Birthright (Birthright Series)

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Birthright (Birthright Series) Page 12

by A. P. Jensen

  “Are you Donovan Parker’s biological daughter?” the man asked.

  Jordan didn’t answer. She was too busy trying to figure out a way out of this. Going forward wasn’t an option. The highway was nowhere in sight and these people hadn’t gone through the gate; they’d been waiting on the opposite side.

  “Jump over the gate,” Jordan told Knight, voice nearly soundless.

  “Answer me!” the man demanded and took another step forward but stopped at Knight’s warning hiss.

  “If she’s a Parker maybe we should wait for-” a woman said nervously but the leader slashed his hand through the air.

  “She just Awakened and Donovan Parker’s not here. We have to take her while she’s alone.”

  “But the Valor-” someone trailed off uncertainly.

  Jordan listened to their conversation, all the while trying to think of a way out of this. She could feel the pendant warm against her bare skin and Knight’s muscles rippled in anticipation beneath her. He wouldn’t retreat and sweat trickled down her back. She dug her hands into his coat and felt the pendant pulse in response.

  “He’s on his way,” Jordan snapped.

  There were several chuckles from the group and the man before her clicked his fingers and a blue fireball appeared in his palms. Three others in the group copied him and Knight crouched.

  “Jump over the gate,” Jordan whispered to Knight and his ears flicked back towards her. “Please.”

  “We’re not going to hurt you,” the hooded men said.

  Jordan’s anger broke to the fore and she looked straight at him. “That’s what they all say.”

  She felt Knight ease back just as the leader threw his fireball. Jordan screamed and when the fireball hit Knight, he absorbed it. Sitting astride Knight, Jordan felt the shock of impact. It was like receiving an electrical shock. Fire raced up her legs to her head, making her dizzy and furious. At every turn she was confronted by people who meant her harm. She wanted no part of this world. Strands of hair hanging around her face writhed as flames flickered and hissed.

  “That’s impossible,” the leader hissed.

  Jordan listened to the pounding of the pendant against her bare skin. It was a drum beat of war that demanded to be used. Jordan opened herself up and power filled her. Aches disappeared, fear faded. She was powerful, dangerous. Borrowing power through contact with Knight was nothing like her power. Her power was an all-consuming, gut wrenching pain that wouldn’t abate unless it was used. This was like standing before a fire, her face a little too hot but it was comforting instead of frightening.

  “She’s just a kid,” the leader shouted and stepped forward.

  There was a loud splash as water rose from the stream, seething in a boiling cloud. It frothed menacingly as it raced towards Knight and Jordan. She remembered the dream about the peach colored room in Haven frozen in time and closed her eyes and held up a hand. Power fizzled through her veins and her breath slowed. She concentrated and felt her body temperature drop. There were gasps around her and she opened her eyes to see the cloud turn into an ice block that fell to the ground and shattered.

  Knight growled and turned to jump back over the fence but their way was blocked by three hooded figures. One of the figures manipulated the shattered ice onto the dirt road around Knight, cutting into his paws. Jordan blazed with fury, melting the ice instantly just as Knight lunged. There was an ear piercing scream as he sank fangs into one of their attackers. Jordan felt a hand grasp her leg. She focused and a moment later the smell of burnt flesh stung the air.

  There was a flash of light and then a loud roaring sound as something speeded down the dirt road, going full speed despite the bumps and rocks. Bright lights hit the group, blinding them all. Knight trampled three stunned figures just as a 1974 Beetle rammed into the leader of the group. Chaos ensued as Jordan screamed Levi’s name as one half of the group turned to her and the others closed in on the Beetle.

  Knight swiped out with his claws, sending someone flying and crashing into a tree trunk. One of the hooded figures stirred up a dirt tornado. Dirt, rocks and grass churned around them, hindering their view. Knight closed his jaws around another attacker that got too close and there was the horrible sound of bones crunching and snapping. A boulder knocked Jordan backwards, off of Knight. She landed hard on her back, the breath knocked out of her. The heat of power vanished, leaving her cold and defenseless. A woman panted and cursed as she put Jordan in a headlock and dragged her backwards off the road and into the high grass. Jordan kicked and scratched but the horrible reality of being weak made dread seep through her.

  She heard a roar and saw Knight running through the grass towards them. His muzzle had smears of blood, fangs exposed. The roar he projected made the woman scream and run. Jordan coughed and choked as Knight bounded over her and took care of her would be captor. Jordan staggered upright and saw Levi with the Beetle at his back fending off his attackers with a crowbar. Someone tried to manipulate the stream and lost their balance and concentration as the rocks and dirt churned beneath them. Another tried to generate a fireball and toppled over when he was pelted by rocks shooting from the stream. Someone in the high grass screamed and disappeared from sight.

  Jordan hobbled towards Levi, desperate to get to him. One of the hooded figures turned and saw her. They ran towards her and screamed as the ground opened up and swallowed them whole. The scream was abruptly cut off and the ground looked as solid as before. Knight rallied around her, using teeth, claws and tail to clear a path. Jordan broke through the semi-circle around Levi and he shoved her behind him. Jordan felt her heart beat skipping as if she were pushing herself to the brink. He held the crowbar in one hand and froze when Knight lunged past him at a figure he hadn’t noticed.

  Jordan put a hand on his back. Knight’s on our side.

  You idiot. You can barely stand. You could’ve been killed. Levi’s voice was furious. Why didn’t you tell me you were this weak?

  I’m fine, Jordan insisted even though talking to him was taxing her to the limit. Unlike when she touched Knight, she couldn’t feel Levi’s power but through physical contact, it bridged their mental connection.

  Your heartbeat is skipping.

  Even in their predicament, Jordan found the energy to be surprised. How do you know?

  Levi stepped forward to brain someone who was trying to outrun Knight. Jordan clutched the back of Levi’s shirt as more people appeared from the high grass. The back of his shirt was soaked with sweat and she could feel him shaking. He was wearing down.

  Levi, we need to get over that gate, Jordan urged.


  She lost contact again as he dodged forward. These people were so panicked by the Valor they couldn’t concentrate long enough to use power to defend themselves. Knight frolicked through the fray, ripping and destroying anyone in his path. Jordan yanked open the door of the Beetle and got into the driver’s seat as Levi fended off the ones who got too close.

  “Get in!” Jordan screamed.

  “I can’t,” he snapped.

  Two men tackled Levi and Jordan kicked the door open, braining one of the men. Another man ran for her and lunged, yanking her out of the car. Jordan let out a choked scream and Knight crept up behind her attacker and swiped at him. The man let out a shriek and fell to the side, shaking convulsively. Knight turned to the man using the crowbar to choke Levi and picked him up in his mouth and tossed him as if he were a Frisbee.

  Levi crawled to the Beetle and sat with his back against the door with Jordan. He gripped her hand. Any ideas?


  The pastures seemed to be hiding multiplying endless hooded figures. Knight whipped through their ranks but he couldn’t attack and defend the teens. Knight backed up in front of Levi and Jordan, hissing and breathing hard. Blood dripped from his mouth and stained the dirt beneath his paws. He growled low in his throat as he stood in front of Jordan and Levi. Jordan tried to stand and failed. She fell sideways and saw the
boots of the remaining enemy take a step forward. She raked her brain for a way out of this but could think of nothing.

  Eight figures stood over a muddy battle ground. Knight and Levi’s harsh breathing filled the air. Where were these people coming from?

  “Don’t hurt the girl,” a woman’s calm voice said.

  “What about the boy and Valor?” someone asked.

  “Kill the Valor. The boy may come in useful. He’s a strong earth talent.”

  They eased forward and Knight crouched to attack just as a deafening boom of thunder rocked the world around them. Jordan clapped her hands over her ears as everyone stumbled back. There was absolute silence and then the sound of measured steps crunching on rock. A pair of polished Italian shoes, cowboy boots and fluffy pink house slippers appeared in front of Knight.

  Levi slid down beside her and touched her leg. Run?

  Don’t bother. Jordan didn’t know whether to feel relieved or afraid.

  Who’s the guy standing in the middle of the cowboy and the lady?

  Jordan felt his alarm. My dad, Mr. Parker.

  “You dare come onto my property?” Mr. Parker hissed and Jordan shuddered at the danger in his tone.

  The figures scattered but Kelly held up a hand and everyone froze in mid run. Jordan saw the ears of the bunnies on her slippers go stiff from an unnatural chill. Heath wore his usual jeans and flannel shirt with a vest but flames licked the bottom of his boots.

  Mr. Parker walked up to the nearest person and flung back their hood. A middle aged white male stood pale and shaking. Mr. Parker put his hands on the man’s shirt and lifted him off the ground.

  “You’re suicidal, hmm?” Mr. Parker’s voice could have been personified by the devil.

  “Rumor is you have a daughter,” the man’s voice quavered.

  “So you tried to capture her?”

  The icy question made the man kick his feet and run in midair. His eyes rolled in their sockets as panic filled him.

  “You risked your life to confirm a rumor?” Mr. Parker’s voice dared the man to say yes.

  “If she inherits the birthright, she could save thousands.”

  Mr. Parker’s eyes flashed and he threw the man backwards. He landed several feet away in a cloud of dust and didn’t move. Mr. Parker’s hands clenched at his sides as he eyed the assembled ice statues.

  “Since you risked your lives for a rumor, I’ll confirm it for you. Jordan is my biological daughter and under my protection. By coming here, by trying to capture her, you forfeit your life.”

  Fingers twitched convulsively. More thunder boomed overhead and a bolt of lightning whizzed down and engulfed Mr. Parker. He tilted his head up and let electricity sizzle over him. He seemed to enjoy the sensation for a moment before he turned to Kelly.

  “Deal with them,” he said in a rough voice.

  Mr. Parker rounded Knight and examined Jordan and then Levi with eyes the color of amber. Levi clutched the crowbar but Mr. Parker didn’t react. He reached down for Jordan who tried to edge away but he reached down and picked her up in his arms. On contact with him, Jordan’s hair floated around her in a cloud of static.

  “Come, boy,” Mr. Parker said to Levi who stood uncertainly, watching Jordan for a cue.

  Mr. Parker strode to the gate and glided through as if it wasn’t even there. Jordan’s mouth opened and closed wordlessly as he walked to the black truck and set her on the passenger seat. Levi got into the back seat and the truck bounced as Knight settled himself into the truck bed. Mr. Parker gunned the engine as a flash of purple light and a shrill scream came from the other side of the gate.

  “Don’t look back,” Mr. Parker commanded as they revved down the paved road.

  No one spoke. When Mr. Parker parked in front of the house he came around to Jordan’s door and hauled her shaking form into the house. Levi trailed behind warily and Knight took off into the forest in the direction of the lake. Mr. Parker plunked Jordan down on a couch near the fireplace and glanced at the wooden logs which immediately burst into flames. He tossed a white cashmere blanket over her and paced before the fire. Levi stood in the doorway.

  “Sit down. Both of you,” Mr. Parker commanded.

  Levi hesitated for a moment but when Jordan wrapped the blanket around herself, teeth chattering in reaction he joined her on the couch. She leaned heavily on him, heart pounding erratically as if she were having an adrenaline rush. Mr. Parker whirled and the fury on his face made them both draw back into the couch cushions. They both waited for punishment but he did nothing.

  “What the hell are you playing at?” The quietness of his voice sent chills down their spine.

  Mr. Parker took in the male sitting beside Jordan dressed in men’s army fatigues that were several sizes too big for him and a shirt with hacked off sleeves. Levi wore a raggedy fishing cap low over sharp hazel eyes and a face too young to have grooves near the mouth.

  “And who are you?”

  The raw power that exuded from this man was enough to make Levi’s stomach turn. This man would kill without hesitation. He could feel Jordan shivering against him despite the heat from the fire.

  “I’m Levi.”

  “How do you know each other?”

  Levi glanced at Jordan but her eyes were glassy and she didn’t look as if she was following the conversation.


  Mr. Parker’s eyes narrowed. “You escaped together?” His coal black eyes flicked to Jordan with building anger. “I can’t give you the time you need to trust me. Everything is moving too quickly. If you insist on doing stupid, reckless things I’m going to have Heath sleep in your room to keep you out of trouble.”

  Jordan didn’t react to his threat and he returned his attention back to Levi.

  “How did you find her?”

  Levi hesitated and then shrugged. “I can sense her presence.”

  Mr. Parker’s eyes lit with interest. “How?”

  “It’s as if she’s a beacon sending out a signal to me but after she went into Wal-Mart I couldn’t feel anything from her. I thought she died and then I felt the beacon blare two days ago for a minute. I started driving from Nevada.”

  “You’re a tracker. Interesting,” Mr. Parker said musingly. “Why are you here?”

  Levi floundered for a moment. “I didn’t know what happened to her. I needed to know…” he trailed off and glanced sideways at Jordan.

  Mr. Parker eyed Levi thoughtfully. “She’s safe but she does stupid things that put her in danger.”

  Jordan’s head came up and she glared at him but he ignored her for the moment. Mr. Parker considered Levi in unnerving silence.

  “You weren’t with her when William tried to take her back.”

  Jordan whispered, “I ran across the street while he put gas. I needed pills.”

  Mr. Parker looked between them and then said, “How did you two meet?”

  “Our rooms were next to each other,” Levi answered.

  Jordan tensed, thinking of the horror of living in a dark, isolated room for years. Had Mr. Parker ever fought for his life? Had he fought to keep his soul, everything he was? What Levi was to her couldn’t be put into words. They were strangers that had gotten each other through hell and trusted each other absolutely. When she’d been tortured by William and at her weakest, she was thrown back into her room and comforted by Levi talking in her mind. At first she thought she was going crazy but she’d clung to that voice that reassured her that one day they would escape, that she would survive William’s torture. She hadn’t laid eyes on Levi until the night they left Haven.

  “We saved each other,” Jordan said quietly.

  Mr. Parker focused on her and his eyes narrowed to slits. “So what were you trying to do? I told you there’s no escape for either of us. Running isn’t in the cards.”

  “I can’t do this,” Jordan whispered.

  “You don’t have a choice,” Mr. Parker said mercilessly.

  Jordan looked up at hi
m with tears in her eyes. “My whole life I’ve never had a say. This time I do. I won’t stay with a sorcerer.”

  A muscle ticked in his cheek. “There’s nothing I can do to change the way you feel but I tell you this now, what you saw outside the gate is only the beginning. You’ll be hounded the rest of your life. Living with a sorcerer is your only option.”

  She clutched the cashmere blanket and shook her head. “No.”

  “Yes. I promised you protection and I’ll give it whether you want it or not.” His voice was hard with conviction.

  “The only reason I’m being hounded is because they think I’m your daughter. Maybe I’m not!” Jordan’s voice rose.

  Mr. Parker crouched in front of her. “Penn brought in a woman who can smell lineage through blood. You’re a Parker.”

  Levi looked between father and daughter. There was so much he didn’t understand but after Haven he’d learned that being ignorant was sometimes the better route. Levi shifted and half rose from his seat.

  “I just wanted to make sure she’s okay. She is so-”

  “You’re going to leave me?” Jordan turned to him so quickly her braid whipped Mr. Parker in the face.

  Mr. Parker got to his feet. “Neither of you are going anywhere.”

  Levi tensed. “I’m leaving.”

  “You’re not. You can try but I’ll find you and bring you back. You see, Levi, I’ll find you no matter how hard you try to hide.”

  Levi’s eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. Mr. Parker examined the dirty, exhausted teens.

  Mr. Parker walked to the office door and hollered, “Cibrian!”

  A door opened upstairs and then Cibrian slid down the banister and strode into the office wearing a sweater that matched the sky blue of his eyes and soft gray pants. Unlike the first time Jordan saw him, he looked worried and when he saw her, he paused in the doorway.

  “What the hell happened?” Cibrian said as he walked over to Jordan.

  “Nothing,” Jordan said irritably.

  Cibrian froze in place when he saw Levi. There was recognition in his eyes and giddy excitement. “So you made it. I was wondering when you were coming, Levi.”


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