Where the Rainbow Ends (Summer Lake Silver Book 4)

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Where the Rainbow Ends (Summer Lake Silver Book 4) Page 3

by SJ McCoy

  He picked up his glass and tapped it against hers. “New friends.”

  When he set his glass down, he took hold of her hand. Part of her wanted to pull it away, but it felt like a challenge—and she never backed down from one of those.

  “I have a question.”

  “Ask away.” Even as she said it, her heart began to beat faster. If he asked if she wanted to go to his room with him, she’d have a hard time saying no!

  “Izzy …”

  She swallowed. Here it came. What the hell. Just one night. She’d tried to resist, but apparently, he was irresistible.

  He smiled as if he knew what she was thinking—knew that he’d won. “What is it short for?”

  She gave him a puzzled look, not understanding the question.

  “Is that your full name? Izzy?”

  She let out a short laugh. Had that all been in her head?—the way he’d held her hand—the way he’d looked into her eyes? He was looking into them again now, and the gleam in his told her that he knew exactly what he was doing—and the effect he was having on her.

  She withdrew her hand from his and reached for her glass. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he’d won—and boy did she need a drink. “No. It’s short for Isobel.”


  She closed her eyes briefly. It sounded so good the way he said it. Rafa had an accent, too, but he didn’t say her name like that. To be fair, he didn’t dare call her by her full name anyway.

  “Where are you from?”

  “I grew up in Colombia if that’s what you mean.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just you reminded me …” She was hardly going to tell him about Rafa, was she?

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Your accent sounds familiar, but different. I know someone from Venezuela.”

  “I always think that my accent is mostly gone.”

  “Oh, it is. Mostly. It was just when you said my name.”


  She closed her eyes again. When she opened them, he was smiling.

  “Miss Isobel. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

  “Thank you.” She truly enjoyed the compliment because she knew he wasn’t saying it for her benefit. He was simply rolling the word around and drawing his conclusion.

  Chapter Three

  As he walked her toward the elevators, Diego’s mind was racing. There was no question that he would love to spend the night with her. He shot a glance at her; no question at all. But there were too many reasons not to. She was attracted to him; he was convinced of it. When he’d leaned in close to her to give her the flower, it had been obvious. But she claimed she wasn’t interested. And besides, she wasn’t just someone he knew he’d never see again. He had a feeling that Ted was going to be seeing a lot more of Audrey, even after this week. That would likely mean that he would run into Izzy again.

  They reached the elevators, and he pressed the button. She turned to look up at him. “What time are you leaving tomorrow?”

  He smiled as a thought struck him. “After lunch. And you?”

  “The same. I’m riding back to the airport with Ally and Brayden.”

  He nodded, wondering whether he should suggest it or not.

  They stepped inside the elevator when the doors opened. “What floor?”

  “I’m on three.”

  He pressed the button.

  “Are you, too?”

  He smirked at her. He was, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. He wanted to see how she’d react if she thought he was planning on going with her.

  She made a face. “We just had our nightcap. You’re not getting another one. I’m going to bed.”

  He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  She laughed. “Alone!”

  The doors opened, and she stepped out. “I’m this way,” she said and started walking down the hallway.

  Diego’s room was in the opposite direction, but he went with her.

  She laughed again and looked up at him. “It’s not happening.”

  “I’m simply walking you to your room … making sure you get back safely.”

  “Yeah. Right.” She stopped abruptly. “This is me.” She leaned back against the door and looked up at him.

  There was a smile playing on her lips. He wondered if he should take the risk and move in for a kiss. The signals she was giving off were mixed, to say the least. He rested his hand on the doorframe above her head and leaned closer. Her eyes widened. He knew he could persuade her, but there were too many reasons not to.

  “It would seem this is goodbye, Miss Isobel.”

  He was gratified to see the look of disappointment that crossed her face momentarily. He lowered his head toward her, and when her eyelids drooped, he made his decision. He changed course at the last moment and pecked her cheek before standing back.

  Her eyes flew open, and she looked up at him in surprise. She hadn’t merely expected him to kiss her; she’d wanted him to. It was obvious. She held his gaze for a moment. “Okay, well, goodnight then. But it won’t be goodbye, will it? I mean, I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow … with Audrey and Ted. You know?”

  He smiled. It had worked. “It doesn’t have to be goodbye if you don’t want it to be.” He held her gaze and waited.

  She gave him a rueful smile. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other.”

  He let his gaze wander down to her full breasts, and she laughed and slapped his arm.

  “I don’t mean like that! I mean, because your best friend and mine look as though they’re going to start seeing each other, so it’s inevitable …”

  He chuckled as he looked at her breasts again. “I believe it is.”

  She pursed her lips. “Inevitable that we’ll run into each other again, even after tomorrow. Not what you’re thinking.”

  “What am I thinking?”

  She shook her head. “You know damned well what I mean. You’re not going to make me say it.”

  “Very well. Then I’ll be good. I’ll bid you goodnight.”

  She nodded. She still wanted him to kiss her. He knew it, but he didn’t do it. He used it to his advantage instead. “Would you like me to give you a ride home tomorrow?”

  She frowned. “I’m riding with Ally and Brayden to the airport.”

  “It’s a long drive, and then you’ll have to deal with the hassle at the airport. Wouldn’t you rather fly with me?”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “The jet’s at the private airfield right here in Summer Lake. I can have you home before Ally and Brayden even get to the airport.”

  She held his gaze for a moment, and he wondered if she was about to turn him down. She wasn’t the type to be impressed by talk of a private jet, he could tell. It was one of many things he liked about her. “Okay, thanks.”

  He felt himself relax. “Great.” He took out his phone. “Do you want to give me your number? I plan to leave after lunch, but I’ll call you so we can make arrangements.”

  He tapped in the number as she told it to him, then closed his phone with a smile. “Very well, Miss Isobel. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaned toward her again, knowing that this time she expected the kiss. Instead, he put his hands on her waist and drew her closer as he pecked her cheek. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” She looked stunned as he stepped away from her.

  He had to force himself to turn and walk away.

  ~ ~ ~

  Izzy let herself into her room and then leaned back against the door. She took big, deep breaths to steady herself. Damn! She’d been sure that he was coming inside with her—convinced he was going to kiss her. And then he hadn’t! She didn’t get it. Did she have it all wrong? She’d put money on him wanting to sleep with her. But he’d had two opportunities to make his move, and he hadn’t.

  She pushed away from the door and went to the minibar. He’d gotten to her. He might not be her type … she let out a sho
rt laugh. Who was she trying to kid? He was gorgeous! She couldn’t claim that she wasn’t attracted to tall, dark, muscular, handsome men. Only that she preferred to avoid them.

  She took her drink out onto the balcony. Even that wasn’t true. Rafa was tall, dark, and handsome—muscular, too. He was a personal trainer. He had the physique. So, what was it about Diego that put her off? She sat down and put her feet up on the little coffee table and looked out at the moonlight reflecting off the lake. It wasn’t his looks, that was for sure. It wasn’t even his presence—if that was the right word for it. He was one of those larger-than-life kind of guys who just had a powerful presence.

  She pursed her lips. She was getting closer to the truth now—powerful. She didn’t like that. It was attractive, sure. But it wasn’t something she wanted to get too close to. Who was she trying to kid? Outside the door just now, she’d been all about getting closer to him. When he’d leaned in to kiss her, she’d felt her knees go weak. Then when he’d pulled her in to kiss her cheek before he left? She’d wanted nothing more than to close her arms around him and move in closer still.

  She blew out a sigh. Was he just toying with her? She got the feeling he was, and she didn’t like it. She wanted more, but she didn’t like feeling that she was the mouse and he was the cat, finding some amusement in teasing her before he moved in for the kill.

  She sat there for a while, wondering what tomorrow might hold. He had her off balance, no two ways about it. She wasn’t sure if he’d offered her a ride home just to try to impress her with the fact that he had a private jet, or if he planned to play with her some more. She got up to go back inside with a wry smile on her face. The idea of playing with him was appealing. But she shouldn’t. She didn’t get involved with guys with big egos. She’d do well to stick with Rafa. He was sweet. He was straightforward. He was great in bed! It wasn’t as though they were exclusive or anything. He’d started making noises about wanting more lately, but she’d been clear with him from the start. They weren’t going anywhere. Theirs was a purely physical relationship.

  She took her time getting ready for bed. She wished she felt more tired, but her mind was still busy, and her body was still on high alert. She had a sneaking suspicion that Diego had deliberately left her wanting him.

  Or was she crazy? What exactly had he done? He’d pecked her cheek … that was all. See, this was why she avoided men like him. She got herself all wound up. She’d do better to forget all about him. Get some sleep and tomorrow go home, maybe get a workout with Rafa—and not in the gym.

  Chapter Four

  Zack glanced over at Diego.



  Diego smiled. “It’s obvious that you have a question, mi hijo. Go ahead. Ask.”

  “I know it’s none of my business, but I’m curious about this woman you’re taking home.”

  Diego chuckled. “I’m not taking her home. Only giving her a ride. And to be clear—I did not take her home last night.”

  Zack laughed. “So, you keep insisting. And if anything, that’s what has me so curious. You’ve never hidden the fact that you take women home. I’m not judging, you know that. So why are you making such a big deal of the fact that this is different?”

  Diego frowned. Why was he? “Perhaps it’s because this is about Ted. Not about me. Izzy is Audrey’s friend. Ted and Audrey hit it off last night. I am merely—”

  Zack laughed. “You don’t need to justify it to me, you know.”

  “I know. I wasn’t justifying. I was explaining … because you’re so curious.”

  They drove on in silence for a little while. Diego had had breakfast with Zack and Maria this morning, and now they were on the way to the Boathouse to collect Izzy.

  “I’m glad Ted’s staying for a while,” said Zack.

  Diego nodded. He’d been surprised when Ted had announced last night that he wasn’t coming home today. He shouldn’t have been, though. Ted loved spending time here with his son and his grandson. Apparently, Marcus had asked if he would stay for the week, and Ted was happy to. It couldn’t have worked out better since Audrey was also here for the week.

  “Is there any chance you might get a week up here soon?”

  He looked over at Zack. “Any time you like. You say the word, and I’ll be here.” More and more lately, Diego had wished that he got to spend more time here with Zack and his fiancée, Maria. There had been too many years when he hadn’t seen much of Zack. Now that the danger was behind them, he would love to make up for lost time. But he didn’t want to invite himself into their lives more than he was welcome.

  Zack smiled at him as he brought the truck to a stop in the square at the resort. “Well, then, here’s the word. I’d love to see as much of you as I can. Any time you can spare, I—we—would love for you to come up here. I know it’s not easy with work and everything.”

  “It’s as easy as I want to make it. You must know you’re more important to me.”

  Zack nodded. “I do. I just don’t want to ask too much.”

  Diego reached across and grasped his son’s shoulder. “That would be impossible. I’m the one who doesn’t want to impose too much.”

  “That’s what would be impossible, Dad. We lost so many years. I want us to make up for that. I want you to be part of our lives.”

  Diego’s heart expanded in his chest, filled with love for his son. “I would love nothing more. From now on, I’ll be here whenever I’m not working.”

  Zack laughed. “You mean whenever you’re not working or entertaining a lady friend or two?”

  Diego smiled through pursed lips. “I will not deny that I like the ladies. But there are ladies here, too.”

  Zack raised an eyebrow. “And one in particular. Does she come up here much? Is this someone who …?” He let the question trail off, but Diego knew he was asking whether Izzy might be someone who he might see again here and at home.

  He shrugged. “I told you. I only met her last night. I’m only giving her a ride home because …” He paused to wonder again why he’d offered.

  Zack laughed. “It’s okay. I know why. You’re taking her home today because you didn’t take her home last night.”


  They made their way out onto the deck of the restaurant. He spotted Ted, who looked as though he and his family had just finished lunch. He scanned the other tables and soon spotted Izzy sitting with Audrey and her family. He felt his pulse quicken at the sight of her. Last night, she’d been dressed to kill in a low-cut dress that had left him finding it hard to drag his eyes away from her ample breasts. Today she looked much more casual in jeans and a black shirt. Casual as her outfit might be, she still took his breath away.

  Zack turned and raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t say anything.

  Ted hadn’t seen them approach, and he jumped when Diego put his hand on his shoulder. “I thought I’d find you here. I’m almost ready to leave.”

  “Do you want to come and say goodbye to Audrey before you go—and Izzy?”

  Diego chuckled. “I’m on my way to bid the lovely Audrey farewell.”

  Ted raised an eyebrow. “Not Izzy?” The look on his face told Diego he had questions about what might have happened last night.

  He couldn’t help but smile, knowing that this would only raise further questions. “Not yet. I’m giving her a ride home.”

  “I see.”

  “No. You don’t. It’s just a ride.”

  “Which you offered out of the goodness of your heart and not in the hope of impressing her by taking her in your private jet?”

  “Ted, Ted.” Diego chuckled. “When will you understand that when I wish to impress a woman, I don’t use the jet?”

  Zack laughed beside him. “It’s true. You know it’s true.”

  “Okay. But I don’t think we need to discuss what you do use—not in front of a lady.” Ted gave his son’s fiancée, April, an apologetic smile, but she just laughed.

/>   “I’m going to talk to Ally. I’m staying out of this.”

  Diego was happy to follow her across the deck to where Izzy was sitting with Audrey’s family. She smiled when she saw him.

  Diego hadn’t had the chance to catch up with Ted this morning to ask how things had gone with Audrey, but he got the impression that they’d gone very well. Ted smiled at Audrey’s ex-husband as he pecked her cheek. “We’re leaving, and I wanted to say goodbye to Ally and Brayden.”

  Diego saw an evil look flash in the ex-husband’s eyes. He didn’t want any trouble starting here, so he spoke up, too. “And I have come to tell Miss Isobel that her chariot awaits whenever she is ready.”

  Ted and Audrey both turned to see what Izzy’s reaction would be.

  “Can you call it a chariot when it has wings?” she asked.

  Ally grinned at Diego. “You’re flying her home?”

  “I could hardly leave her behind.”

  Izzy met his gaze when he said that. He could tell that he’d done right to leave her on her doorstep last night. She was more receptive to him now. Perhaps, when they landed in Ventura, he would take her home and finish what they’d started. He smirked and raised an eyebrow at her.

  The way she smiled back at him said that she might be as interested in that idea as he was.

  ~ ~ ~

  Izzy looked out of the window as the plane thundered down the runway and up into the sky. The lake shimmered beneath them in the afternoon sun. Her breath caught in her chest as Diego leaned closer—ostensibly to look out of the window, but she’d put money on the fact that he knew the effect his closeness had on her and was using it to his advantage.

  She turned to look up into his eyes. He was so incredibly handsome. She had to ask herself what the harm would be in letting him take advantage. His smile told her that he must know her resolve was weakening. The lines around his eyes deepened as he chuckled. The sound seemed to reverberate through her body.

  “Thank you for allowing me to take you home.”

  She laughed. “Thank you for wanting me to come.”

  He raised one eyebrow, and that smirk was both enticing and infuriating at the same time. “Oh, I want you to come, Miss Isobel.”


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