The Awakening of Latin America

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The Awakening of Latin America Page 53

by Ernesto Che Guevara

  In making contact with the army, the networks should follow the following “route”: The high command will give orders to the head of the network, which will be responsible, in turn, for organizing the task in the important cities. Routes will then lead from the cities to the towns, and from there to the villages or peasant houses, which will be the point of contact with our army, the site of the physical delivery of supplies, money, or information. As our army’s zone of influence grows, the points of contact will get closer and closer to the cities, and the area of our army’s direct control will grow proportionately. This is a long process that will have its ups and downs; and, as in any war like this, its progress will be measured in years.

  The central command of the network will be based in the capital; from there other cities will be organized. For the time being, the most important cities for us are: Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Sucre and Camiri, forming a rectangle surrounding our zone of operations. Those heading up work in these four cities should, as far as possible, be experienced cadres. They will be put in charge of organizations similar to those in the capital, but simplified: supplies and transport will be headed by a single individual; finances and sympathizers by another one; a third person will coordinate urban actions; it is possible to dispense with the assignment of information, as this can be left to the head of the network. The coordination of urban actions will increasingly be linked to our army as its territory grows nearer to the city in question. At a certain point, those involved in urban actions will become semi-urban guerrillas, operating directly under the army’s general command.

  At the same time, it is important not to neglect the development of networks in cities that are today outside our field of action. In these places we should seek to win support among the population and prepare ourselves for future actions. Oruro and Potosí are the most important cities in this regard.

  Particular attention must be paid to areas along the borders. Villazón and Tarija are important for making contacts and receiving supplies from Argentina; Santa Cruz is important for Brazil; Huaqui [Guaqui] or some other location along the border with Peru; and some point along the frontier with Chile.

  In organizing the supply network, it would be desirable to assign reliable militants who have previously earned a living in activities similar to what we are now asking them to do. For example, the owner of a grocery store could organize supplies or participate in this aspect of the network; the owner of a trucking company could organize transport, etc.

  Where this is not possible, the job of developing the apparatus must be done patiently, not rushing things. By doing so we can avoid setting up a forward position that is not sufficiently protected—causing us to lose it, while at the same time putting other ones at risk.

  The following shops or enterprises should be organized: grocery stores (La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Camiri); trucking firms (La Paz–Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz–Camiri; La Paz–Sucre; Sucre–Camiri); shoemakers (La Paz, Santa Cruz, Camiri, Cochabamba); clothing shops (the same); machine shops (La Paz, Santa Cruz); and farms (Chapare–Caranavi).

  The first two will enable us to store and transport supplies without attracting attention, including military equipment. The shoemaking and clothing shops could carry out the twin tasks of making purchases without attracting attention and doing our own manufacturing. The machine shop would do the same with weapons and ammunition, and the farms would serve as bases of support in the eventual relocation of our forces, and would enable those working on the farms to begin carrying out propaganda among the peasants.

  It should be stressed once again that all this requires political firmness and compañeros who take from the revolutionary movement only what is strictly essential to their needs, who are ready to devote all their time—as well as their liberty or their lives, if it comes to that. Only in this way can we effectively forge the network necessary to accomplish our ambitious plan: the total liberation of Bolivia.

  Facsimiles of Che Guevara’s Notebooks (Cuba and Africa) 1965-66.

  1. On April 9, 1952, the Bolivian miners led a popular uprising that overthrew the military dictatorship and installed the MNR government. Inspired by this event, Che wrote a poem that is included in Part One of this anthology.

  Reading Lists 1965-67

  This is a previously unpublished selection of Che’s reading lists, recorded in notebooks he kept during his final years in Cuba, the Congo and Bolivia, revealing the breadth and depth of the personal study program he pursued throughout his life.

  Notebook from Cuba and Africa

  Page 1


  Retrato del artista adolescente [A portait of the artist as a young man], James Joyce

  La pequeña edad, Luis Spota

  Cuestiones fundamentals del marxismo [Fundamental problems of Marxism], Plekhanov

  Miel sobre hojuelas, Reynaldo Gónzalez

  El robo del cochino, Abelardo Estorino

  La casa vieja, Abelardo Estorino

  Quien quiere comprar un pueblo? A. Lizarraga

  Donde van los cefalomos? Ángel Arango

  Granada, tras las huellas de García Lorca, Claude Couffon

  Ensayos, Baldomero Sanín Cano

  Acerca del Capital, Various authors

  África, biografía del colonialism, J.A Benítez

  Teatro, Ibsen

  Africa, el león despierta [Africa, The Lion Awakes], Jack Woddis

  Escritos económicos varios [Various economic writings], Marx and Engels

  Estrategia militar [Military Strategy], M. Sokolowski

  Stalingrado, H. Schröter

  Page 2


  El gobierno invisible [The Invisible Government], David Wise and Thomas Ross

  Patrice Lumumba, campeón de la libertad [Patrice Lumumba, Champion of Freedom]

  Historia de la Antigüedad [History of Antiquity], Mishulin

  Geografía Económica, Puchkov

  Historia de la Edad Media, Kosminsky


  Obras Escogidas, Tomo IV [Selected Works, Vol. 4], Mao Tse-tung

  Obras Completas, Tomo IV [Collected Works, Vol. 4], [José] Martí

  Obras Completas, Tomo 33 [Collected Works, Vol. 33], Lenin

  Obras Completas, Tomo 32 [Collected Works, Vol. 32], Lenin

  Obras Completas, Tomo V [Collected Works, Vol. 5], [José] Martí

  Obras Escogidas, Tomo II [Selected Works, Vol. 2], Lenin

  Historia de los tiempos modernos [History of Modern Times], N. Efimov


  Los doce césares [The Lives of the Twelve Cesars], Suetonius

  Los problemas de la dialéctica en El Capital [Problems in the Dialectics in Capital], Rosental

  Historia de la época contemporanea [History of the Contemporary Epoch], J. Vostov and Zukov


  La Ilíada [The Iliad], Homer

  La Odisea [The Odyssey], Homer

  Manual de Historia Universal, Tomo II [Manual of Universal History, Vol. II], Luis Suárez Fernández:

  Edad Antigua-Edad Media


  La cuidad del diablo Amarillo [City of the Yellow Devil], Gorky

  ¿Quién ayudó a Hitler? [Who helped Hitler?], I. Maiski

  Brasil, siglo XX [Twentieth Century Brazil], R. Foco

  El batallón de Belvedere, Chas

  Historia de la Filosofía [History of Philosophy], Hegel

  486 días de lucha, Azcárate y Sandoval

  Le Congo depui la colonization Belga jusqui e la independence [read in French]

  México insurgente [Insurgent Mexico], John Reed

  Los principios fundamentals de la dirección de la Guerra [On War], Karl von Clausewitz

  Nous les negres [read in French], J. Baldwin, Malcolm X, M.L. King

  El guerrillero y su trascendencia, F. Solano Costa

  Desembarco en Normandía

  Cualquier corsario, J. Onetti

  La noche de los asesinos, J. Triana

  Aurora ro
ja, Pío Baroja

  Babbitt, Sinclair Lewis


  Vida de Miguel Ángel, G. Papini

  La isla, J. Goytisolo

  El Circo, J. Goytisolo

  Dante vivo, Papini

  La Resaca, J. Gotytisolo

  Hamlet, Shakespeare

  Carlos Marx [Karl Marx], Franz Mehring

  Contribución a la crítica de la economía política [Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy], Marx

  La ciudad, C. Richter

  Así de grande [So Big], Edna Ferber

  Informe de la misión militar a la R.D.V.

  Paradiso, J. Lezama Lima

  Julio César, Shakespeare

  Cuentos completes, O.J. Cardosa

  Nuevos cuentos cubanos

  Santa Juana [Saint Joan], G.B. Shaw

  Los perros hambrientos, Ciro Alegría

  La llamada de la tierra [The Call of the Soil], Adrien Bertrand

  La ideología alemana [The German Ideology], Marx–Engels

  Federico Engels, E. Stepanova

  Los años duros, Jesús Díaz

  Poesía de paso, Enrique Lihn

  Reflejos de un ojo dorado [Reflections in a Golden Eye], Carson McCullers

  Reineke el zorro [Reynard the fox], Goethe

  Las ceremonias del verano, Marta Traba


  Atrás de las líneas enemigas

  Asesinato por anticipado, A. Correa

  Correspondencia [Correspondence], Marx and Engels

  El sol poniente

  El libro fantástico de Oaj, Miguel Collazo

  Rashomon, R. Akutagawa

  Orlando, V[irginia] Wolf


  Memorias de un mambí, M. Piedra

  Por Marx, L. Althusser

  Reading Plan for Bolivia

  La historia como hazaña de la libertad, B. Croce

  Los orígenes del hombre Americano, P. Rivet

  Memorias de Guerra General, [Charles] de Gaulle

  Memorias, Churchill

  Fenomenología del Espíritu, Hegel

  Le neveu de Rameu, Diderot

  La revolución permanente [The Permanent Revolution: Results and Prospects], Trotsky

  Nuestros banqueros en Bolivia, Margarita Alexander Marsh

  El lazarillo de ciegos caminantes, Concolocorvo

  Descripción de Bolivia La Paz 1946

  El hombre Americano, Alcides D’Orbigny

  Viaje a la América Meridional: Buenos Aires

  El pensamiento vivo de Bolívar, Fombona

  Aluvión de fuego, Oscar Cerruto

  El dictador suicida, Augusto Céspedes

  La Guerra de 1879, Alberto Gutiérrez

  El Iténez salvaje, Luis Leigue Castedo

  Túpac Amaru, el rebelde, Boleslao Lewin

  El indoamericanismo y el problema racial en las Américas, Alejandro Lipschütz

  Internacionalismo y nacionalismo, Liu Shao-chi

  Sobre el proyecto de constitución de la R.P. China

  Informe de la mission conjunta de las Naciones Unidas y organismos especializados para el studio de los problemas de las poblaciones indígenas andinas, ILO Geneva 1953

  Monografía estadística de la población indígena de Bolivia, Jorge Pando Gutiérrez

  Historia económica de Bolivia, Luis Peñaloza

  Socavones de angustia, Fernando Ramírez Velarde

  La cuestión nacional y el Leninismo [The National Question and Leninism], Stalin

  El marxismo y el problema nacional y colonial [Marxism and the National and Colonial Problem], Stalin

  Petróleo en Bolivia

  Historia del colonialism, J. Arnault

  Teoría general del estado, Carré de Malberg

  Diccionario de sociología, Henry Pratt Fairchild

  Heráclito, exposición y fragmentos, Luis Forie

  El materalismo histórico en F. Engels, R. Mondolfo

  Nacionalismo y socialismo en América Latina, O.Waiss

  Contribución a la crítica de la filosofia del derecho de Hegel, Marx

  Ludwig Feuerbach y el fin de la filosofia clásica alemana, Engels

  El desarrollo del capitalism en Rusia, Lenin

  Materialismo y empirocriticismo, Lenin

  Acerca de algunas particularidades del desarrollo histórico del marxismo

  Cuardernos filosóficos, Lenin

  Cuestiones de leninismo, Stalin

  La ciencia en la historia, John D. Bernal

  La Lógica, Aristotle

  Antología filosífica ( La filosofia griega), José Gaos

  Los pre-Socraticos. Fragmentos filosophises de los preocráticos, García Bacca

  De la naturaleza de las cosas, Titus Lucretius Carus

  El filósofo autodidactico, Abuchafar

  De la causa, principio y uno, Giordano Bruno

  El príncipe. Obras políticas [The Prince. Political works], Machiavelli


  El embajador [The Ambassador], Morris West

  Orient Express, Graham Greene

  En la ciudad [In the City], William Faulkner

  La legión de los condenados, Sven Hassel

  Romanceros Gitano [Gypsy Romances], García Lorca

  Cantos de Vida y Esperanza [Songs of Life and Hope], Rubén Darío

  La lámpara maravillosa, Del Valle Inclán

  El pensamiento de los profetas, Israel Mattuck

  Raza de bronce, Alcides Arguedas

  Misiones secretas, Otto Skorzeny

  El cuento boliviano-selección [Selected Bolivian Stories]

  La Cartuja de Parma [The Charterhouse of Parma], Stendhal

  La física del siglo XX, Jordan

  La vida es linda, hermano [Life is Beautiful, Brother], N. Hikmet

  Humillados y ofendidos [The Insulted and Humiliated], F. Dostoyevsky

  El proceso de Nuremberg, J. J. Heydecker and J. Leeb

  La canditatura de Rojas, Armando Chirveches

  Tiempo arriba, Alfredo Gravina

  Memorias, Mariscal Montgomery

  La Guerra de las republiquetas, Bartolomé Mitre

  Los marxistas [The Marxists], C. Wright Mills

  La villa imperial de Potosí, Brocha Gorda (Julio Lucas Jaimes)

  Pancho Villa, I. Lavretski

  La Luftwaffe, Cajus Bekker

  La organización política [Political Organization], G.D.H. Cole

  De Gaulle, Edward Ashcroft


  La Nueva Clase, Milovan Djilas

  El joven Hegel y los problemas de la sociedad capitalista [The Young Hegel and the Problems of Capitalist Society], G. Lukacs

  Juan de la Rosa, Nataniel Aguirre [sic, por Aguirre]

  Dialéctica de la naturaleza [The Dialectics of Nature], Engels

  Historia de la Revolución Rusa, Tomo I [History of the Russian Revolution, Vol. I], Trotsky


  Categorías del materialismo dialectic, Rosental and Straks

  Sobre el problema nacional y colonial de Bolivia, Jorge Ovando

  Fundamentos biológicos de la cirugía, Clínicas Quirúrgicas de Norteamérica

  Política y partidos en Bolivia, Mario Rolón

  La compuerta No. 12 y otros cuentos, B. Lillo


  La sociedad primitive [Primitive Society], Lewis H. Morgan

  Historia de la Revolucion Rusa, Tomo II [ History of the Russian Revolution, Vol. II], Trotsky

  La historia de la Filosofía, I Dynnik

  Breve historia de la revolución Mexicana I, Jesús Silva Herzog

  Breve historia de la revolución Mexicana II, Jesús Silva Herzog

  Anestesia, Clínicas Quirúgicas de Norteamérica


  La cultura de los Incas, Jesús Lara

  Todos los fuegos el fuego, Julio Cortázar

  Revolución el la Revolución [Revolution within the Revolution], Régis Debray

  La insurrección de Túpac Amaru, Boleslao Lewis

  Socavones de Angus
ta, Fernando Ramírez Velarde


  Idioma nativo y analfabetismo, Gualberto Pedrazas J.

  La economia argentína, Aldo Ferrer

  En torno a la práctica, Mao Zedong

  Aguafuertes porteños, Roberto Arlt

  Costumbres y curiosidades de los aymaras, M. L. Valda de J. Freire

  Las 60 familiares norteamericanas, Ferdinand Lundberg


  Historia económica de Bolivia I, Luis Peñaloza

  La psicología en las fuerzas armadas, Charles Chandessais


  Historia económica de Bolivia II, Luis Peñaloza

  Elogio de la locura [The Praise of Folly], Erasmus


  Del acto al pensamiento, Henri Wallon


  Fuerzas secretas, F. O. Nietzsche



  Acción Democrática, Venezuela 325

  Acero, Rivers 480

  Acuña, Juan Vitalio, Vilo, Joaquín 460, 471, 479

  Africa 2, 5–717, 146, 148, 206, 212, 265, 303, 368, 369, 398, 412, 448–451, 494–495, 497, 517

  Agencia Latina 169

  agrarian reform 15, 18, 212, 237, 243, 263, 280, 289, 295, 306, 309, 349, 351, 359, 361, 388

  Agüero, Joaquín de 260

  Albizu Campos, Pedro 236, 238, 300

  Alessandri, Arturo 53

  Alfonso, Pedro Enrique 53

  Algeria 6, 193, 265, 266, 295, 371, 408

  Allende Gossens, Salvador 53

  Alliance for Progress 2, 6, 18–19, 291, 298, 306, 308, 319, 325, 326, 328, 330–334, 336–340, 345, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353, 356, 357, 359–364, 372, 427

  Alta Gracia 70

  Althusser, Louis 500


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