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Jase Page 2

by Fields, M. J.

  “Carly, I can’t find it,” he turned around and looked at us both smirking, “Oh-- I see.”

  “It’s a nice butt Jase,” I laughed.

  “Thanks?” his face turned red.


  The fruit was cut up and sitting on the coffee table.

  “They will be here in about half an hour. I’m going to show you around like a good little hostess and then I’m going to shower. Is that alright?”

  “Of course,” Jase smiled.

  We walked into my room and I smiled, I didn’t mean to but it just happened, “You can hang out in here while I shower if you want. Mom is still getting ready.”

  “You’re not worried I will invade your panty drawer?” Jase pulled me towards him and kissed me.

  I stepped back and smiled, “Invade away. I’ll be back.”

  I walked into the bathroom my head still spinning from his kiss and I turned on the water. I grabbed the new body wash and the new bath poof and set it on the edge of the tub. I undressed and got in. I washed my hair, scrubbed my body, shaved my legs, checked out the very-painful-but-worth-every-uncomfortable-moment wax job, and smiled. I got out and threw my hair in a towel and lotioned up. I brushed my teeth while I waited for the lotion to absorb and grabbed my robe and then I froze. Oh damn it!

  I peeked my head in my bedroom door and Jase was sitting on my bed looking through my high school yearbook, “Psst.”

  He looked up and smiled, “Could you give me a few minutes?”

  “I did,” Jase bit his cheek and looked down.

  “No I mean…I forgot to bring my clothes with me and I…”

  “I noticed, and I picked out something for you to wear, come on in and get changed Carly,” that voice made the hair on the back of my neck stand. He sat back against the headboard and looked at me smugly. Arrogant ass. Okay-- I liked it when he challenged me but I was not about to let him in on that little secret.

  So I walked in confidently, he smiled haughtily and pointed towards the dresser, “On top,” he purred, grrrrrowled. Honestly, I have no idea how I am going to make it through the night.

  “This?” I bravely held up the lavender silky thread of material and walked towards him.

  “Oh yes,” he shook his head slowly.

  “You wanna put them on me?” oh yes, I am going to be a tiger in bed. I lifted my foot on the side of the bed, knowing damn well I was giving him a peep show.

  His jaw clenched and he chuckled softly and then I swear I heard a soft growl escape his throat. My knees seriously started to shake and he swallowed hard and took the panties.

  I lifted my foot so that he could slide them up. He stopped at my knee letting go of my panties and his finger slowly traced up my inner thigh. His tongue rubbed the inside of his lower lip and then he closed his teeth around his tongue rubbing the silver ball slowly between his lips. His finger reached my inner thighs and I could not stop watching how he played with the ball on his lips I am absolutely certain he is going to be amazing at… “Oh my God!” I jumped when the electricity from his fingers touched just the outside of my who-who and what happened next, you guessed it. I ended up on my ass.

  “Carly, are you alright?” Jase grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

  “Yeah, I am fine,” I stood feeling my face burning and I looked down.

  He lifted my chin so that I was looking into his eyes and whispered, “I am going to tie you up tonight.”

  “What?” my voice trembled and he smirked at me.

  “If I don’t, you’ll probably end up in the damn ER,” he laughed, “Get dressed, I’ll meet you out there.” He smacked my ass and left the room laughing.


  I purposely took my time getting ready knowing he would be stuck with the book club by himself, he deserved it after his exit right? Right!

  I peeked around the corner, just to be sure he was good and uncomfortable and he looked directly at me. I jumped back hoping to he didn’t see me and crash, bang, boom… I knocked a picture off the wall.

  I was bent over cleaning up the mess and I felt a gentle hand on my ass, “Little tornado.”

  I laughed and stood up, “Only when you’re around.”

  Jase picked up the picture and smiled, “At least it wasn’t glass.” I smirked, “And you deserve this, leaving me purposely out here to fend for myself.”

  “Sure I guess,” I giggled when he bent over and kissed my check.

  “Turn around.”

  I did as he asked and felt him lifting my skirt, “Jase!” I whispered loudly.

  “Baby I just want to be sure there is no bruise on that ass... not yet anyway.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I whispered nervously.

  “I want my hand to be what bruises that fine little ass. Not the floor.”

  Oh shit, he is going to be fifty shades of fucked up. I looked at him and he licked his lips slowly, okay-- maybe sixty nine shades. Why did that make my who -who quiver, make my mouth dry, make my nipples peak?

  “Turn off those thoughts baby, you could not even begin to imagine what I am going to do to you,” he reached his hand down and ran his finger slowly from my inner knee up until he almost touched me, there! “Hold still baby.”

  “Carly,” I jumped when I heard my mom call to me and Jase laughed and straightened my skirt.

  “Let’s go,” he tugged my hand and pulled me behind him into the living room.

  “Sorry,” I smiled as best I could while still pulling my shit together, “I assume everyone has met Jase?”

  “No, we were waiting for you,” Mimi smirked.

  “Alright everyone, this is Jase Steel. Jase this is Mimi, Dee, Michelle, Gloria, Gayleen, and Hope.”

  “Hello again, everyone,” Jase smiled at Mimi and she winked at him.


  “Sorry,” she smirked.

  The questions came flying at him like a machine gun on a war zone. Jase answered the questions about his siblings: Cyrus, Zandor, and Xavier and his mother Joe. Why this group of women would ask about his father was beyond me.

  Jase smiled and I jumped in, “I think that’s enough questions.”

  “It’s fine, baby,” Jase grabbed my hand. And I quickly noticed Mimi scowl, and so did Jase. His face turned red and he chuckled, “My father passed away last year.”

  I was shocked that he was able to open up to them.

  “We’re very sorry,” my mother said, lifting the tension in the room.

  “Sorry about that,” he whispered to me.

  “Jase don’t be sorry,” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek, “I’m sorry.”

  “Were your parents still married?” My mom said sadly.

  “Yes, they were married for twenty four years.” I couldn’t look away from him, he looked at me and smiled and rubbed my hand and continued, “My Dad was in the Navy, he met my mother in Italy. They got married, and had four boys, each a year apart. They traveled the world and had a pretty good life.”

  “Was he killed in battle?” Hope whispered.

  “No actually he had retired, and they moved us to Jersey. He was very close with his commanding officer, his family moved a few hours away and my Mom loved the ocean so it was just a fluke that we ended up in New Jersey. He died volunteering to help in search and rescue.” I felt tears begin to fall and he pulled my hand up and kissed it, “So anything else?” he looked around and smiled.

  “We should discuss the book,” Mimi grabbed her copy, “Where did we leave off?”

  “This may be a bit too uncomfortable with Jase here,” Dee whispered to Gayleen.

  “I think he should read it to us,” Michelle chimed in, “Gloria, what do you think?”

  “Sure, why not?” they all closed their books and sat them on their lap.

  I looked to my mother hoping she would put an end to their goading and Jase laughed, “Tell me where to start.”

  “Listen to me and don’t say a word. Your nipples are erect and want nothing more th
an for me to touch them and pull at them and take them in my mouth until your body starts to melt. You’re wet and wild with desire. You may think you’re pissed at me, but you are not Emma. You are so fucking hot and wet because I took care of something you needed me to, your body belongs to me and wants me so fucking bad it almost hurts. Regardless, you also told me no, and I take that extremely seriously. So as, you sit there in flames desiring everything I can give you, you can thank yourself for the let-down,” Brody leaned forward lightly kissing her nose, “No means no, Emma.”

  “Well obviously yours wants to please mine as well,” Emma looked smugly at his bulging pants.

  “I was hard when you walked out of that office building after work Emma, you didn’t need to be sidetracked. I was hard and waiting when you came out of the rehab center, your ex-husband’s needs overshadowed mine, and I know you needed me to make it better for you. My body realized that Emma. When I came out I was hard as soon as you pinched me. I knew that you needed to come, but you said no,” Brody said and smiled as he looked away and she gasped.

  Emma looked down and nervously played with her hands and tapped her foot.

  “You’re going to be fine Em,” he said and took her hand, and she let him.

  She sat waiting for more, and he just sat there, she lightly pinched his hand between her fingers and he looked at her out of the corner of his beautiful blue eyes.


  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  “Yes what, Emma?” he asked cautiously.

  “Yes, please,” she said breathlessly.

  “Are you quite sure?” he asked and she was on his lap in a spilt second with her mouth on his and grinding in to him.

  “Alright then,” he said and lifted her off him.

  “Please,” Emma whined.

  “Shall I continue?” Jase smirked and sat back, complacently. Damn. Damn. Damn. He is SO hot.

  “Why not stop there, and discuss what Jase just read,” my mom looked around at her friends and laughed.

  “What do you think, Jase?” Mimi asked and I hung my head down. This was embarrassing.

  “He seems to pay attention to what she needs,” Jase looked around the room.

  “Unrealistic,” Mimi scoffed.

  “I don’t think it’s unrealistic. Let’s be honest here ladies, would you not want someone who could anticipate your needs and desires?”

  “Let’s be even more realistic Jase, what man could keep it up for hours on end?” Mimi cackled, and not like my mom. This was a true cackle.

  “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  Everyone shook their head yes.

  “You all think you’re damn superheroes,” Mimi laughed again, “Grab a tit, stick your tongue down a throat, shove in a finger, then climb right on hump like a dog for five minutes and then your happy little ass rolls over and you fall into a stupid slumber while we lay there and wonder what the hell just happened.”

  Everyone laughed, even Jase. “I guess everyone has their own experiences.”

  I expected Mimi to jump all over that but she just replied, “And that’s why toys are more dependable.”

  “Alright,” Mom snickered. There she was! Thanks for showing up Mom, jeesh-- it’s about time.

  “Carly would you help me bring out the food?” Mom smiled sadly.

  “Sure,” I smiled at Jase and he stood and pulled me up.

  “Awe,” they all whispered.

  “For now,” Mimi murmured.

  Jase smiled and followed me into the kitchen, “What can I do to help?”

  My Mom smiled, “You could take these.” She handed him two plates, “We’ll be right out.”

  “Are you sure about this?”


  “No listen, he is amazing and all. Very handsome but consider what will happen when he leaves. How will you feel….”


  “Okay I know, just promise me you will finish school.”

  “Of course I’m going to finish school!” Okay, that came out pretty loud, “Can we just go? Mimi might try to hurt him.”

  Mom laughed and hugged me.

  We walked out and Jase was being grilled again.

  “Hey,” I sat next to him. He smiled at me and then at my mom. “You ready to get out of here?”

  “You sure about all this? We can slow it down a little,” Jase smiled sweetly.

  I stood up and cleared my throat, “Well, I am going to take Jase back to his hotel. I will see you all again soon.” They all looked up at me like they were sad for me. I almost laughed but smiled instead, “You ready?”

  Jase stood and smiled, “Nice meeting you all.” As they all said goodbye I grabbed my bag from my room and walked out. He grabbed my hand and looked at my Mom, “I’ll see you again soon?

  “I sure hope so,” she hugged him which made me smile.


  We got into the car and he smiled at me, “That honest to God was a very uncomfortable goodbye. I’m sorry Jase.”

  “Well it was my idea to attend Book Club. Just didn’t anticipate them all looking at me like I was the man who was going to disappoint someone they love” Jase laughed nervously.

  “Was it too much?” I really hoped it was not.

  Jase chuckled as he drove down the road, “I’ve never experienced anything like that. But too much? No-- as long as it wasn’t too much for you.”


  Jase pulled into the Garden Court hotel parking garage, put the car in park, and turned and looked at me, “Listen, I am in no hurry with you. We tease the hell out of each other all the time, and don’t get me wrong-- I love it. But when it comes right down to it I don’t want you to feel like we have to do this right now.”

  “Okay. I wasn’t nervous before, but now I am,” I did not mean to say it out loud but I did of course. “Damn Book Club.”

  Jase smiled, got out of the car and then opened my door, “There’s a beautiful room up on the third floor. It is ours for four days. How about we just talk tonight?”

  I laughed nervously and covered my mouth. He took my hand and pulled me up, kissed my nose, and grabbed my bag.

  We walked up the stairs and into the lobby of the beautiful Garden Court Hotel, he was holding my hand and as we got on the elevator he pulled me against him, pushed my head against his chest, and rested his chin on my head. I could swear his heart was beating as fast as mine. But the way he held me was comforting.

  We walked through the door, and there were white lilies everywhere in the white and navy king suite. Soft music through the surround sound filled the air. I looked at him and his eyes were scrunched shut and he opened one eye.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, I was hoping for that. But still Carly, no pressure, alright? I just didn’t expect for you, oh fuck it. I feel it too,” Jase laughed, “Never felt this way before.”

  “Jase there is no…” He cut me off.

  “Look Carly, I have not felt this way about anyone in a very, very long time. And it scares the hell out of me. It would be real easy to just tear off that skirt and sink balls deep into you, fucking you for four days straight until neither of us can even crawl out of bed on Monday morning. But then what? Wait until when to see each other? You’re going to want it all the time, I already want you all the time and then what? So then that fuck Brad gets to fill in, I would lose it Carly do you understand me?!”

  He was now pacing and agitated, I definitely did not anticipate this. “Jase.”

  “Holy shit, what the hell is wrong with me,” Jase shook his head in frustration and then laughed.

  “I don’t like Brad,” I looked down.

  “Good,” Jase walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

  I was very confused at this point I had no idea what to say or do. I was seriously considering leaving when he walked out.

  “Sorry,” Jase’s jaw twitched.

  “I know.”

  “If you want to leave, I
get it,” Jase looked up at the ceiling and released a frustrated breath.

  “If you need us to go slow, we can.”

  Jase looked at me like I was crazy and I smirked at him. He laughed and shook his head.

  “Who would have thought you would be the one having a hard time with this?”

  “Well you obviously don’t know me that well,” Jase smiled. He was trying to joke but it hit a nerve. What did I not know about him?

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  He smiled, “What’s my name?”

  “Jase Steel.”

  “Nope,” he seemed to be loosening up.

  “No?” I laughed at him.

  “No. Can we start over?”

  “I would love that.”

  “Hello my name is Jovanni Augostino Steel,” he held out his hand.

  “So why not Joe?” I shook it

  “What’s my Mom’s name?”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “I am Carly Ann Smythe.”

  Jase smiled, “CAS”


  “Better than CAN,” Jase smiled.

  “Listen I just met you, and I really don’t appreciate the fact that you are picking on me-- Jovanni.”

  “Oh no,” he smirked.


  “So have you ever heard of Prince…”

  I smacked his arm, “You can leave, I am expecting someone.”

  I started for the door and he grabbed me by the waist, “Who would that be?”

  “This awesome guy I met over the summer, his name is Jase. He’s funny, sweet, and definitely worth waiting for. So hands off pal.”

  He pulled me snuggly against him, “Worth waiting for, huh?”

  “Yes, definitely. He seems to think if we have sex I am going to turn into some nympho. What he doesn’t understand is that it’s not the sex I’m after with him.”

  “So what is this secret you are keeping from this…Jase?”

  “Something all you boys should know,” I leaned my head against his chest and he kissed my check.


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