Worth Your While

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Worth Your While Page 10

by Connie Suttle

  The car immediately went into gear and drove away. The fireball followed.

  "Now, we wait," Yosuke spoke aloud. Less than five minutes later, we heard the detonation and saw a plume of smoke rise in the distance.

  "Good enough," Yosuke held out a hand. An expensive camera landed in it. He grunted his satisfaction before turning and walking toward the open garage door. I followed him; he was going to the meeting with me, it appeared.

  Chapter 7


  "Where the hell did that come from?" Parke asked when Yosuke set a camera on the table in front of him.

  "It came from the person who was staking out the house," I explained. "Yosuke and I took care of the situation."

  "What did you do?" Daniel growled.

  "We waited until his vehicle was more than a mile away before we caused his gas tank to explode," Yosuke replied, his words frosty. "I pulled his camera away before he and the car were toasted."

  "Why weren't we informed?" Daniel demanded.

  "Because it required immediate action." Yosuke retained his cool, while I became more agitated by Daniel's treatment. "We didn't have time to call a committee meeting," Yosuke added.

  Be calm, he spoke into my mind. The ice demon is only frustrated because he failed to discover the threat.

  You're a better wizard than I, Gunga Din, I replied.

  If I ever carry water, I'll remember that, he said.

  "May we be included?" Rob and Will stepped inside the room. Daniel deflated somewhat, Parke motioned for everyone to sit, and the meeting began.

  "I'll pass this information along to my superiors in the department, and to those in the Council," Trey said after we'd discussed Gorham and Franks' involvement in the Douglasville massacre. "Every vampire in the surrounding states will be placed on high alert, and we'll be contacted if any of those four are seen."

  "I've done the same with the Packmasters already," Cliff agreed. "Parke can get the word out to the Princes and Princesses."

  "We still have to find a replacement for Greenville," Parke grumped. "We can't leave that spot vacant long, and we sure as hell need somebody in there who's on our side."

  "If it wouldn't expose her to the enemy, I'd put Cassie back in that spot in half a second," Cliff said.

  "I believe the sprite kingdoms would support that decision, too, but it is understood about placing her in danger," Rob nodded.

  "What if she wore a disguise and was introduced as a rock demon or some such? We need someone with more clout than a water demon, this time," Yosuke suggested.

  "Can you do that? Disguise her?" Parke's question was sharp as he stared at Yosuke.

  "I can, or Zedarius can, although I believe you'd prefer that I do it. She will still look like herself to those who know her; she'll only appear to be different to those who don't. Her name, of course, will also have to be changed for the time being."

  "I'm not sure I want anything to do with this," I said. "I don't want to be railroaded into the position, like I was last time. Most of you know what happened shortly after that."

  "With a different name, that won't be a problem," Rob said. "Plus, it could help keep the myth of your death going—if Parke is seen showing a bit of interest in a rock demon Princess."

  "I can be seen dating—just not marrying, so to speak," Parke insisted.

  "Aaaannnd we're back to railroading," I said.

  "Cassie," Cliff said quietly. "I think this may be a good idea. Our closest allies will know it's you. Our enemies won't have a clue—as long as we're vigilant about your identity change."

  "What he isn't saying is that every sprite kingdom will be behind you, one hundred percent," Rob stated. "You're the miracle we never expected, Cassie. Sprite armies will line up behind you to fight the enemy."

  "Then this is what you have to do, Parke," I turned to him. "You have to let everyone know that you now have a male fire demon at your beck and call—one your father kept hidden for decades. I don't care what story you make up, but he needs a name and a biography that will convince the enemy. Let them go chase a phantom. Maybe that will keep them out of my hair while we figure out how to deal with Lady Poison-Pants."

  "I fully support that proposal," Yosuke said. "I, for one, would like to act as one of Cassie's assistants. She should have at least one other, and perhaps two, to handle the everyday work of a Princess while she deals exclusively with the others in this room. The enemy is a grave danger at this point, and we could lose many lives if we do not stand together."

  "I'm all for that," Parke agreed. "Cassie, we'll have to find a suitable name—one that other rock demons won't question. I'll check the rolls after the meeting and get back with you."

  "I may have a suggestion," Daniel offered.

  "What's that?"

  "The Mountain Clan in Northern Canada."

  "Now there's a thought." A slow smile formed on Parke's lips.

  I had no idea what they were talking about, but I'd find out soon enough.


  Will and Yosuke took me to a nearby restaurant that stayed open late, so I could meet with Averill. He and three guards sat around a large, corner booth, waiting on their order of burgers and sodas to arrive.

  "Just coffee for us," Will told the waitress who arrived at our table quickly.

  "Is she really going to accept the position?" Averill asked the moment the waitress left.

  "It appears that way. She'll be disguised and carry an alias, but it will be her."

  "Good. I've heard from the other kingdoms—they're all willing to send guards or assistants."

  "You mean to have someone representing each kingdom beside her—to ferry information," Will observed.

  "That's the basic desire, yes, but only our best will be sent to protect and assist."

  "The home near Tuscaloosa has been compromised," I pointed out. "We'll need somewhere else to stay if she returns to Alabama."

  "I can have people searching for the best locations beginning tonight," Averill tapped his water glass.

  He meant plenty of open ground, water access, and something easy to defend. Ground and water would provide access by Earth and Water sprites; Air would have access anyway and Fire could certainly help defend it.

  "There's only the problem of having the doctor available," Yosuke said softly.

  "Let me work on that," Will offered. "Perhaps we can find a solution to satisfy everyone."

  "Has the home in Atlanta been compromised?"

  "We believe so; Cassie and I took care of a spy who'd parked near the home and recorded images of the activity around it. I wished to take care of it before the vampires became involved. This way, the vehicle was more than a mile away when it was destroyed."

  "Good thinking," Averill nodded.

  The waitress was back with a tray of food; she set plates in front of Averill and his guards, then set three empty cups and a carafe of coffee next to Will.

  After the waitress left, and while Will and I poured coffee for ourselves, Yosuke spoke. "The home in Alabama must remain secret," he warned. "Neither the Chancellor's name, nor any others the enemy could recognize should be on the lease or sale agreement."

  "I think we can work that out," Averill nodded before taking a huge bite from his double cheeseburger.

  "He'll have something for us in two days or less," I turned to Yosuke. Nobody was better at locating appropriate real estate than an Earth sprite.

  "Should we keep the house in Atlanta occupied?" Will asked Yosuke.

  "Perhaps. Let me consider that. I doubt the Chancellor will approve any of us staying behind, once we solve the doctor conundrum."

  "You could take her back and forth," Averill told Will.

  "I'll take that assignment," Yosuke agreed. "I doubt she'll trust Will enough to buy pizza for her."

  "Understood," Averill said after considering that for several seconds.

  "It may take some work to convince her to accept assistance from the sprites," I pointed out. "P
erhaps Yosuke can help with that, too."

  "I'll do what I can," he said. "But trust may be something each assistant has to build with her."

  "I have a question for you," Averill told Yosuke. "With two wizards awake, now, how much trouble do you think we're in?"


  "Your appointment is tomorrow," Parke said. "You should get as much rest as you can."

  Everyone else had left his office except Daniel and Trey. "I'll do that, but first, you're going to tell me about the Mountain Clan from Northern Canada."

  "They hold citizenship in every state," Daniel began.

  "Why is that?"

  "It was granted in perpetuity by Parke's grandfather, for saving his family and the lives of the Princes and Princesses across the country. That was back when we still had yearly conclaves, and everyone was required to attend."

  "The Canadian Mountain Clan are a close-knit community," Parke took over the tale. "Quite a few came south that year to see the sights with their Prince. They protected the conclave when a faction of rebellious demons attempted to blow up the building where the meeting was held. Some of the Canadian Clan died defending those inside the hall. The vote was unanimous to grant them citizenship in every state across the country, for their acts of bravery."

  "So someone from Canada can just walk into a position as Prince or Princess? In any state?" I asked.

  "From that clan, yes, if they're approved. And I'll see to it that you're approved. I need to advise them of what's happening, first, and get their permission to impersonate a member of their clan."

  "Are they still trustworthy?"

  "Yes. We communicate at least once a month; I send information on the events in the lower forty-eight. They send information from their region. They don't see nearly as much action as we do, and there were few human deaths from the disease there."

  "I hope they understand how lucky they were," I sighed. "Let me know what they say. I'm going to bed, now."

  I left the room, only to find Rob and Yosuke waiting in the hallway for me. "We will accompany you to your appointment tomorrow," Yosuke told me. "You will have more guards and assistants, soon, but until then, we will protect you as well as we can."

  I didn't know whether to protest or thank him. I settled for the latter and wished them a good-night.

  Lilith Sloane

  I was out ten thousand with nothing to show for it but a crispy murderer-for-hire, his toasted vehicle, and no sign of his camera. Probably melted to the rest of the wreck somewhere, with no way to salvage any part of it.

  I was more determined than ever to get Gemma the bitch, but my funds had taken a big hit from the half-payment to a now-dead assassin. It was in cash, too, so no way to get any of it back without telling the police the whole story.

  Nope—that wouldn't work.

  Maybe I ought to tail the bitch myself. Wouldn't hurt to do it for a few days, anyway, before finding someone with more reliable transportation than the last guy. Cops figured the gas tank had a leak, and that had led to the explosion and burning of the car. There was no evidence anywhere that it could be anything other than an accident.

  Therefore, I pointed my car toward the ritzy neighborhood, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. I wasn't good with a gun but there were others who could be hired, all of whom had steadier hands and a better aim.


  I found Rob and Yosuke in the kitchen, waiting for me. Rob had a mug of coffee in his hands; Yosuke drank a fragrant, hot tea. It smelled good and I wondered what kind it was.

  "Ready?" Rob slid off his barstool and took a final sip from his mug.

  "I suppose. Where's Cliff?"

  "Went out to put gas in the Escalade," Rob answered. "He should be back any minute."

  "Did he go out alone?" I frowned at Rob.

  "Kent was with him. He'll probably stay with him, too, while he goes to his friend's office to collect information on certain ice demons."

  "All right," I said, while the knot forming between my shoulders loosened a little.

  "I feel it too—a touch of tension and worry where the Grand Master is concerned," Yosuke nodded. "A guard will certainly help, although it may require more than that."

  "Who else can we pull in to help Cliff, then?" I asked.

  "I can go," Jerry sauntered into the kitchen, looking freshly showered and clean.

  "Problem solved," I allowed all tension to leave my shoulders. "Thanks, Jerry. Do you have to tell Parke you're going?"

  "He suggested I ask to come along."

  "Good. You're with the Grand Master, then." Yosuke dipped his head to Jerry, as a sign of appreciation.

  Jerry grinned in reply, before leading us toward the garage where Cliff's vehicle was usually parked. Cliff was pulling in when we walked through the door into the garage. Kent rode shotgun, and I felt he ought to stay there.

  "I can get in the third row," I said.

  "Ride with me in the middle," Yosuke suggested. "Jerry and Rob will ride in the back."

  "Are you sure?" I asked Jerry. "It's kinda cramped back there."

  "We'll fit," he reassured me.

  "It's not a long drive, Cassie," Cliff had gotten out of the Escalade to join our discussion.

  "Fine, but Jerry and Kent stay with you," I pointed a finger at him.

  "Wouldn't have it any other way," he grinned. "Come on, or we'll be late. Atlanta traffic is a bitch."

  "Says the guy who just told me it wasn't a long drive."

  Cliff grinned again before climbing into the driver's seat and shutting the door. Yosuke and I waited for Jerry and Rob to get into the back row and get comfortable before sliding into the middle seats. I went in first; he settled in last and closed the door while I pulled my seatbelt on.

  If anything happens, burn through your seatbelt and get away, Yosuke sent.

  You're expecting trouble?

  I don't feel anything now, but things can change quickly, as I'm sure you know.

  Yeah. Things had certainly changed quickly on the full moon.

  I stiffened when I realized why Yosuke was worried. Parke hadn't told me anything at breakfast, but there was a new rumor to put out that he'd employed a new guard—a male fire demon. Somewhere, somehow, Shakkor Agdah would get that news, and a new target would be painted on Parke and anyone else around him. Shakkor Agdah wouldn't be parked on the roadway waiting for us; they could hide themselves far better than that.

  Breathing a heavy sigh, I leaned back in my seat and crossed my fingers that this new worry wouldn't make me a blubbering mess in front of my new shrink.

  Lilith Sloane

  "They're heading your way," I told Jinx over the phone. "Black Escalade—a new one. I watched it go out earlier, then it came back, then left again in five minutes. Get the tag number if you can—I was too far back in the neighbor's driveway to see it."

  Jinx, Doyle's brother, was helping me out today for free—he didn't like his brother in a prison cell any better than I did.

  "They just passed me," Jinx replied. "Alabama plates on the car," he reported. "It's a personal plate. GM-119," he said. "We'll have to have help in Alabama for that one, I think."

  "We'll get it, even if we have to pay for it," I said. "Keep your eye on the Escalade for a while, then turn off someplace. We don't want them to know they're being followed. At least not until we find out who we're dealing with."

  "You got it."


  "Good to see you, Cliff," Doctor Chalmers shook Cliff's hand when we walked into the doctor's office. Yosuke and Rob had taken seats in the waiting room, although I couldn't picture either of them idly flipping through old magazines while they waited.

  "Thank you for taking care of this one," Cliff said, patting my shoulder.

  "Hidden records?" Doctor Chalmers asked softly before releasing Cliff's hand.

  "Extremely well-hidden," Cliff agreed. "As in this is life-or-death private."

  "Understood. We'll be done in an hour."

sp; "Thanks again, Doc," Cliff said and shut the door behind him when he left.

  "I hear you're a special case," Doctor Chalmers motioned me toward a comfortable chair. He took a seat opposite me while I made myself as comfortable as I could. "Can you explain that to me?" he went on.

  "I hardly know where to begin," I told him, with a shake of my head.

  "How about the beginning?" he said.

  "Well, I suppose that would be when my mother disappeared, and my first suspect in her disappearance was my own father."


  "Zach's office is close to downtown," I told my passengers as I put the Escalade in gear and pulled out of the clinic's parking lot.

  Traffic was heavy enough where we were; it would get worse the closer we got to downtown. If it snarled much more, we could be late coming back to pick up Cassie.

  I wanted to have lunch while we were out—the Buckhead Diner was calling my name. I figured Cassie would love it, too, provided she wasn't too upset to enjoy good food.

  After twenty minutes of long traffic lights and sketchy driving around us, I pulled into the parking lot where Zach's PI agency was housed. "I should only take one inside, any volunteers?" I asked.

  "Let Jerry go—in case somebody needs smashing," Kent suggested. "I'll stay with the car."

  "Good enough. Let's go," I motioned for Jerry to follow me. He followed me into the building, which housed two other businesses, both of which took up more space than Zach's agency.

  "He's expecting you," Kira, Zach's assistant gave me a nice smile. "Go on in." Jerry nodded to Kira as we passed her desk and walked through Zach's open door.

  "Cliff," Zach stood and held out a hand. "Good to see you, man."

  "Good to see you, too," I replied.

  "Sit down," Zach pointed toward his guest chairs. "Want coffee?"

  "I'd take water if you have it," I said. Jerry accepted the same offer, and soon enough, Kira brought two bottles of water to us before closing the door to Zach's office and returning to her desk.


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