Snakes and Ladders

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by Adam Croft

  Snakes and Ladders

  Knight & Culverhouse book 10

  Adam Croft

  First published in Great Britain in 2021 by Adam Croft

  Copyright © 2021 by Adam Croft

  The moral right of Adam Croft to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  No animals were harmed during the making of this book, except for when the author punched a wasp.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  The paperback edition of this book was printed and bound in Great Britain by IngramSpark.


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  Books in this Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

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  Adam Croft

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  Adam Croft

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  Books in this Series

  Books in the Knight and Culverhouse series so far:

  1. Too Close for Comfort

  2. Guilty as Sin

  3. Jack Be Nimble

  4. Rough Justice

  5. In Too Deep

  6. In the Name of the Father

  7. With A Vengeance

  8. Dead & Buried

  9. In Plain Sight

  10. Snakes and Ladders

  * * *

  To find out more about this series and others, please head to


  For Maisie Daniels, there was nothing quite like the hit of cold, fresh morning air on the lungs. It always gave her a real high, and she loved the feel of her body aching as she pushed through the last couple of kilometres of her run.

  It was running that’d made her realise she’d needed to leave Milo a few months earlier. She sometimes chuckled at the comparison, enjoying that early morning rush on her lungs and being left with an aching body. Then again, running was a lot healthier than smoking drugs and Milo kicking seven shades of shit out of her.

  She’d seen so many people doing the ‘new me’ thing on Instagram, sharing their exercise routines, fun days out and pert little bodies after a particularly nasty break-up, and it was all so shallow and transparent. If their lives were so great and fulfilled, why did they feel the need to make such a point of it? Maisie half-remembered a quote from somewhere or other. The lady doth protest too much. No, she’d take much more pleasure from quietly and surreptitiously improving her life until that inevitable day when she’d pass Milo or one of his friends — and there weren’t many — in the street. That would be so, so much sweeter. She knew that day could come at any time. It could be tomorrow, it could be today. And that pushed her on at every moment, made her work harder, run faster and push through that wall to get as fit as she possibly could.

  She glanced at her watch to check her heart rate as she ran down Naismith Road, towards Mildenheath Woods. Not bad, but she could do with picking up the pace before she got onto uneven ground.

  She pushed on further, feeling the burn in her legs and the cold air in her lungs, thinking only of that moment when she finally bumped into Milo and saw his face and how gutted he felt at having chosen a drug over her — the opposite choice to the one she’d made.

  Before long, she was turning off the pavement and into Mildenheath Woods, the morning sun breaking through the clouds, beginning to take the chill off the edge of the air. After a minute or so, Maisie realised she’d been pushing it too far. The burn in her lungs was too intense, so she slowed down to a walk while she regained her breath.

  Feeling her breathing starting to ease a little, she picked up the pace and walked further along the trail, feeling as though she might be ready to break into a jog again soon. Before she could, her eyes were drawn to a mound of disturbed earth, a few feet off the side of the trail. It seemed incongruous, the leaves having clearly been moved very recently. It didn’t look like it’d been done by a fox or a badger, either; it was all too neat, too large.

  She felt her heart skip a beat as the potential significance dawned on her. Don’t be silly, Maisie, she told herself. Two years with Milo had made her automatically assume the worst in any situation. This didn’t necessarily mean…

  She had to find out. She pulled a chunk of bark loose from a nearby tree and started to dig, raking the loose, rich soil away. But as she removed the top layer of soil and revealed what was beneath, she quickly wished she hadn’t.


  Jack Culverhouse winced as the early morning light streamed in through his kitchen window. It was a far better wake-up tool than any coffee he’d ever tried, but he’d still be hitting the black stuff all the same. Over the past few weeks, his sleep had been worse than at any point he could remember, so even reaching a functioning state would be a bonus.

  Functioning was as good as it got. Ever since his team’s recent investigation into local organised crime, life and work had become purely functional. His world had been ripped apart by the revelation that Frank Vine, one of his longest-serving colleagues and a distinguished Detective Sergeant, had been feeding information to Gary McCann, a local criminal and Jack’s arch-nemesis since becoming a detective.

  Not only had Frank been feeding operational information to McCann, but he’d been actively losing evidence and
information in an attempt to ensure McCann got off scot free — and it had worked. Jack had never quite understood how Gary McCann always managed to wriggle through the claws of justice, but the revelation of Frank’s involvement had caused a few pennies to drop. Frank had never explicitly stated how long he’d been working for McCann, but Jack had his suspicions.

  For Frank, there was no way out of this. His involvement had been clear, even if they were still unable to prove McCann’s guilt. That was the most frustrating aspect for Jack in trying to nail his nemesis over the years — the way in which McCann managed to keep himself one step removed from any action, making it almost impossible to prove his involvement at any point. He had enough of a hold over his minions that plenty were willing to take the rap for him — and be paid handsomely for it. There’d even been rumours of those who’d refused suddenly finding themselves ‘disappeared’, but — yet again — evidence was thin on the ground to say the least.

  But perhaps the most frustrating aspect for Jack was that Frank had clammed up, completely unwilling to talk or throw McCann under the bus. Despite having spent his whole career getting criminals locked up, Frank seemed hell bent on ruining his entire life’s work by refusing to testify. Jack could see the logic: what was the point in Frank risking having his family harmed in return for a lesser sentence? He’d still be going to prison, and in any case his career and reputation had been ruined. With retirement around the corner and his health failing, there was a half-decent chance prison would finish him off either way, so it was understandable that he’d want to protect his family. But that wasn’t enough for Jack.

  To him, it was simple: if McCann was locked up, Frank’s family would be safe anyway — as would everyone else in and around Mildenheath. They’d spent years trying to bring McCann to justice, only to be thwarted at every opportunity. Now, finally, they had their chance to nail him and it was one of his own detectives who held the key. However, with Frank having swallowed that metaphorical key followed by a lifetime’s supply of metaphorical Immodium, it was now as good as useless.

  To Jack, it was clear that McCann’s grubby tentacles reached further than he could ever have imagined, and he felt more determined than ever to make sure the bastard rotted in a prison cell for the rest of his life. That determination, though — for now — was buried below a well of despair and utter despondency at recent events. Jack and the rest of the team at Mildenheath Police had faced the ultimate betrayal, and it was one they wouldn’t recover from any time soon.

  It had been a mild consolation to discover that McCann’s wife, Imogen, had left him and moved abroad with the gardener, but it wasn’t enough for Jack. Besides which, there were still heavy rumours that McCann had been responsible for the disappearance and death of his first wife years earlier.

  Chrissie padded silently into the kitchen in her dressing gown and slippers. She’d been spending much more time at Jack’s, and it was an unspoken truth that they were gradually heading towards her moving in permanently.

  Their own relationship had been tricky, not through any sort of incompatibility, but sheer circumstance. Although Jack’s daughter, Emily, claimed she was fine with her dad dating her headteacher, he also knew Emily took after him in managing to hide things. One thing she hadn’t managed to hide, though, was her pregnancy.

  ‘What’s on your mind?’ Chrissie asked, her voice almost a whisper, yet still making Jack jump.

  ‘Nothing. Just looking at the garden.’

  ‘You can’t stand gardens. That’s your “I’m looking out the window and thinking” pose.’

  ‘As a matter of fact, I was thinking about getting rid of that rose bush and replacing it with a… something else.’

  ‘It’s meant to be good for you,’ Chrissie said after a few moments.

  ‘What is?’

  ‘Gardening. They say it’s good for the soul.’

  ‘Bloody good job I haven’t got one, then. I can keep my fingernails pristine.’

  ‘It might help. Reconnecting with nature, taking a few moments to be at one.’

  ‘Look, I appreciate your concern, but I don’t think hugging a fucking tree’s going to help much.’

  Emily let out a laugh as she came into the kitchen and headed straight for the kettle. ‘Not quite the line I was expecting to hear first this morning.’

  ‘Yeah, well I like to keep everyone on their toes,’ Jack replied.

  ‘I find it quite relaxing,’ Chrissie said.

  ‘I’m not stopping you. Someone’s got to dig that rose bush out.’

  ‘Have you tried yoga?’ Emily asked, not daring to look at her father for fear of descending into a fit of giggles.

  Jack simply stared at her, causing Chrissie to pull her lower lip in and look down at the floor.

  ‘So, what are your plans for the day, Em?’ Chrissie asked.

  ‘First antenatal class. Basically, I get to sit in a room and be patronised for an hour while a woman with no children tells me how to change a nappy.’

  ‘Do you want me to come with you?’

  Emily glanced up at her and considered this for a moment. ‘Nah. It’s alright. I’ll be fine. Anyway, there’s a yoga class going on in the next room and I wouldn’t want Dad to start a fight.’

  Chrissie returned a half-humoured smile, but it was laced with mutual concern for Jack. She nodded her head ever-so-slightly in his direction, nudging Emily to say something.

  ‘Uh, Dad, I was wondering if maybe you might be able to show me a few things. The best way to do stuff, I mean.’

  Jack turned away from the window for a moment to look at his daughter. ‘Like what?’

  ‘Well, like changing nappies and stuff. Getting them to sleep. All that.’

  ‘It’s probably all changed. They’re meant to sleep on their fronts now, I think.’

  ‘I think it’s the other way round.’

  Jack shrugged. ‘I dunno. To be honest, by the time I got home from work the nappies were all done and you’d wriggled about in the cot so much you looked like you were doing a double pike.’

  There were a few moments of silence before Emily spoke. ‘I think you were a great dad,’ she said. ‘Still are, I mean.’

  Jack dearly wanted to point out that it wasn’t hard to look like a great parent when the other one was Helen, but he decided against it. He’d made his mind up soon after Emily came back into his life that one thing he’d never do is badmouth her mum. Helen was more than capable of digging herself into her own problems, without Jack helping and running the risk of slamming his shovel into an unexploded bomb.

  Before Jack could think of a response, the ringing of his phone jolted him into the here and now. He listened as his colleague on the other end of the phone gave him the news, then tensed his jaw and grabbed his car keys.


  Wendy felt her stomach rumble as she turned into the car park of Mildenheath Police Station, and quietly told herself she’d run across the road to the corner shop and grab herself something once she’d clocked in. Oversleeping wasn’t something she did often, even in the fog of confusion caused by ever-changing shift patterns and digital alarms, but she hoped she’d get away with it just this once.

  She’d completely forgotten about the major roadworks in the town centre, only realising once she was in stationary traffic and a few yards past the last turning which’d allow her to take an alternative route.

  She didn’t curse her forgetfulness too much, though; her mind had been elsewhere, and for the first time in a long time the reasons were positive. She and Xav had settled down well together since he’d moved in, and she was feeling content in her role at work.

  She’d recently made the decision, after much deliberation, to put in for her inspector’s exams, having come to the realisation that she could indeed have a fruitful home life as well as a successful, forward-thinking career. It had taken her some time to realise that, and it was only after recognising that she’d been afraid of outranking her late father that sh
e managed to come to terms with it and make the decision to move forward.

  The whole team had been knocked for six by the revelations about Frank Vine, and Wendy had briefly wondered whether it was all worth it. The pursuit of justice seemed somewhat futile when one of their own team had been actively working against them and feeding information to a criminal gang, and she’d had a momentary existential wobble as a result. But it’d been Xav who’d focused her mind and allowed her to put things into perspective.

  He’d reminded her that she had to look at the positives: there’d been a bad apple in the basket, and it’d been discovered and removed. They didn’t know how long Frank had been corrupt, but they could be certain things hadn’t got worse at all; they’d actually got better as a result of scraping out the rot.

  Besides which, the team at Mildenheath CID had been fighting for its existence for years. With the rest of CID organised at a county level and — in the case of major crimes — often at a regional one, maintaining the town’s own satellite CID unit had been something of an anachronism. County headquarters at Milton House had been trying to bring Mildenheath’s resources under its banner for as long as Wendy could remember. The county’s first politically-elected Police and Crime Commissioner, Martin Cummings, had been a keen proponent of merging services, but had been forced out of his job after it was discovered he’d been merging himself with the services of trafficked rent boys.


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