Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series

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Bayou Devils MC: The Complete Series Page 15

by A. M. Myers

  She’s absolute perfection – everything I’ve ever wanted, and I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on her. I’ll never get tired of running my hands down her generous curves or pressing my lips to hers. There isn’t a single flaw on my woman, and I can’t wait until I can finally show her off in front of everyone. Someday, she’ll walk down the aisle to me in a white dress, and everyone will know that she’s mine.


  The word rings through my head as I watch her pull her phone out of her bag and smile down at the screen. I run my fingers down the window, wishing I could just touch her for a second before I have to go back to work. Someone bumps into her, and she stumbles forward a little. My body lurches forward, and my hand is already on the door handle, one hundred percent ready to march across the street and bury this fucker for even thinking about touching what’s mine. I’ll teach him a lesson he’ll never forget.

  She stands up straight and runs her hands down her skirt, smoothing it as she smiles up at the man and seeing her at ease is the only thing that keeps me in the car, keeping my promise to her. If she had been upset, I’d be burying a body instead of going back to finish my shift. She slips the phone into the front pocket of her purse and lays her hand on the man’s arm, and I see red. Oh, fuck no. We’re going to have a conversation later about her touching other men. Not gonna fucking happen.

  I grind my teeth as the man walks off, and Ali turns toward the parking garage, smiling at everyone as she passes them. She looks like she had a good day at work, and that makes me breathe a little easier. I wonder if she got my letter today. Maybe it was stupid but I just thought it would be a fun little game since I can’t really talk to her during the day. That way, she’ll know that I’m thinking about her.

  She disappears into the parking garage but I stay rooted in my spot to make sure she gets out of there okay. A few minutes later, her car pulls out, and I glance at my watch, cursing the fact that I don’t have enough time to follow her home to make sure she’s safe. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that I’ll be seeing her soon enough as she disappears in my rearview mirror.

  Chapter Fifteen


  As I pull up in front of my house, I throw the car in park and lean back in the seat, unable to stop the smile from spreading across my face. I’m totally in love with my new job, and not even Storm’s weirdness this morning or the letter I got today can dampen my mood. Just the thought of him pulls my gaze over to his house. His bike is parked out front, and I really want to see him again but nerves twist in my stomach, and I turn toward the house instead. I still don’t know what the deal is between us, and I know I won’t figure it out until he decides to talk to me – if he ever does. Maybe I read into this too much and mistook the constant texting for more than it was. No, that’s not possible. I’ve seen the way he looks at me and the way he can’t seem to stay away. A woman knows when a man wants her. But something is making him pull away.

  Someone screams across the street, and I turn just as two little boys run through the front yard, shooting toy guns at each other and I smile. The streetlights are just coming on, and they cast a warm glow over the darkening neighborhood, giving it a cozy feel. Turning back to the house, I decide to just let this go tonight. I told myself I wasn’t going to overanalyze this but it’s all I’ve done. All I want to worry about tonight is a comfy pair of sweats and a glass of wine while I lose myself in some mindless television. I pull my keys out of my bag and unlock the door, setting my bag down on the entry table as I flick the light switch up.

  Nothing happens.


  I peer into the pitch-black house but what I’m looking for, I have no idea. The fuse box is in the utility closet in the hall but I hate the dark. Even when I go to bed at night, I usually leave a small light on somewhere so it’s not completely dark if I wake up in the middle of the night. As I stare into the house, an uneasy feeling washes over me, and I take a step back. It’s probably just an outage, maybe someone hit a pole or something but my stomach knots when I turn and see every other house on the block with their lights blazing. God, I’m being ridiculous.

  Taking another step back onto the porch, I sigh and weigh my options. I could go into the dark and make my way to the creepy utility closet or I could text Storm. As much as I don’t want to see him right now, I want to stumble around my house in the dark even less. I lean in and grab my phone from the bag before stepping back out onto the porch.


  I need your help.

  I stare down at my phone and wait for his reply, growing impatient with how long it’s taking him to get back to me. Figures the one time I actually need his help, he’s not around. I gasp and whirl around when someone stomps up the steps behind me, and there he is. He rushes over to me and puts his hands on my face while his eyes roam all over my body.

  “Are you okay? What’s up?”

  “Jesus, Storm. You scared the hell out of me. Did you run all the way here?”

  “Yeah, you said you needed me.”

  I sigh and shake my head. This man is so goddamn confusing. “It wasn’t like an emergency. I just need help with my lights.”

  “Your lights?” he asks, and I point to the dark house behind us.

  “I came home and the lights won’t turn on. The fuse box is in the closet in the hall but I hate the dark.”

  He pulls his gaze away from the open doorway to look down at me, and he grins, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Damn him for being so hot when he smiles. “You afraid of the dark, Baby?”

  “Stop calling me that,” I snap. I love hearing him say it but I hate that it only confuses me more, and I don’t want to hear it unless he really means it.

  “What? Baby?”


  His brow furrows, and he studies me for a moment. “Why?”

  “Because that is reserved for boyfriends,” I say, looking him right in the eye and squaring my shoulders.

  “And I’m not your boyfriend?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know, Storm. Are you?”

  His stare is intense, kicking up butterflies in my belly and pouring warm honey over me all at the same time. My body aches to lean in to him, steal a touch, but I stay rooted in my spot, demanding answers. Finally, he sighs and looks back to the house.

  “Fuse box is in the hallway, you said?” he asks, and my heart sinks to my feet. I nod, and he pulls his phone out, bringing up a flashlight app as he disappears into the house. Tears sting my eyes. I step into the foyer, and try to get myself under control. I’m such a stupid girl.

  How much of the past week has even been real? Have I been imagining this thing between us? That spark I felt when I met him, was it completely one-sided? The light over my head flicks on, and I quickly wipe away any tears that may have escaped while he stomps back over to me. He steps around the corner, and I force a smile to my face.

  “Thank you so much, and I’m sorry for bothering you.”

  He stops in front of me, close enough that I could just reach out and grab him but my hands stay firm at my sides. My eyes burn with unshed tears, and I need him to leave.

  “It’s not a bother, Sweetheart,” he says softly, and I turn away from him, surprised by the ache in my chest.

  “Alison, look at me.” His voice is firm but I don’t want him to see how upset I am right now. I keep my gaze on the hardwood floor and hope that he’ll give up soon and just leave. I should know better though. He nudges under my chin with his fingers, and when I still don’t obey his command, he presses his hand to my face and guides my eyes back to his. I glare up at him, and he drops his hand.

  “Fuck this,” he growls, grabbing my face again and pulling me into his body. I gasp just as he slams his mouth on mine and he uses it to his advantage, his tongue slipping past my lips and teasing me. I whimper and melt into him, gripping his shirt in my hands as I try to hold on to something – my sanity, this moment, him – I’m not sure.

  Reality crashes down on
me, and I rip my lips away, pushing against his massive chest. “Stop.”

  “No,” he rasps, coming back toward me, “I don’t want to stop. Ever.”

  I push on his chest again but he’s not deterred, leaning in to kiss my neck instead. “Look, Storm. I’m not really into being strung along while you figure out your commitment issues.”

  He pulls back and levels a glare at me. It’s full of fire but there is no anger. Only the same intense need that I feel blazing a path through my body right now. “I don’t have fucking commitment issues. I’m yours, and you are mine. End of fucking story.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I whisper, a reluctant smile tugging at the corner of my lips but a sliver of doubt remains.

  He leans in, his breath wafting over my face as he keeps his eyes locked with mine. “Mine.”

  I nod and slide my hand up his cheek, his beard tickling my skin. “Yours.”

  A thrill runs through me as I give in to him. I haven’t been someone’s girl in a long time, and a mix of excitement and fear pulses through my bloodstream at the thought of being his. I like it – the way it sounds and the way it feels. He turns into my touch and nips at my palm before kissing over the same spot but I’m too turned on to smile at the gesture.

  His fingers curl around my wrist, and he moves my hand down his body, going slowly so my fingers can trail over his large chest and the defined ridges on his stomach. I suck in a breath when he keeps going, guiding my hand down further until I’m rubbing his cock over his jeans. He lets out a quiet groan, and his eyes close as his head drops back. My other hand slips up under his shirt, and I take my time exploring him. He’s ridiculously fit, and I wonder what he does to keep his body looking and feeling like this.

  He groans again, and his head falls forward to look at me as he pushes my hands away from his body and pushes me up against the wall while kicking the front door closed. Jeez, I hadn’t even realized that it was still open. That’s what he does to me. Claiming my lips again, he shoves one hand into my hair while the other grips my hip, pulling me into him like he can’t get me close enough. I throw my hands over his shoulders and grind against him, earning me another groan.

  “This is in the way,” he growls, releasing me and grabbing the sides of my pencil skirt before yanking it up to my waist. A breathy moan slips out of my mouth, and my eyes drift closed as he shoves his thigh between my legs. Oh, God, yes. He grabs my hips and rubs me on his leg, giving me exactly what I need as his hands then slip under my shirt. His touch sears my skin, and I rub against him, pressure building in my belly as I grip his t-shirt in my fists.

  “You’re the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmurs, and I lose it, an orgasm rocks through my body and surprises the hell out of me. I gasp and ride it out, my body shaking in his arms as the pulses of my release seem to never end. When I can finally open my eyes again, I lean back against the wall with a sigh and look up at him.

  “Oh my god,” I whisper, and he grins – a sexy, terrifying little grin.

  “Sweetheart, I haven’t even started yet.”

  I raise my hands above my head and raise my brow at him in challenge. I don’t know why I decided it would be a good idea to poke the bear right now but my heart is racing at the possibilities. “Show me what you’ve got, then.”

  His eyes trail down my body, and he smirks at me when he meets my eyes again, pressing up against me. “In an hour or so when your legs are shaking, your heart is pounding, and your body feels like I’ve wrung every last drop of pleasure out of you as I demand another orgasm, just remember that you asked for this.”

  All the air punches out of my lungs as my hips buck against him of their own accord, my mind racing with images of that vivid scene he just painted for me. A thrill races through my body, desire pooling between my legs, and my skin tingling with a need stronger than I’ve ever felt before. I thought I knew what chemistry felt like, thought I knew what it was like to feel desire, but none of it comes close to this. With just his words, he could make me lose myself as if he’d been expertly touching my most sensitive areas.

  Reaching out, I fist his t-shirt in my hands and pull him to me, planting my lips on his. He smiles against my kiss for a moment before my need consumes him, too. His hand slides into my hair, and he cradles the back of my head as he takes control of the kiss, commanding my body like a puppet master. Thick arms wrap around my waist, and he pulls me away from the wall into his body, and I sigh. I may never get tired of the way it feels to be pressed up against him, his hard to my soft. We mold together like that’s what we were made to do.

  He starts walking us down the hallway without pulling away from me, and his hands slip under my shirt. We separate only long enough for him to rip the shirt over my head. Reaching behind my back, I fumble with the zipper of my skirt for a moment before I get it down and shove the skirt down my legs. I kick it away and push his back up against a wall as I reach for his shirt.

  I pull away, and he reaches behind his back, pulling the shirt over his head and his body comes into view. I bite down on my bottom lip as I do my own little exploration of him. A giant black and gray eagle covers his chest, and he’s got a full sleeve of tattoos down each arm, starting at his shoulders. He grabs my hips and pulls me back into him, his desperation matching my own. His hard cock digs into my hip, and I moan as I reach between us and unbutton his jeans. Groaning, he grabs a chunk of my hair and pulls my head back as he leans in and starts kissing down my neck. Goose bumps rush over my skin, and I pull the zipper of his jeans down before shoving them down his legs.

  His cock springs free between us at the same moment that I realize he’s going commando, and it pulls another moan out of me. My fingers dig into his stomach, and he rips his mouth away from me to groan in my ear. He releases my hair and reaches down, hooking his hands under my thighs before lifting me effortlessly into his arms. Reaching behind my back, he unhooks my bra and pulls it away from me, tossing it on the floor behind him as he marches toward my bedroom.

  Leaning in, I throw my arms over his shoulder as I kiss him again, hoping that this never ends. I think I’m addicted to his lips, and I could spend forever kissing him. My back hits another wall, and his hand cradles the back of my head so I don’t get hurt, and I only like him more for it. Even through the haze of his desire, he thought of me. I rip my lips away and turn my head as he starts biting my neck.

  We’re right next to the door to my bedroom so I reach out and turn the handle, pushing the door open. “Storm,” I complain, wiggling in his arms.

  “What, Baby? I want to hear you say it,” he rasps against my skin, his voice deeper than before. I shiver and try to work my hips against him but he’s got a firm hold on me.

  “I want you inside me,” I moan, my body in a constant state of desperation as I hover over an orgasm that I just can’t quite reach. His only response is to pull away from the wall and carry me into the bedroom. He tosses me, and I land on the bed with a bounce. I don’t even have time to orient myself before he’s kneeling next to the bed and pulling my legs apart. His teeth nip at the sensitive skin inside my thigh before he soothes the sting with his tongue, and my hips rise off the bed, begging him for everything that I no longer have the mental capacity to say.

  He kisses a path up my thigh, stopping right before where I really want him, and the only thing I can do is growl out into the room as I slam my fists down into the bed. He laughs, and when I prop myself up on my elbows and peek down at him, his sexy little grin steals my breath. He holds my gaze as he reaches up and trails a finger over my panties, and I moan, my head dropping back.

  He hooks his fingers in my panties and pulls them down my legs. I can’t resist looking down at him again. His gaze is focused between my thighs, and he licks his lips as my pussy comes into view. Storm looks like a starving man, and I can’t wait to be his next meal. He flicks his eyes up to me, and I swear, his gaze could melt me on the spot. Pure fire lights up his gray eyes, sending warmth rushing over
my entire body.

  He slowly pushes my legs apart and flattens his palm to the inside of my thigh just above my knee before he starts sliding it up. With his other hand, he presses his thumb to my clit, and I fall back to the bed, my hips lifting off the bed for more. He rubs tiny little circles against the sensitive nub, and I moan, needing more.

  “Storm, please,” I beg.

  “Logan,” he replies, and I prop myself up on my elbows again to look at him.


  “My real name is Logan. I want you to call me Logan. Storm is my road name.”

  I nod, testing out the way it sounds in my head and I like it. “Okay.”

  Without another word, he flicks his thumb against my clit again. and I fall back with a loud moan as he starts kissing up my thigh. My hands fist the sheet beneath me and I moan again as his mouth closes over my pussy, and he flicks his tongue against my clit.

  My hips lift into him, and he grabs the tops of my thighs to hold me still as he laps at me. He switches from sucking on my nub to plunging his tongue inside me, and I think that I’m about to lose my mind. Every thought in my head is just complete gibberish as my body builds toward another orgasm. His fingers dig into my legs, and he sucks on my clit again, sending me barreling over the edge as I cry out into the room.

  When my release subsides, I sigh and relax back into the mattress as his grip on my legs eases, and he brings me back down with gentle kisses against my flesh. After a couple seconds, he pulls away and stands, wrapping his fingers around his cock as he stares down at me. I watch him work himself for a moment before I sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed. Pushing his hand away, I wrap my fingers around his length, and he groans but keeps his eyes firmly locked on me.


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