Remmel: A SciFi Alien Barbarian Romance (Rakui Warriors Book 2)

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Remmel: A SciFi Alien Barbarian Romance (Rakui Warriors Book 2) Page 7

by Lena Grey

  Three of the rogues stayed to guard the girls and the other two left to report their findings to the leader, Voltex. That’s why we need to get the hell away from here. More criminals will be sent to look for the rest of the girls.

  “I think the aliens planned on using us as breeders,” Charlotte says with a shudder.

  “I’m not surprised,” I say. “Women are a rare commodity here. Most of the unmated Rakui females died years ago during a freak storm that caused a sickness. Lots of older and younger Rakuis died then too. So far, they’re the only actual tribe we’ve seen on the planet.”

  “So, you and Remmel…” When Charlotte says Remmel’s name, she fiddles with her wrist. “Are you two an item?”

  “What? No.” Even if we were, it’s none of her damn business. “We’re just friends. Remmel and his buddy Trauhn rescued me and Kenzie. Then he found Jade, Layla, Emily, and Reese.” I don’t tell them that Kenzie and Trauhn are mated or that she’s already knocked up.

  Taylor adjusts the leaf for me because it’s slipped out of place. “You have no idea how happy we were to see you, Jillian. To hear that some of the others are safe is fantastic. We were beginning to think we were the only survivors. What about the rest of the girls?”

  “Jade, Layla, and a group of Remmel’s tribesmen are looking for them now. That’s how he and I found you two—we’re part of the search party.”

  Charlotte fans her face with her hand. “Remmel’s pretty hot. Do all the Rakui men look like him?”

  It bothers me that she’s interested in him. Probably because she has me beat in the looks department. I’m tall and gangly with dirty blonde hair and plain features. She’s a knockout platinum blonde with an hourglass shape: big tits, a tiny waist, and rounded hips.

  If a guy had his pick between me and Charlotte, he’d pick Charlotte every time. Until she opened her mouth. Then he’d probably want to throw her back like a bad fish.

  “You’re not attracted to him,” I tell her a little too sharply. “Your TEASE is. That’s what SPECIES SURVIVAL MODE does. It makes you want to fuck every guy you see.”

  “Really?” She seems surprised. “I wasn’t attracted to our captors. Were you, Tay?”

  Taylor gags. “God, no. Those guys were disgusting.”

  Interesting. Charlotte and Taylor weren’t hot for their captors, and the rest of us weren’t panting after the mercenaries that kidnapped us. Maybe Earth Gov did program our TEASE units to desire Rakui males only. I can’t wait to share this data with Jade.

  Remmel drops two Earth Gov backpacks at Charlotte’s and Taylor’s feet and says, “We go now.” While we were resting and catching up, Remmel scoured the camp for anything useful.

  “Did you find anything?” I ask him.

  He opens a small, dirty satchel that he’s strapped to his larger one and shows me his wares. Looks like a couple of water skins, some crude utensils, and a few hides, all of which need a good scrubbing… and maybe delousing. Ick.

  Remmel leads the way out of the camp and we all fall in line behind him. I’ve given him his boots back, but the leather sandals he made me work well. They’re better than putting my booties back on.

  “Has anyone figured out why Alliance Interstellar Security hasn’t rescued us yet?” Taylor asks. “Per protocol, we turned our beacons on and stayed with our pod. Well, until the aliens grabbed us.”

  I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they deserve to know the truth. “The Alliance isn’t coming.”

  Charlotte gasps. “Why not?”

  “Because a Year of Interstellar Education is really a top secret military experiment, and we’re the test subjects. Earth Gov gave us TEASE implants to track our biology and then dropped us here.”

  Taylor thinks I’m joking. “Quit with the bullshit, Jillian.”

  “It’s not bullshit,” I say. “Jade cracked open some encrypted files and figured it out. We’re stuck here, and nobody’s coming for us.”

  Maybe I should have eased into our situation because both girls look like they’re about to pass out from shock. But, honestly? I’m hot and tired and a little irritated that Charlotte seems interested in Remmel. And I have very few fucks left to give.

  “How long will the government leave us here?” Charlotte asks.

  I shrug. “Who knows. Forever, maybe? None of us have family back on Earth, so there’s no one to report us missing.”

  “What are we supposed to do?” Charlotte gripes. “Go with the Rakuis and live like a bunch of barbarians?”

  “Would you rather take your chances with the alien cons?”

  That shuts her up for a while, and we walk in peace. I know I’ve left out a lot of the detail, but it’s been a hell of a day. I think I’ll let Jade give them the full scoop.

  After a while, Charlotte brings up Remmel again. “Are you sure there’s nothing going on between you and our hunky alien guide up there?”

  I sigh, exasperated. “I told you, we’re just friends.” Friends with benefits.

  “So, if I was interested in getting to know him better, you’d be okay with that?”

  “Knock yourself out,” I say, although the words leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

  Chapter 17


  Jill-ee-un and her friends spend much of the day chattering in their native tongue. This does not bother me, for I know they have much to discuss and it is not necessary to include me in their conversation.

  As the twin suns begin to fall from the sky, we make camp for the night in the open forest. This is not the best situation, yet there is no safe place nearby to hunker down for the darkest hours.

  All of the females, including Jill-ee-un, have strange shelters in their packs that provide a covering over their sleeping forms yet no protection from rogues or beasts. Terrans need more rest than Rakuis, so I will stay awake this night to watch over them.

  It is not wise to build a fire, so we share of meal of dried kerboo and ryn flower, which grows abundantly in this area. The only one who complains about this is Char-let.

  Char-let is a beautiful female with a loud, shrill voice and interesting, over-large teats. Her flowing mane is the lightest of colors; rather, it has nearly no color at all. It is constantly falling across her face, which forces her to jerk her head to toss it away. I want to tell her if she piles her mane on top of her head like Jill-ee-un, her problem will be solved.

  Of the two new additions to our group, Tay-ler is the more practical female. She has kind eyes and a pleasing laugh and seems willing to help however she can. Physically, she is slender and small-boned and wears her sleek, dark mane cropped short.

  Ever since we rescued her friends, Jill-ee-un has been overly quiet toward me. Her feet are still healing and I know she is tired, yet when I urge to her retire early, she acts as if I have insulted her. I miss the companionship we shared when we were alone, and I miss sharing furs with her.

  The females finally go to their shelters, and I am relieved to finally have peace and quiet. I settle against a wide tree and prepare for a long, dull night.

  When moons have risen, casting a dull glow across the forest, soft footfalls approach. My heart is happy. Jill-ee-un must not be able to sleep and is coming to keep me company during my watch. When a female steps out of the shadows, my happy heart falls.

  It is Char-let that cannot sleep instead of Jill-ee-un.

  “Hi, Remmel.” She jerks her head to toss the hair from her face and sits down beside me.

  “Char-let rest. Hard journey when the suns rise.”

  She puts her hand on my thigh. “I thought you could use some company. It seems awfully lonely out here.”

  I shift my position against the tree and her hand falls away. “Remmel is Rakui hunter. Used to many suns alone.”

  She takes advantage of the space I have created and moves her body next to mine so we are both leaning against the tree, shoulder to shoulder. “Beautiful night, don’t you think?”

  “It is a night.” Touchi
ng her does not feel right, even if the touch is innocent, so I cross my arms over my chest so that our shoulders no longer press together.

  “Relax, Remmel, I won’t bite.” She laughs and tosses her hair again. “Unless you want me to.”

  “Char-let no bite Remmel.” Her offer must be another Terran mating habit. I must ask Trauhn if Ken-zee offers to bite him as well.

  She laughs again. “How about a little lip action instead?”

  Before I can tell her I do not understand, she launches herself onto my lap and presses her lips to mine. This, I do understand, and I gently push her away.

  “Remmel no kiss-zing with Char-let,” I tell her. “Remmel only kiss-zing with Jill-ee-un.”

  This seems to make her angry. “Jill-ee-un said you two are just friends.”

  “Jill-ee-un Remmel’s friend,” I agree. “Friendswithbenefits.”

  “Thatbitch!” She screeches something in the Terran tongue and jumps up. “I’m going to bed.” With a toss of her hair, she stomps off.

  Chapter 18


  There’s a weird tension in the camp this morning, and I can’t quite pinpoint where it’s coming from. Remmel seems withdrawn, Charlotte seems extra annoying, and I’m, well, a little bitchy. And horny.

  Remmel offers to pick fresh berries so we have something more to eat than dried meat. While he disappears into the trees, Charlotte prances around our makeshift camp like she’s a contestant in a beauty contest.

  I know she just wants attention, but I take the bait anyway. “You’re feeling pretty chipper today.”

  She has an annoying habit of tossing her hair around, and she does that now. She strikes a runway pose and tries to look mysterious. “I think Remmel likes me.”

  Taylor laughs. “You think every guy with a dick likes you.”

  She tosses her fucking hair again. “This time is different.”

  “What makes you think Remmel likes you?” I ask. Not that I really want to know.

  “Well,” she lowers her voice to a dramatic whisper. “Last night I couldn’t sleep. So, I got up and sat with him for a while. You know, to keep him company.”

  “Remmel’s a hunter. He’s used to be alone,” I say. “He’s not really big on chit-chat.”

  “Don’t I know it.” She flashes a toothy smile. “We didn’t talk much.”

  “What’d you do, play Name that Constellation?” Taylor’s trying to keep things light but my stomach is churning.

  “Something better.” Charlotte giggles. “We kissed.”

  I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. “You what?”

  She smiles triumphantly. “Kissed. You know, locked lips, swapped saliva, did the tongue tango.”

  “Well, good for you,” I say, turning away. I feel sick. “You might not want to pick out your china pattern just yet, though. Remmel’s not really the commitment type.”

  “You should know, Jillian.” There’s a nasty tone in Charlotte’s voice that makes me turn toward her. “After all, you and Remmel are friends with benefits. Maybe he and I can be friends with benefits, too.”

  My face pales, and my right hand bunches into a fist. Thankfully, Taylor steps between us so I don’t give little miss hair-tosser a black eye.

  “Give it a rest, Charlotte.”

  “Give what a rest?”

  “Your jabber jaw,” Taylor says. “Go pack up your tent. Jillian needs some space.”

  When Charlotte stomps off in a huff, Taylor pulls me aside. “Why didn’t you tell her that Remmel’s taken?”

  I fidget uncomfortably and look down at my feet. “Because he’s not. Remmel can kiss, or fuck, whoever he wants.”

  “Anyone with eyes can see that you’re the one he wants, Jillian.”

  “Then why would he kiss Charlotte?”

  She touches my shoulder and I meet her gaze. “Maybe you should ask him.”


  Jill-ee-un is upset this day, yet her feet must be feeling better because she sets a fast walking pace, taking the lead with long strides that cause the shorter females to nearly run to keep up. This irritates Char-let, who keeps asking her to slow down because she’s hotterthanabitchinheat.

  Since Jill-ee-un leads the group, I have been hanging back to protect the rear. When Tay-ler asks me to talk to Jill-ee-un, and slow the pace to shutcharlotteup, I move ahead to walk beside my mate.

  She does not look happy to see me. “Jill-ee-un angry?”

  “I’m fine. Just ready to get back to the group.”

  Despite her insistence, she is not fine. She should be happier that we have rescued her friends. “Jill-ee-un walk too fast for Char-let.”

  “Wellfuckcharlotte. Andfuckyoutoo. Ifshecantkeepupweshouldleaveherfuckingrassbehind. Maybeyoudrathercarryher. Shecanthankyoulaterbyshovinghertonguedownyourthroat. Orsuckingyourdick.”

  Her string of Terran words do not make sense to me, but I recognize the mating word. I can smell her arousal, which becomes more pronounced as we converse. Perhaps she is just disappointed that we were not able to share furs again last night.

  “Remmel and Jill-ee-un justfucking soon,” I reassure her.


  From the tone of her voice she does not sound reassured, and I do not like that we are back to fighting. “Jill-ee-un, Remmel no fight. Truce.”

  She sighs, a long, sad sound that moves past her full lips like a great wind. “Go away, Remmel. I’d rather be alone right now.”

  The first glimpse of the hunting cave is a welcome sight after another long day of travel. To avoid another night of camping in the open, I was willing to walk into the dark. Yet Jill-ee-un’s grueling pace got us to the meeting place before the suns set.

  I assume we are not the first to arrive, and I run ahead of the females. After letting out a whistle, I beat my fists against my chest, throw my head back, and howl. The Rakui Welcome Cry announces our arrival and Vauss appears at the partly hidden entrance to the cave.

  He repeats the gesture and greets me a swift embrace. “Remmel, my brother, it is good that you are safe and have found two of the females.” He sees the bruises from my fall and the many small wounds from my fight with the rogues. The bruises and wounds are not bothersome, although they have not fully healed. “Not without some trouble, I see.”

  “Some. Rogues captured Tay-ler and Char-let. Jill-ee-un’s plan to save them worked.” I do not mention our adventure with the trappol tree. That will be a story for another time.

  Vauss looks surprised. “Jill-ee-un’s plan? Is the tiny female a warrior now?”

  “She is small, this is true. Yet she is also smart and brave like a warrior. I would gladly enter into battle with Jill-ee-un by my side.”

  “Then I was wise in pairing the two of you together,” Vauss says, grinning. “Come, bring the females inside. I am sure they must be tired and hungry after your long journey.”


  Reaching the hunting cave is a huge relief. My blisters are throbbing again, and I need a better buffer between me and Charlotte’s whining or I just might give her something better to whine about. Honestly, I don’t know how Taylor puts up with her.

  Inside the cave, Deek and Darht are there, along with Layla, Vauss, and Zeleck, and the rest of the missing girls: Faith, Gia, Lexi and Miranda. After a teary reunion, I realize two from our group aren’t here. “Where’s Jade and Reyzon?”

  “They no return yet,” Vauss says.

  “Something must have happened. Why aren’t the Rakuis out looking for them?”

  “Relax, Jillian, we’ve already thought this through.” Layla says. “They’re later getting back than expected, but so were you and Remmel. Now that all of the missing girls are accounted for, if Jade and Reyzon aren’t back by mid-morning tomorrow, the Rakuis will go looking for them.”

  “The rogues that took Taylor and Charlotte are alien convicts,” I say. “And there’s more of them somewhere. Morning might be too late.”

bsp; “Whether they make it back on their own or we have to go looking for them, they’ll be fine,” Layla insists.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I know because Jade’s a badass with a laser weapon, and Reyzon is a fierce Rakui warrior,” she says, although the look on her face is grim. “And after all we’ve been through, the alternative just isn’t an option.”

  Chapter 19


  I spend the night outside the cave with the rest of the Rakuis, preferring the peaceful stillness of the forest over the constant chatter of the Terran females.

  How they can talk for so long, sometimes all at once, is as fascinating as it is annoying. Rakui females use their words more sparingly, conserving their breath to chase after a wayward kit or carry a heavy skin of water from the river.

  When the suns rise again, and Reyzon and Jay-duh have not returned, I know it is my duty to help look for them. When I tell Vauss this, he is surprised.

  “We cannot risk sending three warriors on this mission,” he says. “Zeleck and Darht will go.”

  “Zeleck is the most experienced warrior, aside from you, and I am the tribe’s best tracker,” I argue. “I should go in Darht’s place.”

  Vauss considers my argument and says, “I will allow it. Yet you are foolish to leave your female so soon, even to search for her friend.”

  “Jill-ee-un does not belong to me.”

  “I am not blind, Remmel. What you deny with your words, my eyes confirm. I see how you look at her, how your body reacts when she is near. You should claim her before it is too late.”

  I do not tell him that, even though Jill-ee-un and I have experienced the Rakui mating bond, it is meaningless to her. Instead, I say, “She does not understand our ways.”


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