Keep Me Safe

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Keep Me Safe Page 8

by Angela Bennet

  Paul’s gaze snapped up. “You what?”

  Janice shrugged. “I looked her up online. Apparently she had a really bad fall; her partner dropped her during one of the riskiest lifts of the performance. He broke his jaw. And she messed up her leg pretty bad. The weird thing is she just disappeared after that.”

  “You looked her up? Just typed her name in a search?” he demanded harshly.

  Janice nodded with a puzzled frown. “Sure. Like everyone else on the planet. I do it all the time.”

  Paul felt his blood pressure rising thanks to his sister’s idiotic move. “Did it not enter your mind that she’s in hiding for a reason, that she’s using a false name and disguising her appearance? Why would you look her up? I told you to leave it alone, Janice! This is no different than any of my undercover investigations. You’ve put her at risk.”

  “I-I didn’t mean to, I didn’t know,” Janice faltered with a helpless wave of her hand. “I was so excited to figure out who she is that I didn’t think-“

  “That a maniac is trying to kill her.” Janice gasped in horror and Paul nodded. “Yeah, it’s that serious and we’ve really screwed this up for her. Apparently he’s some computer genius monitoring the cyber realm and your internet browsing probably tipped him off.”

  “But I only did a random search on her name. Surely that wouldn’t be enough to –“

  “Let’s hope not,” Paul interrupted grimly. He grabbed his truck keys and headed toward the door. “Lock up, will you? I’ve got to go get her.”

  It was almost time for Olivia’s shift to end, thank goodness. She would have left earlier if she’d had her own transportation but she didn’t want to trouble Paul since he was working on a security project. He told her he would be busy until it was time to pick her up and she didn’t want him to drop everything on her account. Besides, she wanted to delay their final encounter. She didn’t want to tell him she had to leave. For the first time she felt reluctant to go yet it would be a mistake if she stayed and allowed Ethan to catch up with her. She felt a little bit of guilt over her feelings for Paul. She knew it wasn’t smart to allow him so close but she couldn’t help it. Ethan would say it was because of her faulty nature. He said she had carnal flaws that needed to be removed so they could experience perfection in their relationship. The memory made her shiver as she carefully she arranged the bottles on the display counter.

  You want every man to adore you. You’re shameless in your greed for attention, Butterfly. You don’t even realize how they look at you. They see nothing beyond your outer beauty. I know you in the depths of your being. When you strip away bone and tendon, nerve and cell, that's how I know you. Your thoughts belong to me. Your body is mine. Everything about you is mine. You were created for me and we will never be apart. You may try to escape but there is no separation from me, Olivia. We will always be together and I'll never allow another man to touch you.

  Olivia hugged herself in an effort to ward off the unwelcome thoughts but they came at her in a barrage. It felt like he was trying to reach out to her across the distance. I own you Olivia. I will destroy everything you know if you try to escape me. The same way your career collapsed, I will see your world collapse, one person at a time until I finally reach you. And then I will make you suffer. But you don't want to suffer, do you? You don't want to make me angry. We're one person, Olivia, inseparable, indivisible. It is our destiny to be together.

  Olivia jumped and a scream froze in her throat when someone came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. Belatedly she realized it was Paul which made her stiffen for another reason. “What are you doing here?”

  “Easy,” he murmured. “I called your name a couple of times. I figured you were ignoring me at first then it seemed you were really lost in thought. You doing okay?”

  Olivia knew he was being thoughtful but she still felt embarrassed and terribly lost. The memories of Ethan left her shaken. She brushed her hands over her upper arms to warm herself, but the chill she felt had nothing to do with the temperature. “Yes, I'm okay. I’m just having a really bad day and I need to get out of here.” She glanced up at him and tried to offer a reassuring smile.

  He didn’t return the smile like he normally did and that worried her. “That’s why I came to get you. I need to take you home, now.”

  She watched as his gaze darted around the store, back to all the entrances and to the faces of male customers nearby. Olivia’s uneasiness turned to alarm. Something had happened. She knew something was wrong and she had to fight her sudden panic. Ethan had found her again! “Let me grab my coat,” she stated calmly and Paul nodded but he kept his gaze moving and watchful.

  She didn’t bother saying goodbye to anyone as she allowed Paul to usher her from the store. None of these people really knew her in the few weeks she’d been an employee and she certainly didn’t want them asking questions. There was no way to forward her final paycheck anyway. She grimaced as she remembered her lack of funds. This move would be the hardest yet.

  Paul helped her into his truck. As soon as he slipped behind the wheel she turned to him. “Tell me what happened.” She clutched her fingers in her lap so tightly they ached. “It’s him, isn’t it? Has he tried to reach me?”

  “No, nothing like that. I’m not trying to alarm you but you need to see this.” He handed her a magazine. The page was folded back to an article she recognized.

  “You know who I am,” she stated stiffly. “I should have known with you being a cop that you wouldn’t let it go. I suppose you know about Ethan too. You said he hasn’t tried to reach me but he’s already in the area, isn’t he?”

  A flash of annoyance crossed Paul’s face. “It wasn’t me, Liv. You met my sister. She said you looked familiar and then she came across this magazine at her daughter’s dance class. You’ve got to know with a face like yours people are going to recognize you. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before.” He turned in his seat and she could see the anger and disappointment in his gaze. “I respected your privacy. I kept my word to you.”

  Olivia took a deep fortifying breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have accused you but under the circumstances I feel suspicious of everyone. Thank you for coming to get me and telling me what happened. I assume she’s already done internet searches?”

  Paul nodded grimly. “Yeah, she didn’t think it would be a problem.”

  “It’s not her fault. She was curious. But we both know the smallest thing can tip off a criminal.”

  “I’ll keep you safe, Liv.”

  She sadly shook her head. “No one can do that. I need to go.”

  When they arrived at the condo Olivia rushed inside. Janice was there and eyed her with worry. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I had no idea such a small thing could cause you trouble. I didn’t know.”

  Olivia waved away her concern as she hurried to the stairs. “It doesn’t matter now.” She paused on the bottom step and turned to give Janice a tight smile. “They recognized me at work today as well, so I take this as a sign that it’s time for me to go. Don’t worry about it, Janice, really. I don’t blame you.”

  Janice nodded but she still looked worried. Olivia hurried up the stairs. She didn’t have time to reassure Paul’s sister. It was too bad really. Given different circumstances, she and Janice may have become good friends. But Janice was the least of her regrets. Leaving Paul – she couldn’t even think about it right now. It was going to hurt deeply so she couldn’t allow herself to dwell on the loss. She needed to stay safe; she needed to keep moving.

  She hurried to her room and shoved her belongings into the duffle bag. It was time to turn off her feelings and focus on what she needed to do. Maybe someday she wouldn’t have to look over her shoulder. She could slow down, make some friends and find someone like Paul to love. There will never be someone like Paul, her heart argued.

  “Where will you go?” he asked from the doorway.

  Olivia paused and looked up. “I’m not sure but
it’s better you don’t know.”

  He clearly didn’t like her answer as a scowl darkened his face. “I don’t see how it’s better. I’ll worry about you and how will I know you’re okay? It’s killing me to see you like this. I feel like I’ve finally found someone I want to be with and she won’t accept my help.”

  Olivia shook her head. Don’t do this to me, Paul. Not now. My heart can’t take it. “You can’t help me, Paul. No one can.”

  “You’re wrong; I can help you. I have connections. We can put a stop to this guy but you have to stay here with me. You can’t keep running. If you disappear again, you’ll be on your own and I won’t be able to keep you safe.”

  Olivia turned back to her packing. She felt persuaded by him. Of course she wanted to stay! But she knew the grim reality. Ethan wouldn’t allow Paul to live. He would destroy everything Paul cared about in an effort to punish her. “I told you, no one can keep me safe. He said he’ll make me suffer. You have no idea what that means but I do.”

  “At least let me try,” Paul persuaded. He crossed the room and reached for her. She went willingly into his arms and allowed him to comfort her. She needed his strength, and how good it felt to share this burden with another if only for a moment! It would have to last her a long time.

  “We can’t assume he’s found you. You were an icon in the ballet world and people still remember you. I’m sure there are internet searches happening every day across the country. We’ll send out more just to confuse him. He won’t know which query to investigate. A guy like that can’t hide from the authorities forever. He’ll make a mistake, and when he does the authorities will snatch him up.” His hands traced soothing circles over her back as she clung to him. If only she could believe his plan would work! She was so tired of running and hiding. “Stay with me, honey. Let me watch over you. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Olivia pulled back and eyed Paul. “I don’t want to run anymore,” she whispered. “But I’m so afraid to stay.”


  Olivia heard his footsteps just before he came to a stop outside her bedroom. He didn’t bother to knock as he unlocked the door then threw it open. He filled the doorway as his gaze searched the room for her. He spotted her in the corner where she clung to the back of a tall chair. His eyes narrowed suspiciously because he knew what she was doing. She always practiced when he wasn’t watching. She could have moved away from the chair and saved herself his ire but she stood rooted to the spot. No matter how many times he ordered her to cease, she wouldn’t give up dance. It was a part of her soul and to lose dance meant she would lose a valuable piece of herself to him. She wouldn’t give up! He tried to steal her career and believed the accident would be the end, but dance was more than a job to her. Movement flowed naturally from her limbs like music flowed from a musician. Even in her locked room with her damaged hip, she found a way to express herself. Soon, she would try to escape but she had to be strong first.

  “Why do you do this? Why do you defy me?” he demanded.

  Olivia raised her chin and glared at him. She knew she should be more submissive. He liked her to submit to his will and he hurt her less when she was obedient. Even now she had the chance to placate him and make excuses. He might listen to her and forgive her for defying him. She opened her mouth to explain but no sound came out.

  “Who are you preforming for? Do you think I appreciate it? Dancing reminds me of whores, Olivia. Do you wish to prostitute yourself? I told you, you’re mine. You will not dance again.”

  She wanted to argue that he could never take it away from her but she remained silent. She was already defying him; he would take only so much disobedience.

  “Remember, I did you a favor. The accident was an important part of your destiny. Have I never told you the details?”

  Olivia gave a small shake of her head. What was he talking about?

  “My plan worked perfectly. We injected a lubricant in the sole of your partner’s shoes. Bret Johnson didn’t have the right to put his hands on you and I needed to make sure he stopped. That night, every step he took made the floor slippery along, with the bottom of his shoes.” Ethan flung his arms up in a dancer’s pose but his sneer was mocking. “It was the perfect performance. The grand finale, when he hoisted you high above his head, you were poised like an angel in innocent splendor. And then his foot slipped. So tragic! His hold trembled and you flew out of his grasp. You flew from his arms into straight into mine,” he added with a gloating laugh.

  Olivia clenched the chair until her fingers ached. She hated him so much. He’d hurt her on purpose. He destroyed her career. She’d never walk normally again because of his insanity. She wanted to scream at him but she remained silent. Only her eyes told of her fury.

  Ethan crossed the room and gripped her chin in his cruel fingers. “I broke you that day. Your wings were clipped, never to fly again. And yet I see you defying me at every turn. You’re broken, my beautiful one, tamed for me. How many times must I teach you this lesson?”

  Olivia cried out as his fingers threaded into her hair and he jerked her head back cruelly. Tears sprang to her eyes. “You belong to me. I have told you a million times that you were created for me. I will not let you go and only death will separate us.”

  “You will never own my soul, Ethan,” she stated quietly. “You may have stolen my career and my freedom but you will never touch my heart. It is dead to you but alive within me, and there is nothing you can do!”

  She cried out again as rage filled his face. He looked like a demon about to strike. He raised his fist threateningly –

  “Liv honey, wake up. Wake up! It’s only a nightmare. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

  Olivia flung up her arms to protect her face. “No! Don’t touch me! I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me, Ethan!” She could see his face and feel his anger. He was going to kill her. Tears poured down her cheeks as she fought against his grasping hands.

  “It’s only a dream, honey. He isn’t here. Come on, baby, you have to wake up.”

  Someone tried to shake her and she tore at the hands that clutched her. She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t move. She was pinned to the bed and she was about to die. She knew this day would come.

  She braced herself for the blows but something unexpected happened. She felt gentle kisses on her cheeks, her eyelids, her forehead, and lips. “Come on, Liv honey, wake up. It’s a dream. Only a dream. I’m here and you’re safe. He’s not going to hurt you.”

  The words penetrated the darkness and Olivia snapped open her eyes. “Paul?” she croaked.

  “Yeah, honey, it’s me and you’re safe.” She could hear the relief in his voice. She couldn’t see his expression because the room was dark.

  She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him fiercely. “It was Ethan.”

  “I know, but it was only a nightmare.” He held her close.

  She shook her head as she pressed her face into his neck. She knew she ought to let go but she couldn’t. “No, it was a memory,” she whispered with a shudder that moved through her entire body. It was difficult to separate the dream from reality but the darkness was beginning to recede.

  She let out a surprised squeak when Paul scooped her into his arms and held her against his chest. She gripped his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you to my bed where I can keep an eye on you,” he stated firmly as he strode out of her room and into his.

  Color flooded her cheeks as he set her down on the rumpled covers that he recently vacated. “This really isn’t necessary, Paul. I’m fine now. It was only a nightmare.” She felt self-conscious in her thin cotton nightgown. As she tried to scoot from the bed Paul blocked her path.

  “Yes, and I’m sure the dream was triggered by today’s events. You’re living with a lot of anxiety and it’s wearing you out. I want you to stay in here and get a good night’s sleep. I’ll watch over you. I intend to prove to you that you can sleep peacefully in a man’s arms with
out feeling harmed or threatened. You have nothing to fear from me.”

  “But it isn’t - well, it isn’t appropriate,” she hedged as she eyed him doubtfully. He might feel confident having her in bed with him but she felt flushed and awkward and didn’t know how she’d sleep a wink.

  “This isn’t about sex, Liv,” he answered with a rueful smile. “There’s too much going on in your life to complicate matters more. You’ve been through enough. You don’t need to fend off my advances on top of everything else. When the time is right and you’re feeling secure, we’ll consider it. But for now I want you to know you can trust me. You need to feel safe, not just bodily but emotionally as well. So you’ll sleep on your side of the bed and I’ll sleep on mine. I’ll keep my hands to myself - but it won’t be easy,” he added with a wink.

  It was the wink that set her at ease. “All right, you win,” she answered as she snuggled into bed. She allowed him to pull the covers up to her chin as she nestled her face into the pillow. It smelled like him, a smell she was beginning to associate with safety. She was glad he insisted she stay. She didn’t want to go back to sleep, especially in the other room where she was alone. The terror she felt still clung to the edges of her mind and she didn’t want to face the darkness.

  Paul crossed to the bathroom and flipped on the light. He shut the door fractionally so a warm glow filtered into the room. “Does that help?” She nodded and gave him a grateful smile. She watched him as he circled the bed and crawled in on the other side. The bed dipped under his weight and then he settled.


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