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Brand Page 15

by Leanne Tyler

  “So this is where Petree brought her?” Henry Manning said. “Peculiar place to hide her.”

  “Very, especially since this is the one place that Justin Porter insisted that Carly represents him as his dutiful wife. This is where she had to be her best for him. Why do you suppose anyone would bring her here unless there was a connection to Porter? Or they were trying to get Porter’s attention.” Hawkeye shook his head. “I can’t make heads nor tails of it. What do you make of it, Henry?”

  “I find it a set up. Petree was Carly’s driver. She could have told him she belonged to this country club and how Justin’s family were founding members tying him to the place.”

  “But she didn’t,” Brand said. “This is the first I’m hearing about Porter’s family being founding members. I’ve been with Carly every minute that she was with Petree since he was our driver. They didn’t really converse with one another.”

  “Actually, that’s false, Mr. Chambers. You haven’t been with my daughter every minute she was with Petree in the vehicle. Remember, you got out at the corner before her job interview at Stella Stone Interior Designs building.”

  “Now how did you know that, Henry?” Hawkeye asked.

  “I – I.”

  “Don’t say any more. It’ll be less incriminating. You may want to contact an attorney, you’ll need one,” Hawkeye said, reaching under his suit jacket and producing a pair of handcuffs. He slipped them on Manning’s wrists. “One more thing, Porter, he was behind this, right?”

  Manning nodded.

  “That’s all I needed to know,” Hawkeye said, leading him passed Carly on the gurney as the paramedics worked with her.

  “Daddy?” Carly said. “Brand, what’s going on?”

  “He apparently knew about what was going on, whether he was involved or not, he could be charged with collusion.”

  “Oh, Daddy.”

  “We’re going to load her into the bus now,” one of the paramedics said.

  Brand stepped away and let them do their job. “I’ll see you at the hospital in a few when this is over.”


  He waited until the bus pulled away before he went to the SUV and got in with Hawkeye before they headed across town to pay a visit to Porter’s law firm. He didn’t know what he expected would happen when he finally came face to face with Porter. The man was everything he imagined he’d be and more. Charm and arrogance. Brand decided to stand clear while the officers with them did their job. The last thing Carly needed right now was for him to lose his head and be thrown into jail for assault against her ex-husband.

  When Porter walked by him in handcuffs he halted and sneered at him. “She’s used goods you know. I had her first.”

  “Her name is Carly and she’s a human being, not a possession. No one owns her.”

  “Get him out of here,” Hawkeye ordered. He slapped Brand on the back. “Good restraint, buddy.”

  The two took a different elevator down as the officers and Porter before they headed to the hospital to check up on Carly. She was sitting in the waiting room with a blanket wrapped around her and a pair of scruffy socks on her feet. She slowly stood when she saw Brand and a smile spread across her face.

  She ran to him, dropping the blanket along the way and he caught her in his arms. “Is it over? Did you get him this time?”

  “Porter has been arrested. Hawkeye slapped the handcuffs on him. He should be at the station getting booked.”

  “Finally. But what if a judge throws it out as no evidence like my other claims of domestic violence.”

  “That won’t happen, Carly. You were kidnapped. We have Petree. We have your father on collusion. And, we have Porter. Hell, if I wanted to get technical, I could even arrest Ragsdale for doing his job as a PI for Porter, but I’ll use him as a witness instead. We’ll make this case stick.”

  “And the Twin Cobras?” she asked.

  “There shouldn’t be a threat from them anymore since their man in custody was killed, but you’ve got Brand by your side. And we’ll continue to keep a watch out on our end.”

  “Good. Because I’m tired of all this looking over my shoulder every time I go out. I want to be able to relax. Just go back to the apartment and take a good long shower and eat a steak.”

  “Oh, you do?” Brand said.

  She nodded. “You up to grilling?”

  “I think that can be arranged. I got a good deal on some last week.”

  Chapter 16

  Carly stood under the showerhead letting the hot water run over her. There was bruising starting to show around her wrists and ankles from the bindings. She yawned, closing her eyes, and leaned her forehead against the tile. Letting her body relax with the flow of the water, she almost missed the sound of the door opening and that she was no longer alone.

  “Do you always walk in on a girl’s privacy like this?” she asked.

  “No, but I thought in your case I’d make an exception since you’re taking so long.”

  She giggled and reached her hand behind her for him to take. He did and she brought him closer. “My neck is sore. My tailbone is sore from scooting around on that floor all day, trying to get my wrists untied.”

  “That’s terrible.” He stood behind her and began kissing her shoulders, up her neck, and then he began to massage her neck with his fingers, kneading gently. He trailed his fingers down her spine, kneading and prodding and went back to kissing her neck. When he hit the middle of her back, one spot sent a thousand sensations rippling down to her toes and she groaned. He continued his administrations there for the longest.

  “How’s that feel?” he asked, huskily.

  “Amazing.” All thoughts of her sore tailbone were gone.

  “Now turn around.”

  She did, slowly wiping the water from her face and eyes as she stepped from under the showerhead. As soon as she did, he captured her mouth with his and claimed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up, pressing her against the cool, wet tile of the shower. She wrapped her legs around his waist, as she slid into perfect position against him.

  She broke away from their kissing and looked at him, breathless. “I know I’m alive, Brand. I’m not trying to prove anything, except how much I want to be with you. Not just for this moment, but for as long as you want to be with me.”

  “I know that, Carly. I want that too.”

  She leaned in to kiss him again and he carried her out of the shower into the bedroom, where she noticed the room glowed in candlelight. He’d already turned down the bedsheets so there was no awkwardness when he laid her down. She understood why he said she was taking too long in the shower now. Without her knowing, he’d been waiting out here for her to join him and that made her smile as she accommodated his weight. He reached for something on the bedside table and laid it beside them.

  “You want the handcuffs and whip too?” he asked, arching his brows.

  “What?” she turned her head slightly and saw the condom wrapper. How had he found her stash from the Pied Piper? Had he been searching her closet for them? “No, those aren’t necessary.”

  “Good, because I want you touching me.” He dipped his head and captured her mouth for another soul searing kiss that left her breathless. She tried to catch her breath as he moved down to her breasts, nipping and suckling one and then the other until she was wet with desire for him. His hand stroked and caressed as it moved down her stomach to her hip to her mound before he slipped his finger inside her wet haven.

  Even though she had anticipated his touch, it had sent shock waves through her when he entered the juncture, jolting her. She grabbed for the condom and tore the packet open with her teeth. He looked up and grinned.

  “That anxious?”

  Carly nodded, unable to form words at the magic his hands had performed on her body. She watched as he sat back, putting on the condom before he covered her body with his own and they finally made love for the first time. It was hard, it was intense,
but it was also cleansing. With her climax came the peace she had been searching for and she wept. Brand held her afterward, kissing her gently, and whispering sweet words that everything was going to okay. For the first time in a long time, she truly felt loved.

  Committing herself to another man may not come easy after what she’d been through with Justin Porter. But, Carly knew that Brand wanted to be with her and she wanted to be with him. For now, that was enough. It was a stepping stone they could build upon.

  Waking first the next morning, Carly showered and dressed, before she went into the kitchen. She finally made the overdue phone call to Brittany Daniels, praying with each ring that the position was still open.

  “Brittany Daniels Designs.”

  “May I speak to Ms. Daniels? My name is Carly Manning. She is expecting a call from me.”

  “You are and I have. Thank you for finally calling. Stella Stone said you’d be calling. When you didn’t phone immediately, I thought you had thought better of it. But then Stella said she’d heard you were in that incident at Christ’s Church the other day.”

  “I was. I do apologize for the delay in calling. I have been literally tied up since then. I’d like to meet you and show you my design portfolio and see if you are interested in working with me. That is if the job is still open. I totally understand if you have already filled the position because of my tardiness in calling.”

  “The job is open and the job is yours. I trust Stella explicitly. If she says you’re my designer then I take her word for it. When can you start?”

  Carly blinked. This was way too easy and she didn’t know if she liked it. She’d rather know she got the job because Brittany looked at her designs and liked what she saw than taking Stella’s word for it. “Are you sure you don’t want to meet first, maybe for coffee and make sure our personalities mesh? What if you hate me?”

  “I couldn’t hate you, Ms. Manning. Anyone who would worry about our personalities clashing is the very person I want to work with, but if you insist on a meeting, let us do coffee this afternoon say two at Jaboo’s. Are you familiar with it?”


  “Excellent. Bring your portfolio along and I’ll take a look at it. And we can talk particulars.”

  “Perfect. Thank you, Ms. Daniels.”

  “Call me, Brittany.”

  “See you at two, Brittany.”

  Carly hung up and went back into the bedroom to wake Brand, but the bed was empty. She heard the water running, so she made the bed and straightened up the room from the night before while she waited on him to tell him her good news. Things were looking up. Now if she only had a place to call home again.

  She went back to the living room and called Margot to find out when she'd scheduled a tour of the apartment on the eighth floor.

  “Carly Manning, thank God you are alive. Do you know I was worried sick? You could have called me last night to tell me you were home safe. Instead, I had to hear it from Burnsie.”

  “Sorry. I had other things on my mind last night.”

  “I’m sure you did. All six foot of Brand.”

  “Listen, about the apartment on the eighth floor. Is it still an option to see it sometime today? I have a two o’clock appointment, but I’m free the rest of the day.”

  “I had you scheduled yesterday, but I had to cancel because you were abducted. I can’t just snap my fingers and make it happen again that easy. But I will call and see if it is possible for later today or tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ll pick up an application from the rental office downstairs for you to fill out. Get your name in for consideration before there is a list for a vacancy.”

  “Okay. Thanks. And sorry to be such a pain. I didn’t set out to get abducted. You know that.”

  “I know. We should all live such exciting lives.”

  Carly snorted at her snark. “I’ll try to tone it down.”

  “You should. Humdrum has been more of your style.”

  “Gee thanks.”

  “So how was Brand?”

  “None of your business.”

  “That good, huh?”

  “Good-bye, Margot.”


  “Who was that?” Brand came into the room wearing a towel wrapped around his waist as he headed toward the back bedroom.

  “Margot. I was checking on an apartment on the eighth floor that is coming open. I want to see it. I was thinking about relocating to a better neighborhood with my new job prospect.”

  “That's an excellent idea. It’s also close to the district for me.”

  She got up and followed him down the hallway. “Do you know yet if the funding has been approved?”

  “Yes. Sorry. I forgot to tell you last night. Hawkeye’s proposal was approved with more funding for two extra men than the four he wanted. So I will have a team of five under me.”

  “Great. Do you know where the unit will be located? Will you be at a specific police district?”

  “Hawkeye didn’t say, but with it being his baby I’d assume it would be located in his district.”

  “You shouldn’t assume. Find out for sure where and then decide the best location for your apartment.”

  “Even if that isn’t here?”

  She nodded. “We can always look elsewhere if needed. I haven’t a clue yet what the rent will be and I have to find out what my salary will be from Brittany Daniels when I meet with her this afternoon at two. I might not be able to afford the rent here.”

  “You mean we might not be able to afford it.”

  “I didn’t want to just assume we’d live together, even if I do want to be with you.”

  “Then move in with me, Carly, let’s be together for real. I’ve never been with anyone like this before and think it’s because I was waiting for the right person to come into my life. You are the right one, Carly. I knew it when I walked into that bar and saw you wearing the cute little leather short shorts and those silver studded boots.”

  She smiled, running her hand up his bare chest to rest at his heart. “You don’t think we’re moving too fast? My divorce was just finalized even though I’d been legally separated for two years. I really do feel like I’m ready to move on.”

  “Who cares about the timing? Your marriage was way over before you ever separated. Who among your friends will question your actions? Your parents won’t care.”

  Carly thought about that for a moment. All her friends wanted was for her to be happy and Brand made her happy. As for her parents …well they lost their say when they sided with Justin Porter.

  “It’s a two bedroom. We’ll take it slow, giving each other space. We’ll play it by ear if that makes you feel better.”

  She nodded. “Yes, living together sounds perfect.”

  Brand tilted her chin up and kissed her. She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him back; opening her mouth, her heart and her soul to him and the future, they would build together.

  Original Brotherhood Protectors Series

  By Elle james

  Brotherhood Protectors Series

  Montana SEAL (#1)

  Bride Protector SEAL (#2)

  Montana D-Force (#3)

  Cowboy D-Force (#4)

  Montana Ranger (#5)

  Montana Dog Soldier (#6)

  Montana SEAL Daddy (#7)

  Montana Ranger’s Wedding Vow (#8)

  Montana SEAL Undercover Daddy (#9)

  Cape Cod SEAL Rescue (#10)

  Montana SEAL Friendly Fire (#11)

  Montana SEAL’s Bride (#12)

  Montana Rescue

  Hot SEAL, Salty Dog

  About Elle James

  ELLE JAMES also writing as MYLA JACKSON is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of books including cowboys, intrigues and paranormal adventures that keep her readers on the edges of their seats. With over eighty works in a variety of sub-genres and lengths she has published with Harlequin, Samhain, Ellora’s Cave, Kensington, Cleis Press, and Avon. When she’s not at
her computer, she’s traveling, snow skiing, boating, or riding her ATV, dreaming up new stories. Learn more about Elle James at

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