Dark Secrets Unveiled (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Book 45)

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Dark Secrets Unveiled (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Book 45) Page 12

by I. T. Lucas

  On his way to the clinic, Kian stopped by the kitchen, poured himself a cup, and drank it on the way. The sooner he was done with Bridget, the sooner he could return to Syssi.

  Expecting to see his sister sitting by David’s side, he was surprised to find only the two doctors in the clinic, and not in David’s room but in Steven’s office.

  “Good morning.” He joined them. “Where is Sari?”

  “She went to shower and change,” Bridget said. “I told her that she should get back to work, but she wouldn’t listen.”

  “She’s worried.” He pulled out a chair and sat down. “How is your patient doing?”

  “Not so great,” Bridget admitted. “If David’s temperature keeps rising, I will have to reduce it, and that will interfere with his transition. But our first priority is to keep him alive.”

  Kian frowned. “Is it that bad?”

  He’d thought that David was doing more or less the same as all the other transitioning Dormants, but Bridget’s somber expression had him worried.

  “No, it’s not that bad. I just wanted to give you a fair warning before Sari gets back. I don’t want to worry her. It’s important for her to keep a positive attitude, and she’s already struggling with that.”

  “She should be told.”

  Bridget shook her head. “Not yet. David might stabilize, and then I would have worried her for nothing.”

  “I’ll leave it to your discretion.” Kian pushed to his feet. “Do you need me to bring you anything?”

  Bridget smiled. “Miranda is taking care of everything. She’s getting me breakfast, and Ojidu is preparing David’s old room in the tower for me, which means that I’m going to spend most of my time in here. I have no intention of climbing up and down those stairs all day long.”

  “If you need anything, call me.”

  “I will.”

  Heading out, Kian didn’t go back to his room. Instead, he pulled his phone out and texted Alena.

  Are you and Mother awake?

  The answer came right back. We are. Would you like to join us for breakfast?

  Perfect. I’m on my way.

  It seemed like David would need Annani’s special help to transition, and they needed to plan for that in private. Kian hated keeping secrets from Syssi, but it was for her own good. Being privy to the true nature of Annani’s blessing was a burden he and Alena carried alone, and it had to stay that way.



  “Good morning.” Kian walked in and took the chair Oshidu pulled out for him.

  “Good morning, my son.” Annani smiled tightly. “Have you seen Bridget already?”

  She had been informed that the doctor had arrived and gone directly to the clinic. That had been over an hour ago, and she had not heard from the doctor yet. Hopefully, Bridget’s assessment of David’s condition was positive, or at least not negative.

  Kian nodded. “She’s with David. His temperature and blood pressure are rising. They haven’t reached critical limits yet, but Bridget seems worried. You might need to give David your blessing.”

  Annani had been expecting that. “Of course. He is Sari’s mate.” She lifted her coffee cup and took a sip. “But let us wait a little longer and see if it is needed.”

  “It’s karma,” Alena said.

  Annani knew what she meant by that, but Kian raised a brow. “How so?”

  “It’s Mother’s story to tell, not mine.”

  “Is it about the nonsense of meeting David’s prior incarnation?”

  “It is not nonsense.” Annani put her cup down. “You may choose to believe it or not, but since you were not there, you cannot dismiss it so easily.”

  “That is true, but given what I have been told, you and Sari are basing your convictions on a vague sense of familiarity and the dreams of an adolescent boy. If David could confirm details of what happened between you and the man you think was him in his previous life, it would be proof of some kind of connection to the past. But all he had were dreams of someone who looked like you, and the situations were taken from a fiction book he read.”

  Alena cast her a sidelong glance. “Kian has a good point. Perhaps we both got carried away. While listening to you tell the story, I automatically cast David in the role of Gudbrand, but we really have no proof that it was him.”

  Annani welcomed the doubt. It would be in everyone’s best interest if she could convince herself that David was not Gudbrand. David was Sari’s mate, and there should be no awkwardness between them, which would be difficult to do if they thought that he had been Annani’s lover in his previous life.

  “You are both right.” She smiled. “I have been blessed with smart children.”

  Kian arched a brow. “Wow. I didn’t expect you to agree with me. But back to the issue of your blessing. I think that you should do it as soon as possible and not wait for things to get critical. It’s not going to be as easy as the other times, and it requires planning.”

  Annani chuckled. “There was nothing easy about helping Turner, but I had so much fun working with you on that.” Her smile wilted. “But despite my blessing, he remained unconscious for a very long time. I hope David will do better.”

  “Turner had cancer,” Kian pointed out. “David is healthy. That makes a big difference.”

  “What is your plan this time, my son?”

  “There are a couple of complications. First, there is a camera in the room that transmits information over the Wi-Fi connection to an application that Sari and Steven can watch live on their phones, and it also records everything. But even if I could sabotage the camera or the internet connection, Sari refuses to leave David’s side. If you insist, she will become suspicious. The third complication is Bridget. She’s too smart and skeptical to believe in the power of blessings, and she is already suspicious because of Turner’s miraculous healing.”

  Annani shrugged. “I am the Clan Mother, and I can demand that the camera is turned off and that everyone leaves the clinic while I give my blessing to David. I do not need to explain my reasons to anyone.”

  Given Kian’s sour expression, he did not agree. “You have an enormous secret to hide, Mother, and despite your diva reputation, people will think that your insistence on total privacy is suspicious and will start wondering why. We don’t want them to wonder. We want them to see or hear you chant a blessing and assume that nothing else is going on because they believe that they can see and hear everything.”

  Annani crossed her arms over her chest. “I was alone in the room with each of the Dormants I helped, and no one questioned that. Why would David be any different?”

  “Mother has a point,” Alena said. “In fact, it will look strange if she did things differently this time. We can ask for the camera to be turned off and for everyone to leave David’s room. They can wait outside and listen to the verbal blessing, but they won’t see what you are doing.”

  Kian raked his fingers through his hair. “I wish I had Sylvia’s talent and could disable the camera.”

  “Next to all that medical equipment?” Alena snorted. “That would be so reckless.”

  As Oshidu refilled Annani’s cup with fresh coffee, she took a few sips and then put it down. “Here is what we are going to do.” She turned to Kian. “I will tell Sari that since I am leaving soon, I want to give David a blessing today. It will need to happen during dinner time, when most of the castle residents are in the dining room. I will tell Sari that she has to lead them in a prayer for David’s successful transition at the same time that I am giving him my private blessing. That way, she will be busy when I am with him.”

  Alena nodded. “I will make sure she does that. Kian can take care of turning the camera off and keeping Steven and Bridget busy.”



  “Please, sit down.” William motioned to the two dusty chairs in front of his desk.

  Eleanor wiped the seat with her hand.

  She had done the same thing the ot
her time she and Kri had first sat in his office to discuss testing the virtual machines. They shouldn’t have gotten so dirty already.

  William’s office was a cramped little room at the back of a huge hall, where several immortals were busy doing God only knew what.

  Were they building more virtual machines?

  She wanted to ask but held her tongue. If they were working on something confidential, it would seem as if she was snooping around, and she couldn’t afford the suspicion. She’d made good progress lately, mainly thanks to Kri, and people were becoming less wary of her.

  “I’m so glad that you haven’t changed your minds about volunteering to test the new machines.”

  “Changed our minds?” Eleanor snorted. “I can’t wait to get on the slopes.”

  Sitting down, Kri narrowed her eyes at William. “Are you sure that your guys removed all the sexual innuendos from the program?” She cast a sidelong glance at Eleanor. “No offense, but Michael asked me to double-check. In fact, he wanted to do the test run with me, but I told him that I’ve already promised you to be your partner.”

  If Kri thought that Eleanor would graciously step down and let Michael take her place, her friend was dead wrong. She was humming with anticipation to be back on the slopes, even if the entire experience would only happen in her head.

  After all, wasn’t that all that mattered?

  Some even postulated that life on earth was a simulation, a game played by extraterrestrials somewhere in the universe.

  “None taken.” Eleanor crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m going skiing today, and I don’t care who my partner is. If you want your boyfriend to take your place, that’s fine with me.”

  Kri arched a brow. “Not going to happen.”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  Immortals were so damn jealous and possessive over their mates. It was even worse than in the human world.

  Eleanor had no interest in Michael or any of the other immortal males in the village. Greggory would have been her first choice as a partner in the virtual or real universe, but the clan’s two machines were not connected to the virtual studios’ network, so the only way to use them was to be physically in the village.

  William pushed his glasses up his nose. “The program doesn’t create the sexual content. The participants do that. It only supplies the right environment for romance to flourish.”

  Kri snorted. “It’s not about romance, William. It’s about hookups.”

  He shrugged. “Again, it depends on the participants. You can enter the program and choose not to have virtual sex.”

  “Yeah, but you said that once we enter the program, we become our avatars and forget who we are in our real lives. Who knows what those avatars will choose to do? Doesn’t that depend on the program?”

  He shook his head. “It’s not that simple. The avatar supplies a history and a choice of attributes. You will need to fill out a questionnaire, which will narrow down your preferences. Just skip over all the sex stuff.”

  “Do we get to choose our avatars?” Eleanor asked.

  “Not for the test run.” William turned his computer on. “The most significant modification we did to the original ski program was to make both main characters female.” He smiled at Kri. “Does that make you feel better?”

  “Michael will be very happy to hear that.”

  “So here is the background story of your adventure.” William pulled up a picture on the screen of what looked like a top-security jail. “You are both spies, one is Russian, and one is American, but you are good friends. The American got caught, and she is being held in a top security facility in Siberia. Her Russian friend springs her free, and they ski their way to freedom. Naturally, they are pursued, shot at, and all the other usual tropes of a good spy movie, including a helicopter chase. I thought that two athletic ladies like you would enjoy the physical challenge.”

  Kri grinned. “Sounds like fun.”

  William pulled two laptops out of his drawer and put them on the desk. “The questionnaires are in there. Read the instructions, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Also, if you come up with items that are missing from the questionnaire, jot them down.” He pulled out two yellow pads and put one next to each laptop. “We’ve already adapted it for immortals, but user experience is important, and you might notice things that we’ve missed.”

  “Who was originally the female character? The Russian or the American?” Kri asked.

  “The Russian was the female. The American spy was her lover.”

  An image of Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff in the Avengers movies popped into Eleanor’s mind. It would be fun if her avatar was a short, curvy redhead with killer moves.

  Kri looked at her. “Do you want to flip a coin for who gets to be the American?”

  “If you don’t mind, I would like to be the Russian.” She turned to William. “Does her avatar look like Scarlett Johansson in the Avengers movies?”

  William shook his head. “She is a tall blond. In the next phase of tests, you’ll be able to design your own avatar.”

  “That’s okay. It was just a thought. I don’t really care what my avatar looks like. I like the idea of being the hero who rescues her friend.”

  Kri grimaced. “You are right. The Russian has a better part in this story. But that’s fine. I’m willing to let you be the hero for once.”

  “Ouch.” That wasn’t a very friendly remark, but it was accurate.

  So far, Eleanor had mostly played the villain in the story of her life, which was much better than playing the victim, but not as good as playing the hero.

  It was time for her to try that on for size. She might even enjoy it.



  “I love you.” Sari’s whisper woke David up.

  Smiling, he opened his eyes to a clear night sky that was dotted with countless stars, and a gentle breeze that carried the smell of water and pine trees. It was the same spot he and Sari had chosen for their picnic the other day, and they were lying on the same blanket next to the lakeshore. The only thing missing was the lunch basket that Ojidu had prepared for them.

  He took her hand and kissed her palm. “I love you too.”

  Sari turned her face skyward. “It’s so beautiful and peaceful here at night. I’m glad that we finally have some time alone together.”

  She must have been referring to when they’d been interrupted by Edna and Rufsur. David remembered them going back to her suite and making love, but he couldn’t remember what had happened after that. Evidently, they had decided to go back to the lake.

  It was nighttime, though, and it wasn’t safe for them to be so far from the castle with no other immortals around. Then again, there might be a whole platoon of them hiding in the shadows.

  “Aren’t you worried about wild animals?” He glanced around. “Do you have Guardians patrolling the grounds?”

  She chuckled. “I have no need for them. I’m the wildest animal out here, and the predators are smart enough to know that and stay away.”

  Immortal females were strong, but they didn’t have elongating fangs and venom like the males had. David doubted Sari would be able to defend them against large predators, especially if they came in packs.

  As if to prove him right, a wolf howled somewhere in the distance and was answered by many more.

  “I wish I was immortal already, with the strength and natural weapons that come with that.”

  “You mean fangs?” She turned to him and flashed him a smile with a hint of sharp canines.


  He didn’t remember them being so sharp.

  “You don’t need them. If you reach deep inside your soul, you will discover the fierce warrior hiding under layers upon layers of the psychological mumbo jumbo you studied and teach.”

  The offensive remark didn’t fit with the image he’d constructed of Sari, but it struck a chord. He’d often felt as if most of what he’d learn
ed was useless. Hell, he’d often felt as if everything was meaningless. What was the point of living, of planning, of struggling, and all the social posturing that people dedicated so much energy to, when it could all end in the blink of an eye like it had for Jonah?

  Like it could happen to him in the next minute, or the next hour, or the next day. The best mortals could hope for was to be remembered by their loved ones.

  Unless reincarnation was real, it was all so damn pointless.

  At the thought, a memory of a dream surfaced. In it, he’d been a fierce warrior, a berserker, and a selfish man with an overinflated ego. That guy would have had no problem defending Sari against whatever came at her, and David couldn't help but feel a little envious of him. Being a simple brute might not be so bad. No one would have questioned Gudbrand's usefulness.

  As sweat beaded on his forehead, David noted that it was surprisingly warm given the northern elevation. He felt as if he was covered with a blanket and running a fever.

  Was he dreaming again? Or was this a dream within a dream?

  If it was, it was a welcome change from the disturbing ones featuring the arrogant Gudbrand and his sexual obsession with the priestess of Frella.

  Who the hell was Frella? Was it a variant name of Freya?

  Dreams had a way of distorting things in strange ways. Why would the goddess’s name be any different?

  David took Sari’s hand and put it over his chest. “I’m so glad to be here with you.”

  Turning toward him, Sari propped her head on her hand. “Where else would you be?”

  “I had a bad dream. I was the son of a Nordic chieftain who was obsessed with impregnating a barren priestess. It was very disturbing.”

  “Was she pretty?”

  Recalling the dream, David frowned. “She looked like your mother.”

  “Really?” Sari’s smile morphed from pleasant to seductive. “Was she a tiny redhead?” Her voice came out in a sexy purr. “Was she an amazing lover?”


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