by Monroe, Max
What in the hell kind of documentary was it?
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First of all, THANK YOU for reading. That goes for anyone who’s bought a copy, read an ARC, helped us beta, edited, or found time in their busy schedule just to make sure we didn’t royally screw everything up. LOL! Thank you for supporting us, for talking about our books, and for just being so unbelievably loving and supportive of our characters. You’ve made this our MOST favorite adventure thus far.
THANK YOU to each other. Monroe is thanking Max. Max is thanking Monroe. This shouldn’t surprise you since we’ve done this in every book we’ve published together so far. Or maybe it does surprise you because you don’t ever read those acknowledgments. If that’s the case, joke’s on you. We happen to be hilarious, even in our acknowledgments. But you’ll still have a chance to find out next time because we’ll probably do this forever. *Edited to add: Still doing it. Getting close to forever.
THANK YOU, Lisa, for being your amazing, hilarious, graciously accommodating, and eagle-eyed self. If we ever get a book to you on time, we can’t even IMAGINE what you’ll do. Like, will you call the White House? And if you do, will Channing Tatum be there like he is in White House Down? And if he is, will you also call us too so we can show up “unexpectedly”? KThanks. Also, you shouldn’t worry that we will ever get blond/blonde/further/farther right without you. We’ve passed the point of that being a possibility.
THANK YOU, Stacey, for making the insides of our book look so much prettier than organs. And for acting like you don’t hate us when we send you one million updates. ☺ We seriously love when people act like they don’t hate us.
THANK YOU, JoAnna & Sandra, for being superior Counselor Feathers. You ladies amaze us on a daily basis, and you are the reason Camp Love Yourself is the coolest place to be. Seriously, you do a better job of running it than we do. We don’t know what we’d do without you, but we’re pretty sure the group would crumble into a giant steaming pile of garbage. And nobody wants to hang out in garbage.
THANK YOU, Banana, for rocking our covers. And for spending lots of time covering nipples and enhancing crotches when we ask you to. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. And it’s a whole lot of fun that you’re that somebody.
THANK YOU, Social Butterfly PR, for doing So. Many. Things. We were totally going to pitch you guys to, like, Kelly Clarkson, and a whole list of celebrities you could represent, but…uh…we don’t know them. Plus, we need you to stay with us. Not go on some ego trip about the next big name in show biz. Too bad.
THANK YOU to every blogger who has read, reviewed, posted, shared, and supported us. Your enthusiasm, support, and hard work do not go unnoticed. Some might even say it’s a thankless job, but here we are…thanking you. So, we guess that’s not quite right.
THANK YOU to the people who love us—our family. They support us, motivate us, and most importantly, tolerate us. Sometimes we’re not the easiest people to live with, especially when there is a deadline looming. We honestly don’t know what we’d do without you guys.
P.S. You don’t know what you’d do without us either, so suck it.
THANK YOU to our Camp members! You guys are always SO much fun. And thank God you remember our books better than we do. If we’re ever unsure, we know you guys will know the answer that we should most definitely know but never do. Thanks for ignoring how horrible our memories are and loving us anyway. We love you long time.
As always, all our love.
Max Monroe