. He tackled her around the waist and twisted at the last moment so she landed hard against him and not on the ground. She struggled to get loose but he rolled and pinned her beneath him.

  “No!” Panic seized her and she bucked against him. “Let me go! You can’t do this. I won’t go back; you can’t make me go back to him!” she cried. She tried to lash out against him, to shove him off. He easily grasped her wrists in one fist and held them above her head. This made everything worse. Blinding panic gripped her and she tried to curl into a ball to protect herself. At any moment the blows would rain down. “Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t –“

  “Shhh, Liv honey, stop! I’m not going to hurt you. Calm down honey. You’re safe. You’re safe and I’m not going to hurt you.” He reached up and brushed the hair away from her face as his words penetrated the fog and she slowly realized she was fighting Paul and not Ethan or one of his thugs. Paul was holding her carefully. He wasn’t bruising her or hurting her. And his eyes held a look of shock. Didn’t he have a clue?

  “Paul.” She closed her eyes. She suddenly felt exhausted and overwhelmed. Adrenaline seeped out of her and embarrassment reared its head. “I can’t go back. I won’t.”

  “Tell me what he did,” he ordered gently as he brushed the moisture from her cheeks. “Tell me who he is and what happened.”

  “You already know too much.”Olivia shook her head as she pushed against him. This time he let her go immediately. “Leave it alone, Paul, please.”

  He quickly gained his feet and helped her up. “What if I can’t leave it alone? I promise you’re safe with me, Liv, but I’m not going to stand by and pretend nothing’s going on. This reaction of yours, it was extreme. And I’m not an idiot. I can see you’re in trouble and I want to help you. You realize you need help, don’t you?”

  “Why do you even care?” she demanded. She felt angry at everything. Her life was a wreck and she was frustrated with feeling helpless all the time. Maybe it wasn’t fair to lash out at Paul but he’d pushed her too far. She never asked for his help. “Tell me why you care. And don’t blame it on being a cop. No cop would deal with this situation if he didn’t have to, especially if it put everything he loved at risk. If you help me you’ll be in way over your head within thirty seconds, and you’ll wish you never met me. Yes, it’s that bad. So, please, Paul, tell me why you would even want to get involved in my mess? Especially when there’s not a thing you can do to help me?”

  “I want to help because I care –“

  “No, you don’t. You don’t even know me,” she retorted.

  “Fine. You want to know the real reason?” His eyes darkened as he glared at her with his own frustration. Rather than answering as she expected, he pulled her into his arms. She didn’t fight him this time because she was too tired to put up any effort. She didn’t feel afraid anymore, just angry and tired. “This is why, Liv.” He cupped her face and his lips sought hers in a hungry kiss. She didn’t feel threatened as she had when Ethan tried to kiss her, even though there was nothing tentative about this first kiss. Paul expertly tipped her chin to the right angle as his mouth found hers. His lips were firm and demanding yet never bruising. She felt secure in his strong embrace. His tongue traced her upper lip seeking entry. She didn’t have time to think, only to react, and her reaction surprised her. She put her hands up to push him away but she fisted his shirt and drew him closer. Her lips met his with equal hunger. Fear slipped away and her tension turned into something new. She opened to him and allowed his tongue to taste hers. Her sigh mingled with his breath and she felt she was sinking into the sweet heat of desire – something she hadn’t ever felt. Not like this. Never so instant and explosive. As she responded, his kiss gentled and became teasing and searching as he explored and tasted. This new playful side left her trembling as much as the explosive first contact. She wanted more; she wanted to be closer so she could continue to feel without thinking. His teeth nipped playfully at her bottom lip before his tongue delved in for a second round. But when she felt his hands slide down her back to grip her buttock and pull her in closer to his hard body, she realized what she was doing and pushed him away.

  “What is it?” he asked with a frown. He looked just as affected.

  “I have to go home.” She dropped her gaze. She couldn’t look at him, not after the way she kissed him. Hadn’t she learned anything? She’d trusted Ethan blindly as well. But Ethan had never set her on fire with one simple kiss, in the middle of the neighborhood. She looked around to see if anyone was watching. Had she lost her senses completely?


  She blinked at his abrupt answer. “What?”

  “I’m not letting you go home.”

  Olivia’s brow furrowed in irritation. “You can’t tell me.”

  “I’m telling you.” Paul glowered at her and folded his arms over his broad chest. She’d felt those muscles and knew how unyielding he could be. “Your lock is ridiculous and you’re not safe there alone.”

  She agreed but she didn’t have any alternatives. “Then what do you suggest I do? I can hardly afford a state of the art security system and that wouldn’t keep him out anyway. I’ll be fine.” She started to limp away and Paul fell in step beside her.

  “Stay with me. I’ll keep you safe.”

  Olivia glared at him. What a ridiculous suggestion! She certainly wouldn’t move in with him! They were strangers; why would he want her in his house? This was nuts. “We live next door. I’ll be plenty safe alone.”

  “I don’t like this one bit,” he muttered, shaking his head. “I don’t have a clue what I’m up against here. There’s no reason for you to keep all these secrets if you want me to help you. Tell me everything, Liv.”

  She shook her head vehemently as she stomped away from him. He easily kept pace with her. “You’re not up against anything, Paul. This is my problem and I’ll deal with it. Please, just stay out of my business.”

  “Too late, honey. I’m already involved and I’m not going anywhere. So you better get used to the idea.”

  Olivia clenched her jaw in irritation as she marched back to her condo. She didn’t bother to answer because she knew arguing with him would be pointless. One thing she’d learned about Paul Justice during their brief acquaintance was how stubborn he could be. While he meant well, he was getting in way over his head and he didn’t even know it.

  She had her keys out and was praying the dumb lock would cooperate on the first try when Paul eased in next to her. She didn’t even glance in his direction. She bit her lip in concentration. It took all her effort to remain composed when all she wanted was the chance to fall apart in private. Get inside, lock the door, and stop thinking. Her hip was on fire from running which meant she ought to forego her daily workout and grab some ice. She wiggled the key in the lock when it didn’t catch the first time. “Come on, stupid lock. For once –“ she growled in frustration.

  Paul swiped his hand through his hair, making it stick up in little spiky peaks. He let out his breath in a long sigh and Olivia wondered if he was gearing up for another argument. She didn’t need to hear it. He wasn’t her keeper.

  “Look, I know I came on strong back there, and I’m sorry. I guess that’s my biggest fault. When I see someone in need, I want to help even when the person doesn’t want me to. So I’m sorry, Liv.”

  Finally she met his gaze and read the sincerity in his eyes. For some reason his look made tears rush to the surface and she quickly blinked them away.

  “Can we be friends?” He stuck out his hand to shake on it and she hesitantly accepted his offer.

  “Yes, we can be friends.” When his fingers closed around hers she felt warmth tingling through her hand and a sense of protection wrapping around her heart. Maybe because he used to be a cop, or maybe because he was a large intimidating man, she wasn’t sure why he made her feel safe. But she wanted to step into th
e shelter of his arms and forget everything. She had no money, no safe place, but right now she had Paul Justice looking out for her. Selfishly, she wanted to stay with him as he suggested yet she knew the cost would be too high.

  “No hard feelings about me tackling you to the ground?” he asked with a lopsided grin.

  She offered him a small smile. He was hard to resist. “You took most of the fall, so yeah, I forgive you.” She noticed he didn’t apologize for the kiss. Her cheeks heated as she remembered it and how she responded with abandon. “I should go. Thank you again for the ride.”

  “Which reminds me, my buddy can’t look at your car today so he won’t have an estimate for us until tomorrow. What time do you want me to take you to work?”

  She shook her head. She wouldn’t let herself depend on him. “I have the next two days off, but thank you for your offer. I really do appreciate your help with my transportation issues.” She rotated the key slowly in the lock with the hopes it would open for her. Paul reached over and slipped the key from her fingers and somehow got the lock to cooperate.

  “I’ll be over in the next hour to install a new doorknob and deadbolt on this door. We’ll add extra security locks as well. And I’ll check your windows. We’ll make sure this place is secure.”

  She opened her mouth to argue. She was already indebted to him for the transportation, but he held up his hand. “I’m doing it, Liv, so no protests. The landlord should have already taken care of this place but since he hasn’t, I’m going to make sure you’re safe. I won’t be able to sleep if I know you’re at risk. So consider it a favor you’re doing for me, okay?”

  It was backwards logic and she knew he was twisting things so she would feel compelled to agree. But there was no way she would turn down his offer. Anything that would slow Ethan down, even if it was a better door lock, was a good thing. “Thanks, Paul. It isn’t easy for me to accept help under the circumstances, but I appreciate it.” She nodded then ducked inside.


  “Are you running from your husband?” Paul ask casually as he drilled a hole in Liv’s front door for her new deadbolt lock. If she said she was married it might cool his infatuation. But maybe not. He couldn’t get her out of his head. If there was a husband involved he’d still help her and would undoubtedly keep thinking about her, but he would have to stop pursuing her. He didn’t get involved with married women. Please don’t be married. Please don’t be married.

  Liv’s laugh sounded bitter. “No. I’ve never been married. I’ve never had time to consider romance.”

  “Then who is he? Brother? Boyfriend? Father?” When she didn’t answer immediately he turned to see her staring out the window with a faraway look on her face. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. It was the look in her eyes that gave him pause. He’d seen it before in his work as an undercover detective, when victims faced horrible circumstances with resignation. There wasn’t much hope in that look. He felt bad for sending her back to those dark memories but he needed answers. Unfortunately, getting info from Liv was like pulling teeth – hard and painful. His gaze narrowed as she reached up and fingered a thin scar at her temple. It was barely noticeable but Paul had seen it earlier when he brushed her hair aside. He would bet big money the bastard had left that mark on her.

  “He’s the worst mistake of my life and one I’d really like to forget. Can we talk about something else?” she asked with a stiff smile. Her eyes were still haunted and he could see the tension in the tight line of her shoulders.

  Patience, buddy. Paul knew this wasn’t the time to push it, but how could he protect her when he didn’t know the enemy’s name? He wanted to wipe away the horror he saw in her eyes. What happened to her? She needed counseling in the least, but more likely police protection since she expected the guy to track her down. “All right, I’ll let it drop for now. Do you want to talk about dinner instead? I’m not the greatest cook but I grill an awesome steak. Otherwise, your choices are pizza or Chinese takeout.” He wondered if she would turn him down flat. He knew he was pushing her and part of him said he should leave her alone as she wanted, but he couldn’t do it. She needed him. Helping her wouldn’t make up for his past mistakes but he’d feel better knowing he did everything he could to keep her safe.

  Liv’s look of intrigue surprised him. “Steak sounds wonderful. I haven’t had a steak – well, in more years than I can count. It’s not considered one of those lean proteins, you know? Maybe we could have a baked potato too?”

  Paul grinned. “Loaded with sour cream, butter, and chives. And don’t forget the Texas toast dripping with garlic butter.”

  Liv closed her eyes and groaned. “I haven’t eaten anything so sinful in ages.”

  “Honey, if you think that’s sinful then you’ve got the wrong idea about food.”

  Liv’s eyes snapped open and she raised her brow at him. “If you think all those calories aren’t bad, then you don’t know anything about a dancer’s life.”

  Paul grinned as he turned back to the lock. He secured it into the door then tested it. “True. I wouldn’t know the first thing about dancing. I’ve got a couple of left feet and no rhythm.” He glanced at her with another grin then paused when he noticed her look. She eyed him thoughtfully and if Paul didn’t know better he’d say she was checking him out from head to toe and liked what she saw.

  “You move with more grace than you realize, Paul. For a large powerful man, you have a lot of finesse.”

  The lock was forgotten and Paul was on his feet in an instant. “I had to keep on my toes for a long time. Being able to move fast kept me alive more than once.”

  “I guess we have that in common,” she murmured as he closed the gap between them. She put her hand on his chest to maintain a comfortable space. “Do you miss it?”

  “Being a cop?” He gave a casual shrug but he suddenly felt anything but casual. Yes, he missed his career in law enforcement because it was a part of who he was, but he couldn’t make himself go back. He invested himself too deeply – cared too much – and then people died when he couldn’t save them. “But I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She studied him thoughtfully as her eyes darkened. He knew she was reading into the unspoken silence and seeking answers he didn’t want to give right now. “I don’t want to talk about my stuff either,” she whispered as her fingers fisted his shirt and she pulled him closer.

  “Yeah? You want me to help you forget the past?” He covered her hand with his and completely closed the space between them. Her light flowery perfume filled his senses and something in his heart shifted as she gazed up at him with such trust. She may not realize it yet, but she did trust him and he would prove himself worthy of her faith.

  “Please,” she whispered on a sigh as his lips met hers.


  Olivia stepped out her front door and crossed the few paces across the shared porch to Paul’s door. With only the briefest hesitation she knocked. Over the past few days they had gained a newfound rapport. By unspoken agreement, she let down her guard around him – it was no easy thing. And he stopped asking intrusive questions that made her freeze up and back away. With all that tension out of the way, Olivia really liked Paul. And if she wasn’t careful she could easily fall in love with him. He was Ethan’s opposite in every way.

  She’d never been swayed by a good looking guy. She was surrounded by plenty of them in ballet. Many weren’t interested in her, but there were plenty of straight ones who would have jumped at a casual fling. But all of the men in the dance company were like her, focused on their career and unwilling to put a personal relationship first. Nothing meaningful and lasting would have worked. Dance was the priority, everything else was secondary. So these feelings for Paul were new and terrifying and she didn’t have ballet as an excuse to hide behind. In some ways she was tempted to pack it up to avoid being so vulnerable. Yet she wanted more. She wanted what a lot of people had – a spouse, kids, a stable loving home like the one she grew up
in. Someday she might have the dream but right now it was pointless. She would have to leave Paul soon before Ethan caught up with her. And then she would only have memories to console herself. Yet the memories would be priceless, of a wonderful man who briefly touched her life and cared for her as no other.

  Since changing her locks and securing the windows, Paul came over daily to check on her. He also drove her to work since her car needed an overhaul. Apparently several parts that she couldn’t afford had to be special ordered. Paul said he had it covered. She didn’t like being indebted to him but for now she couldn’t do anything to repay him. And he seemed happy to do things for her. Her sister would tell her to relax and let Paul help her. It wasn’t easy, especially after Ethan had taken over every decision in her life, but Paul went about it differently. She couldn’t even compare the two men. While Paul acted like an alpha on occasion, he never made her feel less than an equal, and he never took away her rights. If she pushed back a little then he completely backed off. He never pressed her for more than she was willing to give, especially when it came to the attraction between them.

  She was about to knock again when Paul’s door finally swung open. They hadn’t made any formal plans for the evening. She knew he was working on a security system that day and she wondered if he was done and might come over for dinner.

  Her smile slipped into a frown of dismay when a woman stood in Paul’s doorway. She was petite, with long dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. She wore skinny jeans and a snug red sweater. She was beautiful with curves to die for. Olivia felt like a gangly willow tree towering over her. “Oh, um, hello,” she stammered. Paul never discussed the exclusiveness of their relationship so she had no reason to feel jealous – but she did. Maybe she’d read more into things than she should have.

  “Hey,” The woman eyed her up and down then a smile lifted her lips. “You must be the neighbor I keep hearing about. I’m Janice, Paul’s sister. He isn’t home yet. He’s upgrading the system in a bank downtown. One of those skyscrapers. It’s pretty impressive but I’m sure he’ll be tired and cranky when he gets home. You know how it is dealing with fussy customers. Come on in.” She motioned for Olivia to follow her into Paul’s condo.


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