Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 60

by Manda Mellett

  “Mom alright?” I belatedly ask Hellfire.

  “She’s fine, son. She’s checking out the other girls, but they all seem to have escaped injury.”


  “Caught my leg under the bike when it went over. Bruised but I can walk and ride. Nothing broken.”

  By the time we’ve finished talking, the prospects have already started loading bikes onto the crash truck. We leave Wills and Dan there, then make our way back to the clubhouse.

  I use the few minutes’ journey to sort out what I’m going to do next. First is to get Cad to trace where she’s been taken, then hold church and come up with a fucking fast plan of action. With fifteen extra people, there’s no way we’ll fit into our meeting room so we’ll have to hold it around the bar.

  I don’t even need to tell him. As soon as we enter the clubroom, Cad races over to his spot, opening his laptop and firing up a PC beside him. By the time everyone’s parked up and come in, he’s given me a sharp nod. He’s found her.

  Standing on a chair by the bar, I whistle loudly. Within seconds the individual conversations have died down. “We’ll hold church here due to the numbers. Women and sweet butts, make yourself scarce.”

  Mo glares as she passes me, but she’s been an old lady long enough to understand. She pauses to hiss, “You bring my daughter-in-law back.” In return she gets a roll of my eyes; as if I’m going to do anything else.

  Drummer lithely jumps up onto the bar, his loud voice bellowing, “Get chairs, drag up tables, anywhere to sit your asses down.”

  For a moment the main sound is wood scraping against wood, but at last there’s a double row of men circled around. A few remain standing, mostly from my chapter, like me too agitated to sit.

  “Cad?” I waste no time.

  “It’s moving. I’m tracking it. Seems like she’s in a car.”

  She’s been driving all this time?

  “Looks like it might be a circuitous route in case we were following, but it’s only the other side of Pueblo.”

  The room’s gone silent. Cad’s voice is the only one. Suddenly he exclaims loudly, “Well, fuck me, it’s stopped. They’re not being shy about it. She’s fucking at the don’s house.”

  Thank fuck for that tracker. But, Lucio’s house? That’s not what I expected. At least we know where she is.

  “You know the place?” Drummer butts in.

  “Hell, Thunder and I were there last week. Yeah, we know it, Drummer.” I bend my head; my fingers find my nose. “It’s well-defended, but there are weak points to attack. And, of course, we have the numbers.”

  “Need explosives?” Pyro asks. “Got some C4 in the shop. Want me to get it?”

  I glance at Hell, then look back to Pyro and nod. “Yeah. We may need to blow the gates.”

  “Or a distraction would be good,” puts in Thunder.

  “You know how many guards he’s likely to have?” Drummer snaps.

  I think back to what I remember. “Half-a-dozen, I reckon. But if that’s where he’s holding Violet, he may have brought in more.”

  Hellfire’s frowning. “Why there? I would have thought Angel would have taken her to one of his properties. Wouldn’t have expected Lucio to be involved in this.”

  “He wants his grandson, so presumably he’d help. They don’t know we’re able to track her. May assume we’d think it’s the last place we’d look, and that we’d waste time chasing our tails all over the city.” Which is what we would have been doing, had she not been wearing a tracker. Thank whatever god is watching over us for that.

  “What are we waiting for?” Snatcher pulls yet another bloody rag away from his head, seeming unfazed that his wound has not yet scabbed over.

  My phone rings. I take it out, not recognising the number. Drummer’s hand covers mine. “If that’s him, mind your words, Demon, mind your words. We need to maintain that element of surprise.”

  Of course we do, but the reminder to be careful keeps my head sharp. I raise my chin, then accept the call.


  “This is Angel.”

  I put the phone on speaker. “Angel. I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

  The room is so silent a pin dropping would seem loud. “Oh, have you lost something?”

  “You fuckin’ know I have,” I growl. “I want my wife back.”

  “So careless to lose her on your wedding day.”

  “Cut the crap, Angel.”

  “I want the baby, Demon. I’ll exchange your woman for the kid.”

  “Not going to happen, Angel. And if you harm one hair on her head…”

  “You’ll what? Harm the baby? Even I know you wouldn’t do that.”

  He wants the child of his blood, just as I expected. My only usable threat would be to kill Theo, and I can’t even voice that.

  “No exchange? Well, that’s a shame. Your woman and I will just have to get reacquainted instead. I rather enjoyed her the first time.” Suddenly his voice changes and his mocking tone disappears. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to decide what to do.”

  The call ends.

  “Something’s wrong,” Drummer says.

  I don't follow him. It was exactly what I’d expected. A call for the kid in exchange for my wife. A bargain I can’t make. It would kill Violet if I do, and if I don’t, Angel might kill her himself. Or make her life a living hell and traffic her.

  “You’re not thinking clearly,” Drummer insists. “His tone, his words. He didn’t sound desperate for his son. He didn’t demand him immediately, he’s giving you time to stew, Demon. It doesn’t sound right.”

  Hellfire steps forward. “Nah, Drummer. He’s makin’ us sweat. He thinks we’ll be weaker tomorrow when we can’t find where she is.”

  “Don’t fuckin’ care about the reason,” I snarl. “What he has given us is time to get her back. Now we tool up and go on the offensive. By tonight, I want my old lady safe.”

  “What you got in your armoury, Demon?”

  It’s Thunder, wearing his sergeant-at-arms hat, who answers Red, “AK-15s, grenades, probably anything you need, Red. And Pyro’s got explosives, as he just said.”

  “I have plans of Lucio’s mansion.” Cad stands and brings his laptop over. Thunder, Wraith, Crash and Twister crowd around it. There’s no point all of us trying to get a look, we’d just end up blocking each other’s view.

  After what seems an inordinate amount of time and mumblings and gesticulations from the three men, at last Thunder turns around.

  “Our suggestion is, we use explosives to breach the walls at these three points.” He turns the screen around, his finger pointing to the locations. “Hopefully that will get the guards running in all directions. We’ll have three groups of men waiting to take them out. You want extreme prejudice, Prez?”

  “Only if necessary,” Drummer puts in quickly. “Disable, disarm if we can. We’re talking about a fuckin’ bloodbath and all-out war if we leave too many dead bodies around.”

  Thunder glances at me. I raise my chin to confirm my acceptance of Drummer’s sensible proposal. Then he continues.

  “There’s a back entrance. One group should aim for that. Another team—I suggest that includes you, Prez—will go in the front once the walls have been breached. Hopefully they’ll be looking the other way when we do.”

  “Remember, we have the element of surprise. They don’t know we’re coming.” Thank fuck I put a tracker on Violet.

  The lair of the lion himself; I never would have expected her to be taken there. One of their properties we know nothing about, yes. But Lucio’s house? I still can’t believe he’s made it so easy. Well. He’s going to be left with a fair bit of damage both to his property and to his men. “How long to get your supplies, Pyro?”

  “Give me an hour, Prez.”

  “Go get your shit, then.” I jerk my head and he leaves immediately.

  I hate any delay, but know I have to curb my impatience. We do this right or
we won’t succeed. I try to put to the back of my mind that Violet will be going crazy with worry. She doesn’t know the pretty piece of jewellery I gave her is probably going to save her life. When Pyro’s gone, we get down to discussing who’s going where. There are five here from each of our other chapters; they decide to stay together, having been brothers so long they know how each other will respond. I will be leading the Colorado boys in from the front once the explosions have caused the sufficient confusion. When it’s clear, Drummer, Red and Snatcher will lead their men through the back entrance. Our pincer movement should catch Lucio and Angel unawares.

  Christ. Waiting is killing me. Beers are passed around, being consumed in moderation. I watch my brothers, from my and the other various chapters, and wonder how many of us will be returning. There’s always the risk Angel will hurt or even kill Violet rather than let me take her. Drummer may want to disable the foot soldiers, but Angel? Well, he’s signed his death warrant by touching my woman. This business between us ends today.

  Cigarettes are passed around; I notice Hellfire taking one and I don’t blame him, almost ready to take one myself. Conversations are subdued as final arrangements are made and discussed, any weaknesses identified and strengthened.

  Cad goes back to his computers. Before too long he’s returned. “There are camera feeds in and around the house. Once you’re in position, I’ll disable them.”

  I can’t leave the clubhouse unguarded. I’d like Hellfire to stay, but one look at his set face and I know I’d have an argument if I asked him. In the end, I call Mace, Ink, Lizard, Rusty and Bomber to me.

  “You keep Theo safe, you hear me? One whiff of fuckin’ trouble and you get in touch.”

  They look at each other, then back at me. Sharp nods come my way. I know they’d rather be in the thick of the action but are also aware I’m giving them an important task today. Angel might be expecting us to put all our efforts into finding Violet, leaving my son unguarded. With Cad, that means six men are staying behind. Eight, including myself, are going. With the men from the other chapters coming as well, it should be enough to take Lucio and Angelino by surprise.

  At last, Pyro returns, handing out bundles of explosives and detonators to each of the visiting VPs.

  “Peg and Blade will be annoyed they’re missing out on the fun,” Wraith tells Drummer as he secures his dangerous cargo in his saddle bags.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” replies his prez.

  “Don’t worry, Son. We’ll get her back.” Hellfire slaps my back as he passes.

  “Too fuckin’ right. Need my apprentice.” I jerk my chin at Liz who continues, “Just make sure you bring her home.” His statement needs no answer.

  One by one my brothers pass me, well aware of the risk they’re taking. A lump comes into my throat, wondering whether all these good men will be returning. Wherever they’re keeping Violet, it’s going to be well guarded.

  At last, we’re ready. With a loud chant of “Ride, Satan’s Devils; Satan’s Devils ride together” accompanied by fists bumping over hearts, we prepare to set out. Four groups representing four chapters. Some of my boys will be going with the visiting teams to show them where they’re going. I spare a special word for Sparky, heading out with Red; Paladin, going with Drummer, his old prez; and finally, Buzzard, who’s going to be guiding the way for Snatcher. As they’re providing the distractions, they head out first.

  We’re right behind them. I’m in the lead, Thunder and Hellfire riding behind me, Pyro and Skull having our backs.

  Hold on, Vi. Won’t be long until you’re in my arms, darling. Just hold on a little longer. We’re on our way.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Speculating what type of woman would be married to someone like Angelino, I stare at Vitalia, wondering what she knows that I don’t. Whatever it is, isn’t going to be good news, at least where I’m concerned. I immediately dislike her, and not just because of her relationship to the man I despise. Momentarily I wonder if I can bitchslap that smarmy look off her face, but I doubt it. I’m not a violent person, but her? She looks like she’d easily get the upper hand in a catfight. There’s just something about her that warns me to keep my hands at my sides. My first clue is that she came in here alone. That means she can’t see me as any threat. I’d love to act like a heroine in one of the novels I read and go on the attack, but I wouldn’t be able to best her.

  She even turns her back on me, walking to the window and looking out. “You’ve been here before,” she says conversationally. “Well, not this room, but in this house. It was where your son was conceived.”

  “He’s Demon’s son.” I can say the words quite truthfully. Demon’s claimed him.

  “A DNA test would prove otherwise,” she throws back.

  “Well, we’ll have to wait and see. First you have to get a court to agree.” I cross my fingers, hoping the fancy lawyer Demon’s going to engage finds some way to stop that from happening. Demon’s name on Theo’s birth certificate will, hopefully, count for a lot.

  “Whatever.” She shrugs, then reverts back to what she was discussing before. “You stayed in this house for a few days.”

  I gasp. What?

  Suddenly it all falls into place. My strange confusion about the day when I had returned home. I’d put it all down to the effect of the drugs in my system.

  “You didn’t know that, did you? Angelino wanted to make sure.”

  I approach her, my gut churning. “What are you saying?”

  She spins around so fast I take a step back. “You’re just a pawn, you know that? Angelino wants a child, and what better than one with the blood of his enemy.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” My head whirls. “I didn’t even know who Angelino was when I met him. I answered an ad posted by a stranger. I had nothing previously to do with him.” If I had known who he was I’d never have put in an application. “How can I be his enemy? I’m the one who’s been wronged here. Your husband drugged me, had sex with me, and you don’t even care?”

  Again, she raises and lowers her shoulder. “My husband does many things which I find distasteful, but having a child will be what I always wanted. Sacrifices have to be made.” Now she sighs. “Of course, at first, we didn’t think it had worked. You’re so stupid, it took you so long to realise you were pregnant. We were going to just take the baby when it was born, but then you dragged us through the courts and made it impossible for him to just disappear.”

  “You’re never getting your hands on Theo. I’ll die first.” Okay, so plan A might need to be resurrected again.

  “It’s no matter. We’ve got you. Unlike me, you’re fertile. You can just have another child. One where there’s no doubt of his parentage.”

  Two things, good and bad, hit me at once. One—the unthinkable—that it sounds like Angelino has brought me here to rape and impregnate me again, and the other, hope that they do indeed believe Demon to be Theo’s father. In which case, Theo is safe. That’s what’s important.

  “What are you saying, Vitalia?” I speak slowly.

  “You really have no recollection of what happened, have you?” She suddenly moves forward, making me step back. “It would have been fine, except Angelino’s guard, who was supposed to be looking after you, decided he’d like to also get his cock wet. He’s dead now, of course; was, the moment my husband found out.”

  Jesus! As the implications of what she’s just said hit me, I reach behind me, needing to grasp the back of the couch for support. Not only was I raped by Angelino, but by another man as well? No wonder they don’t want to press the DNA case, it could prove Theo wasn’t his. For a moment I want to demand they do test, right here and now, as that might put an end to it. Then I realise there’s still a fifty-fifty chance.

  When I’d first realised I had been raped I’d gone into a state of shock; was a living zombie for days, weeks, trying to come to terms with the extent of my violation. Now I know it’s so much
worse than I thought. Not once. Multiple times, and multiple men. For days I’d been there for the taking, unable to protect myself or say no. Blood rushes away from my head and I start to feel dizzy.

  “This time you’ll be watched more carefully. There won’t be a chance for anything to go wrong.”

  I shake my head, trying to clear it. I try to make sense of what I’m being told.

  “This is absolutely ridiculous. You can’t really mean what you’re saying. Vitalia, I can understand how you want a child, but this way is absolutely crazy. You could pay a surrogate to have a baby for you.”

  Her cruel stare fixes me like a butterfly pinned to a board. “You are misunderstanding the point. Angelino doesn’t want any child. He wants one with you. As the ultimate revenge. He finally gets what he’s been seeking, and I get my reward.”

  This doesn’t make sense at all.

  “I don’t know Angelino,” I say, picking my words as though I’m speaking to a child. “Our meeting was accidental…”

  “You’re wrong.” Her lips curve and not in a nice way at all. “Who gave you the leaflet about the vacancy you applied for?”

  I purse my lips as I think back. “It was on a table in a café I used to go to.”

  “The waitress gave it to you with your coffee. Only you. He’d been watching you, knew the types of jobs you were applying for, so he made up one which would entice you. As expected, you fell for it and applied.”

  My brow creases. I don’t understand. I’d never previously crossed paths with Angelino nor any of his family.

  “But why? Why was he watching me?”

  She sighs deeply, as though she’s becoming impatient with all my questions.

  “Because by the time the pieces came together, your father had died. Your mother was, let’s say, incapacitated. At first, Angelino was going to kill you, but what good would that have done? There was no one to miss you, no one to appreciate the revenge that had at last been served. We needed a child, and you were a suitable incubator.”


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