Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 57

by Manda Mellett

  God dammit.

  Thunder’s standing relaxed, his thumbs through his belt loops as if there’s no problem. Well, fuck. Seems like I’ve got little option. What Vi will have to say about it, I’ve no idea. But she’d have had no problem bunking down with Nathan; time after time I’ve explained my brotherly role to her. Sharing a room isn’t something we’ve never done before, though the three of us sleeping together was when she was only a little girl, and I’d had no idea what an attractive woman she was going to grow into.

  She looks on me just like a sibling.

  I’ll sleep fully clothed, and on the chair.

  Thunder’s watching me, his eyes narrowing. “You okay there, Prez?”

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I say ruefully, “Yeah, just worried about the kid waking me up every few hours.”

  His face brightens in understanding. “With you there, Prez. Forgot the fuckin’ kid. Sorry.”

  My excuse offered and accepted, I turn and finally complete my journey to the stairs. With one hand on the banister as though I need it to support me, I carefully make my way up to what I expect to be an uncomfortable and sleepless night.

  Whether Theo wakes up or not.

  Passing my own door with a rueful glance, I walk on, making my way to Hell’s room. I hesitate far longer than necessary, only getting the nerve to knock lightly when Pyro and Cad, who are presumably bunking down together tonight, come up behind me. I nod as they pass, then turn to the door, which is opening a fraction.

  “D?” Vi yawns as she speaks.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  She moves her head side-to-side, then changes the action to tilt it toward the corridor behind me. “Not exactly quiet out there.”

  I hadn’t thought how much sound from the party would travel up here, but she’s right. It is noisy. “Theo being disturbed?”

  “No, thankfully. Once he’s asleep, he’s gone. I’m lucky that way. What can I do for you, D?”

  Not the right question Vi. Not when I’m sleeping in your room tonight. Could I find somewhere else? Go to a motel, maybe.

  “Rooms are being used for the visitors, Vi. I, er… don’t have anywhere to sleep.”

  Her eyes crease, then she smiles widely. “Well, come in here.” With that, she throws open the door.

  Years back, she’d flaunt herself in front of me wearing tiny sleep shorts and a tank. Her choice of sleepwear hasn’t changed, I’m unhappy to see. Whereas in the past I’d been able to ignore it, now my cock jerks as I see the tantalising curve of luscious ass cheeks as she turns away from me.

  “Bathroom’s in there.” She pauses, and giggles. “Of course you know that, better than me. What am I thinking, blabbering on?”

  I think she’s finding this situation as difficult as I am, but for completely different reasons.

  “You get into bed, Vi, I’ll sleep on the chair. I’m sorry to have woken you.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t asleep, I was just reading.” She pauses. There’s a moment of quiet, then she says, “Now you’re here, D., could you do something for me?”

  I’ll do anything she fucking wants. Preferably, stick my cock inside her. I’m hoping all she’ll ask for is to get her a glass of water, perhaps. “Yeah, what?”

  “Can you check my tattoo for me? I’ve not had one before. I put some ointment on about dinner time; do I need to use more?”

  Yeah. That would have been hours ago. “Best you wash it and put some more on.”

  She nods and disappears into the bathroom. Good. Last thing I need to see right before I settle down to sleep is my name on her back.

  Two seconds later she returns with a washcloth in her hands. “Could you do it for me, D?” she asks, her eyes wide and innocent.

  Fuck, woman. If you only knew what I’d really like to do to you… But how can I refuse? It’s a brotherly thing to do, right?

  “I’ll get on the bed. It will be easier.”

  Sure. My eyes widen as she does, but instead of lying on the edge, she eases into the middle of the king-size mattress, her head on the pillow. There’s no way I can reach her, unless…

  Instead of asking her to move closer, I climb on, too. The easiest way to do this is to straddle her.

  She reaches her hands back and pushes at the elastic of her sleep shorts, moving them down, unintentionally now giving me a view of the curve of her upper ass cheeks, revealing her crack. Jeez. For a second I’m unable to move, or to breathe. Fuck me, but she’s perfect. Some men like tits, for me it’s a nice rounded ass. My cock starts to thicken and lengthen, my jeans far too tight and constricting.

  If she was one of the club women I’d think she was coming on to me. But this is Violet, Nathan’s sister. She’s doing this artlessly, just as she’d do if her real brother was here.

  But I’m fucked. She has my name written on her back, the words telling me she’s mine.

  She fucking belongs to me.

  Chapter Nineteen


  What do I have to do, D? Strip off naked and have a neon sign flashing over my head?

  I’d known the place was going to be short on beds for everyone, so many extra men were here, so I wasn’t surprised when Demon had asked to share. My brain had immediately gone back to the conversation with the women earlier, about making D see me as a woman, not as a little girl. Well, I’m not quite sure how to approach it, but I’ll give it my best shot.

  His hesitation, his obvious reluctance to look at my tattoo, suggests he’s maybe not so immune to me as he pretends. That’s something to work on. I’ve positioned myself so he’s no choice but to get close to me, and I wriggle as enticingly as I can. Using his hesitation to be even more brazen, I then hook my fingers into the waistband of my shorts for the second time.

  “Can you see all the tat, D?” I push them down another inch. “Is that enough?”

  “No. Yes! Stop, Vi. I can see it.” His voice sounds strangled. But at last he starts dabbing the washcloth and cleaning the tat. “Right, that’s done. You can pull your shorts up now, Vi.”

  “It needs to dry, doesn’t it? And what about the lotion?”

  “What?” he croaks.

  “You might as well rub the lotion in while you’re there. You can see what you’re doing better than I can.”

  I feel the bed dipping, then hear sounds of water running in the bathroom as he washes his hands and dries them. Then he’s back, and for the first time ever, I feel Demon’s hands caressing my naked skin. Sure, it’s sore over the new tat, but his fingers stray outside the boundaries, moving across the top of my ass. It’s almost as if he can’t quite control them.


  I was already turned on by the thought of spending the night with him. Now my stomach clenches and a groan comes out of my mouth.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “You didn’t, D, but my muscles are so tense. Give me a massage while you’re there, will you?”

  There’s a sharp intake of air, then his hands start to rub and circle around my shoulder blades, further down my back, then back up again. As I murmur and press my head into the pillow, my body’s reaction showing my appreciation, his hands sweep around the edges of my rib cage, inadvertently touching the outsides of my breasts. I arch my back upwards.

  “Vi,” he says, warningly, and lifts his hands. I hear something plastic tearing, then feel a slight pressure as he applies the new dressing. “Vi,” he repeats my name, in a voice that again sounds slightly tortured. “It’s done now. You can cover yourself again.”

  Wondering whether I can summon up plans B, C and D now plan A hasn’t worked, I sit up and turn to face him. As he rests back on his haunches, he tries to turn away when my eyes trace his body.

  “Vi,” he says again, this time warningly, when he sees where my gaze has landed. “I’m a man,” he says, and shrugs dismissively.

  “Pretty certain my brother wouldn’t have had a hard on for me.”

  “Fuck, Vi.
I’m sorry, okay? Last thing you fuckin’ need is a man’s desire in your face.”

  I go to my knees and shuffle closer to him. “Not sure you understand my needs, D.”

  “What? Vi, stop.”

  Subtle isn’t working. Perhaps I should make myself clear so there’s no misunderstanding. My hand reaches forward and grasps his cock through his jeans. He hisses and covers my fingers with his. He doesn’t pull them away, which I take as encouragement.

  “Pretty impressive package you’ve got there, Prez.”

  “Vi,” he growls. “You’re going to get more than you bargained for if you keep that up. You have no fucking idea what you’re doing to me. You’re playing with fuckin’ fire. You wearing my name marked on your skin? You showing me you’re my fuckin’ property? You’re already my ol’ lady, I fuckin’ claimed you. One last chance, woman, and you’re going to see what I’m packing close up.”

  “Show me,” I taunt him, my eyes rising from his groin to his face and locking onto his eyes.

  “No,” he retorts suddenly, in a fluid movement throwing himself off the bed and landing on his feet. He’s breathing heavily as though he’s run a marathon. “You know the fuckin’ rules. You’re…”

  “If you bring Nathan into this bedroom one more time, D, I’m going to scream. You’re not my fuckin’ brother, got it? He cannot be replaced.”

  “Vi, I’m sorry.”

  “The wedding’s off, D. I can’t do it.”

  My words take both of us by surprise. The party below must be finishing up as the sounds coming up through the floor have diminished, and my adamant statement rings in the sudden quiet.

  “Too late for that, you’re wearing my property patch,” he offers sneakily, smirking.

  I stand. I stalk him. Only halting when I’m up close. Unfortunately, it’s him who looms over me, my not impressive height totally unimposing. But quickly I move, ripping off the tank top, and shrugging out of my shorts. I’ve foregone panties, so I’m now standing naked before him.

  “So, claim me then.”

  His hands clench and unclench at his sides. His body is quivering with tension. “You’ve no idea what you’re asking for.”

  I decide to put it plainly, in words he can’t misunderstand.

  “I don’t want a brother, D, I had one of them and I keep him alive in my memory. I want a man. A husband.”

  He’s staring over my head, refusing to look at my body.

  Again, I reach out and trace the shape of his cock with my fingers. “You might act like you don’t have the hots for me, but this says you’re lying, D.”

  “You can’t want me.”

  “But I do.” I always have.

  His head rolls back. It looks like he’s having an internal struggle, alternating between the obvious needs of his body, and doing what he believes is right in his head. I’ve done everything I could do, offered myself to him on a silver platter, and now, once again, he won’t even look. I start to feel awkward, knowing I’ve failed, read the signs wrong. But how can I misread a rock-hard cock? I can’t see how it’s possible. From the way his head is moving side-to-side, I’ve lost this battle. I can only hope for my ongoing sanity that I haven’t lost the whole war.

  Dejectedly, I start to bend to pick up my discarded clothes when two strong hands come around my waist and lift me. Next thing I know I’m standing, my feet on the bed, steadied by his arms, putting me at an equal height.

  “You asked for this, Vi. Remember that.”

  Then, with an arm around my waist, he moves his other behind my head, forcing me to come to him. Within seconds I know I’ve unleashed the beast.

  Our first kiss isn’t gentle, it’s not an exploration, a polite getting to know each other’s taste. It’s forceful, it’s him claiming ownership, as if he’s waited for this as long as I have. As his tongue sweeps into my mouth, his lips press hard to mine, our teeth clash together. He’s in complete control, I can do nothing but hang on and try to keep up. He leads, I follow. He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

  I’m being pushed back, over his arm. The hand holding my head captive comes down and sweeps up my legs, then I’m on my back, on the bed, and he’s kneeling over me. His mouth recaptures mine, then his hands are on my breasts, kneading and plumping them as though, now he’s been given permission to explore, it’s beyond him to take his time.

  Suddenly he rears back, his hand wiping his mouth, our kiss so frantic it’s messy, his saliva on my lips, mine on his.

  “Theo,” he gasps. “We can’t do this in front of the kid.”

  “Theo’s asleep,” I tell him, then grin. “And he’s far too young to care what we get up to.”

  It seems to be all the encouragement he needs. He kisses me again, the demanding slide of his tongue already familiar. Then his mouth moves down, laving one nipple and then the other.

  “I can’t take my time, Vi. I’ve been rock hard since you came back into my fuckin’ life.”

  “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you, too.”

  Not just since we reconnected, I’ve wanted him all my life. All the nerves in my body come alive as I realise all the dreams I’ve ever had are about to come true.

  “Fuck, Vi.” He pauses in his task, his eyes meeting mine, his expression so earnest. “I wanted you when you were jailbait. Your brother would have killed me for the thoughts I had about you then. That’s why I stayed away.”

  “You never said… I never knew…” His admission has taken me by surprise. “I never dreamed you thought of me that way.” My heart leaps with the knowledge my feelings for him had never been just one way. “You gave me no sign…”

  “I never dreamed you’d want me. I thought you saw me the same as you saw Nathan.” His mouth’s moving down, trailing kisses across my stomach.

  “Never,” I cry out. Then realise exactly what he’s doing. “D, I’ve, I’ve had a baby.” It’s only now I’m self-conscious, reminded of the baby fat and the silvery lines across my skin.

  But his tongue has already begun to trace them, and he murmurs solemnly, the words vibrating across my flesh, “Shows how amazing you are, Violet. Never, ever be ashamed of them. You’ve done something incredible.” For a second he looks up and his eyes meet mine. “You’ve given me a son.”

  My gut clenches hard as our gazes lock and the wealth of information in those five words is shared between us. To Demon it doesn’t matter who fathered Theo, he’ll bring him up as his own. It’s then I really believe every word that he’s said.

  Then I can’t think any longer as his mouth closes around my clit. He raises his mouth only to inform me, “Christ, Vi, you’re so fuckin wet for me.”

  Then he’s back showing his expertise and experience again. Fingers inside me working, his tongue, fuck, he’s talented. I pull the spare pillow toward me, holding it over my mouth as I scream through the orgasm he’s just given me.

  Spasms and aftershocks are still shaking my body when he rasps out, “Got to be inside you, Vi.”

  Hearing a tearing sound, I realise he’s opening a condom. I’m glad he remembered; I’d have forgotten.

  But his head is there, next to mine, his voice in my ear. “You want more kids, Vi? I don’t mind taking the chance.”

  Jeez, he’s giving me palpitations. Another baby this quickly? I always saw myself with a big family. Why wait? Why not do it properly with a man, this man, beside me? But shouldn’t we have some time together first?

  “Vi?” I can feel the big head of his dick rocking ungloved against me. It would be so easy for him to just slip inside. What does he want?

  “You decide.” I’ve run from giving an answer; I can’t make my mind up.

  There’s a slight hesitation before he replies.

  “It’s not that I don’t want a baby with you, Vi. Fuck, you growing round with my seed? Make my world perfect. But it’s not been long since you had Theo, and life’s not been easy. We need to extricate you from this mess, take some time to settle, then do
shit right. For now, I’m going to glove up.”

  It’s the right answer. I think I fall in love with him even more as he smooths the latex down his cock.

  Immediately he thrusts into me. It’s been a long time. I’m tight, I feel the burn, but I’m so wet, so well-lubricated he’s in with one glide, then waiting for me to adjust and relax. He uses that time.

  “You’re mine, Violet. There will never be another man in this cunt. You’re it for me, you hear me? Been fuckin’ waitin’ for you all my life. Been waitin’ for you to grow up. You have my property patch, tomorrow you’ll have my ring on your finger.” He starts punctuating his words with little pumps. “You feel me moving inside you? You better fuckin’ like it. That’s the only cock you’re ever going to have in you, babe. From this moment and for all of your fuckin’ life.”

  It isn’t just his tongue he knows how to use. He’s finding something inside me no man’s ever found before. He adjusts the angle when he hears my gasp.

  “Yeah, that’s it, right there, isn’t it, darlin’? That’s the spot.”

  A slow slide out, then he hammers in, the changes in rhythm starting to drive me wild. No man’s cock has ever felt so good; why would I ever want to feel another man’s touch?

  “Ain’t gonna come before you, Vi. And you feel so fucking good. I can feel your muscles clenching me. So fuckin’ tight, so good, babe.”

  I don’t think anyone’s ever given a running commentary before. Luckily, he appears not to expect an answer as I’m incapable of forming words. Especially when his fingers find my clit and start strumming.

  “D, oh, D.”

  “You like that? I can tell. Fuck, your cunt’s like a vice. That’s right, you come for me, girl. Like that. Christ, you’re going to take me right over.”

  As I grab the pillow for the second time, he begins to speed up, his thrusts coming faster until he pushes himself all the way home, holding himself as he grunts his way through his release.

  We’re still, silent except for breath being drawn into starved lungs. My eyes have squeezed closed; I slowly open them to find his dark ones staring into my own. “Vi,” he says softly as he lowers his head, his mouth with the taste of me on him softly brushing over my own. The urgency has gone now, he takes his time, still the one in charge, still controlling, but there’s emotion that was missing before. When he draws away, he moves slightly to one side, his cock still inside of me.


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