Rebel Without a Clue

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Rebel Without a Clue Page 26

by Cathy Gaitan

  When it’s done we all look at one another in shock. I almost can’t believe we were able to take her down. I mean, I knew it was possible but for some reason it felt more like wishful thinking.

  “I need to find Titus,” Julia’s voice is trembling. Her eyes are back to rainclouds. Tears are falling down her cheeks. She’s scared. Truth be told, we all are.

  When she runs down the center of the field we all follow. We have to maneuver over fallen trees and deep grooves where they had grown. By the time we make it to the other side of the forest night is beginning to fall.

  We find Abel first. He’s sitting on the ground with his back against a tree. His wrists are manacled behind his back. “I don’t understand what happened,” he mumbles to himself. His eyes are dazed.

  Julia glares at him. “Where is Titus,” she wants to know. “What did she do with him.”

  He looks at her like he doesn’t even know her. She shakes her head and runs past him and further into the woods. Caine and Mary Mary stop to see to Abel but the rest of us continue onward after Julia.

  It’s another ten minutes before we locate Titus’s body. He’s been beaten so badly he’s pretty much just skin and blood. I wouldn’t even know it was Titus if it wasn’t for the beard. There is no mistaking that beard.

  Julia is on her knees beside him. She’s stroking his face and murmuring to him. “You’re going to be fine,” she whispers. “I’m here now. Everything is going to be okay.”

  He doesn’t seem to be breathing. He’s a Zombie. He’ll be back. I have to remind myself because it doesn’t look that way right now.

  “Just hold him and keep talking,” I tell her. “It may not seem like it but he can hear you.”

  Kailani steps forward and reaches for Titus’ hand. She presses the other one over his heart. After a moment he begins to take in ragged breaths. The Witches and Oz place their hands on whatever part of him they can reach. Right under our gaze his wounds begin to heal. His face starts to return its form. His limbs straighten back up. His collapsed torso regains its former shape and his teeth are back in place.

  When Titus finally opens his eyes Julia weeps in relief against his chest. “Don’t you ever do that to me again,” she orders. “You scared the hell out of me.”

  When Titus flashes that twisted grin I shed a few tears myself. “I never thought I’d miss your stupid face,” I tell him.

  “How could you not? I’m the Sexiest Zombie remember,” he reminds me in typical Titus behavior.

  “It was voted on by Humans. I don’t think that can be considered a legitimate determination,” Pinkerton argues because that’s what he does.

  “Aw, Pink. Don’t let jealousy make you bitter. You may not be sexy like me but you’ve got a passable personality,” Titus replies. “You were even able to snag the nerd.”

  Pinkerton heaves a sigh. “Yep, he’s back.”

  I wrap my arms around his back. “Let’s go home. I’m tired.”

  “Good idea. The Dragon Lady’s gone. Let’s celebrate,” he tells me.

  “Sounds good. What do you want to do?” He wriggles his eyebrows. “Fine but I want hot chocolate first. Extra marshmallows.”

  Behind me Titus chuckles. “Wow, Julia. That’s your barometer for romance? I think I can top that without even trying.”

  “I don’t think giving your woman piercings that you rip from someone’s face can be considered a romantic gesture,” Oz laughs.

  “Stay the hell out of my head, Wizard,” Titus growls.

  I laugh as Pinkerton and I walk away. That’s my family. Sometimes they make me crazy but I love them like mad. Really!


  Boom Hildie

  2 weeks later

  I walk in to find Carmony at the stove. Again. How do you tell the girl you love that you hate her cooking?

  This relationship is still new so I don’t want to rock the boat. As it is I think I’m way ahead with the feels. She’s still in ’like’. I passed that stage up weeks ago.

  I’m pretty sure I can lay the blame for Carmony’s new found cooking ‘ability’ at Mercy’s doorstep. Somehow she managed to get my girl hooked on the Food Network. I wish to hell Bobby Flay would stick to cheese platters. He can cook. Carmony, sad to say, cannot. And she’s not too good at following directions. She always wants to put her own spin on dishes she hasn’t yet mastered.

  Tonight it’s, I look in the pan warily, something brown. A different brown than yesterday. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. I’m more than a little afraid to find out.

  Carmony turns and sees me standing there. She smiles and leans over to gives me a kiss. Well, I guess this could be worth a little food poisoning. I wrap my arms around her and lean closer deepening the kiss. Being with her feels like coming home. I keep that thought to myself. I’m not ready to share it and she’s not ready to hear it.

  When we pull away from each other her hair is mussed and her eyes are dazed. “I think you might have missed me,” she giggles turning back to the pan which is now a darker shade of brown.

  I lean my chin on her shoulder and inspect the contents of the pan again. It looks like it might be burning but I don’t say it out loud. I smile and say instead, “I think you might be right.” I grab a carrot off the counter and take a bite. “What are you making today?”

  “Beef Bourguinon. I found the recipe in a magazine,” she tells me excitedly.

  “They have magazines with recipes?” Awesome.

  “Hildie! Of course they do,” she laughs. Honestly, I’d eat mud if it made her laugh like that. She’s so serious most of the time. I like that she’s so relaxed around me. I also like knowing I’m the only one she’s like this with. She trusts me. Knowing that is better than magic and that’s saying something because magic is my life. I kind of think Carmony might be that too now but that’s another thought for the safe.

  “If it doesn’t have magic in it you can bet I don’t pay it any attention,” I tell her.

  “What if I didn’t have magic. Would you ignore me too?” She smiling but I can tell she’s worried about the answer. She does that a lot. Worry. I’m working on it but I’m pretty sure that’s one of those lifetime battles. I’m game. I hope, one day, she’ll be on board with me.

  “You don’t have to do magic to have magic. And you have it Carmony,” I tuck her hair behind her ear. “I couldn’t ignore you before you were able to make fire. And I wouldn’t ignore you if it disappeared tomorrow. Your magic his here,” I place my hand over her heart. “And it’s the greatest magic I’ve ever felt.”

  She turns around and switches off the fire. “I burned dinner,” she announces.

  I swallow my cheer of relief. “That’s too bad,” I lie.

  “We’ll get take out later,” she says as she grabs my hand and leads me down the hall. This evening is really starting to look promising.

  “Where are we going right now,” I tease her because I like that she still blushes. It’s cute.

  She looks at me over her shoulder and winks. “I have some magic to show you.”


  When things go bad you have to hang on.

  Even if it’s by the fingernails.

  -from the mad mind of Mercy Mayhem

  Mercy Mayhem

  Living the Dream

  It’s race day. I never thought I’d be here again but Pink wouldn’t let me back out. He’s good at forcing me to face my fears. The bastard. Sometimes I love him for it. And sometimes, to be perfectly honest, I hate him for it. I’m not sure which way the pendulum is swinging today. I’m too nervous.

  I’m wearing my neon green shorts, my ‘I dream of Pink’ t-shirt, and my beautiful green running shoes with the rainbow trim. I know, I know it’s asking for trouble to wear the shoes that caused me the last 5k race I attempted but so what! I mean, what are the odds that the same thing will happen again? Don’t answer that! I don’t need your bad
mojo tainting my race. These are the shoes of a winner. I just know it!

  I stretch and bend, ignoring the weird looks from the other racers. I created my own stretches. So what if the stretches are weird. So am I. Pink calls it alternative. Titus calls it B-side. I just call it Ninja.

  When they announce the race is getting ready to begin I head to the starting line. My knees are shaking a little. Just before I make it to my position I slide. Probably just a pebble. I don’t see it but I’m sure it’s there. Thankfully I didn’t fall. I stretch again lifting my knee to my chin and accidentally tapping the peppy blond in front of me in the back. She turns and glares at me. So much for ‘peppy’.

  “Sorry,” I mumble. When she turns back around I mutter ‘not sorry’.

  “On your mark,” I take my position only it’s so cramped I’m tempted to swing my elbow to create some space. “Get set.” I swear I can’t breathe in here. “Go!” I’m off like a rocket. I race by that not-so-peppy blond and leave her chocking on my dust. No joke. My shoes are literally kicking up dust. I feel like the Roadrunner. Go me!

  I’m making good time. I don’t have a watch but I can tell it’s true by the blur of the people lining the route. My breathing is good. Meaning I haven’t fainted yet. My form is good. Translation I haven’t tasted the ground yet. I am killing this race right now! Killing it!!

  I’m flying over the ground so fast I don’t even see the boulder sized pebble directly in my path. I skate on that pebble for a good 2 or 3 feet before I go airborne. I’m flying again but my feet aren’t touching the ground this time. I tumble head over heels and land on my back. I’m so stunned I lose my breath for a moment. This cannot be happening right now! I am a winner dammit!!

  When runners start jumping over my prone body I shake off the daze and rise above it. It was a fall. Big deal! I get up and keep going. I skinned my knee. So what? I bruised my ass. Who cares? My pride was stung. What’s new? As far as I’m concerned just another day in the life.

  I put on the jets. I gotta make up for lost time. There is no way I’m going to let another 5k slip through my fingers. No way!!

  I’m cutting through the pack like a Ginsu knife. See you. So long. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time! Watch and learn people. This is how you do it. All these thoughts are racing through my mind as I blow past all my opponents. I am in my element I think as someone bumps into me from behind and shoves me into the bushes.

  “Sorry,” sings peppy blond as she leaves me on the side of the road. I extract myself from that bush and yank off the vines clinging to me. If she thinks a little plant is going to slow me down she needs a reality check. This was just a small detour on the road to victory.

  I’m back on track and I’m burning it up. Not literally but it feels like it because my skin is on fire. I’m running and scratching. Scratching and running. The sweat is just making it all the more miserable. It’s because I’m running so fast I decide. I am smoking everyone. Peppy blond is now just a distant memory.

  I’m heading toward the finish line. There is nobody between me and my dream this time. I don’t slow down. I’ve learned from past mistakes. From the corner of my eye I see movement. Oh hell no! I increase my pace. Ignoring the pain in my knee, my hip, my ass, my lungs. I can’t quite ignore the itch of my skin because it is excruciating but I pretend it’s not so bad.

  I will win. I will win. I will win!!! This is my chant. Whoever was dogging my steps is still there. I can just make out the biker boots. I’m scratching like a crazed cat and wheezing so loudly I’d be embarrassed if I still had oxygen in my brain. All I can think is that no good, back stabbing, two-bit, piece of…loser!! I cross the finish line and drop to my knees with my arms raised in victory.

  I did it!! I’m a winner! The greatest of all time in the history of ever! Okay, maybe not that but this is my moment and I’ll celebrate it how I choose.

  Pinkerton lifts me back to my feet and hugs me hard. He’s covered in sweat. “I knew you could do it,” he tells me. My face is stuck to his number. He tried to steal another 5k from me. I should be angry but all I can do is wrap my arms around him and kiss his mouth. I rub my face against his cheek and neck.

  “I saw you go down a couple of times,” he tells me as our family approach cheering. “Are you okay? Were you hurt?”

  “I’m fine,” I assure him. “I had my lucky shoes on. These are winner’s shoes! I knew it all along.” He rolls his eyes but doesn’t rain on my parade. He scratches his neck and I smile. “Oh, and I think I fell in some poison oak.”

  Pinkerton glares at me as he scratches his face.

  Titus is the first to congratulate me. In his own twisted way. “Wow. Who knew stubby legs could move that fast,” he chuckles. I give him a big hug and tuck my face under his furry chin close to his neck. Damn this beard! He shoves me away but I’m satisfied I made enough contact to spread the love.

  When Julia comes over I say, “Better keep your distance. I rolled in some poison oak.”

  It takes Titus a few moments to catch on. He scratches his face. Then his neck. Then his face again. He pauses mid scratch, “Wait,” he scratches again and glares at me. “Seriously? You gave me poison oak?”

  I smile. “Ninjas can be twisted too.”

  He shakes his head. “Not twisted. Insane. There’s a difference.”

  “in your head,” I mutter because I can be twisted dammit.

  “No, in your head. As in mad chaos,” he explains.

  “Back off Titus,” I shout. “You’re ruining my glow. Today I am living the dream. This is the day I became a winner,” I pronounce. These moments do not come often for people like me. When it happens you just gotta savor it. Something to tuck away in the memory banks for when things go sour. Right now this is my favorite kind of moment. It’s all about the sweet. I reach up and scratch my neck. Mostly.

  “I knew you could do it, Mercy,” laughs Carmony excitedly. I’m glad she’s happy for me but she seems weirdly invested in my victory.

  “Yes, we did,” Boom Hildie agrees. “Pay up, Bibidee Bea! Mama needs new shoes.”

  “Yeah, yeah you’ll get your dough,” grumbles Bea. She looks at Pink grumpily. “You just had to wear those damn biker boots!”

  “Hey! I smoked her ass in them in the last 5k,” he reminds her.

  She waves him off, “Yesterday’s history.”

  Oz wraps his arm around her shoulder. “You should have let me do it. I told you. I’ve got mad speed.” I love these people but their definition of family is as twisted as Titus’ mind.

  Witchy Bea pats his chest. “It’s cute that you think so but you forget, I’ve seen you run.”

  The Aussie chuckles, “No joke. I walk faster than he runs.” When he glares at her she amends. “But you look really pretty while you do it.”

  He turns red and huffs out a breath. “I’m not pretty,” he growls running a hand through his hair to muss it but it falls perfectly back into place. Poor Oz. We can’t all be imperfect. Some people have to really work at it. Others, like me, come by it naturally.

  “You finally achieved your goal,” Julia tells me. “So what’s next?”

  “I celebrate,” I announce. “With pizza.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” she says. “What’s your next goal.”

  I shrug. “I don’t have one.” It’s true. I find it’s best to just let life happen to you. “But I’ve always thought it would be cool to do a triathlon,” I muse aloud.

  Her expression turns focused. “That is a very ambitious goal,” she praises.

  I shake my head vigorously. “No, not a goal. Just a random thought.” Damn this mouth of mine!

  She’s not listening. “This is going to require rigorous training.”

  “Training? No. No training. I’m done. I won,” I remind her. I look to Pinkerton for help.

  “Sorry, ninja nerd but I think you might be screwed,” he mutters with a grin, scratching his face. He doesn’t look too torn up about it.

  “So much for romance,” I sulk. “I guess the honeymoon is over.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll still make you hot chocolate with extra marshmallows,” He assures me.

  “Are you crazy,” Julia exclaims. “She can’t have hot chocolate or marshmallows. She’ll need to get disciplined with her diet if she plans on winning a triathlon!”

  “The only thing I’m planning on doing is eating pizza,” I patiently explain. “To celebrate. Because I won. I’m a winner now!”

  “Pizza is out of the question. And you’re only as good as your next race.” She’s got a mad look in her eyes. There is nothing Julia loves more than a challenge. And I just gave her one. Why?!

  Titus laughs evilly. “You’ll need to whip her into shape Julia.” I am so going to kick his ass. “It won’t be easy though. I mean, look at her. She is a long way from triathlon shape.”

  “Double or nothing she sinks like a rock during the swimming portion,” Boom Hildie tells Carmony.

  Bibidee Bea’s eyes light up. She’s been handed a lifeline and she’s taking it. “Oh, she’ll do it. She’s going to float right through it,” she predicts through gritted teeth. Bea looks at me with determination. “Even if I have to turn her ass into a floaty,” she mutters under her breath.

  “You all need to stop,” Pinkerton orders. That’s my man. He, at least, has my back! “You’re embarrassing yourselves. Anyone with half a brain would know the bicycle portion will be her waterloo. She won’t get five feet on that thing.”

  Titus grins. “Personally, I think you’re all wrong,” he argues. “She’ll never even make it to the race! Ten to one she won’t survive the first week of training.”

  Titus Remington is a condescending jackass! “You’re on,” I shout despite my better judgement. How dare they have no faith in me!

  “You can’t bet on yourself,” he and Pink say in unison.


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