The Married One

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by Samantha Drake

  The Married One

  Will this drunken Vegas marriage turn into real love?

  A sexy romance by Samantha Drake of BWWM Club.

  Billionaire playboy Jonathan didn’t think his image could’ve gotten worse…

  Until he wakes up married to someone he just met!

  And now after one wild night in Vegas, his inheritance is on the line!

  Sophie is a beautiful ballerina whose dream is to enter LaRouge Ballete…

  But she’s held back because she isn’t from a certain level of society…

  But now that she’s married to Jonathan she might actually get what she wants!

  Okay, maybe it’s not the marriage she’s dreamed about, but sometimes you gotta make sacrifices to get what you want out of life…

  And to keep up a public image!

  But as Sophie and Jonathan spend more time with each other in and out of the bedroom, they both start to wonder…

  Is what they’re feeling actually love?

  Or is it all just passion with no substance?

  Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by Samantha Drake of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll want to run away to Vegas with your own billionaire!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2019 to Samantha Drake and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

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  Chapter 1

  The room had gone silent, but Jonathan’s mind was still in chaos. Voices echoed in his head, everything that had been said earlier was ten thousand times louder. With a blank face, he looked in front of him, his eyes set on the projected image of his casino. Slowly, he tapped his fingers against the varnished mahogany table, one finger at a time. He fought the urge to tug at the tie that clung tightly around his neck.

  The ten older board members were seated around the table, their eyes either set on the papers in front of them or on one another. None dared to look directly at him. He might have just ascended to the position of chairman, but the title alone was enough to make him feared and respected.

  Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, trying not to look as affected as he truly was. No one other than him needed to know how much he feared the low value of the stocks. Those men needed to hear plans, not see panic. They already doubted his capability. He had spent most of his adult years in New York, learning from his cousin, instead of implementing trust among his father’s men.

  Of course, at that time, everyone thought he had enough time to return and make a name for himself in Las Vegas. Who would have ever foreseen his father’s illness and sudden death? The thought of his father made his stomach churn, it had only been a couple of weeks since the funeral, and it was safe to say Jonathan hadn’t even been allowed a single day to mourn. Instead, he had been thrown headfirst into the large desk in his father’s office, vulnerable to the scandals and hardships that came along with changing a chairman.

  His position was like a treasure that everyone wanted. Unfortunately for him, he only had his inheritance, while all the other men that sat around the table had years of experience and connections to help them seize the throne at the first given opportunity.

  He meant to say something–but what exactly? He wished his cousin was there, Sebastian always knew what to do when it came to business. He meant to call him a few times before, but resisted the urge because his cousin already had too much on his plate. The battle was his to fight, no matter how hard it was.

  “Send me the statistics, I’ll look them over tonight. I’ll think of ways to promote our casinos and restaurants, I just need some time.” Jonathan had stood up by now, his hand resting on the leather chair. “If that’s all, I have another meeting to prepare for.”

  Jonathan walked out of the room with his secretary, or better said–advisor, in tow. Malcolm followed silently, but Jonathan knew he had lots to say. Not that he was complaining. Jonathan was lucky to have someone trustworthy by his side. No one knew the business better than Malcolm; he had been his father's shadow for years. And while Jonathan had learned the theory of things, Malcolm had witnessed the practical part.

  Indeed, Jonathan knew a lot thanks to his cousin. But no one could deny the fact that he had much more to learn.

  “I just got these from the HR department. You should probably go over them by Tuesday,” said Malcolm, as he slid the paper folder across Jonathan’s glass desk.

  Jonathan looked between the folder and Malcolm and ran a hand through his hair. There must’ve been months worth of statistics, dating back to when his dad had still been alive and the head of the company. It looked like he wouldn’t be getting much sleep over the following days. It was at those moments that Jonathan missed his old days. When he would drag Sebastian out of his office to party, or even encourage him to take a leap of faith when it came to Aline, his beautiful girlfriend.

  “Got it.”

  “Mr. Hunter. I know it’s hard, but it’s just for a short period of time. It will soon be over. There is nothing you can do but wait...and just do your job,” Malcolm advised. “Just stay low. And don’t do anything stupid in the meantime. Try not to give those old men something to pick on. They are ready to accuse you of anything so that they can take your place. Just show them you are what this company needs.”

  Jonathan had heard that speech before. His mother had made sure to give it to him, even before his father’s corpse had gone cold.

  Show them you are responsible. Don’t do anything that will make people question our family and the company's stability.

  His mother's words rang in his ears every morning when he woke up. In fact, he swore he had dreamed about them a few times too. When it came to what Malcolm had said, Jonathan didn’t bother to answer. Instead, he sat in his chair and grabbed the file, skimming through the first few pages.

  “Do we have anything else on the agenda?”

  “We’re supposed to go check up on the Casino on the eastern side of the city. It’s a surprise drop by. I think its best we show them that you’re going to get involved in things beyond this office.” Jonathan nodded and pursed his lips.

  “I’ll finish replying to some emails and then we’ll go.”

  Jonathan didn’t see Malcolm leave, but he heard the door close, right after the sound of footsteps vanished. Now that he was alone once again, he took the liberty to slump in his chair and undo the tie. He needed to remind himself how to breathe, the naturally involuntary act was suddenly really hard to perform, given the heavy weight that rested on his chest.

  Hours passed by, and a dark, starless sky now stared at Jonathan from beyond the glassy roof of the grand casino. His head hurt, a steady annoying pain pressed at his temples. The loud music wasn�
��t helping much either. Jonathan wasn’t really sure if it was the pain that made the noise so annoying or if it was the fact that he was listening to it sober, everyone else around him seemed to enjoy it. But then again, they hadn’t exactly been inspecting every inch of the building for the last couple of hours.

  The sounds of the machines were like echoes, lingering in the air along with the tension emitted by the players. Between the tables were beautiful women, some holding onto the arm of men they had just met and some seeking one out. They were all worthy of attention, bestowing sparkly short dresses and long silky hair.

  Across from him was the bar, probably the emptiest table in the room. Everyone seemed so engaged in the games that they couldn’t afford to fetch a drink. Instead, they just settled with whatever the waitresses were passing around. Nearly empty as it was, Jonathan got a clear view of all the bottles being displayed. The colorful liquids winked at him, they called his name and promised pleasure and relief.

  Jonathan shook his head–he probably shouldn’t. Malcolm had left after clearly instructing him to finish the report he had started for the board meeting.

  “Maybe just one.” Jonathan was old enough to know that when it came to drinking, one was never actually a real option. But, stressed as he was, his mind was ready to believe anything.

  It had been weeks since he had loosened up, and probably just as long since he had slept. So no one could judge him for wanting a drink.

  “Mr. Hunter! What can I get you?” To his surprise, the bartender seemed to know who he was. Basic as it was, it meant a lot to him. It made him feel like he was actually establishing himself there.

  “Whiskey on the rocks, please,” Jonathan answered while taking off his blazer.

  “I’ll have one too!” The voice came out of nowhere, just as someone slid into the stool next to him.

  With one raised brow, Jonathan gazed beside him, not bothering to turn completely. A woman was seated there. Unlike the other girls he had seen that night, she didn’t wear layers of makeup and perfume, not even a shimmering dress to balance the look. No. Instead, she wore black jeans and a loose emerald silk shirt. Her hair was pulled in a ponytail and her bangs stuck to her face in all the wrong parts. Jonathan was more than sure he could see trails of tears on her face.

  It would have been safe to say that the woman was a mess, but oddly, that only intrigued

  him more. Could it have been because he was glad someone else was having a rough time? Probably. There would be no other explanation as to why he even bothered to engage with that woman, when there were so many other girls already eyeing him, waiting for an opportunity, “Rough day?” he asked, just as he took a sip from his served drink.

  “Rough life!” The woman scoffed, her eyes still settled on the bartender, impatiently.

  “Well, welcome to the miserable corner of this casino!” Jonathan raised his glass in mid-air, confusing her for a moment. It took her a few seconds to realize what he was doing, and just as he thought he had been rejected, she picked up her own glass and clinked it against his.

  Jonathan dragged the glass to his lips, but he didn’t exactly get to taste the bitter liquid again. The edge of the glass rested against his parted lips and stayed like that, his eyes set on the


  She drank the liquor in one gulp, not even stopping once. He had never seen any woman handle a strong drink that way. Unable to stop himself, Jonathan chuckled and raised his hand to grab the bartender’s attention.

  “Pass the lady the whole bottle.” He hadn’t been exactly sure if she would hear him, given the intense focus she had accorded her empty glass. But judging by her sudden move, and by the fact that she was now staring at him, he believed she did in fact hear him.

  “Most guys usually just offer me another drink.” Jonathan noticed the way she fought a smile, her arched eyebrows lifting above her green eyes.

  “Well–” Jonathan trailed off, as he opened the bottle that had just been placed in front of him. “I am not exactly like most guys.”

  He shrugged, pouring another drink over the melting cubes of ice. There were a few minutes of silence between them, during which they both made sure to surrender to the comfort of alcohol. Jonathan was now halfway through his second glass, and although he hadn’t counted, he was sure that was her third. Unfortunately for him, he could handle his liquor quite well, so being drunk was a comfort he had to work hard for. That didn't seem to be the case for her. Judging by the unjustified smile on her face and the way she was looking over the tables, Jonathan could bet she was a little bit tipsy. “What’s your name, by the way?” he asked.

  “Sophie,” said she.

  “I’m Jonathan.” She didn’t look at him even after he had introduced himself, her gaze too focused on the players. “Wanna play?”

  “Hell no!” She answered a little too quickly, her tongue curling in a colorful pitch. “I’m not that rich! I would be stupid to lose money over a couple of cards and misplaced numbers.”

  There was something about the way she said that that made him chuckle. He came to wonder why she chose the casino instead of a normal bar, when she hadn’t had any intention of playing.

  Of course, that question was to be postponed.

  “I’d invite you to dance, but unfortunately, we don’t exactly have a dance floor.”

  “This place isn’t the only place, you know?!” Jonathan was used to girls dropping their hard to get armor around him, but there was something strange about the way the woman flirted.

  It seemed like she didn’t even know she was inviting him in. Could it have been the alcohol?

  Could it have simply been his desire to escape and have fun? How could he know?

  Jonathan took his time to look at Sophie, his lips curled in a smirk. In his head, he was already searching for a place he knew nearby. But unfortunately, he didn’t know too many. He hadn’t had the chance to go partying since he had returned.

  “Come on, I know a place.”

  The so-called ‘place’ Sophie knew, wasn’t anything he had expected. It wasn’t like the lavish clubs Jonathan was used to, not that he had been ‘used’ to anything in the last couple of months. The club was a little down the street, not too far from his casino. Jonathan doubted he would have noticed it. Aside from a small neon sign that flickered back to life every now and then, there was nothing specific that pointed to the small door down a flight of stairs. There was, however, a low murmur that resembled a beat. He supposed it was the music playing in the basement-like club.

  “No bouncer?”

  “There is one–usually, at least.” She shrugged. She was still holding onto the bottle of whiskey in one hand. With the other, she roughly grabbed Jonathan’s wrist, dragging him down the steps.

  Once she opened the door, the sound of music became louder. The door didn’t lead into the club directly. They came face to face with another flight of stairs that led upwards this time around. The stairs were in a spiral shape, a little too many for his liking and definitely not safe for a drunk person–like Sophie.

  Upstairs, the club was better than what he had envisioned. It wasn’t anything fancy, but the atmosphere was exactly what they needed. There was a massive crowd and the rhythm of the blasting music suited his taste. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Sophie hide the bottle she had brought in behind her back, not that it helped much. Besides, who would even notice the bottle, when the atmosphere was as lit as it was? Even the bouncer seemed to have abandoned his post.

  Sophie had been far more excited to dance than he was. While Jonathan took his time to admire the neon strips of light that coiled around the dancing couples, she had already made her way through the crowd, her hips swaying to the beat. Jonathan found himself smiling, his gaze following her figure unconsciously.

  Soon, he was by her side, his hand grabbing onto her waist, just as she topped the bottle to her lips to take another sip. She froze in place, air caught in her chest. He couldn’t help but like
the way she reacted to his touch.

  “How about I have some of that, too?” Jonathan welcomed the bitter taste of the liquid with open arms, it burned down his throat, his mind blurred by its effect. He liked how he started to feel. Just a little more, and soon, he doubted he would remember anything in the morning.

  As he drank, Sophie stared at him, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip. If he had been a little bit drunker, he would have dropped the bottle and grabbed onto her there and then. Unfortunately, he was still one step away from that kind of unconsciousness. So, instead, he simply started dancing. His hand snaked around her waist, sliding over it as she moved.

  This time around, her moves were on point. Drunk as she was, she danced right on the beat, her hips and arms moving in sync. He had rarely seen anyone dance like that.

  Girls usually grinded on him, their moves restrained to a bit of twerking. But Sophie, she was not grinding, she was actually dancing.

  Their bodies were close, so close, that Jonathan could easily smell her sweet floral perfume, mixed with the scent of alcohol. The liquor was kicking in too, but it still wasn’t enough to cool the fire that Sophie’s body was igniting in him. He pulled back for a second, making sure to gulp down the last drop of liquor that remained.

  That had been it, the last ounce of courage he needed to pull her in and press his lips onto hers.

  To his surprise, Sophie reacted almost immediately; it was almost as if she had been expecting it. Her hands immediately wrapped around his neck, just as a dancing body bumped into him, pushing him even closer to her–as if that was even possible.

  Their kiss was full of heat. It was so intense and filled with chemistry, that Jonathan could swear people could see sparks above them. His lips seemed to find a home in her, molding against her mouth as if it was the most familiar thing in the world. Their breaths, heavy and uneven as they were, united in sync. Jonathan felt his insides burn, but he found the strength to pull back.

  “You know, I always wondered how people stayed married to one person. I think it’s boring to only have one person in all your life. But I swear, if that person kisses like that, I’m down to settling right this moment,” he blurted out. Weird as it was, Jonathan found nothing wrong with saying that. In fact, he eagerly screamed it over the loud sound of the music, making sure she heard it.


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