Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3

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Satan's Devils MC Colorado Boxset 1 Books 1 - 3 Page 71

by Manda Mellett

  Meeting over, Red and Drummer waste no time gathering up their men, and there’s a round of goodbyes and back-slapping before ten bikes ride out, disappearing in a cloud of dust, heading away from the clubhouse. Hell offers to drive Viper back to the airport. Snatcher and his team hang back.

  “You want to take Thumper home?” I ask the Utah prez, knowing what answer I’d have given, and already working out the logistics. He gives the response I expect. Calling Dan back to the compound, we load Thumper’s bike, which ironically was one totally unscathed, and reverently lay his body down on the back seat.

  Snatcher takes his position in front of the truck with Thor, Piston and Rascal behind. I give Dan stern instructions to obey every fucking law of the road; no one wants to get pulled over carrying a dead body riddled with bullets.

  As a good prospect wanting his patch, Dan shrugs off my thanks and concerns as he prepares to set out on his eleven-hour journey to Utah.

  “He’ll be fine,” Snatcher reassures me, as I walk to stand beside him. Reaching out, I clasp his forearm.

  Looking down I take a deep breath, then raise my head. I have nothing to say that hasn’t already been said. What more could I offer? Thanks seem inadequate to my group of brothers who came at a simple request, prepared to put their lives on the line, and who are going back one man less.

  Clutching my forearm in the same way, Snatcher nods. “Been Prez for a fuckin’ long time, Brother. This life? It’s what it is. Know that when we patch in. Accept the risks for the reward. Your kid back there, Dan? He wants the patch even knowing what’s in store. We live and ride free, man. Hard at times, but Thumper knew the score. Every brother in my house put up his hand to come here, you know that? Thumper one of the first. We all knew we might not have made it home.”

  I don’t take any umbrage that he’s emphasising the difference in how long we’ve both worn the president’s patch. It’s a stupid man who doesn’t learn from the knowledge and experience of others.

  “You need us?” I offer. “Just shout.”

  “I’ll hold you to that, Brother.”

  Then, with a simple jerk of his chin, he reaches forward and starts his engine. I step back as he twists the throttle, then pulls in the clutch and kicks up into first gear. With a circling wave over his head, he lets out the clutch and begins to move off.

  I watch until bikes and truck have all disappeared and nothing remains but dust swirling in the air.

  A week later and it all seems like it had been a bad dream. The clubhouse might smell of fresh paint and varnish, but it’s better than it ever has been. Sindy, Jayden and Violet showed they had artistic flair and we now have tasteful, but hard-wearing couches, tables and chairs and a fucking great TV in the clubroom, bigger than the last one we had. The fresh paint it had been in need of for years has brightened the place up, without the nicotine stains the whole room seemed lighter. The check we received from Lucio hadn’t been sizeable, but enough to cover most of the shit. Ink went out one day, returning to say he’d bought an old jukebox at an auction, how or where I don’t know.

  Violet and Theo have moved back in, and all the club girls are back and doing what they’re there for. Yeah, life’s back to normal, well, better than before. While I’d thought having an old lady would be stifling, and not for me, Vi fills the role better than I could have dreamed. She’s gone head-to-head with Jeannie a couple of times, but mostly they get along well. It’s good to see Vi has backbone where it counts.

  I do get concerned about making her live at the club. It was fine when she needed protection, but now? My memories of growing up in a family home come back to me. That’s what Theo, and any future children we might have, need.

  Thoughts of my childhood are what leads me to a real estate office one day. Hoping I’m doing the right thing, I put in an offer for the full asking price, surprising the woman sitting behind the desk when I state I’m going ahead without even requiring an inspection. Bit more than I wanted to pay, but hell, I have a feeling this is going to put such a big fucking smile on my woman’s face it will be worth every additional dollar I paid.

  While I was waiting for all the official stuff to go through, now that I was able to take the leash off Violet, I took her to visit to her mom. I think it was harder for me than my wife. At least Vi knew what to expect, but I found it hard to be faced with an all but catatonic woman when the person I remembered had been full of life and fun. We could do little more than check up on her care. Having satisfied myself that this institution was indeed one of the best, I left Violet with her mom, and visited the office where I made sure my bank details were handed across. Of course, the sale from Violet’s old home would pay for care for a while, but I wanted to make sure Delly wouldn’t be moved on if the funds ran out.

  When I’d returned to Delly’s room, she was staring, fixated, at the glistening ring on Violet’s hand. I gave her a sharp look, but there was still no sign of recognition there. Was it just the sunlight catching the diamond and making it glint that was catching her attention, or did she realise somewhere in the depths of her poorly functioning brain, the significance? I like to think it’s the latter.

  A month after Angel was dispatched to meet Satan, we had church.

  “We have the grand opening of the tattoo parlour lined up,” Lizard informs us. “Interior deco was sorted fast. Probably ‘cos we’ve had practice.” Yeah, if you could call repairing the clubhouse that. But the next thing on the agenda had been getting our new venture open for business. “Vi’s handling a lot of that shit, Prez. Doing one heck of a job. She understands business.”

  Vi’s thriving. While she loves being a mom, she’s also excited about working. Mo and Jayden have been babysitting to allow her free time, and both are more than happy to look after Theo. I’ve seen Vi come out of her shell more and more and am impressed as fuck how she’s handled the publicity for the new shop, coming up with some great ideas, and being Liz’s right-hand when he’s been purchasing shit he needs. She’ll officially become an apprentice when the shop opens, and has already produced some interesting sketches. One, Pyro’s seriously considering getting inked on his arm.

  Everyone’s pleased, we’re all certain the location and fresh, clean, modern-looking premises should bring in more trade.

  “Vi’s helped with some ads for the security business as well, Prez,” Paladin states. “Got some more work coming in.”

  I try to keep the smile of pride off my face, but it’s fucking difficult.

  “Couple of lads have been hanging around,” Thunder takes the opportunity to inform us. “Karl and Beaver.”

  “Potential prospects?”

  “Could be, Prez.”

  That would be good news. Wills and Dan, in my view, are ready to patch in. “Cad, investigate their backgrounds, will you? And what fucking type of name is Beaver?”

  Thunder shrugs. “Not sure if it’s a surname or handle. But I’ll get you full details, Cad.”

  “Any other business?” I wait, but all seem to be more than ready to hit the beer and get to the girls. “Before you go, want to extend an invitation.” That’s caught their interest. “Sunday. My place.”

  “You spoken to Vi?” Hell looks concerned.

  “She’ll be up for it.”

  “Son.” It’s unusual for him to refer to me as such at the table, so I raise my eyebrow, waiting. “Think you have a lot to learn about women.”

  Thunder’s jaw drops. “You haven’t told her?”

  I can’t see what the problem is. I think she’s going to be delighted. “Only just got the paperwork.”

  “You’ve bought a house, and now are inviting us to a get-together, and she doesn’t know anything about it?”

  Well, yeah, that about sums it up. But she’ll love it, won’t she?

  Now I’m subjected to the sight of my father cracking up. It’s not long before the rest of them join in, and even my best imitation of Drummer’s stare doesn’t stop them.

  Chapter Thi


  For more than a year and a half I’ve hated surprises. From learning my father had suddenly died to finding my mother deteriorating so fast, to getting pregnant, having Theo, then being scared of every envelope arriving about Angel’s attempts to try to get custody, I haven’t been able to plan or even think for myself. Everything has been a reaction. My marriage, well, I’d had no hand in that. While it had turned out to be the best thing that had ever happened to me, I would have preferred to make my own arrangements. I hadn’t even been able to choose my own dress.

  Demon knows this. Knows I hate having no control, especially in what Angel did to me. So why has he announced a surprise for me? And just where is he taking me today?

  “I don’t like surprises, D,” I grumble again, as I settle Theo in his carseat.

  “Trust me, okay?”

  For a response I put my hands on my hips. “I could refuse to go anywhere unless you tell me what we’re doing.”

  Demon’s eyes flash. He stalks around to the passenger side of the truck, and puts his hands on my shoulders, then he leans down and kisses the top of my head.

  “Trust me,” he says again.

  I might have been more able to stand my ground if his closeness hadn’t had the normal effect it does on me. I’ve often wondered whether his scent, his touch, will ever stop making my toes curl.

  “I was meant to be helping Lizard…”

  “Lizard gave you the time off, didn’t he?”

  Another decision I hadn’t made. “Yes, but…” I respond grumpily.

  “We’re wasting time. Come on. Theo’s all set. Just need you to get inside.”

  When I capitulate, his helping hand on my ass as I climb into his overgrown truck gives me tingles inside. This man is my everything. With a smirk—he’s won after all—he goes around to the driver’s side. As he climbs in, I sigh. I should have known what I was getting into. I do trust him, with my life, that of my child. I’ve always known he was controlling. He’d never do anything to hurt me, it’s just that at times, I can see us going head-to-head.

  It’s not long before I recognise the neighbourhood. As familiar roads pass, I have a sneaking suspicion I know exactly where we’re going. I start to get a bad feeling inside.


  “Just wait, Vi.”

  “Please D, stop the truck. I don’t want…”

  But it’s too late. He’s turning into the driveway of my childhood home. The place I never thought or wanted to return to again. Who wants to see strangers roaming through rooms you remember having lived in all your life? New furniture in place of familiar items you grew up with? Changes made just to put a new stamp on a place.

  “No, D. Take me home.”

  But he doesn’t stop. Just drives straight up to the front door. He comes around to my side. I’ll refuse to get out. As I think that thought, though, the front door opens. To my surprise, it’s Vicky, standing there with the widest grin on her face.


  “Come on,” Demon encourages.

  What’s Vicky doing here? I know the house has been sold; I received all the paperwork a few days ago, as well as the money deposited into my bank account. It was a weight off my mind, as I knew my mom’s situation was sorted, at least for now. Vicky couldn’t have bought it, she couldn’t have afforded that much.

  While I’ve been hesitating, Demon’s reached into the back and has extracted Theo from his seat. Vicky, unable to contain herself, has run over.

  “He’s grown! Vi, he’s grown so much. And is that a tooth? So many changes.”

  What mom can resist someone cooing over their kid. “He’s six months now, Vicky. And yes, he has his first bottom front tooth and the other’s trying to come through.” The pride in my voice equates his accomplishment as if he’d earned a degree.

  She responds in the same vein. “What a clever boy,” she coos, taking Theo from Demon’s arms. “What a good boy. You being good for your mama?”

  It’s great seeing Vicky. I’d forgotten how much I’d depended on her after Theo was born. Of course he has a wider support network now, but I do feel guilty I hadn’t gotten in touch before. Truth is, even when I had my freedom back, memories of the past were painful.

  “Why don’t we get inside?” Vicky asks, as a drop of rain falls.

  Because this is now someone else’s house. Have they engaged her as a housekeeper? But as she kidnaps my child and takes him in through the door, what can I do but follow her? I stand, amazed in the entrance hall. I’d expected it to be empty, or furnished differently, but all the furniture I remember from my childhood is here.

  “I made arrangements for it to be cleared.”

  Demon clears his throat. “I might have cancelled that,” he says.

  I can’t understand. I look at Vicky, then around me. Then, sigh. I’d run with very little as I never expected to need much again. “Demon, if we’re here to collect stuff…”

  “Vi, we’re not here to collect anything.” He holds out a sheaf of paperwork he’d had in his back pocket. His eyes catch mine. All of a sudden, he seems uncertain, nervously fidgeting as he moves what he’s holding from hand to hand. It’s a strange look on my normally confident husband. “Vi…” Then he’s voice trails off, and he shoves the papers into my hand.

  I look down. It’s a deed of ownership. For this house. “You bought it?”

  “We bought it.” He points to my name alongside his.

  “Why on earth…?” I can’t get my head around it.

  Demon looks at Vicky who nods, something unspoken going between them. “Come, Vi.” He takes my hand and I allow him to lead me through to the family room with the big windows looking out onto the garden. “See?” He points. “That tree? Remember the tree house Nathan and I used to play in? Yeah, not much left of it now, but we could rebuild it. Just think of Theo playing in it. Inviting his friends around. Maybe having a best friend like me.”

  For a second, I’m thrown back to those days. I must have been no more than three or four, standing at the bottom of the ladder pouting while Nathan and D had easily skimmed up. One of them would usually take pity on me and come back down to help me climb. My eyes glaze as I no longer see the rotting planks, but a proper platform, walls and even windows and a door, freshly varnished.

  A laugh bubbles out. “I used to make you have a tea party with my dolls.”

  “Do you have to remind me of that?” Demon huffs. But a glance at his face shows he’s smiling. “This yard, Vi, it’s safe for kids. Theo could have a dog. The house is big enough for our family to grow.”

  I pull on his cut, turning him to face me. “Why, Demon? Why?”

  “Because you loved this house, Vi. It killed you to walk away. I loved it, too, it brings back happy memories to me as well. When I was a kid it was my second home.” He closes his eyes, then opens them again. “It’s like Nathan’s here, watching over us.”

  “You bought this as our home?” I can’t get my head around it.

  Again, he looks like he’s having second thoughts. “We can sell it if that’s what you want. We needed a home, Vi. And what better than the place that holds such good memories for us.”

  I shake my head. “It’s all changed. My father wasn’t who I thought he was. My mom too…”

  “Nah, Vi. They were your mom and dad who loved you. You think Theo’s ever going to look at me differently when he knows I’m the president of an outlaw MC?”

  “No, because you’ll be upfront about what you do.”

  His fingers touch under my chin. “Not everything, Vi. I’ll never be able to share everything with you, and there will be things I may never want Theo to know.”

  He waits a moment for that to sink in. I’m not dense, and I know it’s because who he is and what he does is the reason I’m free, and safe. I nod to show that I understand. There will be stuff that I never want to know, and won’t, because I’m his old lady.

  Then he changes tack. “How
does this house make you feel, Vi? What does it do to you, in here?” He places his hand over my heart.

  Now it’s my turn to close my eyes. To stop thinking and to just feel. It’s quiet, peaceful. Familiar sounds of the house settling. It feels like… home.

  It comes over me in a rush. The immensity of what my man has done for me. Bought my childhood home to give me peace, make a safe place for my son to grow. Reunited me with my old friend.

  “I don’t deserve you, D.”

  Opening my eyes it’s to see him smirk. “Probably the truest thing you’ve ever said, Vi. You could do so much better than me. But you’re mine. You have my ring on your finger, my property patch on your back, and I’m never letting you go.” He waves his hand around then says, as if I still need persuading, “We can make it ours. Change shit around…”

  “Put a stripper pole in the bedroom,” I drop in conversationally.

  “Whatever you want… What?”

  Oh, I wish I had a camera to take a picture of that particular expression on his face. Then I realise I shouldn’t have taunted the bear when he suddenly yells out, “You okay with the kid, Vicky?”

  He barely waits for her confirmation before picking me up, slinging me over his shoulder, and taking me up to the bedroom that had been mine since I was little more than Theo’s age.

  It appears he has one more surprise in store. I’d expected he’d throw me on the bed, tell me to strip, kiss me. He does the first, but then steps back, his eyes fixed on mine.

  “Got something else for you babe.”

  My eyes flick to his crotch. “I can see that.”

  “In a moment. First, look at this.”

  He hands over a sheet of paper, I look at it. It’s the results of a DNA test. I try to make sense of what I’m reading.


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