Regency Romance Omnibus 2018: Dominate Dukes & Tenacious Women

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Regency Romance Omnibus 2018: Dominate Dukes & Tenacious Women Page 64

by Virginia Vice

  The final touches were put on the dress as a knock came to the door, her mother rushing to the hall so as to not make him wait as Emma regarded herself in the mirror. Her hair, the make-up, her dress; in spite of the brief time they had to prepare, the team had done a bang-up job. Yet her lips lowered in a grimace, her arms crossed, shoulders hunched as she seemed to despise the woman she looked to in the mirror. What a done-up little tulip she’d been made into, a precious flower... a slice of cake given colourful icing to entice someone to take it, to eat it, and turn it to shite. An object for someone to desire, a walking reproduction factory to be purchased with a ring, to be controlled in every regard by the factory ‘owner’ that had put down such a purpose.

  “Shag that...” she muttered to herself, scowling. Still, she had to do this with some level of subtlety and tact. Sadly, she could not be the one to get rid of him, so, make it so that he gets rid of her. Her shoulders came back, her upturned upper lip came to rest gently on the lower in a less stern and more regal manner, the lowered and creased eyebrows softened, one hand rest on the other before her compressed midsection rather than being crossed before her bosom... she had looked upon herself in the mirror like a beast ready to attack, but became a beauty out of necessity so as to wage this war with the womanizing brute.

  Her matriarch was giving a modest little feminine chuckle in response to his own deep one, a gentle joke spurring an amused but thoroughly sensible response. She’d had a bead of sweat forming at her brow, half fearing to hear a door slam shut and lock, which would thereby slam the door shut on her ability to avoid living in squalor as well as her daughter’s. Still, the gentle clacking of heeled feet echoed softly through the hall as they heard her approach, and both turned to greet her.

  “Ah, there she is.” She commented with an underlying tone of relief.

  “Yeeeees, indeed.” The woman glanced over amusedly at the man and his deep and silky response, clearly liking what he seen. In a perfect world, her daughter would have gotten with a more modest man, one with a slightly more refined social reputation. Even a man with not quite as much money would be fine, but one who did not have quite so much ‘fun’ with quite so many ladies... but alas, it was not a perfect world. She watched as he did; her daughter holding perfect posture, her hands gently held before her, each step bringing a sway to her gown and her luxurious hair. Alas, it was not a perfect world... if it were, she not only would have someone a bit more sexually tame, but also she herself would not be into her 20s. A good late-teens girl, in love with a boy or young man, living on the cushion of high society as they bestow upon the lonely widow a plethora of grandkids to dote over. Well, she lost that opportunity. Even if this charming Duke were two or three decades older than her rather than nearly one, desperation was setting in and she had to take up her duty in her position of nobility, and in her position as the only present heir to their title.

  “You look radiant, dear Emma.” The man complimented her splendidly as he stood by her mother’s side.

  “You look quite... fetching yourself, Duke.” She’d been tempted to say something different, in fact on two accounts. There are so many words that sound like ‘Duke’, but she maintained pleasantness while her mother was present, who’s heart had dropped for a moment during that brief gap in her sentence.

  “Indeed, quite handsome.”

  “You’re too kind, ma’am.” He turned to the mother, before regarding Emma once more. “Both of you.” His vision lingered on her face, his smile kept on his face nicely, but within that momentary pause she could see his anticipation. He suspected this was indeed all a show, and the bugger couldn’t be more right, but still the game remained in play and the mother, who didn’t see the entire look he had given, suspected nothing.

  “Well, shall we be off?” His ‘date’ asked gently with a smile.

  “Oh my, quite excited for a fun night, are we? Hmm-hmm-hmm.” Her mother jested with a light chuckle, and Emma inwardly cringed, her smile faltering a moment but maintaining through brute force, her cheeks flexing as she clenched her teeth. Power through it.

  “Heh heh, don’t worry ma’am, I’ll have her back home by, oh,” he pulled out a time piece casually, “would three in the morning be sufficient?”

  “Ho ho ho!” Emma’s mum chuckled, her head tilting back slightly. Such a vulgar joke, and it toyed with any sense of authority the mother may possibly hold, but he had no reason to fret. She’d already told him that it would be ok if she spent the night. His ‘date’ could only continue to clench her teeth and keep her plastered grin on as she looked from one to the other, resisting the urge to shake her mother and to outright slap him. “Careful with this one, dear. He’s a wild one.”

  “Mmm, indeed...” he gave lowly, his voice growing deep and gravelly, far more than is proper with her mother nearby as he looked over the young spinster. Her eyelids parted ever so slightly as she stared at him, and a second bead accompanied the first on her mother’s brow as the signs of anger were beginning to materialize in the icy stare and false smile. His smile, on the other hand, looked upon her confidently and genuinely; he had the power and he knew it.

  “Well enjoy your evening, you two, okay?” She stressed at her daughter slightly, but none the less maintained her civilized look and demeanor even in the face of Emma’s failing one.

  “Yes...” she said through her clenched grin, “mother.” Tensions were running high, and he was rather enjoying it.

  “Thank you, ma’am. Enjoy your day, it’s lovely weather out.” The younger two made their way to the front door as the mother waved them off. Once the door shut, the woman held her hands before her, feeling some subtle nervousness that her headstrong little girl would do something to ruin her chances. Gracefully, a window was approached, peering to the backyard where the stable stood.

  “Lovely weather indeed...” with no small supply of purpose, she turned in her dress towards the hallway, striding along, intent on putting on her riding garb. Jolly good day for a canter. An oddly cheeky grin went to her previously worried face as she followed the thought up with a private utterance to herself. “Or a gallop...”

  Chapter 3

  “Well, my my,” She muttered, his automobile roaring and vibrating beneath them as they more-or-less sat side-by-side, her hips as close to the door as she could manage to keep as much distance as possible. “You are quite the bastard.”

  “How’s that, love?”

  “Ooooo... don’t call me love. And, really, ‘would three in the morning suffice’?” She mocked him, her feminine voice growing quite deep in the process, her head tilting side to side as she said it. He let out a loud laugh that overpowered the engine as they went along the dirt road from her estate.

  “Hahaha, what of it? Don’t you enjoy my company?” He glanced away from the road a couple times to look at her with a wide grin.

  “Please. If I manage not to rip your head off within the next hour I’d consider it a success.”

  “That eager to give my Johnson a tug, are ya?” She gasped as she looked over to him in outrage, a broad grin still on his face.

  “How dare y- AH!” She’d whipped her hand back to swat at him when he gave a sharp swerve on the lonely rode causing the hand to flail down to the closed door to steady herself.

  “Sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you; almost hit an ant.”

  “Are you trying to kill us, you mad-man-AH!”

  “Woops! There’s another!” Emma had both hands on the vehicle then, not knowing when he’d make such a jerky swerve again.

  “You... you... God why did I have to go on this bloody... thing?“

  “Date?” He corrected her, and she scowled over at him. “Well, your mother hasn’t the means to birth more children, you’re her only one, economically you two are suffering, she’s desperately trying to keep a roof over your heads, and you’re a stuck-up spinster prude.”

  Her eyes became saucers as her jaw dropped, mouth opening. Satan had just lifted a Hel
lish burner up to a quiet, pleasant lake... and it was rapidly preparing to boil over.

  “That about right?” He asked with all casualness.

  “YOU MONST- OH!” Her face was red as she begun the attack which hadn’t so much as met the first swing when yet another ant was saved, and she fell against him. He had prepared it perfectly, perhaps she suspected his rising arm was to defend himself, but no, it wrapped around her. A nearby herdsman, tending to his cattle, found it rather cute that a woman would be so in love with a man as to nearly tackle him with a ‘hug’.

  “See? Knew you’d come ‘round, love.” He gave her a peck on the forehead before she could whap him in the chest and scoot back away from him.

  “Stop the car, you animal! Stop!”

  “Oh, fancy a snog?”

  “STOP!” He looked over to her confidently, the vehicle slowing without even looking to the road until it came to a park on the side of the road, his gaze still on her. She was blushing.

  As soon as the vehicle stopped, the man still smiling at her, though in a strange way with a hint of adoration and/or desire, he watched her scrambling with the door’s mechanism. All manner of crude and cruel utterance was being muttered in those few seconds of scrambling, her hands in such a tizzy that she finally brought them up and banged on the open window of the car door in frustrated surrender, breathing heavily. Her harsh gaze turned from the field by the road, flashing sideways and downwards where she spotted something moving. His arm hovered forth, past her, grasped the mechanism, and pushed the door open with ease.

  She stepped out immediately, merely annoyed even further. With a turn to the direction they had come from, already the house was out of sight and she knew they were a very long walk from her home. Turning the other direction, some forested areas and rolling hills with patches of farmland. A very long walk from the city. She looked back to the car.

  “What are you looking at me like that for, you savage?” An arm rest on the back of the front seat in the square-topped vehicle, the other resting on the wheel of the idling automobile, and she looked to his face. There was a strange softness in them, and though she’d never admit it she sensed some sort of warmth in spite of how horrid he’d been acting. It was as though he enjoyed seeing her so flustered and emotional, but not in a sadistic sort of way. He admired her passion.

  “You’re just... so beautiful.” He stated simply. Her head turned at that slightly, eyebrows lowering in confusion however her eyes softened ever so slightly, like a great iceberg receiving a thin layer of snow atop it.

  “Take me home.” She stepped through the open door, plopping down with her arms crossed, looking straight ahead coldly. The gaze turned towards him as she heard a clunk, only to see him stepping out of the vehicle. He casually walked around the front of the horseless carriage, her narrowed eyes following him as he minded his own business.

  “Watch your dress.” The Duke gave gently.

  “Hmph.” She yanked at it harshly to get it out of the way. Declan closed the door and once more headed ‘round the car to get behind the wheel. Making a big turn at a nearby intersection, they were soon indeed heading back the way they’d come.

  Her features changed, not softened, but changed, as she clenched her jaw. Her mother would be beyond cross; they’d only been gone less than an hour. Dainty fingers tapped against her upper arm as they lie crossed under her chest. Should she perhaps go around the back of the house and try to find somewhere in the backyard to sit and wait for a few hours; mum scarcely ever left the house anymore. Her foot began tapping on the vibrating floor. Perhaps she could order him to take her to the city where she’ll be able to find a ride back her way in time, but then he’d just tell her that he had dropped her off back at home after merely a few minutes. The tapping hand reached up to some of her curles, touching them nervously.

  “Are you sure you want to go home?”

  “Yes.” She gave resolutely, and knew that it would only be a couple minutes before they were within sight at the rate they were going. Wait, hide in the backyard? She’d hear the vehicle come to the park! Stop on the main road?


  “Y-...” he raised and eyebrow. “Ye-...”

  “Hmm?” He requested his question be answered. Her eyes began to well, her lips starting a quiver, lips pursing as she fought off the sensation but ultimately she dove into her hands, bending down, elbows on her hidden knees. The vehicle slowed to a stop, the engine shut off, and in the quietness the sound of her muffled weeps emanated from her hands. She was clearly trying not to outright bawl.

  “Hey...” she kept her face hidden and didn’t respond. “Hey, listen, I’m sorry for being so forward. I have a... a somewhat peculiar personality.” She turned her face away as the back of her wrist rose, obviously wiping at tears. He slid closer to her, gently and carefully bringing an arm to rest on her shoulders. They tensed, he figured she wanted to tell him to bugger off but it did not come.

  “That’s putting it bloody mildly... get off.” She sobbed out, hiding her face, and gave her shoulders a harsh shrug which he responded by giving her due room.

  “Look, how about we go for a nice meal. A couple glasses of wine to take the edge off-”

  “I’m not letting you get me drunk.”

  “Just a glass or two won’t hurt. Alright? Besides, I dare say you don’t want to go home already; your mum would be cross.”

  “She’d only spend the day pouring her eyes out.” She sniffled and sighed as the sarcasm was delivered, wiping her eyes some more. “That’s all.”

  “Like mother like daughter, hmm?” A cold, red-eyed look was shot at him, her face a grimace, make-up smeared about. Soon he starkly contrasted her as his sympathetic look turn to a scarcely-suppressed grin as he looked to her, the edges of his mouth curling up until the lips themselves parted as he began to laugh. Confusion went over her face before realization. Inevitably outrage quickly followed suit as she swatted him.

  “You bastard!” He just laughed in reply as he was assaulted by an exquisitely dressed woman with ridiculously displaced makeup.

  She sat across from him, arms folded, looking off to a window. Her face was the only feminine one of the establishment untouched by make-up but she didn’t give a damn, and took no pleasure when he said that he didn’t either. What annoyed her most was that without the make-up, her blush was on full display as he had told her he found her beautiful none the less while they were still in the vehicle.

  “Would you like a cream pie for dessert?” A reference to when he’d said she looked like a clown, and she scowled at him, her lips turned down cruelly and her eyes narrow. He swirled the wine about in his glass, leaning back in his chair. She had declined on the alcohol and instead decided on water, just to spite him.

  “I’m going to look for the biggest bloody number I can on the menu and order ten of them.” She leaned forth as she said it, attention turned from the window to the man.

  “Come now, be sensible.” He ignored the white-haired woman sitting nearby with a couple of her equally light-haired friends, looking over with a funny look at her vulgarity. “Perhaps we could arrange for a second one to be delivered to your mother or somehow bring one home. I suppose I could simply pay them for one of their plates, though. You’d have to carry it on the way back.”

  “Oh, um...” she’d been taken aback as he gave careful and clear consideration to how they could bring a luxury dish back with her for her mother.

  “Think she’d like that?”

  “A bit unorthodox, but... well, she does love crab, at least she did.”

  “Why not anymore?”

  “It can give her terrible gout sometimes.”

  “Ah, well, don’t want that. Em... does she like steak? A classic roast and veggies with gravy, perhaps?”

  “Mmm, that does sound good.”

  “Yeah, too bad you’re only getting a slice of partially-done toast.” She breathed half a chuckle before correcting herself, looking to
him and quickly bringing back a cross look. Bastard had gotten her guard down. “What? I’m not all bad.” He continued, seeing the look of disdain she’d painted herself with. “I’ll order a few crumbs for appetizer of course.” Her mouth began to twist, trying to keep on a frown. “Look at that.” He reached out to the bowl of sugar that awaited someone to order coffee or tea, a transparent glass lid resting on it. “A few grains for dessert, can’t say I’m not generous. Don’t get greedy though.” He slid the bowl a couple inches towards her.

  “You-...” the elderly woman looked to her with displeasure, awaiting more profane talk from the young’ins. Emma looked aside, unable to keep her grin away. After a moment she made a side-long glance to him, her smile vanished and her eyebrows lowered in confusion. The Duke simply looked to her with an earnest smile, looking directly at her. A couple seconds ticked by before she finally asked “what?” in a rather annoyed whisper.

  “Your smile is like that of an angel...” he whispered back, and his smile grew as so did the shade of red on her cheeks. “Ah.”

  “Pardon the wait.” The waiter had given her a slight start, but he handed a menu to her before giving one to the gentleman.

  “Thank you.” Declan gave, accepting the folded piece of paper.

  “You’re welcome. Would you like another, sir?” He gestured to the glass.


  “Water, miss?”

  She stared at the items on the menu, eyebrows high, eyes wide. It was the most expensive she’d ever seen; the economic nature that her family has been left in upon her father’s death, indeed the questionable nature it had been prior, not to mention her almost complete lack of dates in her young adult life... she could hardly fathom that things could be so expensive.

  “Em... Emma?”

  “Mmm?” She looked up to him, then the waiter, having been brought from her trance. The standing fellow’s eyes went from her to her glass, bringing her attention down to it.


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