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Brand Page 11

by Leanne Tyler

“Burns is clear on that? He won’t get confused and decide I need Donnie or Wyatt.”

  “Donnie?” He grinned, shaking his head. “No. He won’t get confused. Don’t worry. Besides, I’d take you away from Chicago before I’d let him do that.”

  “You would, would you?”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “Don’t I get a say in it?” She got to her knees and wiggled her finger at him to come closer.

  He grinned again, closing the distance between them. “I think I can persuade you easy enough.”

  “Then persuade away.” She snaked her arms up around his neck and pulled him down to her. “Persuade away.”

  Chapter 11

  Brand sucked in his breath. Carly had no idea what she was doing, telling him to persuade her. She was literally giving him free rein to do what he wished with her, but he wouldn’t go that far, not this soon. In his opinion, she was too fragile after everything that had happened to jump into anything too intense. He seriously didn’t know how she was holding it together after the emotional rollercoaster she’d been on in the last twenty-four hours. He’d seen SEALs in training not be able to handle similar emotional brutality and flunk out.

  For that reason alone, he kissed this amazing woman before him briefly and pulled away.

  “Don’t stop.” She reached for him to instigate another kiss, but he backed away, grabbing her hands and holding them with his own.

  “You need to eat first, change out of your ruined hose and put on something comfortable. Maybe even take another hot shower and relax for the rest of the evening.”

  She puckered her lips into a little pout. “Is that your best shot at persuasion, Mr. Chambers?”

  “No. I haven’t even begun because I’m worried about you, Carly. I think you want to instigate sex as a way to forget what has been happening in the last two days. I don’t want that to be how things progress between us.”

  “Really? That’s what you think?” She jerked her hands away from him and got off the bed. “Because when you came in here last night and you kissed me I thought you were saying you wanted to take our relationship to the next level. That you cared about me. And if our kissing led to anything more than just kissing would that be so bad?”

  “Under normal circumstances, no.”

  “We didn’t meet under normal circumstances, Brand.”

  “But wouldn’t it be better if we let our relationship progress slower and then lead up to the physical naturally instead of you wanting to prove you’re still alive after what has happened in the last twenty-four hours?”

  She wrinkled her brow, looking confused. “Prove I’m alive?”

  “It’s like when there is a death. People handle grief in many ways. Some cope others turn to other vices. Sex is one of them.”

  Stepping toward him, she touched his cheek with the palm of her hand and he leaned into it. “Have you done that?”

  He nodded. “My brother. I was young and stupid. It made me feel whole. Dean was older, smarter, and my hero. But his death, in the end, led me to the SEALs.”

  “Thank you for sharing that with me, Brand.” She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead, then ran her nose along his before capturing his mouth with her own. She straddled him, pressing her heat against his groin.

  She wanted him. He knew that. Just as much as he wanted her even if he was trying to slow things down between them to make sure it was for all the right reasons. He knew Carly was special and he didn’t want to screw things up with her. Yet something in his brain triggered an impulse move and before he knew it, he had her pinned on the bed with his body.

  Instead of her removing her ruined hose, he was the one shimming them down her slender legs, feeling her silky, smooth skin under his rough hands as he ran them up and down the expanse. He was careful around her scraped knees because she flinched when he touched the flesh there. He left her mouth and moved down to the afflicted area, gently administering kiss.

  “Sorry for these.”

  “Hazards of being a witness for the prosecution,” she replied, her tummy making rumbling noises as he returned to resume their kissing.

  He shifted his weight off her and leaned up on his elbows. “You’re hungry.”

  She nodded. “I guess we should go eat Kevin’s soup since he was kind enough to make it for us.”

  “I’ll go ladle the bowls and cut the sandwiches while you change out of your dress.”

  “Sounds like a plan, but I call dibs on returning here for dessert.”

  He grinned, lifting a hand to his mouth and kissing a spot in the center of her palm. “Your wish is my command.”

  She giggled and sat up. “Are you my genie?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  Brand was halfway down the hallway to the kitchen when his phone rang. He recognized the number immediately. “Hey, Hawkeye, what’s up?”

  “I’ve got some bad news.”

  “What?” Brand couldn’t take any more bad right now. “Just spit it out.”

  “Headquarters wants to meet about my proposal tonight. They’ve called a 6 p.m. meeting to discuss it. The team leader did not sound favorable in support of it after what went down at the funeral today. I really need you there to give a demonstration of what your team can do. I’ve called Margot Wills and she’s willing to visit with Carly while you are away.”

  “Do you think she’s the best choice? That woman is a bombshell.”

  Hawkeye chuckled. “Margot is a handful, but so is Carly’s friend Simone. They should get along just fine.”

  “Oh, I’m sure they will. They were sorority sisters in college.”

  “I had no idea. So why are you worried?”

  “I find Margot a poor choice for protection.”

  “She’s not protection. I’ll have plainclothes officers stationed downstairs for that. Besides, Margot tells me no one can get up to the 20th floor without the key, and you have the key.”


  “I’ll send a car around for you at five so be ready. Oh, and wear your tactical gear to impress the powers that be.”

  “No problem.” Brand ended the call, laid his phone on the counter. He opened up the cabinet, taking down two bowls.

  “Was that you on the phone? I thought I heard you talking.” Carly came in wearing a pair of faded blue-jean shorts and a t-shirt with lace around the bottom. She’d pulled her hair back in a low ponytail.

  “It was Hawkeye. I’m afraid our dessert will have to be postponed until later tonight. I have to go talk to a group of people about the task force he is trying to get approved.”

  “Then you have to bring chocolate chip salted caramel ice cream back, a can of whip cream and long stem maraschino cherries.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Waffle cone bowls?”

  “I’ll try to remember all that tall order and not get laughed out of the car when I explain to Hawkeye what I have to stop and get.”

  She winked at him.

  They ate in silence and she cleaned up while he got his gear together. “Oh, I forgot to tell you that Margot is coming up to stay with you so you won’t be alone while I’m gone. Hawkeye arranged it.”

  “I would have been fine by myself, but tell him thank you. It will be nice to get caught up. Yesterday was the first time I’d seen her since my wedding. I didn’t even know she was still living in Chicago, but then if she wasn’t on Justin Porter’s list of approved people I didn’t see her. It’s surprising that he even allowed me to see Jules, Simone, and Colleen.”

  Brand stopped in front of her, tilted her chin up with the crook of his bent finger and kissed her. “Rule from now on, let’s not say the JP in the apartment unless necessary. Deal?”


  As if on cue, a buzzer sounded and then the voice of Margot followed. “Hello. I would like entrance to the 20th floor, please. It’s Margot Wills.”

  “Coming down now. Will meet you on the 19th floor. Come on up.”

/>   Brand turned back around and pulled Carly to him one more time, brushing his lips against hers. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “I know you will. Do well for the task force.”

  Brand left the apartment, taking the stairs down to the 19th floor and met the elevator with Margot on it. He got on and rode back up to the 20th with her, waited until she was inside with Carly and the lock clicked on the door before he pressed L for the lobby.

  “Do you want something to eat?” Carly asked Margot as they came into the apartment.

  “I already ate. I was thinking more like a good glass of wine and sitting out on the roof, watching the sun go down.” Margot dangled a set of keys for Carly to see. “I brought along my set to daddy’s wine cellar.

  “Wine cellar? You didn’t mention anything about that yesterday.”

  “Your guy didn’t look the wine type.”


  Margot nodded, going over to the long wall expanse between the kitchen area and the hall leading to the bedroom where Brand was sleeping. She touched the wall on the side and a panel opened exposing a glass door. She unlocked it and went inside. Curious, Carly followed, amazed at the wooden shelving and the bottles of wine stored in the space at a controlled temperature.

  “Another one of your father’s renovations to the apartment?”

  “Yes. This was a third bedroom that was never in use so he turned it into a wine room. The upgrades will earn a hefty profit when he decides to sell.”

  “I’d love to live here on a permanent basis.”

  Margot arched a brow, selecting a bottle of wine from one of the wooden racks. “If it's the building you like as much as the apartment, I know there's space opening up on the eighth floor. Two bedrooms, two baths, open floor plan kitchen, living space without the patio balcony.”

  “I do. It wouldn’t have to be as fancy as this, but I’m going to be starting a new job and could swing the rent. After what happened at my apartment, I know I can’t go back there other than to pack my things and leave.”

  “Then I’ll make a call and show you the place tomorrow. I know the tenants and they will be more than happy to let you see their apartment.”

  Carly smiled. A tightness formed in the pit of her stomach at the thought of moving and taking on higher rent. She still hadn’t given Brittany Daniels a call yet about the interior design job. What if she didn't get the job? She needed to do that first thing in the morning before she even looked at the apartment.

  “This is our wine for the night,” Margot said, showing off a bottle she pulled from the rack. “Daddy has several bottles and he won’t miss one of these.”

  Carly followed her out of the room and then went into the kitchen to get the wine glasses down. Margot locked the door and closed the wall panel back. Carly opened the refrigerator and pulled out the deli Gouda and Asiago cheeses. She washed two apples, sliced those, and laid them on a plate with the cheese. Then she looked in the cabinet for a box of crackers to add a few to the plate.

  Margot uncorked the wine, smelled of the cork, and grinned. “I’ll let it breathe a few minutes before pouring. Smell of this.”

  She waved the cork under Carly’s nose. “Doesn’t that remind you of the wine tasting tour we took at that vineyard in southern France?”

  “It does.”

  “That was the year before you started dating Justin Porter. We had fun before then.”

  Carly sighed, picking up the plate and wine glasses to carry outside. “It seems like a different life to me.”

  “Oh, honey. That man did a number on you.”

  She nodded. “But I don’t speak of him here. I promised Brand.”

  “Speaking of men. Now that one. Tell me you are at least taking advantage of having him around. I know I would.”

  “I’m not like that and it isn’t that way between us.” At least not yet.

  “Why not? You’re single. I assume he is too, right?”


  “Then what are you waiting on, Carly? Take action girl. Make that man yours.” Margot poured the wine and handed her a glass. “If you don’t someone else will.”

  Carly took a sip and kept quiet. She wasn’t about to talk about what her relationship with Brand with Margot or any of her friends. She reached for a piece of apple and some cheese, munching on them. Margot talked about the benefits of living in the building while Carly sipped her wine.

  Brand arrived at Hawkeye’s district around five-thirty and went up to the conference room to get set up since that was where the driver said he should go. Hawkeye joined him a few minutes later.

  “Here’s a packet of the proposal and other statistics I included when I sent it for approval. I requested enough funding earmarked in next year’s budget to staff at least a four-man crew for the Chicago Protection Task Force. Before the higher-ups get here I wanted to take a moment to ask if you’d consider staying in Chicago and heading this up, if it gets approved.”

  “Hawkeye.” Brand took a breath, gripping the pages of the proposal in his hands. He loved what he was doing for Hank Patterson. He’d even grown to love living in Eagle Rock, Montana. But, having an opportunity to stay in Chicago with Carly. To run his own task force. That was something he’d not even thought about when Hawkeye started talking about forming a team to stay in the area.

  “I’m honored you want me for the job.”

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s an unsaid but coming?”

  Before he could answer, four men and a woman in suits entered the room.

  “We’ll have to continue this later.” Hawkeye left to greet the new arrivals. He shook hands with each of them before turning and motioning for Brand to join them. He did, standing at ease with his hands clasped behind his back.

  “I’d like you to meet former Devgru Seal Brandon Chambers. He’s part of the Brotherhood Protectors out of Eagle Rock, Montana. A four-man crew came to show how former service men and women can use their training to protect the public. Lucky for Chicago these four were here when the Pied Piper gang shooting happened. We were able to take advantage of their skills.”

  “From what we’ve seen it hasn’t been successful,” said the Hispanic looking man with a sharp buzz cut and graying around his temples.

  Hawkeye winced and cleared his throat before he spoke. “I admit having our witness shot at as she left Christ’s Church today wasn’t ideal, but we had as much security at the church as if the POTUS was visiting the area.”

  He pulled out a chair for the female in the group and she sat at the round table.

  “And yet it failed,” the man in a sharp gray suit said, taking a seat as well.

  “It’s unfortunate, Henry, but yes, it did. We’ve already taken measures to keep her safe. We reassigned her driver since his SUV also exploded today. We didn’t want to take the chance that he’d been targeted and could lead the Twin Cobras to her location.”

  “And have you found out who got to the gang member in jail?” Brand’s attention was drawn to the African American in the group.

  “Surveillance footage shows that coverage lapsed for about two minutes. So no, we have no idea who got to him, but since the attack happened at the church so soon after his death we have determined that it had to be a rival gang. Why else would the Twin Cobras kill their own and still go after a witness?”

  “What about the other three women that are being protected? You mentioned there were three other men here,” the female said.

  “What’s that got to do with anything, Mona?” the African American asked.

  “Everything, Terrance. We can’t judge this request on one-fourth of the results. I agree with Commander Burns what happened today is unfortunate. I don’t hold him or former Devgru Seal Chambers at fault when dealing with the Twin Cobras gang. I’ve dealt with them in the past when I was a beat cop and then when I was a detective before I advanced into administration. They are a ruthless bunch. They are out for blood.”

  “I too
have had dealings with this gang and what Mona says is true. Burns, I wouldn’t rule out them being the ones responsible for killing their man in custody. I can see them putting a hit out on him so he wouldn’t have to stand trial. I can also see them going after your witness as well.”

  “Thank you, Hector, for agreeing with me,” Mona said. “What about you, Peter? You’ve stayed quiet on the matter.”

  “I don’t see why Commander Burns believes we need to bring in military men and women to this city to do a job that our own men and women in blue could do. It appears to be a waste of budgetary money. Thus, no matter how you present it to me I am voting no.”

  “As counsel for the police department I have to agree.”

  “Henry, be reasonable,” Hawkeye said. “You’ve heard the other members of the committee discussing it. Why won’t you at least let Brand speak on the matter before you vote against the task force I’m asking to have implemented.”

  “Then explain why you want it from an outside source and not our own people?” Peter asked.

  “Because we need our manpower on the streets doing their job, not watching over victims or witnesses. This task force can provide security details, witness protection details, you name it and they have the training to do it. It also helps many of these former service men and women use their skills in the real world when they can’t find jobs otherwise.”

  “And what do you say former Seal Chambers?” Mona asked. “Do you believe this mission has been a waste of your time?”

  “No ma’am, I don’t. I’ve not only been keeping my witness safe from the Twin Cobras gang but also from her overprotective ex-husband who has had a P.I. tailing her. What your administrative committee doesn’t know is that other than the incident at the church today, my witness has had her apartment broken into twice. Once by the P.I. to bug it for her ex-husband so he could know her every move and second by the Twin Cobras so they could trash the place and leave her a calling card of twin snakes.”

  Mona gasped.

  “We’ve had to move her to a safe location not only to keep her away from the gang but from the reaches of her ex-husband. During her divorce, she couldn’t get a restraining order against him due to the fact he is seen in this fine city as an aspiring attorney. His tactics are not physical but mental. But it is domestic abuse nonetheless. The judge wouldn’t grant her any protection. But we will be going after it again.”


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