Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 50

by Manda Mellett

  “Not sure I’d say I’m completely retired, but passing over the gavel, well, that I can recommend.”

  Don Lucio looks thoughtful. “Might take a page out of your book one day soon. Perhaps before my capi get impatient.”

  A dutiful laugh comes from behind him where two other men stand waiting. One is Angel, I’m pleased to see. Surreptitiously I inspect him. He’s not much to look at, older than me, balding, slightly overweight, as if he indulges in too much pizza and pasta. Not the type I’d expect Violet to have gone with voluntarily. My fingers curl into my palms as I remind myself I have to keep my hands off him. For now.

  The don has moved on and now reaches out his hand to Thunder. “VP,” he nods respectfully.

  I’m glad this is one person Thunder doesn’t correct with the word ‘Acting’. We’re here to present strength, after all, and identifying a gap in our ranks would do nothing to serve our purpose.

  Lucio stands back and indicates the men behind him. “My underboss and son, Angelino probably needs no introduction. And this is Ferri, one of my caporegimi.” After we’ve all exchanged chin lifts with his second and captain, he asks, “Can I offer you refreshment?”

  “Not for us,” I take the lead. “We’re here on business.”

  Lucio shrugs as though in his view mixing in pleasure would be quite acceptable, but he turns and opens a box, taking out a cigar. He offers them around, but only his team take them. It’s enough so the room fills quickly with a sickly-sweet smelling fog.

  He draws in smoke, holds it, exhales, then shakes his head. “Friends, you are missing out. This is the best Cuba can offer. But come now, please sit. I was intrigued when you asked for this meeting. You have me at a disadvantage. I have no idea why you requested we sit down together. The Devils and la famiglia Silvestri have always been friends, have we not? So I am more than happy to listen to what you have to say. I doubt this is just a social call.”

  Rumours are he rose up from the slums of Naples, in which case, I wonder where his cultured accent comes from. And kudos to him and his forebears from escaping poverty and immigrating to the US. The Silvestri family has certainly done well for themselves over the decades they’ve been here.

  Bringing my thoughts back into focus, I take the seat indicated, perching on the edge rather than getting comfortable. “You’re right. It’s not. Something has come to our attention, and I thought perhaps you should know about it.”

  “Is that right?” The don frowns. “Do continue.”

  I nod, and do so. “Dealing. White shit. In and around our businesses.”

  Lucio’s eyes open wide. “You don’t deal in drugs. I know this. Our agreement states we stay out of the areas you operate in.”

  “Exactly.” I smile widely, showing all my teeth. “Which is why I thought you’d like to know. Whoever it is, we’ll come down hard on.”

  “Of course you will. And after you’ve finished with them, I hope you’ll let me know so I can deal with any pieces that may be left. If someone new is bringing product into the area, it’s an activity they’ll fast come to regret.”

  “Prez?” At my raised chin, Hell takes over, “Don Lucio, we wondered whether you’d taken on any new dealers, who perhaps don’t completely comprehend the terms of our agreement?” I suppress a grin, seems Lucio’s polite way of talking is rubbing off on my old man.

  The Italian crime boss’ eyes open wide as if that thought hadn’t occurred to him. He glances behind him. “Have we?”

  “I can look into it,” Capo Ferri offers, his brows knitting together.

  “Yes, please do. If we turn anything up, we’ll inform you immediately, Hellfire, Demon. If someone needs to be better educated, we’ll make sure it’s a lesson they take to heart.”

  “I would most certainly appreciate that.” Fuck, this politeness is rubbing off on me, too.

  Chapter Twelve


  So far so good. War hasn’t been declared, and we haven’t come to blows. But I’m hearing nothing more than the platitudes I had expected. Rather than focusing on the words, I’ve been watching facial expressions, the movement of their eyes, and the relaxed or otherwise stance of their bodies. But they’re as well-schooled as us. I observe nothing to suggest they’re leading us on, not even a twitch to indicate our troubles result from their ploy to gain ground. Doesn’t mean that’s not what they’re doing, just that they’re good at hiding shit, and not ready to come clean and admit it. Except… My gaze lingers a little longer on Angel, noticing a tic in the corner of his eye. Does he know something the others don’t? I put it to the back of my mind to think on later.

  “If we catch anyone dealing on our territory, there won’t be much left for you.” I warn him he’s not going to have everything his own way. If they are indeed his dealers, he’ll end up short of a few men. “If there is anything remaining, I will, of course, let you have it.” It will save us having to bury corpses.

  “I hear you. It may be we have a joint problem.” Don Lucio still admits to nothing. “In which case, we could do well to work together.”

  A suggestion he’d make if this is indeed the first he’s hearing of it. If it’s true the Silvestri family are not behind the sale of drugs on our turf, I’d be a fool to turn down their offer of help without at least giving the idea some consideration. I’d be happier to know it was him. Know thy enemy and all that. If he truly isn’t involved, then we have someone else organising it, an unknown gang with a pipeline that’s coming into our town. “If that is the case, I will, of course, welcome your involvement.”

  “Angelino, Ferri, see if we’ve identified a similar issue,” Lucio instructs, without glancing behind him. He’s confident if he did, he’d be seeing the nods just like I am. “If we find we have, I will let you know. The Devils and i Silvestri have a relationship going back a very long time. We understand each other, yes?”

  I’m viewing this conversation in a similar frame of mind that I’d have were I to be facing a snake I’ve never come across before. I don’t know whether it’s going to fight or slither away. And if it bites me, whether it will be harmless or have deadly venom in its fangs. We’ve reached a sort of agreement. No point in extending this meeting.

  “We understand each other,” I agree, telling him nothing. “I believe we both know where we stand.”

  I stand. When he does likewise, I extend my hand. “Thank you for your time, it’s always helpful to discuss matters face-to-face.”

  “Indeed, and I’m grateful for you coming here,” he replies, copying the insincere smile on my face. “But before you go, there is one other matter you can help us with. My son has a question to ask you. Angelino?”

  There’s no change to my features, nothing to give anything away, my expression totally blank as my eyes firmly meet those of Angel, who’s stepped forward to stand by his father’s side.

  Equally emotionless, he asks the one question I’d hoped not to hear. “How is Ms. Palmer?” he inquires. “And my son, young Theo? I am hoping they are both well. Please inform Violet I am looking forward to seeing her in court next week.” His voice hardens. “I fully intend to pursue all my rights as my son’s father.”

  It’s like I’ve been struck by a thunderbolt. This meeting, in this house, displaying wealth earned through feeding habits of kids and the trafficking of unwilling women, men and children. These men who I wouldn’t rub shoulders with unless there was no choice. One split second is all I need to know there’s no way in hell I want this slimy man anywhere near Nathan’s sister, nor to lay claim to his nephew. My mental processes work so fast there’s been no discernible gap between the question being asked, and the answer that comes out of my mouth.

  Worthy of the performance of a best actor on the world’s biggest stage, my brow creases as I give him a look of confusion. “There is a mistake.” I even shake my head as though perplexed. “Theo is my son, and Violet and I will be getting married. I hope, under the circumstances, you don’t expect an invitat
ion.” My eyes harden in warning.

  Angel looks like he’s going to explode. His dark skin glows, his eyes flare. As he takes a step closer, Lucio’s arm shoots out and holds him back. “You lie! Theo is mine. He carries my blood.”

  I don’t pretend I don’t know what he did to Violet. I might want to kill him, but now is neither the time nor the place. But I’ll hurt him in the only way I currently can. I shrug. “Seems we both fucked her. But the kid’s mine.”

  “You’re lying,” he repeats. “Violet would have mentioned you…” His eyes look wild as his hand makes a slashing movement. “She never said a word, even when she was in court.”

  “Violet’s an independent woman. She wanted to handle everything alone. She has denied you are the father, hasn’t she? She just didn’t mention an alternative.” I shrug. “Violet hoped she could keep me out of it. Bikers, and,” I wave to include him and his father, “the Mafia avoid contact with the law where we can.”

  His eyes meet those of Lucio. “Father…”

  “Angelino!” Lucio snaps. “There’s a proper route to getting custody of your son. One we’ve already started. You know this.” While Angel wants to respond with his fists, Lucio is using his brains. “I don’t know what game you are playing, Demon. But there can be no truth in what you say. The possibility has never been raised.”

  “Has she ever confirmed you are the father, Angel?” I challenge. “Because she’s told me I am.” I know she hasn’t. That’s why Angel’s going to have to get the court to demand a DNA test. The proper route that Lucio mentioned.

  My head’s trying to have a conversation while dealing with the major issue. How the fuck does he know where she is? Have we got a leak? Could anyone in the club be a traitor? Before Taser, I’d have staked my life on the answer being ‘No’. Now? A brother? Christ, another one gone rogue? That would be unthinkable. A whore? A prospect? I’m going to have a few questions I need answered when I get back to the club. For now, I won’t give Angel the satisfaction of asking how he knows.

  “I don’t understand why you are pursuing this, Angel. You won’t get anywhere. Violet will not be turning up at court next week or any other. There is no chance you’ll get custody. Any DNA test will show you are not the father.” If I could, without them noticing, I’d be crossing my fingers.

  Something flares in his eyes. Doubt? If it is, it means my sacrifice of taking a wife who I want to fuck but will have to live with those feelings being unreciprocated might be worth it. Maybe it means he’ll finally leave Violet alone. I push my advantage. “Why you are tormenting my ol’ lady, I have no idea. I suggest you drop it. You won’t succeed, Angel. Theo is my child, not yours. I am his father.” There, I’ve said it. I’ve claimed them. Now I’ve just got to find a way to tell Violet and manage the fallout.

  Lucio puts his hand on his son’s arm, his fingers digging in tight. “Not now, Angelino,” he warns him again, presumably not wanting blood on his expensive carpet. Then, to me, in a tone with all pretence at politeness gone, “Whatever game you are playing won’t succeed. My son is seeking his proper parental rights in the courts. I don’t know how you think you are going to beat us. What you’re saying is pure fabrication. Marry her, have the bitch. But the child is ours.”

  I feel Hellfire’s presence at my left side, but it doesn’t stop me. I spit out at Angel, “You raped her and now think you’re entitled to her child? A child that is mine?” I’m really getting into this lie, but if I can’t convince myself, I won’t be able to pull the wool over anyone else’s eyes.

  Angel steps closer, one arm behind him as Lucio won’t let go. “She willingly came to my bed, then tried to accuse me of rape. But with a reputation like hers, of course the court believed what I had to say, and I was cleared. There is nothing to stop me getting custody of my son.” He sneers. “You, however, seem to lay claim through some immaculate conception. When did you come on the scene? And why have you so recently laid claimed to my child?”

  I don’t back down, using his own words against him. “Like you said in court, she has a reputation, the same reputation that cleared you of rape. I, too, took advantage of a young woman’s healthy appetite for sex. She didn’t tell anyone she had a child. When I found out, I claimed her. Theo is mine.” There. I have a child without all the messy sex that goes along with it. Unfortunately.

  “Angelino! He’s lying through his fucking teeth.” Now I have Lucio swearing; he must be riled. “A DNA test will sort this out.”

  Yeah, I’m fucking worried a court could order that. But I never roll over and submit. I’m going to fight this all the fucking way. We have to be taken to court first. As soon as I’m back at the compound, I have a list of things I need to be doing. Get a good lawyer for a start, get the court case postponed rather than my original plan for Violet just to not turn up. That won’t work now Angel knows where she’s hiding. Then see if we can stop this before we’re in front of a judge. Find the fucker who gave Violet’s presence at the compound away, and if all else fails, kill Angel before he can swab his mouth.

  “Come, Demon. There’s nothing more to discuss here.” Hellfire’s hand is on my arm, an unconscious imitation of Lucio, pulling me, his son, back. Thunder’s stepped to my other side.

  “You’ll be hearing from my lawyers!” Angel’s parting comment reaches me as I’m hustled through the door.

  “Say nothing,” Hell hisses to me and Thunder, in warning.

  Quickly reclaiming our weapons on the way out, we make it out of the house. We’re on our bikes and moving before they decide using guns instead of words might resolve the problem faster. Once we’re a good mile away, I hold out my left arm, then bend and swing it toward my shoulder, the signal they understand means I intend to pull up.

  Once we do, I’ve kicked down the stand and am off the bike, bandana ripped off my head.

  Thunder’s looking, well, thunderstruck as he follows me. “What the fuck was that, Prez? Thought you tossed that idea about claimin’ her on its head when Hell suggested it. You really going to step up and marry her?”

  I throw my best president’s glare at him, then turn to Hell. “What are they up to?”

  “That was them fuckin’ with us,” Hell replies.

  I kick some scrub; a disturbed lizard runs off, his tiny feet leaving a trail in the sand. Bending, I place my hands on my knees and breathe deeply. Leaving aside probably the most disastrous decision I’ve ever made in my life, I have another ginormous fucking problem.

  “How the fuck do they know where she is, Hell? Who the fuck told them? Who’s the fuckin’ traitor in the club?”

  “That’s right, Prez. Let it out here.” Thunder’s in front of me. “You go throwing those accusations around in the compound? You know what you’d fuckin’ do? Lose the trust of the motherfuckin’ lot.”

  Still bent, I raise my eyes. “We hadn’t seen Taser’s betrayal coming.”

  “One fuckin’ man, Prez. No one has the motive he had. Motive, that’s what you need to think on. Who’d have fuck-all to gain from doing a favour for the Silvestri?”

  “He has a point, Demon.”

  That’s why Thunder would make a good VP, even if he doesn’t know it. Slowly I stand, but turn my gaze to the barren desert in front of me. Motive. Well it wouldn’t be the same one driving Taser. He’d seen himself with an officer patch, murdered to make sure there was a vacancy, went off the rails when he wasn’t selected to fill it. Now there’s an empty top spot, and none of the remaining members wants to step into it. But what other fuckin’ motivation could be driving anyone?

  “Could be a mole. Someone working with the Silvestri. In their pocket perhaps? Money they’re offering, too much to be turned down?”

  “You got anyone in mind, Hell?”

  “Can’t see anyone going after that. Can’t say any of us can afford antiques and fancy ornaments, but we do alright.” Interesting, Hell had also noticed the flagrant display of wealth. It shouldn’t surprise me. He wasn’t the pre
z for twenty years by not being observant.

  “The girls?” Thunder puts in. “They think Demon’s off the market?”

  “Huh!” A startled laugh leaves my lips. “My cock that important?”

  “Not sure I want to know what you do with your dick, son, but unless you have some magic technique…”

  I shake my head. “Even if the whores want me to remain single, they couldn’t have known I was going to claim Violet.”

  “And that there’s the next problem, you have.” Hell shakes his head. “Fuck, man, I know I suggested it, but didn’t expect it like this. Thought you’d approach it different.”

  I’d had no intentions to approach it at all until I blurted it out. Now I’m wondering what the fuck had made me say it. Now that I have, I have to follow through; take a woman into my life who has no desire to come into my bed. A woman I’ll need to treat like a sister.

  I try to create some sense of the words coming out of my mouth. “It works, though. That fuckin’ custody case is next week. Of course Vi isn’t going to go, but as Angel knows where she is, he would have the law on his side to come drag her there. I need to have good grounds to get it legally kicked back. Now I’ve made plain his paternity’s in question.” I shade my eyes from the sun and turn around to look at them. “Which brings us back to, how the fuck does he know where she is?”

  Thunder makes a VP-type comment again, “You knew it was a risk Angel had a man on her. Could have followed her to the compound. May not be a leak at all. Or can track her with technology.”

  “She’s replaced her phone. Not sure the piece of crap she’s got even has GPS.”

  “Thunder’s made a good point, Demon. Talk to Cad, for fuck’s sake, before you piss everyone off. You go in all guns blazing accusin’ people, even look at them odd, you’re risking your president’s patch. Brothers earned trust the hard way, we’ve all been there and done that.” He’s right. Even I, his son, had spent twelve months doing shit to get patched in, days I’d prefer to forget than remember. “You give them one inkling they’ve lost that trust, you might lose it yourself.”


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